943 resultados para Moving-Pictures and history


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Increased pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a marker of aortic stiffness and an independent predictor of mortality. Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is a vascular calcification inhibitor that needs vitamin K to be activated. Inactive MGP, known as desphospho-uncarboxylated MGP (dp-ucMGP), can be measured in plasma and has been associated with various cardiovascular markers, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality. In this study, we hypothesized that high levels of dp-ucMGP are associated with increased PWV. We recruited participants via a multicenter family-based cross-sectional study in Switzerland. Dp-ucMGP was quantified in plasma by sandwich ELISA. Aortic PWV was determined by applanation tonometry using carotid and femoral pulse waveforms. Multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate associations between PWV and dp-ucMGP adjusting for age, renal function, and other cardiovascular risk factors. We included 1001 participants in our analyses (475 men and 526 women). Mean values were 7.87±2.10 m/s for PWV and 0.43±0.20 nmol/L for dp-ucMGP. PWV was positively associated with dp-ucMGP both before and after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, height, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate, renal function, low- and high-density lipoprotein, glucose, smoking status, diabetes mellitus, BP and cholesterol lowering drugs, and history of cardiovascular disease (P≤0.01). In conclusion, high levels of dp-ucMGP are independently and positively associated with arterial stiffness after adjustment for common cardiovascular risk factors, renal function, and age. Experimental studies are needed to determine whether vitamin K supplementation slows arterial stiffening by increasing MGP carboxylation.


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Asiakkaat vaativat lisää kapasiteettia ja joustavuutta eli levylinjan paloittelusahan tapauksessa pieniä palakokoja. Vaatimukseen on lähdetty vastaamaan tuotekehitysprojektilla, jonka yksi osa-alue on uuden paloittelusahan konseptin kehitys. Konseptin kehityksen lähtökohtana on ajatus terien lukumäärän lisäämisestä, terien suunnan kääntämisestä levypinkan liikesuunnan myötäiseksi, sekä terien pitämisestä paikallaan levypinkan liikkuessa niiden läpi. Tässä työssä konseptin kehitykseen kuuluu purunpoistojärjestelmä, sahattujen hukkapalojen käsittely, murskaus ja poisto, sekä levypinkan siirtomenetelmä sahauskokonaisuuden läpi. Kirjallisuusosassa on paneuduttu puulevyjen ja pyörösahauksen teoriaan. Diplomityössä on tutkittu eri pohjaratkaisujen vaikutusta kapasiteettiin, sekä vaihtoehtoja paloittelusahan eri osa-alueiden ratkaisuiksi. Lisäksi on tutkittu murskauksen tehovaatimusta vertaamalla mitattuja arvoja laskettuihin arvoihin. Tutkimuksen otannan puitteissa todettiin laskettujen arvojen johtavan reiluun moottoreiden ylimitoitukseen.


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Este artículo muestra los principales conceptos y breve historia de los videojuegos junto a temas claves de su evolución. Se establece además, un marco de discusión para comprender el potencial con el que cuentan los videojuegos como una herramienta para la educación.


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Työssä on pyritty löytämään ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja pesulaitteen horisontaalisen harjan nostomekanismin parantamiseksi. Nostomekanismia pyrittiin kehittämään vähemmän huoltoa vaativaksi, toimintavarmemmaksi sekä kustannuksiltaan halvemmaksi. Uusia vaihtoehtoja mekanismille pyrittiin löytämään järjestelmällisen ideoinnin avulla, käyttäen hyödyksi alan kirjallisuutta, käytössä olevia pesulaitteita sekä jokapäiväisessä elämässä eteen tulleita havaintoja. Korroosiota aiheuttavat olosuhteet, horisontaalisen harjakokoonpanon pitkä liikerata sekä paino asettavat erityisvaatimuksia uudelle mekanismille. Lisäksi mekanismin täytyy liikuttaa harjaa vertikaalisessa suunnassa vakiona pysyvällä nopeudella. Valittuja ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tarkasteltiin pistearvioinnin avulla ennen jatkokehittelyn aloittamista. Alustavassa komponenttien mitoituksessa pyrittiin mekanismin komponenteille löytämään oikea valmistusmateriaali sekä komponenttien geometriset mitat. Mekanismin valmistuskustannuksia eri valmistusmenetelmien kesken kartoitettiin yhteydenotoilla eri konepajojen kanssa. Alustavien kustannuslaskelmien perusteella jatkokehittelyyn otetun mekanismin kustannukset on 70 prosenttia pienemmät kuin nykyisen mekanismin kustannukset. Osien vähyys sekä mekanismin yksinkertaisuus lisää nostomekanismin luotettavuutta sekä vähentää tarvittavia huoltotoimenpiteitä.


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En los años setenta, el filósofo de la historia Hayden White afirmará que todo escrito historiográfico es, en parte, un constructo literario. En obras como Metahistoria o El contenido de la forma, White desarrolló una nueva metodología de análisis histórico consistente en la detección y estudio de los elementos literarios ("personajes","argumentos","estilos","géneros" o"conceptos poéticos") implícitos en el seno de todo escrito historiográfico.


