851 resultados para On-line Analysis
Az on-line vásárlás a kiskereskedelem napjaink egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő területe. Az elmúlt években számos tanulmány foglalkozott az elektronikus kiskereskedelem marketingszempontú vizsgálatával, azonban ez idáig kevesen foglalkoztak a termékeket és szolgáltatásokat vásárlók elkülönült vizsgálatával. A szerzők célja, hogy egy kvantitatív kutatás alapján a minőségészleléssel és elégedettséggel összefüggésben megvizsgálják az újravásárlási, illetve a továbbajánlási szándék alakulását konkrét e-kiskereskedelmi vásárlások – termékek vagy szolgáltatások vásárlása – esetében. Eredményeik alapján megállapítható, hogy a szolgáltatást on-line vásárlók esetében az elégedettség hatása a továbbajánlási és újravásárlási szándékra alacsonyabb szintet mutat, mint a terméket vásárlók esetében. A minőségészleléshez kapcsolódó dimenziók között is megfigyelhető egy releváns eltérés: a terméket vásárlók esetében az ügyfélszolgálat relevanciájában a minőségészlelés során, kvázi, azokban az esetekben, amikor a vásárlás után hátra van még a tényleges kiszállítás vagy kézhezvétel. A rendelkezésükre álló minta nagysága miatt elemzésük során a varianciaalapú modellezést (PLS-SEM) használták.
What is the connection between the hotel and fashion industry? The authors aim to answer this question approaching from different aspects. It can be stated that both of these industries are harmful for the environment from the point of sustainability. On the other hand there is a common solution from the viewpoint of sustainability: the uniforms and the primary materials, which are used during the production, such as the man-made and natural fibres. In our research the authors introduce the main problems which are related to the fashion industry, especially focusing on producing fibres from the viewpoint of sustainability. We introduce the solution for the fashion industry based on the literature and also present the emerging problems and solutions of the hotel industry based on the best practices. As a part of it, we are introducing the best practices from the hotel industry, where environmentally friendly uniforms are used. Finally, as a primary research part of our paper, we interpret the results of a Hungarian case-study.
Az on-line térben a vállalatok elveszítik a hagyományos tömegkommunikációban gyakorolt kontrollt, ugyanakkor kommunikációs szerepükből fakadóan megmarad egy ráhatási képességük. Ahhoz azonban, hogy e ráhatási képességet ki tudják használni, megfelelő eszközöket kell alkalmazniuk, amelyek közül az egyik lehetőség az on-line szájreklám (electronic word-of-mouth, e-WOM). A cikk egy szakirodalmi összefoglalót nyújt az e-WOM-ról, kitérve arra, hogy milyen új kommunikációs kihívásokkal és lehetőségekkel néznek szembe a fogyasztók és a vállalatok az on-line térben. Továbbá hogyan értelmezhető az e-WOM, milyen alapvető tulajdonságokkal és a fogyasztókra, valamint a vállalatokra gyakorolt hatásokkal rendelkezik. Ezen ismeretekre építve pedig a szerző bemutatja azt is, hogy a fogyasztók között zajló on-line kommunikáció (vagyis az e-WOM) hogyan integrálható a marketingkommunikációs tevékenységbe.
We present our approach to real-time service-oriented scheduling problems with the objective of maximizing the total system utility. Different from the traditional utility accrual scheduling problems that each task is associated with only a single time utility function (TUF), we associate two different TUFs—a profit TUF and a penalty TUF—with each task, to model the real-time services that not only need to reward the early completions but also need to penalize the abortions or deadline misses. The scheduling heuristics we proposed in this paper judiciously accept, schedule, and abort real-time services when necessary to maximize the accrued utility. Our extensive experimental results show that our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the traditional scheduling algorithms such as the Earliest Deadline First (EDF), the traditional utility accrual (UA) scheduling algorithms, and an earlier scheduling approach based on a similar model.
This thesis analyzes the global and Brazilian manifestations occurred since 2011, taking as a unifying and organizational element the social networks Facebook. The study was conducted through a literature survey about the protests in the streets and the Internet, in books, magazines, articles and academic papers, as well as comments on Facebook during the protests in Brazil.
