755 resultados para Poetas húngaros
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Aguilar, III, 1557. Según Aguilar, las obras de Jáuregui en "Colección de poetas castellanos" se publicaron con número de tomo VI, VII y VIII.
Contiene: Phaedri fabularum libros quinque = Li cincque libri delle favole / di Fedro; tradotti da un anonimo veneziano (p. 2-175). - P. Cornelii Severi Aetnam = L'etna / di Cornelio Severo; tradotto dal Dottor Claudio Nicola Stampa P. A. (p. 177-247). - Indice delle favole di Fedro (p. 1-119). - Indice del L'Etna (p. 120-122)
Contiene: Laudes Serenae Reginae = Le Lodi di serena Regina ; Epithalamium in Nuptiis Palladii & Celerinae = L'Epitalamio nelle Nozze di Palladio e Celerina ; Eiclylia, Epistolas, Epigrammata, Laudes Herculis, nec non Gigantomachiam = Gli Idili, le Pistole, e gli epìgrammi
Pars 1. Pindari Carmina -- Pars 2. Poetas elegiacos et iambographos -- Pars 3. Poetas melicos.
v. 1. Pindari Carmina continens -- v. 2. Poetas elegiacos et iambographos continens -- v. 3. Poetas melicos continens.
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title : E. Gómez Carillo.
At head of title: Martin González del Valle.
Las sibilas del bulevar.--La Bohemia en el teatro.--Los poetas nuevos.--Una actriz como hay pocas.--La moda y la estética.--En casa de Anatole France.--La dulce Thais.--La psicología del viajero.--La apoteosis de Mistral.--Una demoniaca.--La pasión de las monstruos.--El amor en el teatro.--El dinero y el arte.--Clemenceau.--Briand.--Ingenuas, coquetas y dramas trágicas.--El principe de la crítica.--Los crímenes pasionales.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
From the context of the degree‘s creation of Spanish literature and language‘s course, at UFRN, came the motivation to make this research, that presents a literary study of a poet‘s group known as Generación del 27, that came in to light at Spain, on 1920. A lot of aspects of this study are themes of many others disciplines, of this degree (Spanish Literature II, IberianAmerican Literature, Spanish Culture, Translation in Spanish Language). This work will also serve as inspiration to new reflections and proposes of translations, as bridges between the language that goes and the other that comes. It is the Translation as comprehension‘s negotiation between languages, it is the decir casi lo mismo, here in poem‘s form (ECO, 2007), in the attempt to conclude new learning, that will be shared with undergraduate and graduate students, being at teaching area, extension or new researches. To contextualize this generation‘s studies, were elected the anthologies organized by Gerardo Diego, called Poesía Española (Antologías), published on 2007, by Ediciones Cátedras, and the Antología Comentada de La Generación del 27, wrote by Víctor García de La Concha, published on 2006, by Editorial Espasa Calpe. The research took Generacion Del 27 as their object of research and - from many others critical reading about the poetry made by those young poets, their creative vocation of aesthetics and vanguard – wanted to understand the context of literary‘s creation of those poets del 27. We form our foundation with contributions by Antonio Maravall (2009), Eugenio D‘ors (s.d) Severo Sarduy (1999), Lezama Lima (2011), Alfonso Reyes (1958) e Deleuze (2005) among others that brought the comprehension of the baroque‘s language, giving emphasis to pluridirectional movement, deconstructing it‘s linearity, creating others new forms, as returns, circles, spirals favoring encounters, detachment or equal points of departure and arrivals. In this way, the poets del 27 approached the baroque of six hundred on a re-reading, and made of the third centenary‘s celebration of the Góngora‘s a Mirada exuberante death, to the return of baroque‘s spirit. Alfonso Reyes e Rubén Darío said that real lights highlighted the paths of this poets generation: The light that desdobra scintillates on García Lorca, Jorge Gullén, Dámaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego and the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, poets that expressed tributes in big style to Soledades author, at Madrid‘s Caffe and all Spain.
In this work, we investigate the symbolic construction of a particular spatiality, starting from the theoretical assumption that spaces are subjective constructions guided by different cultures, feelings and rationales, but mostly spaces are human constructs driven by social relations, as a result of the material investment and symbol that reflects the needs of a particular society at a given time of historical development. Accordingly, we analyze the construction and symbolic imagery of the central region of Portugal, the Alentejo, from the literary production (1916 – 1930) the English poet Florbela Espanca D'Alma Conception Espanca. Thus, we propose to analyze the florbelian work not only from its internal relations, but also external, emphasizing the link between history, space and literature. Thus, we propose to inquire about the symbolic dimension – the meanings of images and representations – which prompted one of the most controversial Portuguese poets of the early twentieth to look into the poetic construction of space Alentejo century, questioning not only the senses brokered by speech literary Florbela Espanca to invent your Alentejo, adorned with memories, pain and longing, but investigate how the socio-cultural environment influenced your work, in your life and ways to feel and live the Alentejo. To better understand how the poet means the Alentejo spatiality, throughout this work we question three categories of space in the work of Florbela Espanca: the region, the countryside and the landscape of the Alentejo. Thus, this research falls within the field of cultural history in the medical we will work with the entire literary output Florbela Espanca, letters, diaries, photos and biographical and literary criticism, by establishing the time frame of 1916 – beginning of intellectual activity Florbela Spank – the 1930 – publication of Blossom Heath (posthumous) and the suicide of the poet. Therefore, a constant symbolic exercise of words crossed by more subjective feelings of the subject, all the time our work will be guided by the question of what would be the Alentejo for the poet, who senses and meanings across this spatiality that marked so sovereignly happiest memories and sad life Florbela Espanca.