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Ever since the inception of economics over two hundred years ago, the tools at the discipline's disposal have grown more and more more sophisticated. This book provides a historical introduction to the methodology of economics through the eyes of economists. The story begins with John Stuart Mill's seminal essay from 1836 on the definition and method of political economy, which is then followed by an examination of how the actual practices of economists changed over time to such an extent that they not only altered their methods of enquiry, but also their self-perception as economists. Beginning as intellectuals and journalists operating to a large extent in the public sphere, they then transformed into experts who developed their tools of research increasingly behind the scenes. No longer did they try to influence policy agendas through public discourse; rather they targeted policymakers directly and with instruments that showed them as independent and objective policy advisors, the tools of the trade changing all the while. In order to shed light on this evolution of economic methodology, this book takes carefully selected snapshots from the discipline's history. It tracks the process of development through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, analysing the growth of empirical and mathematical modelling. It also looks at the emergence of the experiment in economics, in addition to the similarities and differences between modelling and experimentation. This book will be relevant reading for students and academics in the fields of economic methodology, history of economics, and history and philosophy of the social sciences.


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Background: Treatment of NSCLC has been revolutionized in recent years with the introduction of several targeted therapies for selected genetically altered subtypes of NSCLC. A better understanding of molecular characteristics of NSCLC, which features common drug targets, may identify new therapeutic options. Methods: Over 6,700 non-small cell lung cancer cases referred to Caris Life Sciences between 2009 and 2014. Diagnoses and history were collected from referring physicians. Specific testing was performed per physician request and included a combination of sequencing (Sanger, NGS or pyrosequencing), protein expression (IHC), gene amplification/rearrangement (CISH or FISH), and/or RNA fragment analysis. Results: Tumors profiles from patients with hormone receptor positive disease (HER2, ER, PR, or AR positive by IHC) (n=629), HER2 mutations (n=8) ALK rearrangements (n=55), ROS1 rearrangement (n=17), cMET amplification or mutation (n=126), and cKIT mutation (n=11) were included in this analysis and compared to the whole cohort. Tumors with ALK rearrangement overexpressed AR in 18% of cases, and 7% presented with concomitant KRAS mutation. Lower rates of PTEN loss, as assessed by IHC, were observed in ALK positive (20%), ROS1 positive (9%) and cKIT mutated tumors (25%) compared to the overall NSCLC population (58%). cMET was overexpressed in 66% of ROS1 translocated and 57% of HER2 mutated tumors. cKIT mutations were found co-existing with APC (20%) and EGFR (20%) mutations. Pathway analysis revealed that hormone receptor positive disease carried more mutations in the ERK pathway (32%) compared to 9% in the mTOR pathway. 25% of patients with HER2 mutations harbored a co-existing mutation in the mTOR pathway. Conclusions: Pathway profiling reveals that NSCLC tumors present more often than reported with several concomitant alterations affecting the ERK or AKT pathway. Additionally, they are also characterized by the expression of potential biological modifiers of the cell cycle like hormonal receptors, representing a rationale for dual inhibition strategies in selected patients. Further refining of the understanding of NSCLC biomarker profile will optimize research for new treatment strategies.


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The present article examines the final part of the regnal formulas in the Book of Kings, i.e. the epilogue formulary. Most reports of the kings of Israel and Judah end with an epilogue containing formulaic statements about the death of the king and his succession. Typically, the epilogue formula is introduced by the phrase (source reference): 'Now the rest of the acts of PN1, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah (of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel)?' and consists of three elements: 1. Dynastic notice ('PN1 slept with his fathers'); 2. Statement of burial; 3. Statement of succession. Sometimes one, two or all three of these elements are altered or lacking. The epilogue formulae of the Judean kings are more consistent than those of the Israelite kings; the latter often lacks a burial notice. Interestingly, the accounts of the deported (arrested) kings (Hoshea: 2 Kgs 17:6, Jehoahaz: 23:34, Zedekiah:25:7 and Jehoiachin: 25:27-30) do not contain an epilogue at all, nor the accounts of the reigns of Ahaziah and Athaliah which mark an episode of disruption in the history of the Davidic kingdom. For all these kings even the phrase 'Now the rest of the acts of PN1, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of... ?' is lacking. The absence of an epilogue in these cases is probably due to the fact that the king's succession (cf. element 3) is considered a constitutive and indispensable component of the epilogue. In the first instance, the approach of this study is descriptive and philological; it aims to contribute to the understanding of the notices. Secondly, the study addresses the question how the irregularities and variations within the formulae are to be explained. In particular, the study will pay attention to differences between the epilogue formulae concerning the kings of Israel and those concerning the Judean kings. At the end, questions concerning the epilogues formula's provenance and its formation date and concerning further redactional developments will be considered.


