892 resultados para Martha Liliana Gutiérrez


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El proyecto desarrollará el algoritmo SSIDijkstra- Fast (una versión del SSI-Dijkstra) basándose en implementaciones del algoritmo existentes para versiones anteriores de UKB. UKB es una herramienta de desambiguación semántica basada en grafos. 2


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En este artículo se explica que la estrategia de los centros comerciales abiertos surge como respuesta a la necesidad de compatibilizar la proximidad y el grado de concentración espacial, con las nuevas técnicas de promoción y publicidad sobre un conjunto comercial concreto.


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El sector de servicios es en nuestros días un formidable motor de la economía mundial y son varias las razones que explican el fuerte crecimiento de este sector, que podemos resumir,en primer lugar, en el retraso en el crecimiento de la productividad laboral en los servicios comparado con el resto de la economía y,en segundo lugar, por el crecimiento de la demanda de los consumidores y empresas.El proceso de terciarización en el que se halla inmersa la economía vasca continuará incrementándose como el resto de países de la Unión Europea


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[ES] La documentación de este proyecto ha servido como base para la realización de los siguientes proyectos y artículos:


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Este artículo explica que establecer en las ciudades el modelo de centro Comercial abierto como estrategia del comercio tradicional de las ciudades de Gipuzkoa, representa grandes ventajas respecto a la mejora de la competitividad de estos comercios, que durante los últimos años han tratado de buscar su nicho de mercado frente a la aparición de otras formas comerciales, que se han expansionado con mucha fuerza en este territorio, ya que dada su situación geográfica, ha visto como desde la década de los años 80 los grupos franceses se introdujeron en Gipuzkoa, preparándose para la integración europea de los años 90.


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El libro está editado en bilingüe castellano-euskera


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Este artículo trata sobre el desarrollo de áreas comerciales en los alrededores de las ciudades y de cómo el centro urbano ha ido perdiendo atractivo comercial. Esta situación, común en la mayor parte de los países de nuestro entorno, plantea importantes problemas para el comercio tradicional de centro ciudad, que ve como gran parte de sus clientes optan por la oferta de la periferia, con la siguiente fuga de ingresos.


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Uno de los objetivos de este artículo es la necesidad de analizar y medir la calidad de vida de las ciudades, por medio de un conjunto de indicadores representativos que han sido propuestos por la Comisión Europea(2005), ya que si bien la Comisión Europea publicó la información correspondiente de las ciudades participantes en esta segunda auditoria urbana, dicha institución no ha publicado ningun tratamiento de dicha información, que permita extraer algunas conlcusiones sobre las similitudes o diferencias que se hayan obtenido entre las ciudades participantes. Esta es la razón por la cual este artículo se plantea el tratamiento de la información proporcionada por los citados indicadores, por medio de técnicas estadísticas de análisis multivariable, como el análisis de cluster, para el estudio de la calidad de vida de las cuidades europeas.


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[EN] Background: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of PCR products (PCR-RFLP) are extensively used molecular biology techniques. An exercise for the design and simulation of PCR and PCR-RFLP experiments will be a useful educational tool. Findings: An online PCR and PCR-RFLP exercise has been create that requires users to find the target genes,compare them, design primers, search for restriction endonucleases, and finally to simulate the experiment. Each user of the service is randomly assigned a gene from Escherichia coli; to complete the exercise, users must design an experiment capable of distinguishing among E. coli strains. By applying the experimental procedure to all completely sequenced E. coli, a basic understanding of strain comparison and clustering can also be acquired. Comparison of results obtained in different experiments is also very instructive. Conclusions: The exercise is freely available at http://insilico.ehu.es/edu.


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[EN]Based on the theoretical tools of Complex Networks, this work provides a basic descriptive study of a synonyms dictionary, the Spanish Open Thesaurus represented as a graph. We study the main structural measures of the network compared with those of a random graph. Numerical results show that Open-Thesaurus is a graph whose topological properties approximate a scale-free network, but seems not to present the small-world property because of its sparse structure. We also found that the words of highest betweenness centrality are terms that suggest the vocabulary of psychoanalysis: placer (pleasure), ayudante (in the sense of assistant or worker), and regular (to regulate).


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Overexpression of the mammalian homolog of the unc-18 gene (munc18-1) has been described in the brain of subjects with schizophrenia. Munc18-1 protein is involved in membrane fusion processes, exocytosis and neurotransmitter release. A transgenic mouse strain that overexpresses the protein isoform munc18-1a in the brain was characterized. This animal displays several schizophrenia-related behaviors, supersensitivity to hallucinogenic drugs and deficits in prepulse inhibition that reverse after antipsychotic treatment. Relevant brain areas (that is, cortex and striatum) exhibit reduced expression of dopamine D-1 receptors and dopamine transporters together with enhanced amphetamine-induced in vivo dopamine release. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates decreased gray matter volume in the transgenic animal. In conclusion, the mouse overexpressing brain munc18-1a represents a new valid animal model that resembles functional and structural abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia.


