706 resultados para Robotisoidut NDT- menetelmät
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaisia selviytymiskeinoja kiusatut ovat käyttäneet kiusaamisen aikana ja miten he ovat selvinneet kiusaamiskokemuksistaan myöhemmin elämässään. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää mitkä selviytymiskeinot auttavat tehokkaimmin kiusaamisen lopettamiseen ja mitkä selviytymiskeinot saattavat olla haitallisia kiusatun tulevaisuutta ajatellen. Analysoidessani selviytymistä myöhemmin elämässä, tarkastelin erilaisia vaiheita, joita kiusattu käy läpi selviytymispolullaan. Tutkimukseni toteutin keräämällä tarinoita kiusaamista kokeneilta henkilöiltä jakamalla kirjoituspyyntöäni Facebookissa. Tarinan jakamisen aloitin ensin henkilökohtaiselta Facebook sivultani ja kiusaamisaiheisista Facebook ryhmistä. Tarinoiden kautta tahdoin lähestyä koulukiusaamista selviytymisen näkökulmasta. Kirjoituspyyntöni tavoitti 25 kiusattua. Osallistujat kirjoittivat vapaan kirjoitelman kiusatuksi joutumisesta, sen aiheuttamista vaikutuksista ja siitä selviytymisestä. Kirjoituspyynnön perustiedoilla haluttiin kartoittaa vastaajien ikä ja sukupuoli. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kiusattujen eniten käyttämiä selviytymiskeinoja olivat kiusaamisesta kertominen ja sosiaalisen verkostoon tukeutuminen. Sosiaalista tukea selviytymiskeinona käyttäneet eivät välttämättä ole kertoneet kiusaamisesta, vaan ystävät tai muut läheiset toimivat kiusatun tukena emotionaalisesti läsnäolollaan. Kertomista selviytymiskeinona käytti 16 vastaajaa (64%). Tämä selviytymiskeino ei kuitenkaan johtanut kiusaamisen loppumiseen kuin kahden vastaajan kohdalla. Opettajat kyllä puuttuivat pääsääntöisesti kiusaamiseen, mutta käytetyt menetelmät eivät saaneet kiusaamista loppumaan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneista avun kiusaamisen loppumiseen sai vain kuusi vastaajaa. Ilman apua jäi siis 19 vastaajaa. Tämän on 74 % kaikista tutkimukseen osallistuneista. Kiusatun mahdollisuudet saada apua kiusaamistilanteeseen näyttävät tämän tutkimuksen valossa todella heikoilta. Kiusaamisesta selviytymistä myöhemmin aikuisiällä tehokkaimmin edisti kiusaamiskokemuksien läpikäyminen. Anteeksianto näytti olevan yksi merkittävimmistä tekijöistä kiusatun selviytymispolulla. Anteeksiantamisella kiusattu vapautti itsensä kiusaamistilanteesta ja katkeruuden tunteista. Anteeksi antaminen näyttäytyi näissä tarinoissa keinona, jonka avulla lopullinen ylitsepääseminen kiusaamisesta oli mahdollista.
Ultrasonic tomography is a powerful tool for identifying defects within an object or structure. This method can be applied on structures where x-ray tomography is impractical due to size, low contrast, or safety concerns. By taking many ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) readings through the object, an image of the internal velocity variations can be constructed. Air-coupled UPV can allow for more automated and rapid collection of data for tomography of concrete. This research aims to integrate recent developments in air-coupled ultrasonic measurements with advanced tomography technology and apply them to concrete structures. First, non-contact and semi-contact sensor systems are developed for making rapid and accurate UPV measurements through PVC and concrete test samples. A customized tomographic reconstruction program is developed to provide full control over the imaging process including full and reduced spectrum tomographs with percent error and ray density calculations. Finite element models are also used to determine optimal measurement configurations and analysis procedures for efficient data collection and processing. Non-contact UPV is then implemented to image various inclusions within 6 inch (152 mm) PVC and concrete cylinders. Although there is some difficulty in identifying high velocity inclusions, reconstruction error values were in the range of 1.1-1.7% for PVC and 3.6% for concrete. Based upon the success of those tests, further data are collected using non-contact, semi-contact, and full contact measurements to image 12 inch (305 mm) square concrete cross-sections with 1 inch (25 mm) reinforcing bars and 2 inch (51 mm) square embedded damage regions. Due to higher noise levels in collected signals, tomographs of these larger specimens show reconstruction error values in the range of 10-18%. Finally, issues related to the application of these techniques to full-scale concrete structures are discussed.
