997 resultados para SFM Orario Grafico Materiale Rotabile Gestione Ottimizzata Diagramma di Trazione


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To compare the cost and effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) versus combined oral contraception (COC) and progestogens (PROG) in first-line treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) in Spain. STUDY DESIGN: A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of LNG-IUS, COC and PROG was carried out using a Markov model based on clinical data from the literature and expert opinion. The population studied were women with a previous diagnosis of idiopathic heavy menstrual bleeding. The analysis was performed from the National Health System perspective, discounting both costs and future effects at 3%. In addition, a sensitivity analysis (univariate and probabilistic) was conducted. RESULTS: The results show that the greater efficacy of LNG-IUS translates into a gain of 1.92 and 3.89 symptom-free months (SFM) after six months of treatment versus COC and PROG, respectively (which represents an increase of 33% and 60% of symptom-free time). Regarding costs, LNG-IUS produces savings of 174.2-309.95 and 230.54-577.61 versus COC and PROG, respectively, after 6 months-5 years. Apart from cost savings and gains in SFM, quality-adjusted life months (QALM) are also favourable to LNG-IUS in all scenarios, with a range of gains between 1 and 2 QALM compared to COC and PROG. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that first-line use of the LNG-IUS is the dominant therapeutic option (less costly and more effective) in comparison with first-line use of COC or PROG for the treatment of DUB in Spain. LNG-IUS as first line is also the option that provides greatest health-related quality of life to patients.


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En la economía actual, el resultado de las empresas depende en gran medida del éxito con el quese gestione la colaboración en su Cadena de Suministro (CdS). La globalización actual hapermitido a las empresas tener centros de almacenaje y distribución, propios o subcontratados,que pueden estar dispersos geográficamente y contar, al mismo tiempo, con proveedores en zonasalejadas provocando plazos de entrega más dilatados. La sincronización de los diversos agentesinvolucrados en la CdS, así como la relación que pueden establecer entre ellos requiere unaPlanificación Colaborativa entre los diferentes agentes con el fin de trabajar coordinados parapoder satisfacer las exigencias de un mercado cada vez más competitivo. En este trabajo deinvestigación se revisa y se clasifica la literatura referente a la planificación colaborativa de la CdS


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Estudios previos han mostrado la presencia de alteraciones cognitivas en los pacientes con síndrome de fibromialgia (SFM), sin embargo, no han determinado la posible influencia de las distintas variables clínicas en estas alteraciones. El primer objetivo de nuestro estudio es determinar las diferencias en la función cognitiva entre 81 pacientes con SFM y 35 controles sanos mediante una batería de tests neuropsicológicos. El segundo objetivo es determinar la influencia de la ansiedad y el dolor en la función cognitiva en pacientes con SFM. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que las pacientes con SFM desarrollan un rendimiento cognitivo significativamente inferior a los controles sanos en todos los parámetros valorados. El rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con SFM está asociado al dolor, siendo esta relación independiente del nivel de ansiedad. La relación entre el rendimiento cognitivo y la ansiedad también es significativa. Por esta razón, concluimos que el rendimiento cognitivo está principalmente afectado por el dolor, pero además, el nivel de ansiedad explica parte de la variabilidad en los tests neuropsicológicos que no es explicada por el dolor.


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To compare the cost and effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) versus combined oral contraception (COC) and progestogens (PROG) in first-line treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) in Spain. STUDY DESIGN: A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of LNG-IUS, COC and PROG was carried out using a Markov model based on clinical data from the literature and expert opinion. The population studied were women with a previous diagnosis of idiopathic heavy menstrual bleeding. The analysis was performed from the National Health System perspective, discounting both costs and future effects at 3%. In addition, a sensitivity analysis (univariate and probabilistic) was conducted. RESULTS: The results show that the greater efficacy of LNG-IUS translates into a gain of 1.92 and 3.89 symptom-free months (SFM) after six months of treatment versus COC and PROG, respectively (which represents an increase of 33% and 60% of symptom-free time). Regarding costs, LNG-IUS produces savings of 174.2-309.95 and 230.54-577.61 versus COC and PROG, respectively, after 6 months-5 years. Apart from cost savings and gains in SFM, quality-adjusted life months (QALM) are also favourable to LNG-IUS in all scenarios, with a range of gains between 1 and 2 QALM compared to COC and PROG. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that first-line use of the LNG-IUS is the dominant therapeutic option (less costly and more effective) in comparison with first-line use of COC or PROG for the treatment of DUB in Spain. LNG-IUS as first line is also the option that provides greatest health-related quality of life to patients.