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Lan honetan, gure artean gutxi ezagutzen diren “Jardueran Oinarritutako Komunitateek” (JOK) enpresa txiki eta ertainetan izan dezaketen eragina aztertzen da. Zehazki, ikergaia hauxe da: organizazio barruan komunikazioa eta ezagutzaren jarioa areagotzea helburu duen tresna hori Gipuzkoako bederatzi enpresa eta erakundetan nola txertatu den eta txertaketa horren ondorioak zeintzuk izan diren erakustea. Bereziki, puntu hauei begiratu zaie: JOKetan aritu diren pertsonen espektatiben asebetetze-mailari, lan taldeen emaitzei, lan taldeen jarduera ahalbideratzen duten faktoreei eta egon diren oztopoei. Jasotako ebidentzia enpirikoa (galdetegia, elkarrizketak) aztertu eta gero, esan daiteke orokorrean emaitzak nahiko positiboak izan direla, efekturik nabarmenenak arlo hauetan lortu direlarik: JOK-ak osatzen dituzten pertsonen parte hartzea areagotzea; Komunikazioa hobetzea (parte-hartzaileen artean eta horien eta zuzendaritzen artean); Pertsona arteko harremanak sendotzea; Ezagutza elkarri zabaltzea; Enpresarekiko asebetetasun handiagotzea. Aitzitik, aurkitu diren oztopo handienak hauexek izan dira: JOK-a behar bezala garatzeko denbora falta eta hasierako inplikazio falta (top-down ezarritako JOK-etan).


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Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience exacerbations of the disease that require hospitalization. Current guidelines offer little guidance for identifying patients whose clinical situation is appropriate for admission to the hospital, and properly developed and validated severity scores for COPD exacerbations are lacking. To address these important gaps in clinical care, we created the IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study. Methods/Design: The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology was used to identify appropriate and inappropriate scenarios for hospital admission for patients experiencing COPD exacerbations. These scenarios were then applied to a prospective cohort of patients attending the emergency departments (ED) of 16 participating hospitals. Information was recorded during the time the patient was evaluated in the ED, at the time a decision was made to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge home, and during follow-up after admission or discharge home. While complete data were generally available at the time of ED admission, data were often missing at the time of decision making. Predefined assumptions were used to impute much of the missing data. Discussion: The IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study will validate the appropriateness criteria developed by the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology and thus better delineate the requirements for admission or discharge of patients experiencing exacerbations of COPD. The study will also provide a better understanding of the determinants of outcomes of COPD exacerbations, and evaluate the equity and variability in access and outcomes in these patients.


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Survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest depends largely on two factors: early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation. CPR must be interrupted for a reliable automated rhythm analysis because chest compressions induce artifacts in the ECG. Unfortunately, interrupting CPR adversely affects survival. In the last twenty years, research has been focused on designing methods for analysis of ECG during chest compressions. Most approaches are based either on adaptive filters to remove the CPR artifact or on robust algorithms which directly diagnose the corrupted ECG. In general, all the methods report low specificity values when tested on short ECG segments, but how to evaluate the real impact on CPR delivery of continuous rhythm analysis during CPR is still unknown. Recently, researchers have proposed a new methodology to measure this impact. Moreover, new strategies for fast rhythm analysis during ventilation pauses or high-specificity algorithms have been reported. Our objective is to present a thorough review of the field as the starting point for these late developments and to underline the open questions and future lines of research to be explored in the following years.


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Background: Cell-surface glycoproteins play critical roles in cell-to-cell recognition, signal transduction and regulation, thus being crucial in cell proliferation and cancer etiogenesis and development. DPP IV and NEP are ubiquitous glycopeptidases closely linked to tumor pathogenesis and development, and they are used as markers in some cancers. In the present study, the activity and protein and mRNA expression of these glycoproteins were analysed in a subset of clear-cell (CCRCC) and chromophobe (ChRCC) renal cell carcinomas, and in renal oncocytomas (RO). Methods: Peptidase activities were measured by conventional enzymatic assays with fluorogen-derived substrates. Gene expression was quantitatively determined by qRT-PCR and membrane-bound protein expression and distribution analysis was performed by specific immunostaining. Results: The activity of both glycoproteins was sharply decreased in the three histological types of renal tumors. Protein and mRNA expression was strongly downregulated in tumors from distal nephron (ChRCC and RO). Moreover, soluble DPP IV activity positively correlated with the aggressiveness of CCRCCs (higher activities in high grade tumors). Conclusions: These results support the pivotal role for DPP IV and NEP in the malignant transformation pathways and point to these peptidases as potential diagnostic markers.