Food production account for significant share of global environmental impacts. Impacts are global warming, fresh water use, land use and some non-renewable substance consumption like phosphorous fertilizers. Because of non-sustainable food production, the world is heading to different crises. Both food- and freshwater crises and also land area and phosphorous fertilizer shortages are one of many challenges to overcome in near future. The major protein sources production amounts, their impacts on environment and uses are show in this thesis. In this thesis, a more sustainable than conventional way of biomass production for food use is introduced. These alternative production methods are photobioreactor process and syngas-based bioreactor process. The processes’ energy consumption and major inputs are viewed. Their environmental impacts are estimated. These estimations are the compared to conventional protein production’s impacts. The outcome of the research is that, the alternative methods can be more sustainable solutions for food production than conventional production. However, more research is needed to verify the exact impacts. Photobioreactor is more sustainable process than syngas-based bioreactor process, but it is more location depended and uses more land area than syngas-based process. In addition, the technology behind syngas-based application is still developing and it can be more efficient in the future.
With the increasing importance given to building rehabilitation comes the need to create simple, fast and non-destructive testing methods (NDT) to identify problems and for anomaly diagnosis. Ceramic tiles are one of the most typical kinds of exterior wall cladding in several countries; the earliest known examples are Egyptian dating from 4000 BC. This type of building facade coating, though being quite often used in due to its aesthetic and architectural characteristics, is one of the most complex that can be applied given the several parts from which it is composed; hence, it is also one of the most difficult to correctly diagnose with expeditious methods. The detachment of ceramic wall tiles is probably the most common and difficult to identify anomaly associated with this kind of cladding and it is also definitely the one that can compromise security the most. Thus, it is necessary to study a process of inspection more efficient and economic than the currently used which often consist in semi-destructive methods (the most common is the pull off test), that can only be used in a small part of the building at a time, allowing some assumptions of what can the rest of the cladding be like. Infrared thermography (IRT) is a NDT with a wide variety of applications in building inspection that is becoming commonly used to identify anomalies related with thermal variations in the inspected surfaces. Few authors have studied the application of IRT in anomalies associated with ceramic claddings claiming that the presence of air or water beneath the superficial layer will influence the heat transfer in a way that can be detected in both a qualitative and a quantitative way by the thermal camera, providing information about the state of the wall in a much broad area per trial than other methods commonly used nowadays. This article intends to present a review of the state of art of this NDT and its potentiality in becoming a more efficient way to diagnose anomalies in ceramic wall claddings.
The goal of this thesis is to gain more in-depth understanding of employer branding and offer suggestions on how this knowledge could be utilized in the case company. More in detail, the purpose of this research is to provide tools for improving Lindström’s organizational attractiveness and boosting the recruitment and retention of the segment of high-performing sales professionals. A strategy for reaching this particular segment has not been previously drawn and HR-managers believe strongly that it would be very beneficial for the company’s development and growth. The topic of this research is very current for Lindström, but also contributes on general level as companies are competing against each other in attracting, recruiting and retention of skilled workforce in the times of labor shortage. The research is conducted with qualitative methods and the data collection includes primary data through interviews as well as secondary data in the form of analysis on previous research, websites, recruitment material and discussions with Lindström’s HR department. This research provides a good basis for broader examination on the topic and presents development suggestions for the identified challenges. Based on the key findings Lindström’s HR department was advised to increase firm’s visibility, broaden recruitment channels, provide more hands-on knowledge about the sales positions and investigate their possibilities of developing sales reward systems.
