784 resultados para Mental illness in motion pictures


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Este trabajo analiza las características de los seis personajes obesos que protagonizan Gordos (2009) de Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. Se trata de una obra coral que gira alrededor de un grupo de terapia y cuyo objetivo más importante es que los participantes comprendan los sentimientos y emociones que esconden bajo su obesidad. En primer lugar se repasa la prevalencia de esta enfermedad crónica, compleja y multifactorial que ha sido considerada por la OMS como una epidemia del siglo XXI. A continuación se comentan los rasgos más importantes de los protagonistas así como su evolución en el guión cinematográfico. Posteriormente se resumen los factores determinantes, la clínica y los tratamientos de los personajes. Luego se detallan aspectos relacionados al rodaje de Gordos. Finalmente se indican algunas de las posibles aplicaciones de la película en la docencia de los profesionales de la salud y otros colectivos.


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El Secreto de Vera Drake (2004) de Mike Leigh y de Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra (1999) de Lasse Hallström presentan la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y las circunstancias que la rodean en un total de diez abortos y un parto. El Secreto de Vera Drake nos muestra a una mujer de clase media-baja que"ayuda a chicas jóvenes" a poner fin a embarazos no deseados sin aceptar dinero a cambio. Su secreto se desvelará cuando una de las jóvenes a la que practicó un aborto sufre complicaciones y es condenada. Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra presenta la historia de Homer Wells, un joven que nace y crece en un orfanato donde su responsable, el Dr. Larch, le enseña a asistir partos y a practicar abortos. Un día Homer siente la necesidad de volar libre fuera del orfanato e inicia un viaje que le acercará a otras realidades que le llevarán a reconsiderar su postura en contra del aborto. Ambas películas pueden ser un material útil para estudiar aspectos clínicos, éticos y sociodemográficos del aborto inducido en las enseñanzas de medicina, enfermería y matrona.


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A digitized image method was compared with a standard washing technique for measuring citrus roots in the field. Video pictures of roots were taken in a soil profile. The profile area analyzed was defined by iron rings, which were also used to remove the roots to determine their dry weight. The roots presented in the pictures were quantified using SIARCS software developed by Embrapa. The root length and area determined by digital images provided a good estimate of root quantity present in the profile.


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Mental disorders in patients having difficulties to treat their epilepsy are without a doubt more frequent than those presented by patients with controlled epilepsies or within a general population. These problems are especially affective disorders; clinical presentations of these troubles are often particular and difficult to classify through the current admitted classification guidelines. We speak generally about an interictal dysphoric disorder. The relationship between observed troubles in seizures is in some cases very particular: postictal depressions and psychosis are very peculiar disorders, self limited, difficult to detect and to treat. Some considerations are made about certain topics related to severe epilepsies: suicide, pseudo seizures and therapeutic attitude.


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AIM: People suffering from mental illness are exposed to stigma. However, only few tools are available to assess stigmatization as perceived from the patient's perspective. The aim of this study is to adapt and validate a French version of the Stigma Scale (King et al., 2007 [8]). This self-report questionnaire has a three-factor structure: discrimination, disclosure and positive aspects of mental illness. Discrimination subscale refers to perceived negative reactions of others. Disclosure subscale refers mainly to managing disclosure to avoid discrimination and finally positive aspects subscale taps into how patients are becoming more accepting, more understanding toward their illness. METHOD: In the first step, internal consistency, convergent validity and test-retest reliability of the French adaptation of the 28-item scale were assessed in a sample of 183 patients. Results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) did not confirm the hypothesized structure. In the light of the failed attempts to validate the original version, an alternative 9-item short-form version of the Stigma Scale, maintaining the integrity of the original model, was developed based on results of exploratory factor analyses in the first sample and cross-validated in a new sample of 234 patients. RESULTS: Results of CFA did not confirm that the data fitted well to the three-factor model of the 28-item Stigma Scale (χ(2)/df=2.02, GFI=0.77, AGFI=0.73, RMSEA=0.07, CFI=0.77 and NNFI=0.75). Cronbach's α was excellent for discrimination (0.84) and disclosure (0.83) subscales but poor for potential positive aspects (0.46). External validity was satisfactory. Overall Stigma Scale total score was negatively correlated with the score on Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (r=-0.49), and each subscale was significantly correlated with a visual analogue scale that referred to the specific aspect of stigma (0.43≤|r|≤0.60). Intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.68 and 0.89 indicated good test-retest reliability. The results of the CFA demonstrated that the items chosen for the short version of the Stigma Scale have the expected fit properties (χ(2)/df=1.02, GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.98, RMSEA=0.01, CFI=1.0 and NNFI=1.0). Considering the small number (three) of items in each subscale of the short version of the Stigma Scale, α coefficients for discrimination (0.57), disclosure (0.80) and potential positive aspects subscales (0.62) are considered as good. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the 9-item French short version of the Stigma Scale is a useful, reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to assess perceived stigmatization in people suffering from mental illness. The time of completion is really short and questions are well understood and accepted by the patients.