Antecedentes da intenção de uso de comentários de viagem on-line na escolha de um meio de hospedagem
The Internet is present in each step of a trip planning. The constant technological advances has made major changes in the tourism industry. This is noticeable by the growing number of people who share their travel experiences on the Internet. This study has aimed to analyze the factors that influence the use of the Online Travel Reviews (OTR) in choosing an accommodation. It was done an investigation into the comments available on the internet about information on touristic products and services, specifically about accommodations. The research proposed to understand the influencing factors of OTR, in the Brazilian context, through the Technology Acceptance Model, Motivational Theory, Similarity, and Trustworthiness. The methodology used was a descriptive-exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, and bibliographic research. The study used a Structural Equation Modeling technique called Partial Least Squares (PLS), to test and evaluate the proposed research model. Data collection was performed with 308 guests hosted in five hotels in Ponta Negra (Natal/RN), who have used the OTRs in choosing an accommodation. The research tested fifteen hypotheses, where nine were confirmed, and six were rejected. The results showed that guests have attitude and intention to use the OTRs to choose an accommodation.
This research focuses on developing active suspension optimal controllers for two linear and non-linear half-car models. A detailed comparison between quarter-car and half-car active suspension approaches is provided for improving two important scenarios in vehicle dynamics, i.e. ride quality and road holding. Having used a half-car vehicle model, heave and pitch motion are analyzed for those scenarios, with cargo mass as a variable. The governing equations of the system are analysed in a multi-energy domain package, i.e., 20-Sim. System equations are presented in the bond-graph language to facilitate calculation of energy usage. The results present optimum set of gains for both ride quality and road holding scenarios are the gains which has derived when maximum allowable cargo mass is considered for the vehicle. The energy implications of substituting passive suspension units with active ones are studied by considering not only the energy used by the actuator, but also the reduction in energy lost through the passive damper. Energy analysis showed less energy was dissipated in shock absorbers when either quarter-car or half-car controllers were used instead of passive suspension. It was seen that more energy could be saved by using half-car active controllers than the quarter-car ones. Results also proved that using active suspension units, whether quarter-car or half-car based, under those realistic limitations is energy-efficient and suggested.
A marketing mérhetőségével kapcsolatos igény nem új keletű jelenség, de elmondhatjuk: napjainkban mind erőteljesebb követelményként jelenik meg a gyakorló szakemberek előtt. Az on-line világ megjelenésével korábban többen a metrikák gyors fejlődését és a fogalmi kérdéskörben meglevő, számos homályos pont tisztázását várták. Bár az elmúlt években valóban sikerült tényszerű előrehaladást elkönyvelni, a várt áttörés - egyelőre - továbbra is csak várat magára. A szerző kutatásában - a kapcsolódó elméleti háttér áttekintését követően - két részterületet igyekszik megvilágítani, két rövid eset keretében. Egy B2B piacon mozgó vállalkozás keresőmarketing-költéseit elsősorban nyelvi-szemantikai elemzésnek vetette alá. Napjaink másik fontos és gyakran emlegetett területe a közösségi média. Itt egy nonprofit szervezet tevékenységét vizsgálta meg, a kutatási fókusz a törzsközönség attitűdje és a közzétett üzenetek hatékonysága közötti kapcsolat feltárása volt.
O advento da internet causou uma revolução na forma como a sociedade se relaciona. A consolidação das mídias sociais na ambiência digital acentuou o poder das mudanças e forçou a comunicação a rever paradigmas. O imediatismo e a velocidade com que a informação se propaga num processo simétrico de mão dupla – emissor e receptor – mudou a forma de trabalhar, pensar e planejar. O presente trabalho traz uma pesquisa com profissionais de comunicação e analisa como o fator prazo tem impactado no processo do planejamento de longo prazo – tradicionalmente anual – das ações voltadas para o ambiente digital. A pesquisa baseou-se em amplo referencial teórico das áreas de comunicação, marketing, redes e mídias sociais, tecnologia, administração, além de institutos de pesquisas e empresas. A fim de descrever as experiências vividas pelos profissionais, empreendemos ainda uma pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas em profundidade, com amostra não probabilística, com foco nas disciplinas de marketing e propaganda e relações públicas. Os resultados apontam para um aprendizado ainda sendo conquistado, dia após dia, a partir de tentativas e erros, onde a preocupação dos profissionais fica dividida entre o prazo de antecedência com que é feito um planejamento e a obrigatoriedade de sua revisão contínua.