Käännösala on muutoksen kynnyksellä. Uusia kääntämisen muotoja syntyy uuden teknologian, erityisesti internetin tarjoaman uuden, entistä vuorovaikutteisemman kommunikaatiotavan ansiosta. Ammattikääntäjien lisäksi nykyään käännöksiä tekevät myös vapaaehtoiset harrastajat, ja tässä tutkimuksessa tarkemmin rajattu aihe on fanikääntäminen, jota voidaan pitää omana kääntämisen lajina omine konventioineen ja sääntöineen. Fanikääntäminen on lisäksi asettanut käännösalan uudenlaisten kysymysten eteen niin käännösstrategioiden kuin kääntämisen eettisyyden suhteen. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään kyselylomakkeen avulla fanikääntämistä japanilaisen sarjakuvan eli mangan piirissä. Tämä scanlation-käsitteellä tunnettu, jo muutaman vuosikymmenen ajan jatkunut toiminta on pohjimmiltaan laitonta, joten sen voisi kuvitella olevan ongelmallista. Yllättävän usein oikeudenhaltijat kuitenkin katsovat toimintaa läpi sormiensa, sillä se voidaan nähdä myös mainoksena, jonka myötä manga-sarjat saavat uusia yleisöjä. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään ennen kaikkea scanlation-toiminnan eettisten ulottuvuuksien tarkasteluun tekijänoikeuksien näkökulmasta. Perinteisten kansallisten lakien lisäksi entistä globaalimmassa maailmassa vaaditaan myös kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä, jonka yhdenmukaistamiseen ja tehokkuuteen on tekijänoikeuksienkin osalta paneuduttu monin kansainvälisin sopimuksin. Vaikka tekijänoikeudet perinteisesti kuuluvat myös kääntäjille, on tilanne laittomalta pohjalta tapahtuvassa fanikääntämisessä monimutkaisempi. Tutkimuksen kvalitatiivinen kyselytutkimus on suunnattu kahdelle kohderyhmälle, scanlation-toimintaa harjoittaville harrastelijaryhmille sekä toisaalta scanlation-julkaisujen lukijoille. Kyselylomake rakentui kahden hypoteesin ympärille. Ensimmäisen hypoteesin mukaisesti pyrittiin selvittämään, vaikuttaako vastaajan ikä, maantieteellinen sijainti tai luettujen sarjojen genre siihen, koetaanko scanlation tekijänoikeuksia loukkaavana toimintana. Toinen hypoteesi oli, että scanlation-ryhmässä tai muussa yhteydessä kääntäjänä toimiminen vaikuttaa siihen, miten vahvasti vastaaja on tietoinen paitsi lähdeteoksen oikeudenhaltijan oikeuksista, myös omista tekijänoikeuksistaan scanlation-julkaisun kääntäjänä. Hypoteesien tarkastelun lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyrittiin saamaan mahdollisimman paljon uutta tietoa scanlation-toiminnasta ilman ennakko-oletuksia. Hypoteesien paikkansapitävyys ei selvinnyt tutkimuksessa, mutta ne eivät myöskään yksiselitteisesti kumoutuneet: suppean vastaajajoukon seurauksena tuloksista ei voi tehdä yleistyksiä. Suppeasta vastaajajoukosta huolimatta tuloksissa näkyy piirteitä siitä, että Aasiassa scanlation-toimijat ovat tietoisempia tekijänoikeuksistaan kuin länsimaissa, mutta tämänkin tuloksen varmistamiseksi lisätutkimukset ovat tarpeen. Jatkotutkimuksia ajatellen havainnointiin perustuvat menetelmät saattaisivat antaa syvällisempää tietoa scanlationin kaltaisesta suhteellisen tutkimattomasta ilmiöstä.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.