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Patients with chronic heart failure who are not eligible for heart transplant and whose life expectancy depends mainly on the heart disease may benefit from mechanical circulatory support. Mechanical circulatory support restores adequate cardiac output and organ perfusion and eventually improves patients' clinical condition, quality of life and life expectancy. This treatment is called destination therapy (DT) and we estimate that in Switzerland more than 120 patients per year could benefit from it. In the last 10 years, design of the devices, implantation techniques and prognoses have changed dramatically. The key to successful therapy with a left ventricular assist device is appropriate patient selection, although we are still working on the definition of reliable inclusion and exclusion criteria and optimal timing for surgical implantation. Devices providing best long-term results are continuous flow, rotary or axial blood pumps implanted using minimally invasive techniques on a beating heart. These new devices (Thoratec HeartMate II and HeartWare HVAD) have only a single moving part, and have improved durability with virtually 10 years freedom from mechanical failure. In selected patients, the overall actuarial survival of DT patients is 75% at 1 year and 62% at 2 years, with a clear improvement in quality of life compared with medical management only. Complications include bleeding and infections; their overall incidence is significantly lower than with previous devices and their management is well defined. DT is evolving into an effective and reasonably cost-effective treatment option for a growing population of patients not eligible for heart transplant, showing encouraging survival rates at 2 years and providing clear improvement in quality of life. The future is bright for people suffering from chronic heart failure.


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Treball de fi de màster que estudia comparativament les relacions entre la novel·la "Jane Eyre" de Charlotte Brontë i l'adaptació cinematogràfica de la mateixa realitzada pel director Cary Fukunaga.


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Seaports play an important part in the wellbeing of a nation. Many nations are highly dependent on foreign trade and most trade is done using sea vessels. This study is part of a larger research project, where a simulation model is required in order to create further analyses on Finnish macro logistical networks. The objective of this study is to create a system dynamic simulation model, which gives an accurate forecast for the development of demand of Finnish seaports up to 2030. The emphasis on this study is to show how it is possible to create a detailed harbor demand System Dynamic model with the help of statistical methods. The used forecasting methods were ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) and regression models. The created simulation model gives a forecast with confidence intervals and allows studying different scenarios. The building process was found to be a useful one and the built model can be expanded to be more detailed. Required capacity for other parts of the Finnish logistical system could easily be included in the model.


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Fame and truth in Spanish XVth century epic. !e political vergilianism and the castilian tradition of the XVth century. The starting premise of this essay is that the Spanish Golden Age epic must be read from a historical perspective that takes into account the Hispanic literary tradition ofthe XVth century. In particular, it argues that epic should be approached from a theoretical perspective that explores its relationship with history in order to illuminate the diferences between Italian and Spanish epic theory and practice in the XVth century. The relationship between the discourses of epic and history can be explained through the imitation of the Vergilian model, specifically the Aeneid´s ideological representation of empire. However, it is also necessary to consider theoretical aspects in the light of the diferent uses of classical literature by Italian humanists and Castilian writers of the XV th century. Thus, its primary thesis is that although XVI th century Spanish epic shares the general principles of the Western Epic tradition, it should be approached from a specifically perspective Hispanic, in the light of the «political vergilianism» already enshrined in authors like Enrique de Villena and Juan de Mena, which is essential to appreciate how epic genre serves as memory for the present


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This contribution analyzes the evolution of perception of certain natural hazards over the past 25 years in a Mediterranean region. Articles from newspapers have been used as indicator. To this end a specific Spanish journal has been considered and an ACCESS database has been created with the summarized information from each news item. The database includes data such as the location of each specific article in the newspaper, its length, the number of pictures and figures, the headlines and a summary of the published information, including all the instrumental data. The study focused on hydrometeorological extremes, mainly floods and droughts, in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The number of headlines per event, trends and other data have been analyzed and compared with "measured" information, in order to identify any bias that could lead to an erroneous perception of the phenomenon. The SPI index (a drought index based on standardized accumulated precipitation) has been calculated for the entire region, and has been used for the drought analysis, while a geodatabase implemented on a GIS built for all the floods recorded in Catalonia since 1900 (INUNGAMA) has been used to analyze flood evolution. Results from a questionnaire about the impact of natural hazards in two specific places have been also used to discuss the various perceptions between rural and urban settings. Results show a better correlation between the news about drought or water scarcity and SPI than between news on floods in Catalonia and the INUNGAMA database. A positive trend has been found for non-catastrophic floods, which is explained by decrease of the perception thresholds, the increase of population density in the most flood-prone areas and changes in land use.


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The second half of eighteenth century is marked by the advancement of chemistry and geology. The first science acquired the law of conservation of mass and this science represented a important support to geology and mineralogy. We say that both became modern science that time. Our aim is to show up some interrelations between history of chemistry and history of geology by means of the study of Joseph Black's and James Hutton's works. We defend that it is positive to science education to understand and approach the relations among different and disciplinary areas of science.