766 resultados para Management -- Sri Lanka -- Case studies
Some organizations end up reimplementing the same class of business process over and over: an "administrative process", which consists of managing a form through several states and involving various roles in the organization. This results in wasted time that could be dedicated to better understanding the process or dealing with the fine details that are specific to the process. Existing virtual office solutions require specific training and infrastructure andmay result in vendor lock-in. In this paper, we propose using a high-level domain-specific language (AdminDSL) to describe the administrative process and a separate code generator targeting a standard web framework. We have implemented the approach using Xtext, EGL and the Django web framework, and we illustrate it through two case studies: a synthetic examination process which illustrates the architecture of the generated code, and a real-world workplace survey process that identified several future avenues for improvement.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical framework, based on contemporary philosophical aesthetics, from which principled assessments of the aesthetic value of information organization frameworks may be conducted.Design/methodology/approach – This paper identifies appropriate discourses within the field of philosophical aesthetics, constructs from them a framework for assessing aesthetic properties of information organization frameworks. This framework is then applied in two case studies examining the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), and Sexual Nomenclature: A Thesaurus. Findings – In both information organization frameworks studied, the aesthetic analysis was useful in identifying judgments of the frameworks as aesthetic judgments, in promoting discovery of further areas of aesthetic judgments, and in prompting reflection on the nature of these aesthetic judgments. Research limitations/implications – This study provides proof-of-concept for the aesthetic evaluation of information organization frameworks. Areas of future research are identified as the role of cultural relativism in such aesthetic evaluation and identification of appropriate aesthetic properties of information organization frameworks.Practical implications – By identifying a subset of judgments of information organization frameworks as aesthetic judgments, aesthetic evaluation of such frameworks can be made explicit and principled. Aesthetic judgments can be separated from questions of economic feasibility, functional requirements, and user-orientation. Design and maintenance of information organization frameworks can be based on these principles.Originality/value – This study introduces a new evaluative axis for information organization frameworks based on philosophical aesthetics. By improving the evaluation of such novel frameworks, design and maintenance can be guided by these principles.Keywords Evaluation, Analysis, Bibliographic systems, Indexes, Retrieval languages, Philosophy
TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) financed by the European Commission, had the main goals of evaluating the energy consumption and to identify the best available practices to improve energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors, such as the olive oil mills. A general analysis of energy consumptions allowed identifying the partition between electrical and thermal energy (approximately 50%) and the production processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions, as being the in the mill and paste preparation and the phases separation. Some measures for reducing energy waste and for improving energy efficiency were identified and the impact was evaluated by using the TESLA tool developed by Circe and available at the TESLA website.
La sequía afecta a todos los sectores de la sociedad y se espera que su frecuencia e intensidad aumente debido al cambio climático. Su gestión plantea importantes retos en el futuro. El enfoque de riesgo, que promueve una respuesta proactiva, se identifica como un marco de gestión apropiado que se está empezando a consolidar a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, es necesario contar con estudios sobre las características de la gestión de la sequía bajo este enfoque y sus implicaciones en la práctica. En esta tesis se evalúan diversos elementos que son relevantes para la gestión de la sequía, desde diferentes perspectivas, con especial énfasis en el componente social de la sequía. Para esta investigación se han desarrollado cinco estudios: (1) un análisis de las leyes de emergencia aprobadas durante la sequía 2005-2008 en España; (2) un estudio sobre la percepción de la sequía de los agricultores a nivel local; (3) una evaluación de las características y enfoque de gestión en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo; (4) un análisis sistemático de los estudios de cuantificación de la vulnerabilidad a la sequía a nivel global; y (5) un análisis de los impactos de la sequía a partir en una base de datos europea. Los estudios muestran la importancia de la capacidad institucional como un factor que promueve y facilita la adopción del enfoque de riesgo. Al mismo tiempo, la falta de estudios de vulnerabilidad, el escaso conocimiento de los impactos y una escasa cultura de la evaluación post-sequía destacan como importantes limitantes para aprovechar el conocimiento que se genera en la gestión de un evento. A través del estudio de las leyes de sequía se evidencia la existencia de incoherencias entre cómo se define el problema de la sequía y las soluciones que se plantean, así como el uso de un discurso de securitización para perseguir objetivos más allá de la gestión de la sequía. El estudio de percepción permite identificar la existencia de diferentes problemas y percepciones de la sequía y muestra cómo los regantes utilizan principalmente los impactos para identificar y caracterizar la severidad de un evento, lo cual difiere de las definiciones predominantes a otros niveles de gestión. Esto evidencia la importancia de considerar la diversidad de definiciones y percepciones en la gestión, para realizar una gestión más ajustada a las necesidades de los diferentes sectores y colectivos. El análisis de la gestión de la sequía en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo ha permitido identificar diferentes niveles de adopción del enfoque de riesgo en la práctica. El marco de análisis establecido, que se basa