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Bakgrunn for denne studien har vært en uro over markedskreftenes innflytelse i samfunnet generelt og i helsevesenet spesielt. Økonomiske organisasjonsmodeller er utviklet for det private næringsliv, hvor organisasjonens mål er å tjene penger. Når kostnadsbesparelser og effektivitet er førende tenkning i kulturen, er det en fare for at mennesket blir sett på som et verktøy eller middel for effektivisering av organisasjonen. Det synes derfor å være et behov for ny tenkning om ledelse, hvor lederens ansvar i større grad er knyttet til ansvar for medmennesket og for mellommenneskelige relasjoner, fremfor ytre strukturer og økonomiske resultater. Hensikten med denne studien har vært å studere hva ansvarlig ledelse er med bakgrunn i vårdvitenskapen, filosofiske tekster av Levinas og Gadamer, samt empirisk materiale. Studien viser at ansvarlig ledelse er styrt av et indre ansvar og har sin etiske grunn i kjærligheten til medmennesket. Ansvarlig ledelse er en del av det å være menneske, og dette innebærer å føre seg selv og andre frem mot ansvaret for de som er sårbare og hjelpeløse. Å føre andre frem mot ansvaret for medmennesket og for fellesskapet er å ivareta egen og andres verdighet ved å fremme menneskets naturlige retningsbestemmelse. Ansvaret for andre danner menneskets menneskelighet i berørthet og følsomhet ved andres smerte og lidelse. Dette vekker menneskets potensial for godhet og nestekjærlighet. Forståelsen for ansvarets betydning bidrar til et fellesskap som opprøres over den urett som rammer andre, og kjennetegnes av solidaritet med de svakeste. Studien viser at ansvarlig ledelse er å tjene den andre i stedfortredelse og ydmykhet. Den andre er den egentlige leder og ledestjerne, og den andre er den som kan avgjøre om ledelse er ansvarlig ledelse. Overført til sykehus vil dette innebære at ansvarlig ledelse er å fremme en kultur, hvor pasienten er den naturlige ledestjerne i fellesskapet. Et slikt fellesskap verner om og gir vekstvilkår for det gode vårdande. Teorimodellen om ansvarlig ledelse er rettet mot hva det innebærer å være ansvarlig som menneske. Det vises til et ansvar som kan betraktes som et vilkår, eller som en mulighet ved livet selv. Å påta seg ansvar for andre gir kraft og mot, og bidrar til at mennesket utvikler sitt iboende potensial for å kunne styres av et ”indre bør” fremfor ytre regler og direktiver. Ledelse knyttet til et slikt ansvar innebærer noe mer enn ledelse som en rolle eller funksjon i organisasjoner, da det er et ansvar som strekker seg utover det som kan rommes i en stillingsinstruks.


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Our objective was to determine the immune-modulating effects of the neurotrophic factor N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP) on median nerve regeneration in rats. We used male Wistar rats (120-140 days of age, weighing 250-332 g) and compared the results of three different techniques of nerve repair: 1) epineural neurorrhaphy using sutures alone (group S - 10 rats), 2) epineural neurorrhaphy using sutures plus fibrin tissue adhesive (FTA; group SF - 20 rats), and 3) sutures plus FTA, with MDP added to the FTA (group SFM - 20 rats). Functional assessments using the grasp test were performed weekly for 12 weeks to identify recovery of flexor muscle function in the fingers secondary to median nerve regeneration. Histological analysis was also utilized. The total number and diameter of myelinated fibers were determined in each proximal and distal nerve segment. Two indices, reported as percentage, were calculated from these parameters, namely, the regeneration index and the diameter change index. By the 8th week, superiority of group SFM over group S became apparent in the grasping test (P = 0.005). By the 12th week, rats that had received MDP were superior in the grasping test compared to both group S (P < 0.001) and group SF (P = 0.001). Moreover, group SF was better in the grasping test than group S (P = 0.014). However, no significant differences between groups were identified by histological analysis. In the present study, rats that had received MDP obtained better function, in the absence of any significant histological differences.


