878 resultados para NEIGHBORHOOD
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os fatores associados à prática esportiva e participação nas aulas de educação física. A amostra foi composta por 827 jovens, selecionados em dois estágios e estratificados por região da cidade de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil. Foram analisadas a prática esportiva, participação nas aulas de educação física e variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais e ambientais. Os fatores associados à participação nas aulas de educação física foram: sexo masculino, idade (10-13 anos), percepção de atividade física igual ou elevada, prática esportiva, movimentação durante as aulas e realizar aulas na quadra. Para a prática esportiva, os fatores associados foram o sexo masculino, idade (10-13 anos), percepção de atividade física igual/elevada, atividade física (≥ 7horas/semana), participação nas aulas de educação física, possuir ≥ 10 amigos, prática de esportes com amigos e frequência de utilização de lugares para a prática. Esses fatores devem ser considerados nos programas de incentivo à prática esportiva e à participação nas aulas de educação física.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a associação da prática de caminhada no domínio lazer e no domínio deslocamento com a percepção do ambiente em adultos residentes no município de Rio Claro - SP. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base domiciliar com amostra composta por 470 adultos (45,7±17,8 anos). Os sujeitos responderam o Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas (versão longa) e uma versão adaptada da Escala de Mobilidade Ativa no Ambiente Comunitário, que foi utilizada para investigar a percepção do ambiente construído e social. Para análise dos dados foi realizada uma regressão logística, sendo considerado como desfecho, caminhar ≥10minutos/semana no domínio lazer e no deslocamento. A prevalência de sujeitos que realizavam caminhada no lazer foi de 20,6% e 58,9% para a caminhada no deslocamento. A prevalência de caminhada no deslocamento entre as mulheres foi maior quando comparado com os homens (66,3% e 50,0%, respectivamente) e menor no domínio lazer (19,8% e 21,7%, respectivamente). A caminhada como forma de deslocamento foi associada com sexo feminino, classe econômica mais baixas (C, D e E) e percepção da disponibilidade da presença de faixa de pedestre. Para a caminhada no domínio lazer as variáveis pessoais e do ambiente que se associaram foram: idade (60 anos ou mais), classe econômica (B2, C, D e E), convite de amigos e/ou vizinhos para a prática. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que há uma associação entre a percepção do ambiente e a prática de caminhada no lazer e no deslocamento.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT
With the widespread proliferation of computers, many human activities entail the use of automatic image analysis. The basic features used for image analysis include color, texture, and shape. In this paper, we propose a new shape description method, called Hough Transform Statistics (HTS), which uses statistics from the Hough space to characterize the shape of objects or regions in digital images. A modified version of this method, called Hough Transform Statistics neighborhood (HTSn), is also presented. Experiments carried out on three popular public image databases showed that the HTS and HTSn descriptors are robust, since they presented precision-recall results much better than several other well-known shape description methods. When compared to Beam Angle Statistics (BAS) method, a shape description method that inspired their development, both the HTS and the HTSn methods presented inferior results regarding the precision-recall criterion, but superior results in the processing time and multiscale separability criteria. The linear complexity of the HTS and the HTSn algorithms, in contrast to BAS, make them more appropriate for shape analysis in high-resolution image retrieval tasks when very large databases are used, which are very common nowadays. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In the last few decades, Brazil has experienced an accelerated urbanization process in which many cities have grown in a disorderly way occupying environmentally fragile areas unsuitable for habitation. Anthropogenic actions such as high levels of impermeable soil, structural changes in watercourses, lack of riparian vegetation, illegal presence of trash and rubbish along the river banks added to irregular settlements in floodplains result in the rise of high risk areas. When accompanied by intense and prolonged rainfall phenomena, those areas have been the scenery of serious accidents such as floods. This study aims to classify the level of the risk of floods in the neighborhood of Jardim Inocoop, in the town of Rio Claro, São Paulo countryside, Brazil. One of the main technical support to tackle this issue is the identification and classification of the risks. In order to classify the risk level of flood in this case study, the methodology adopted was developed by the Ministry of Cities and Technology Research Institute, and take into account the arrangement of the hydrological scenario, vulnerability of households and dangerous process according to the distance of the houses from the axis of drainage. Therefore, the risk levels adopted to classify are listed below: very high (MA), high risk (A), moderate (M) and low risk (B). In conclusion, it is imperative to develop prevention plans in order to avoid or to minimize the damages caused by natural disasters. Therefore, the zoning of the risk sceneries remains as an important issue once it helps to identify the areas with high level risk of flood. Consequently, the occupation must be regulated where there is low or absent risk and it must be often forbidden where the high risk of flood is detected. Thus, the present study remains as an attempt to notify the risk of floods through its spatialization on a map, remainig...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Photodynamic therapy, term introduced by von Tapeiner in 1900, can be defined as the administration of a non toxic drug, i.e., a dye, known as photosensitizer (FS), which subsequently will be illuminated with light of specific wavelength. PDT is based on the interaction among FS, oxygen and light, which through photochemical reactions cause cell death. The FS molecules must have a high probability to form the singlet state after the excitation, which can induce chemical changes in the neighborhood in two ways, called reactions type I and type II. The type II reaction is based on the exchange of energy to molecular oxygen, exciting it to its state of higher energy (singlet), which is highly reactive. The proposed mechanisms for cell death are linked to damage to the DNA, mitochondria and to the cytoplasmic membrane. Several pre‐clinical and clinical trials have been carried out and the PDT is already used in many countries for treatment mainly against certain types of cancer. The therapy also has been gaining strength in antimicrobial control, since