A wide range of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for the monitoring the health of concrete structure has been studied for several years. The recent rapid evolution of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies has resulted in the development of sensing elements that can be embedded in concrete, to monitor the health of infrastructure, collect and report valuable related data. The monitoring system can potentially decrease the high installation time and reduce maintenance cost associated with wired monitoring systems. The monitoring sensors need to operate for a long period of time, but sensors batteries have a finite life span. Hence, novel wireless powering methods must be devised. The optimization of wireless power transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) to sensors embedded in concrete is studied here. First, we analytically derive the optimal geometric parameters for transmission of power in the air. This specifically leads to the identification of the local and global optimization parameters and conditions, it was validated through electromagnetic simulations. Second, the optimum conditions were employed in the model for propagation of energy through plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity conditions, and frequencies with extended Debye's model. This analysis leads to the conclusion that SCMR can be used to efficiently power sensors in plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity levels and depth, also validated through electromagnetic simulations. The optimization of wireless power transmission via SMCR to Wearable and Implantable Medical Device (WIMD) are also explored. The optimum conditions from the analytics were used in the model for propagation of energy through different human tissues. This analysis shows that SCMR can be used to efficiently transfer power to sensors in human tissue without overheating through electromagnetic simulations, as excessive power might result in overheating of the tissue. Standard SCMR is sensitive to misalignment; both 2-loops and 3-loops SCMR with misalignment-insensitive performances are presented. The power transfer efficiencies above 50% was achieved over the complete misalignment range of 0°-90° and dramatically better than typical SCMR with efficiencies less than 10% in extreme misalignment topologies.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of deep foundations has become an integral part of the industry’s standard manufacturing processes. It is not unusual for the evaluation of the integrity of the concrete to include the measurement of ultrasonic wave speeds. Numerous methods have been proposed that use the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves to check the integrity of concrete for drilled shaft foundations. All such methods evaluate the integrity of the concrete inside the cage and between the access tubes. The integrity of the concrete outside the cage remains to be considered to determine the location of the border between the concrete and the soil in order to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft. It is also economic to devise a methodology to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft using the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging system (CSL). Performing such a methodology using the CSL and following the CSL tests is performed and used to check the integrity of the inside concrete, thus allowing the determination of the drilled shaft diameter without having to set up another NDT device. This proposed new method is based on the installation of galvanized tubes outside the shaft across from each inside tube, and performing the CSL test between the inside and outside tubes. From the performed experimental work a model is developed to evaluate the relationship between the thickness of concrete and the ultrasonic wave properties using signal processing. The experimental results show that there is a direct correlation between concrete thicknesses outside the cage and maximum amplitude of the received signal obtained from frequency domain data. This study demonstrates how this new method to measuring the diameter of drilled shafts during construction using a NDT method overcomes the limitations of currently-used methods. In the other part of study, a new method is proposed to visualize and quantify the extent and location of the defects. It is based on a color change in the frequency amplitude of the signal recorded by the receiver probe in the location of defects and it is called Frequency Tomography Analysis (FTA). Time-domain data is transferred to frequency-domain data of the signals propagated between tubes using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, distribution of the FTA will be evaluated. This method is employed after CSL has determined the high probability of an anomaly in a given area and is applied to improve location accuracy and to further characterize the feature. The technique has a very good resolution and clarifies the exact depth location of any void or defect through the length of the drilled shaft for the voids inside the cage. The last part of study also evaluates the effect of voids inside and outside the reinforcement cage and corrosion in the longitudinal bars on the strength and axial load capacity of drilled shafts. The objective is to quantify the extent of loss in axial strength and stiffness of drilled shafts due to presence of different types of symmetric voids and corrosion throughout their lengths.
