848 resultados para Propietat intel·lectual
A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)
BACKGROUND: To estimate the prevalence of undernutrition among children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) and to explore its influence on quality of life. METHODS: Seventy-two children with PIMD (47 male; 25 female; age range 2 to 15 years 4 months; mean age 8.6, SD 3.6) underwent an anthropometric assessment, including body weight, triceps skinfold thickness, segmental measures and recumbent length. Undernutrition was determined using tricipital skinfold percentile and z-scores of weight-for-height and height-for-age. The quality of life of each child was evaluated using the QUALIN questionnaire adapted for profoundly disabled children. RESULTS: Twenty-five children (34.7%) were undernourished and seven (9.7%) were obese. Among undernourished children only eight (32 %) were receiving food supplements and two (8%) had a gastrostomy, of which one was still on a refeeding programme. On multivariate analysis, undernutrition was one of the independent predictors of lower quality of life. CONCLUSION: Undernutrition remains a matter of concern in children with PIMD. There is a need to better train professionals in systematically assessing the nutritional status of profoundly disabled children in order to start nutritional management when necessary.
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En aquest article es defineixen uns nous índexs tridimensionals per a la descripció de les molècules a partir de paràmetres derivats de la Teoria de la Semblança Molecular i de les distàncies euclidianes entre els àtoms i les càrregues atòmiques efectives. Aquests indexs,anomenats 3D, s'han aplicat a l'estudi de les relacions estructura-propietat d'una família d'hidrocarburs, i han demostrat una capacitat de descripció de tres propietats de la família (temperatura d'ebullició, temperatura de fusió i densitat) molt més acurada que quan s'utilitzen els indexs 2D clàssics
La inclusió social de les persones amb discapacitat és avui encara un tema pendent, ja que les activitats socials i interpersonals en el col·lectiu són escasses. Diversos estudis demostren que, malgrat es potencia la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat en entorns ordinaris, no es donen millores substancials en altres qüestions relatives a la seva inclusió social
Anàlisi del nivell real en la seva aplicació del Decret de Muncipalització que l'any 1937 va socialitzar la propietat urbana que estava en règim d'arrendament.
Aquest projecte s'ha creat amb la intenció d'elaborar i implementar tasques i/o activitats que, amb els suports i ajuts adequats, han potenciat i han fomentat les habilitats adaptatives, prioritzant aquelles que guarden relació amb les habilitats d'interacció social i les habilitats d'autocura de l'alumnat.
The relationship between motor and intellectual functions was examined in 252 healthy children from 7 to 18 years using the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment and standardized intelligence tests. The magnitude of Spearman correlations between neuromotor and intellectual scores was generally weak (r = 0.15-0.37). The strongest correlations were found between performance in the pegboard task and visuomotor intelligence (r = 0.35) and between contralateral associated movements and intelligence in boys (r = 0.37). We conclude that specific connections between motor and intellectual functions may exist. However, because the magnitude of correlations is generally weak, we suggest that motor and intellectual domains in healthy children are largely independent.
TBC1D7 forms a complex with TSC1 and TSC2 that inhibits mTORC1 signaling and limits cell growth. Mutations in TBC1D7 were reported in a family with intellectual disability (ID) and macrocrania. Using exome sequencing, we identified two sisters homozygote for the novel c.17_20delAGAG, p.R7TfsX21 TBC1D7 truncating mutation. In addition to the already described macrocephaly and mild ID, they share osteoarticular defects, patella dislocation, behavioral abnormalities, psychosis, learning difficulties, celiac disease, prognathism, myopia, and astigmatism. Consistent with a loss-of-function of TBC1D7, the patient's cell lines show an increase in the phosphorylation of 4EBP1, a direct downstream target of mTORC1 and a delay in the initiation of the autophagy process. This second family allows enlarging the phenotypic spectrum associated with TBC1D7 mutations and defining a TBC1D7 syndrome. Our work reinforces the involvement of TBC1D7 in the regulation of mTORC1 pathways and suggests an altered control of autophagy as possible cause of this disease.
Aim: The psychoanalytic theories of Bion, Anzieu, Berger and Gibello postulate that the development of thinking depends upon the formation of a psychic space. This thinking space has its origin in the body and in our interpersonal relations. This study aims to validate this psychodynamic hypothesis. Method: A group of 8- to 14-year-old children participated in this research. The presence of a thinking space was operationalized by the "barrier" and "penetration" scores on the Rorschach's Fisher and Cleveland scales and intellectual efficiency was measured using a short version of the WISC-IV. Results: Results show that extreme scores on the "barrier" and "penetration" variables predict a lower intellectual level than average scores on the same variables. Conclusion: The development of thinking and personality are undoubtedly linked and the "barrier" and "penetration" variables are useful measures when evaluating the development of a space for thought.