en seis dimensiones de análisis y 21 criterios, ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para diagnosticar los elementos que funcionan y los que es necesario mejorar en relación a la gestión del riesgo a la sequía. El análisis sistemático de los estudios de vulnerabilidad ha evidenciado la heterogeneidad en los marcos conceptuales utilizados así como debilidades en los factores de vulnerabilidad que se suelen incluir, en muchos casos derivada de la falta de datos. El trabajo sistemático de recolección de información sobre impactos de la sequía ha evidenciado la escasez de información sobre el tema a nivel europeo y la importancia de la gestión de la información. La base de datos de impactos desarrollada tiene un gran potencial como herramienta exploratoria y orientativa del tipo de impactos que produce la sequía en cada región, pero todavía presenta algunos retos respecto a su contenido, proceso de gestión y utilidad práctica. Existen importantes limitaciones vinculadas con el acceso y la disponibilidad de información y datos relevantes vinculados con la gestión de la sequía y todos sus componentes. La participación, los niveles de gestión, la perspectiva sectorial y las relaciones entre los componentes de gestión del riesgo considerados constituyen aspectos críticos que es necesario mejorar en el futuro. Así, los cinco artículos en su conjunto presentan ejemplos concretos que ayudan a conocer mejor la gestión de la sequía y que pueden resultar de utilidad para políticos, gestores y usuarios. ABSTRACT Drought affects all sectors and their frequency and intensity is expected to increase due to climate change. Drought management poses significant challenges in the future. Undertaking a drought risk management approach promotes a proactive response, and it is starting to consolidate internationally. However, it is still necessary to conduct studies on the characteristics of drought risk management and its practical implications. This thesis provides an evaluation of various relevant aspects of drought management from different perspectives and with special emphasis on the social component of droughts. For the purpose of this research a number of five studies have been carried out: (1) analysis of the emergency laws adopted during the 2005-2008 drought in Spain; (2) study of farmers perception of drought at a local level; (3) assessment of the characteristics and drought management issues in six case studies across Europe; (4) systematic analysis of drought vulnerability assessments; and (5) analysis of drought impacts from an European impacts text-based database. The results show the importance of institutional capacity as a factor that promotes and facilitates the adoption of a risk approach. In contrast, the following issues are identified as the main obstacles to take advantage of the lessons learnt: (1) lack of vulnerability studies, (2) limited knowledge about the impact and (3) limited availability of post-drought assessments Drought emergency laws evidence the existence of inconsistencies between drought problem definition and the measures proposed as solutions. Moreover, the securitization of the discourse pursue goals beyond management drought. The perception of drought by farmers helps to identify the existence of several definitions of drought. It also highlights the importance of impacts in defining and characterizing the severity of an event. However, this definition differs from the one used at other institutional and management level. As a conclusion, this remarks the importance of considering the diversity of definitions and perceptions to better tailor drought management to the needs of different sectors and stakeholders. The analysis of drought management in six case studies across Europe show different levels of risk adoption approach in practice. The analytical framework proposed is based on six dimensions and 21 criteria. This method has proven to be a useful tool in diagnosing the elements that work and those that need to be improved in relation to drought risk management. The systematic analysis of vulnerability assessment studies demonstrates the heterogeneity of the conceptual frameworks used. Driven by the lack of relevant data, the studies point out significant weaknesses of the vulnerabilities factors that are typically included The heterogeneity of the impact data collected at European level to build the European Drought Impact Reports Database (EDII) highlights the importance of information management. The database has great potential as exploratory tool and provides indicative useful information of the type of impacts that occurred in a particular region. However, it still presents some challenges regarding their content, the process of data collection and management and its usefulness. There are significant limitations associated with the access and availability of relevant information and data related to drought management and its components. The following improvement areas on critical aspects have been identified for the near future: participation, levels of drought management, sectorial perspective and in-depth assessment of the relationships between the components of drought risk management The five articles presented in this dissertation provides concrete examples of drought management evaluation that help to better understand drought management from a risk-based perspective which can be useful for policy makers, managers and users.
Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.
A typical characteristic of the ongoing practice of democracy in Singapore has been described by some scholars as 'illiberal democracy'. Noting that Singapore 's brand of democracy operates within a 'dominant, one-party system', other scholars cushioned such a democratic practice by their reference to 'semi-democracy', 'controlled democracy, 'guided democracy, and 'communitarian democracy'. However, despite the demonstration that there are many restrictions in the type of democracy that exists in Singapore, the benefits are numerous. Singapore is the only country in the world to have transformed itself from a developing country to a developed country in less than only forty years. But its slower move towards a culture ofparticipation must move as quickly as globalization does if it is to remain in relevant and legitimate democracy. If the younger generation understands that they should have the right to a voice before the government acknowledges it, the transition could be more tumultuous than necessary.