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Why we fight és un grup de set pel·lícules de format documental que van formar part d’un ampli programa d’informació, formació i propaganda impulsat per l’exèrcit nord-americà, en el moment en què els Estats Units ja s’havien implicat en la Segona Guerra Mundial. És també un dels més reeixits exercicis de retòrica cinematogràfica nord-americana d’aquell període que permet analitzar com els països democràtics van gestionar qüestions tan compromeses com la propaganda de guerra. La pretensió d’aquest treball de recerca és aprofundir en la complexitat ideològica i formal de la sèrie, que faci possible descobrir-ne els orígens, els objectius i la manera com aquests van ser assolits per un grup d’especialistes cinematogràfics, coordinats pel director Frank Capra, tots els quals havien triomfat fins llavors a Hollywood


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Con la implicación definitiva de los Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno y el alto mando militar decidieron impulsar un amplio programa audiovisual que utilizando la letra impresa, la radio y el cine intentaría explicar –principalmente, aunque no exclusivamente, a millares de civiles reclutados para la ocasión– el porqué de la guerra y la necesaria implicación de los Estados Unidos en la contienda. Naturalmente, a esta voluntad pedagógica se unía otra propagandística. Por lo que respecta al cine, y contando con los destacados antecedentes del cine soviético y las producciones cinematográficas del régimen nazi, se decidió poner en marcha un exhaustivo programa para la producción cinematográfica de documentales que cubriría estos dos aspectos esenciales: el formativo y el propagandístico –bautizado, eufemísticamente, como “orientación moral”. De entre las producciones cinematográficas de orientación moral, impulsadas por el ejército, destaca, por su ambición y calidad intrínseca, una serie de siete documentales presentada bajo el título genérico de Why We Fight


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Societat Catalana de Pedagogia. Col·legi de Pedagogs de Catalunya.


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Alfred Schütz original contribution to the social sciences refers to his analysis of the structure of the "life-world". This article aims to invigorate interest in the work of this author, little known in the field of health psychology. Key concepts of Schütz' approach will be presented in relation to their potential interest to the understanding of the experience of illness. In particular, we develop the main characteristics of the everyday life and its cognitive style, that is, its finite province of meaning. We propose to adopt this notion to define the experience of chronic or serious illness when the individual is confronted to the medical world. By articulating this analysis with literature in health psychology, we argue that Schütz's perspective brings useful insight to the field, namely because of its ability to study meaning constructions by overcoming the trap of solipsism by embracing intersubjectivity. The article concludes by outlining both, the limitations and research perspectives brought by this phenomenological analysis of the experiences of health and illness.


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Mental illnesses have long been perceived as the exclusive consequence of abnormalities in neuronal functioning. Until recently, the role of glial cells in the pathophysiology of mental diseases has largely been overlooked. However recently, multiple lines of evidence suggest more diverse and significant functions of glia with behavior-altering effects. The newly ascribed roles of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia have led to their examination in brain pathology and mental illnesses. Indeed, abnormalities in glial function, structure and density have been observed in postmortem brain studies of subjects diagnosed with mental illnesses. In this review, we discuss the newly identified functions of glia and highlight the findings of glial abnormalities in psychiatric disorders. We discuss these preclinical and clinical findings implicating the involvement of glial cells in mental illnesses with the perspective that these cells may represent a new target for treatment.