the microorganisms have appeared increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. Another attempt to use the PDT is for the inactivation of macro‐organisms, such as micro‐crustaceans and mosquitoes. To this end I tested whether the photosensitizers methylene blue, rose Bengal and the chlorophyll a has insecticidal activity against the yellow fever and dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Since these diseases have no effective treatments, its control is linked to the vector control, which has shown resistance to chemical pesticides used. Based on this, this work shows its importance, because it is a new type of mosquito control since all the photosensitizers used are low cost, do not generate toxic products at the concentrations used and showed good results in mortality. The best photosensitizer was rose Bengal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In the district of Belém, at São Paulo’s city, the economic transformations have ended up destabilizing the economy industrial leaving marks that can be found today. Idle sheds, abandoned or undefined uses structures are found throughout the neighborhood, creating a scene of decay and abandonment. Despite the problems caused by brownfields, they may be seen as an area of possibilities. The reuse of these areas allows the reutilization of abandoned space in locations where the infrastructure is already available, stopping the expansion of urban spot in places not yet degraded. In the case of disabled older industries, there is a great possibility of site’s contamination that may also pose risks to people and unforeseen during refuncionalization. Therefore, the proper management of these sites is needed before any intervention in the area, where stages of study and research must be conducted in order to prove their actual situation. The survey and study of these areas in the district of Belém in São Paulo provides an overview about the brownfields in Brazil at the same time that contributes to the development of intervention plans and proposes a scenery for the refuncionalization of these sites in the neighborhood.
This paper aims to review the concept of Festival in the area of Public Relations and discuss about it according to the Classical Anthropology, Urban Anthropology and Public Relations theories, by their main exponents Emile Durkhein, Rita Amaral, Roberto Damatta and Joseph Guilherme Magnani, Waldemar Kunsch, Margarida Kunsch, Cicilia Peruzzo, Rennan Mafra and Márcio Simeone. The 33rd Vila Madalena Fair, a craft fair that takes place once a year in São Paulo, was chosen as a case study to provide this research with an empirical dimension. The Fair emerged as a result of the neighborhood residents and merchants´ mobilization in the late 70's and until today, has been responsible for the re-updating and the strengthening of the neighborhood identity. Thus, the proposal is to evaluate the possibilities of the Festival performance as a favorable strategy to sociability, to the strengthening and the re-updating the symbolic representations of a community
Introduction: Given the repercussion of the important role of physical activity in the prevention of sickness and non-communicable diseases / loss, many works have been done in order to understand the association of sociodemographic characteristics with sedentarism. The elements which influence the physical activity practice are countless. Besides the intrapersonal element, environment elements (social environment, cultural environment, public politics, information environment, natural environment etc.) are also important in the life style. Yet, the way that the person understands the environment can be considered in the planning of the strategies to change the sedentary behavior. Objective: Verify the association of the environment perception with the practice of physical activity (FA) at leisure time in adults living in Rio Claro – SP. Methodology: The sample consists of 470 adults, all residente in rio Claro-SP, aged ≥ 18 years old. The chosen participants answered to the questionnaires: Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), International Physical Activity (IPAQ) and to a specific questionnaire with personal data (age, sex, educational level, economical level, weight, height and marital status). The analysis of the connection between the variables was done through the Logistic Regression with Confidence Interval of 95%, using the software SPSS 17.0. Those who reached the recommendation of 10 minutes or more of physical activity in leisure time for week were classified as active, and those who did not reach the recommendation were classified as underactive. Results: The proportion of subjects who practiced physical activity in leisure time was 38,7%, and the male subjects, as well as those classified as better social level showed higher chances to practice at least 10 minutes weekly of physical activity during leisure. Still, walking the dog, soccer fields and gardens near the house (less than 10 walking minutes), were...
The work aims at an architectural project in the neighborhood of Liberdade in Sao Paulo, from analysis of the spread of Japanese culture in Brazil. Within this theme, the paper focuses on the Japanese urban space and the search for an identity of the Japanese, besides the problems that the neighborhood has. The architectural design is justified by the need for spaces of rest, meetings and green areas, where people can get away a bit of pace that the neighborhood has. The source of this research is based on bibliographic references, reviews of other projects, investigating the experience of urban space and the richest source of contributions that were the memories of living in Japan for eight months. The expected result is the visualization of the project through sketches, experiments and artistic designs for the chosen location
This work is resulted of studies about the urban circulation in the modern cities. It was developed from two case studies: the city of São Paulo, specifically Santo Amaro's neighborhood and the city of Regensburg in Germany. The urban circulation of these places was analyzed starting from the premise that the daily of the inhabitants is a relevant factor to be considered. It was researched the types of transportation, the accessibility, and the clearance of public transportations. One of the main purposes of this work was to present general guidelines for the improvement urban circulation in the modern cities, as well as to supply didactic material that contribute to the reflection about urban circulation focusing priorly on the problems of traffic of driving force vehicles
This paper presents a proposal for the creation and revitalization of the IAPI neighborhood in the city of Guaratinguetá, in order to create a relationship of respect between the citizens and students Guaratinguetaenses, improving the quality of life of the entire population of the city. In addition, the presentation of the integration of educational institutions in the city's historical context is important to understand the situation in which the municipality has developed