The use of energy harvesting materials for large infrastructure is a promising and growing field. In this regard, the use of such harvesters for the purpose of structural health monitoring of bridges has been proposed in recent times as one of the feasible options since the deployment of them can remove the necessity of an external power source. This paper addresses the performance issue of such monitors over the life-cycle of a bridge as it deteriorates and the live load on the structure increases. In this regard, a Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) material is considered as the energy harvesting material and a comparison is carried out over the operational life of a reinforced concrete bridge. The evolution of annual average daily traffic (AADT) is taken into consideration, as is the degradation of the structure over time, due to the effects of corrosion. Evolution of such harvested energy is estimated over the life-cycle of the bridge and the sensitivity of harvested energy is investigated for varying rates of degradation and changes in AADT. The study allows for designing and understanding the potential of energy harvesters as a health monitor for bridges. This paper also illustrates how the natural growth of traffic on a bridge over time can accentuate the identification of damage, which is desirable for an ageing structure. The paper also assesses the impact and effects of deployment of harvesters in a bridge as a part of its design process, considering performance over the entire life-cycle versus a deployment at a certain age of the structure.
BACKGROUND: Many publications report the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population. Comparisons across studies are hampered as CKD prevalence estimations are influenced by study population characteristics and laboratory methods. METHODS: For this systematic review, two researchers independently searched PubMed, MEDLINE and EMBASE to identify all original research articles that were published between 1 January 2003 and 1 November 2014 reporting the prevalence of CKD in the European adult general population. Data on study methodology and reporting of CKD prevalence results were independently extracted by two researchers. RESULTS: We identified 82 eligible publications and included 48 publications of individual studies for the data extraction. There was considerable variation in population sample selection. The majority of studies did not report the sampling frame used, and the response ranged from 10 to 87%. With regard to the assessment of kidney function, 67% used a Jaffe assay, whereas 13% used the enzymatic assay for creatinine determination. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry calibration was used in 29%. The CKD-EPI (52%) and MDRD (75%) equations were most often used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR). CKD was defined as estimated GFR (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) in 92% of studies. Urinary markers of CKD were assessed in 60% of the studies. CKD prevalence was reported by sex and age strata in 54 and 50% of the studies, respectively. In publications with a primary objective of reporting CKD prevalence, 39% reported a 95% confidence interval. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this systematic review showed considerable variation in methods for sampling the general population and assessment of kidney function across studies reporting CKD prevalence. These results are utilized to provide recommendations to help optimize both the design and the reporting of future CKD prevalence studies, which will enhance comparability of study results.
Este documento tiene como objetivo describir las implicaciones para la salud con el uso de medicamentos biosimilares en comparación con los medicamentos biológicos en Colombia. Así mismo, describir el contexto normativo acerca del uso de medicamentos biosimilares, las recomendaciones y lineamientos sobre seguridad y efectividad del uso de medicamentos Biosimilares y Biológicos, partiendo de sus diferencias biomoleculares. Para esto, se desarrolló una revisión documental electrónica y manual de la literatura en bases de datos, revistas y libros limitada a términos MeSH. La selección de los artículos incluyo documentos completos publicados en revistas indexadas de los últimos 10 años, en español e inglés; la información recolectada se organizó para la construcción del presente documento. Concluyendo, se encontró que las patentes de muchos medicamentos biológicos han vencido o están próximas a caducar y varios biosimilares están desarrollándose y comercializándose incluso en países sin regulaciones estrictas. Los biosimilares nunca podrán ser iguales al original por su complejidad molecular, por ello debemos integrarlos a los sistemas de farmacovigilancia mejorando trazabilidad e identificando su origen mientras se establecen denominaciones comunes distinguibles. La evidencia actual sugiere que la regulación de medicamentos biosimilares debe ser evaluada y armonizada en todo el mundo.