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This report has been written as part of the project “Toward improved quality – developing nurse’s continuing vocational training in hospitals and inpatient units”. Its overall goal is to ensure high quality, ethically appropriate and therapeutically effective interventions to enable nurses to manage distressed and disturbed patients in European psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. In this large-scale, multinational projects there are all together six European countries involved: Finland, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy and Lithuania. The project work plan were during autumn 2006 and spring 2007. The content of this publication was produced in the first stage of the project aiming to collect the preliminary source material for the project. The literature review was carried out in the project stage, providing the groundwork for the next steps for the project. This project aims to develop an interactive multinational portal with training material. Therefore, it is important to share an understanding of basic information, psychiatric nurse’s continuing vocational education, laws and ethical codes and patient restriction used in mental health care. In this publication, the purpose of the material produced here is to understand nurses’ educational need related to vocational continuing education and to be used in further project stages as an empirical data collection. The data were collected as a preliminary source material for latter phases where nurse’s perceptions of the current practice, nurse’s attitudes to mental illness, prevalence of use of seclusion room and existing and desired vocational training provision will be collected in six different European countries. The following organisations are involved in this project: University of Turku, Dublin City University, St. Vincent Hospital, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Padova, Klaipeda College - Health Faculty, Klaipeda Psychiatric Hospital, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Omnia Vocational Institution the Espoo Region, Kellokoski psychiatric hospital, Hyvinkää hospital area, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Kingston University & St. George’s Medical School and South West London & St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. A wide variety of different countries, organisations and individuals in this project give us a strong confidence that theoretical, practical, ethical and political issues around the topic of interest will be taken account during this project lifetime. We are aware the content of this book will be partially outdated almost as soon as it has been published. We still hope that this publication will encourage nurses and different professions working in mental health care field to have a basic understanding of similarities and differences between different European countries related in mental health care. We also hope that this publication will inspirate and motivate nurses in maintaining and developing the quality of psychiatric care in Europe.


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Introducción: El cine se ha configurado, ya desde sus inicios, como una de las recreaciones humanas más extraordinarias que existen desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. Objetivo: El objetivo de este texto es presentar una experiencia docente en la que se empleó cine comercial (CC) en el desarrollo de la asignatura optativa"Investigación en salud: métodos y técnicas", que se imparte en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universitat de Barcelona. Desarrollo: Los contenidos de esta asignatura son los habituales en los cursos de investigación, y lo más interesante fue el empleo del CC, que se convirtió en el material (objeto) de estudio. En el transcurso de la asignatura, el alumno debía realizar una serie de actividades: revisión bibliográfica, preparación de un cuestionario, selección y visualización de una película de la que debía elaborar la correspondiente ficha técnica y un informe sobre los aspectos referidos a la enfermedad, el paciente, los profesionales y los valores, sentimientos y emociones asociados al problema de salud. Conclusiones: La experiencia puso de manifiesto la importancia de la observación atenta de las escenas para captar los mensajes no verbales relacionados con el problema de salud; la necesidad de adquirir habilidades para el manejo de las bases de datos bibliográfi cas (Medline, CINAHL, etc.), y la conveniencia de una mayor formación en el lenguaje cinematográfico para un mejor aprovechamiento didáctico del CC.


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El cine bebe de la literatura y la tiene en cuenta para desarrollar su versión de unos relatos que antes fueron escritos en forma de novela, poema, obra teatral o cuento. Los personajes literarios se materializan por medio de unos avatares1 humanos o por los que un artista crea en forma de dibujos animados. Se han visto y se ven en las pantallas multitud de versiones de relatos populares o modernos que espectadores de todas las edades reciben expectantes.


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Su título, Neds, muestra el hundimiento en el fango de la violencia de John McGill, en un arrabal del Glasgow, capital de Escocia, de los años setenta. Ned es un término aplicado a ciertas personas en Escocia y responde a las siglas de «no educados y delincuentes». La visión estereotipada de un ned es un adolescente varón (aunque este término no excluye a las mujeres), blanco, que lleva ropa de marca, joyas de oro y participa en actos vandálicos vinculados con la pequeña delincuencia; los neds tienen un comportamiento grosero, generan constantes peleas, abusan del consumo de alcohol y del tabaco, etc. En resumen, se caracterizan por su comportamiento antisocial.