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Ce mémoire présente une étude de la morphologie de ce qui est généralement appelé le pluriel nominal du persan (parler de Téhéran) dans le cadre d’une théorie de la morphologie basée sur le mot : Whole Word Morphology, développée par Ford et Singh (1991). Ce modèle lexicaliste adopte une position plus forte que les modèles proposés par Aronoff (1976) et Anderson (1992) en n’admettant aucune opération morphologique sur des unités plus petites que le mot. Selon cette théorie, une description morphologique consiste en l’énumération des Stratégies de Formation de Mots (SFM), licencées chacunes par au moins deux paires de mots ayant la même covariation formelle et sémantique. Tous les SFM suit le même schéma. Nous avons répertorié 49 SFM regroupant les pluriels et les collectifs. Nous constatons qu’il est difficile de saisir le pluriel nominal du persan en tant que catégorie syntaxique et que les différentes « marques du pluriel » présentées dans la littérature ne constituent pas un ensemble homogène : elles partagent toutes un sens de pluralité qui cependant varie d’une interprétation référentielle à une interprétation collective non-référentielle. Cette étude vise la déscription de la compétence morphologique, ce qui ne dépend d’aucune considération extralinguistique. Nous argumentons notamment contre la dichotomie arabe/persan généralement admise dans la littérature. Nous avons également fourni des explications quant à la production des pluriels doubles et avons discuté de la variation supposée du fait d’un choix multiple de « marques du pluriel ».


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Le travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec le laboratoire de mécanique acoustique de Marseille, France. Les simulations ont été menées avec les langages Matlab et C. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le champ de recherche dénommé caractérisation tissulaire par ultrasons.


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This work focuses on the analysis of the influence of environment on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions on molecular level. Due to the high relevance of RBE for medical applications, such as tumor therapy, and radiation protection in space, DNA damages have been investigated in order to understand the biological efficiency of heavy ion radiation. The contribution of this study to the radiobiology research consists in the analysis of plasmid DNA damages induced by carbon ion radiation in biochemical buffer environments, as well as in the calculation of the RBE of carbon ions on DNA level by mean of scanning force microscopy (SFM). In order to study the DNA damages, besides the common electrophoresis method, a new approach has been developed by using SFM. The latter method allows direct visualisation and measurement of individual DNA fragments with an accuracy of several nanometres. In addition, comparison of the results obtained by SFM and agarose gel electrophoresis methods has been performed in the present study. Sparsely ionising radiation, such as X-rays, and densely ionising radiation, such as carbon ions, have been used to irradiate plasmid DNA in trishydroxymethylaminomethane (Tris buffer) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES buffer) environments. These buffer environments exhibit different scavenging capacities for hydroxyl radical (HO0), which is produced by ionisation of water and plays the major role in the indirect DNA damage processes. Fragment distributions have been measured by SFM over a large length range, and as expected, a significantly higher degree of DNA damages was observed for increasing dose. Also a higher amount of double-strand breaks (DSBs) was observed after irradiation with carbon ions compared to X-ray irradiation. The results obtained from SFM measurements show that both types of radiation induce multiple fragmentation of the plasmid DNA in the dose range from D = 250 Gy to D = 1500 Gy. Using Tris environments at two different concentrations, a decrease of the relative biological effectiveness with the rise of Tris concentration was observed. This demonstrates the radioprotective behavior of the Tris buffer solution. In contrast, a lower scavenging capacity for all other free radicals and ions, produced by the ionisation of water, was registered in the case of HEPES buffer compared to Tris solution. This is reflected in the higher RBE values deduced from SFM and gel electrophoresis measurements after irradiation of the plasmid DNA in 20 mM HEPES environment compared to 92 mM Tris solution. These results show that HEPES and Tris environments play a major role on preventing the indirect DNA damages induced by ionising radiation and on the relative biological effectiveness of heavy ion radiation. In general, the RBE calculated from the SFM measurements presents higher values compared to gel electrophoresis data, for plasmids irradiated in all environments. Using a large set of data, obtained from the SFM measurements, it was possible to calculate the survive rate over a larger range, from 88% to 98%, while for gel electrophoresis measurements the survive rates have been calculated only for values between 96% and 99%. While the gel electrophoresis measurements provide information only about the percentage of plasmids DNA that suffered a single DSB, SFM can count the small plasmid fragments produced by multiple DSBs induced in a single plasmid. Consequently, SFM generates more detailed information regarding the amount of the induced DSBs compared to gel electrophoresis, and therefore, RBE can be calculated with more accuracy. Thus, SFM has been proven to be a more precise method to characterize on molecular level the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiations.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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In this paper we present a novel structure from motion (SfM) approach able to infer 3D deformable models from uncalibrated stereo images. Using a stereo setup dramatically improves the 3D model estimation when the observed 3D shape is mostly deforming without undergoing strong rigid motion. Our approach first calibrates the stereo system automatically and then computes a single metric rigid structure for each frame. Afterwards, these 3D shapes are aligned to a reference view using a RANSAC method in order to compute the mean shape of the object and to select the subset of points on the object which have remained rigid throughout the sequence without deforming. The selected rigid points are then used to compute frame-wise shape registration and to extract the motion parameters robustly from frame to frame. Finally, all this information is used in a global optimization stage with bundle adjustment which allows to refine the frame-wise initial solution and also to recover the non-rigid 3D model. We show results on synthetic and real data that prove the performance of the proposed method even when there is no rigid motion in the original sequence