En Colombia se ha podido establecer que la incidencia y mortalidad de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal continúan en aumento en los últimos 6 años a pesar de las estrategias de intervención para prevención y control de la enfermedad implementadas nivel nacional. Este trabajo busca establecer la línea de base para la población asegurada en Colombia, frente a la supervivencia de pacientes en terapia de remplazo renal (TRR).
La atención hospitalaria en el costo global de la atención de los pacientes en diálisis es muy importante. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar resultados posteriores a la implementación de un modelo de gestión de la enfermedad y cuidado coordinado en una red de diálisis en Colombia, evaluando los cambios específicos en las tasas de hospitalización de una cohorte de pacientes renales con dos años de seguimiento. El modelo se enfoca básicamente en mejorar la atención de los pacientes en diálisis protocolizando en el manejo de comorbilidades (diabetes, riesgo cardiovascular, patologías infecciosas) y en el cuidado coordinado entre el tratamiento ambulatorio y hospitalario de los pacientes en diálisis asegurando la continuidad en el proceso de atención de los pacientes. El Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes compuesto por 2 fases una primera cohorte histórica retrospectiva y una segunda con dos cohortes prospectivas, incluyó pacientes mayores de 18 años, con más de 90 días en diálisis, con al menos tres meses de intervención con el modelo de gestión de enfermedad en la red Renal Therapy Services (RTS®). En conclusión, la realización de este estudio, se pudo asociar a la reducción en la atención hospitalaria de pacientes en diálisis y a una menor mortalidad, modelos como este y otras soluciones para mejorar los desenlaces en salud en los pacientes en diálisis deben seguir siendo implementados para aliviar la carga de la enfermedad y reducir los costos de la atención en salud de esta población.
Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e a glicemia basal de borregas nulíparas em dois momentos da gestação e submetidas a dois manejos nutricionais: restrito e não restrito. O experimento foi realizado na Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, no laboratório de Calorimetria e Metabolismo Animal. No período de junho a julho de 2006. Foram utilizadas 20 borregas nulíparas divididas em dois manejos nutricionais (restrito e não restrito). Os animais foram mantidos em gaiolas de metabolismo providas de cocho, bebedouro (balde plástico) e saleiro. As dietas eram compostas de feno de Tifton 85 picado, concentrado experimental (farelo de milho, farelo de soja e calcáreo) e quando preciso era adicionado o farelo de soja a mais para fechar as rações. As necessidades nutricionais foram baseadas no NRC (1985) e foi respeitada a divisão da gestação conforme a recomendação desse comitê. Para os animais mantidos em restrição nutricional foram retirados 15% das necessidades em energia na forma de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e proteína bruta. Os dois períodos experimentais (100 dias e 130 dias de gestação) tiveram duração de 20 dias cada, sendo 15 dias de adaptação e cinco de coletas. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casulizado em arranjo fatorial (dois manejos nutricionais e dois períodos da gestação), sendo que as avaliações foram feitas sobre o mesmo animal. No caso da glicemia foram feitas avaliações aos (100, 110, 120, 130 e 140 dias de gestação), durante 24 horas nos seguintes tempos (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 e 24). A primeira coleta (tempo 0) foi realizada antes da primeira alimentação. Entre os tempos 6 e 9 os animais receberam a segunda alimentação do dia. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) em gramas/dia elevou-se significativamente entre os períodos da gestação. Não se observou efeito do manejo nutricional na digestibilidade da matéria seca (DMS) em função do manejo nutricional. O manejo nutricional adotado promoveu diferenças estatísticas sobre o consumo de proteína bruta, nitrogênio e na excreção do nitrogênio fecal. O período gestacional não alterou o consumo das frações fibrosas, com exceção ao consumo de celulose, que foi maior para os animais aos 130 dias de gestação. Contudo, observa-se que o manejo nutricional aplicado aos animais restritos elevou o consumo das frações fibrosas. A glicemia basal das borregas apresentou interação entre manejo nutricional e dias de gestação. Borregas nulíparas são sensíveis a restrição nutricional e ao período gestacional.