A utilização da internet para efetuar reservas on-line de alojamento no setor hoteleiro, tem um peso cada vez maior no conjunto das reservas efetuadas. É por isso, necessário que sejam elaborados estudos que permitam perceber a evolução dos preços oferecidos ao cliente, ao longo do tempo, nos diversos sites de reserva on-line e no site do próprio hotel, para que quer os clientes quer os gestores possuam informação rigorosa que lhes permita tomar decisões e elaborar estratégias eficazes. Nesta investigação, apresentar-se-á a evolução dos preços médios dos hotéis em estudo, obtida a partir da consulta de um conjunto de sites de reserva on-line que previamente se definiram e do site institucional, consulta efetuada ao longo dos dois períodos de doze dias que antecederam a época festiva da Páscoa e uma época não festiva. A investigação empírica efetuada, neste trabalho, foi realizada com base num estudo de caso exploratório, tendo como objeto de estudo os hotéis de 5 estrelas do concelho de Lisboa, tendo em conta os dados secundários disponíveis. O recurso ao estudo de caso permitiu delimitar de modo preciso o contexto desta investigação. A opção pelo tipo de pesquisa exploratória teve em conta o facto de se conhecer pouca bibliografia científica disponível sobre a temática em estudo. Os resultados obtidos permitiram perceber qual foi a evolução dos preços ao longo do período de consulta para a época festiva da Páscoa e para a época não festiva, possibilitando depois fazer a comparação da evolução dos preços entre as duas épocas. Da análise dos dados pôde ainda perceber-se se havia concertação entre os vários meios de reserva consultados, ou seja, entre os sites de reserve on-line considerados e o site institucional. Tomando por base os hotéis que durante os períodos de consulta foram esgotando pode, ainda, observar-se o comportamento dos preços médios em relação à variação da oferta disponível.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent and impairing neurodevelopmental disorder, with worldwide estimates of 5.29%. ADHD is clinically characterized by hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention, with neuropsychological deficits in executive functions, attention, working memory and inhibition. These cognitive processes rely on prefrontal cortex function; cognitive training programs enhance performance of ADHD participants supporting the idea of neuronal plasticity. Here we propose the development of an on-line puzzle game based assessment and training tool in which participants must deduce the ‘winning symbol’ out of N distracters. To increase ecological validity of assessments strategically triggered Twitter/Facebook notifications will challenge the ability to ignore distracters. In the UK, significant cost for the disorder on health, social and education services, stand at £23m a year. Thus the potential impact of neuropsychological assessment and training to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of ADHD, and hence our treatment interventions and patient outcomes, cannot be overstated.
A regional offset (ΔR) from the marine radiocarbon calibration curve is widely used in calibration software (eg CALIB, OxCal) but often is not calculated correctly. While relatively straightforward for known age samples, such as mollusks from museum collections or banded corals, it is more difficult to calculate ΔR and the uncertainty in ΔR for 14C dates on paired marine and terrestrial samples. Previous researchers have often utilized classical intercept methods (Reimer et al. 2002; Dewar et al. 2012, Russell et al. 2011) but this does not account for the full calibrated probability density function (PDF). We have developed an on-line application for performing these calculations for known age, paired marine and terrestrial 14C dates, or U-Th dated corals which is available at http://calib.qub.ac.uk/deltar
This paper investigates the differences in privacy policy functions among 90 online pharmacy websites in nine countries in Europe, Asia and North America. Results from this study show that the majority of websites do have privacy policies, but the level of functional protection of consumers varies widely. Even in those countries where strong privacy laws exist, the level of privacy protection adherence is often very low. Most studies of privacy policy issues have concentrated on websites from developed nations, with few studies of the pharmacy industry. A better understanding of this industry, as well as understanding the differences in privacy policy implementation among developing and developed countries, provides important lessons for both businesses and consumers.