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De acuerdo con las funciones de la caricatura política como medio de comunicación se busca identificar cómo ésta logra ser un actor fundamental en el sistema político, logrando de esta manera poder explicar en qué medida la caricatura política logra actuar como control social o ciudadano. Para lograr esta explicación, primero se hace una descripción del control social, mostrando la relevancia de la información en la construcción del control, logrando articularlo con las funciones mediáticas, produciendo de este modo un concepto unificado de información. Gracias a esto se logra demostrar la importancia de la caricatura política como un regulador del sistema político y debido a sus características, las fortalezas de la caricatura frente a otros medios de comunicación.


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Dadas las relaciones de cooperación internacional que presentan las Repúblicas de Colombia y Corea que se evidencia en los fuertes vínculos comerciales existentes entre las dos naciones y aún más en la negociación de un TLC desde el 2009 y gracias al buen clima económico que presenta en la actualidad Colombia, surge este proyecto de investigación con el objetivo de analizar las relaciones bilaterales y contribuir al desarrollo de la economía emergente que presenta el país. Para ello, en primera instancia se realiza un proceso de contextualización desde aspectos demográficos hasta históricos. En seguida y a manera descriptiva, se expone los diversos bienes y servicios que se intercambian entre las dos naciones con el fin de identificar oportunidades que se podrían ofrecer y afectar una vez se firme el tratado. Finalmente, se evalúa y analiza cada uno de los sectores emergentes de Colombia con el objeto de motivar la inversión en el país para generar de tal manera, un incremento en la producción y por ende incrementos en la demanda agregada, logrando abrir las puertas de la economía colombiana a un socio estratégico como lo es la República de Corea y contribuir poco a poco a la reducción de la balanza comercial deficitaria que se presenta en la actualidad entre los dos países. Términos clave: Relaciones internacionales, Corea, oportunidades, economía, relaciones comerciales.


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La atención domiciliaria constituye hoy una modalidad de atención que permite solventar las dificultades derivadas de la sobreocupación hospitalaria y la cronicidad, los cuales constituyen un problema de interés en salud pública en los países desarrollados y que pueden ser manejados en el domicilio del paciente como una opción costo-efectiva y segura. Para lo cual es necesario buscar estrategias que permitan su desarrollo, gestión de riesgos y modelos de atención, logrando mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población. Uno de los principales retos de la gestión de programas de atención en salud, se encuentra en definir los aspectos donde intervenir para potenciar la eficacia y la calidad en la prestación del servicio, por lo que dichos aspectos se constituyen como determinantes de la atención del paciente y su familia. En este documento se abordan los principales determinantes en la atención de personas con secuelas de Enfermedad cerebrovascular, que reciben manejo medico domiciliario, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas prioritarias de intervención, garantizando una mejor gestión clínica en tres áreas específicas: sobrecarga del cuidador, Polimedicación y ulceras por decúbito.