Sri Lanka has one of the highest rates of natural disasters and violent conflicts in the world. Yet there is a lack of research on its unique socio-cultural characteristics that determine an individual's cognitive and behavioural responses to distressing encounters. This study extends Goh, Sawang and Oei's (2010) revised transactional model to examine the cognitive and behavioural processes of occupational stress experience in the collectivistic society of Sri Lanka. A time series survey was used to measure the participant's stress-coping process. Using the revised transactional model and path analysis, a unique Sri Lankan model is identified that provides theoretical insights on the revised transactional model, and sheds light on socio-cultural dimensions of occupational stress and coping, thus equipping practitioners with a sound theoretical basis for the development of stress management programs in the workplace.
Purpose Ethnic entrepreneurship is, and always has been, a means of survival. However, there is limited literature on ethnic entrepreneurship in Australia and therefore, an understanding of ethnic entrepreneurs’ motivations to become self-employed. The purpose of this paper is to report the influential factors in the decision to engage in self-employment through case studies of members of Melbourne’s Sri Lankan community informed by the mixed embeddedness approach. Design/methodology/approach The mixed embeddedness approach frames the study where the authors examine the motivations for business of five Sri Lankan entrepreneurs. Narratives are used to construct individual case studies, which are then analyzed in terms of the motivations for, resources used and challenges faced on the entrepreneurial journey. Findings For these ethnic entrepreneurs, their entrepreneurial activity results from a dynamic match between local market opportunities and the specific ethnic resources available to them at the time of founding. The self-employment decision was not prompted by a lack of human capital but an inability to use that human capital in alternative means of employment at specific points in time. Moreover the authors highlight the importance of social and cultural capital as resources used to overcome challenges on the entrepreneurial journey. Originality/value In this community, entrepreneurship was not a result of a lack of human capital but how it was utilized in combination with social and cultural capitals in the given opportunity structure. The mixed embeddedness approach enables the uncovering of how ethnic network ties were used in light of the opportunities available to build entrepreneurial activity.
A field experiment was conducted in the low country of Sri Lanka, during the period 1994–1995 to investigate the severity of weed infestation and tea growth in relation to weed management methods in newly established tea (Camellia sinensis[L.] Kuntze). Manual weeding (hand and slash weeding) at various intervals was compared with various herbicides, with or without mulching. Weed control with herbicides was superior to that of hand weeding at 6-week intervals or more. Weed control with oxyfluorfen at 0.29 kg ai ha−1 + paraquat at 0.17 kg ai ha−1 or glyphosate at 0.99 kg ai ha−1 + kaolin at 3.42 kg ha−1 were superior. Plots unweeded for 12 weeks or more produced significantly greater (P < 0.05) weed biomass than plots unweeded for 6 weeks. Although the least weed dry weight (P < 0.05) and the greatest number of weed species were recorded with hand weeding at 2 week intervals, there was no particular benefit on tea growth when compared with hand weeding at 6 and 12 week intervals. Inter row mulching in chemically treated plots was more favorable for tea growth than no mulching, while living weed cover in unmulched slash weeded plots suppressed tea growth. A combination of mulching and herbicides, particularly oxyfluorfen and paraquat, followed by hand weeding at least every 6–8 weeks was considered the most appropriate weed management system for young tea.
Organizations introduce acceptable use policies to deter employee computer misuse. Despite the controlling, monitoring and other forms of interventions employed, some employees misuse the organizational computers to carry out their personal work such as sending emails, surfing internet, chatting, playing games etc. These activities not only waste productive time of employees but also bring a risk to the organization. A questionnaire was administrated to a random sample of employees selected from large and medium scale software development organizations, which measured the work computer misuse levels and the factors that influence such behavior. The presence of guidelines provided no evidence of significant effect on the level of employee computer misuse. Not having access to Internet /email away from work and organizational settings were identified to be the most significant influences of work computer misuse.
Integration of indigenous knowledge and ethnoscientific approaches into contemporary frameworks for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources will become increasingly important in policies on an international and national level. We set the scene on how this can be done by exploring the key conditions and dimensions of a dialogue between ‘ontologies’ and the roles, which ethnosciences could play in this process. First, the roles which ethnosciences in the context of sustainable development were analysed, placing emphasis on the implications arising when western sciences aspire to relate to indigenous forms of knowledge. Secondly, the contributions of ethnosciences to such an ‘inter-ontological dialogue’ were explored, based on an ethnoecological study of the encounter of sciences and indigenous knowledge in the Andes of Bolivia, and reviewed experiences from mangrove systems in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka, and from case-studies in other ecosystems world-wide.