938 resultados para Livestock factories


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An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate and describe in detail the nature and extent of contamination of processed fishery products. In large scale prawn processing when the preprocess preparation is elaborate, the industry in India has found it advantageous to establish the primary processing centers away from the processing factories. The data collected have clearly indicated that if such processing centers are not properly organized there is a possibility of greater contamination of the products at this stage. The data collected during the course of this investigation have given the basis for the measures to be taken for the maintenance of bacterial quality of prawn during different stages of processing.


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A process is described for isolation of edible protein from blanch liquor, which is discarded as a waste at present from prawn canning factories. The protein isolated is colourless and odourless and contains an appreciable amount of salt from the brine used for blanching prawns. It is comparable to fish protein concentrate in amino acid composition.


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Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.


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Implications of the fish export trade on the people and the fisheries resource of Lake Victoria, Uganda were examined. Eight fish processing factories and ninety fishers were analyzed in terms of socio-economic characteristics of fishers and the economic characteristics of fish factories. Results indicated that industrial fish processors in Uganda are presently the main link between the artisanal fisher-folk and the overseas export markets. Their entry into the market has stabilized and expanded the fisher-folk market and average earnings. Fishers attributed improvement in incomes and living standards (76%) to positive changes in the fish market (78%) in the last 5 years (1994-1999). Ugandan fisher-folk communities are not seriously affected by the Nile perch exports (73%) because they normally have easy access to cheap fish at prices much less than urban prices and; depend mainly on alternative fish species of less export value. The price of Nile perch influences positively the price of Tilapia


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It is now clear that fisheries resources are among the key assets contributing to the national development objective of poverty eradication through providing food, employment, income and export earnings. It was recently reported in the papers that monthly fish exports had increased by 23% and fetched about US$ 10 Million during the month of November 2001 alone. This value may be underestimated as it is based solely on recorded exports from fish processing factories numbering 12. Although fisheries resources are renewable they can be depleted through unsustainable exploitation. It is therefore important to ensure that there is guided development and management of this asset so that it can continue contributing to the livelihood of the people who depend on it. Therefore, FIRRI contributes to the fisheries sub-sector developmental objective of ensuring increased and sustainable fishery production and utilization by providing information to guide sustainable management of capture fisheries resources and development of aquaculture.


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Nine different categories of stakeholders in shrimp farming industry ·were assessed to show the socioeconomic impact of shrimp farming in south-west Bangladesh. Among all the stakeholders the shrimp farmer's average own land was 4 ha whereas the seed collectors and faria's had lowest amount of average land, 0.1 and 0.5 ha respectively. The shrimp farming positively impacted to the livelihood of stakeholders. Income of the coastal people, sanitation, working facilities of women, employment, health condition and the literacy rate increased due to shrimp farming. On the other hand shrimp farming had negative impact on the rice production, livestock, drinking water supply, and social conflict and violence had increased due to shrimp farming. There were internal conflicts between different stakeholders; the farias conflict with the depot owners and shrimp farmers, marginal farmers' conflict with the rich shrimp farmers about leasing lands and saline water control, the rice farmers conflicts with the shrimp farmers about agricultural crop production.


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The wastage of prawns due to spoilage in processing factories accounted to about 0-12% in 1974, 0-35% in 1975, 0-3% in 1976 and 0-4% in 1977. Spoilage increases with the time lag between catching and processing and also due to defective icing. The paper discusses the counts of whole prawns required for obtaining meat of specified size grades.


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Commercial frog waste samples have been converted into meals by cooking at 0.7 kg/sq. cm for 30 min, draining off the stick water and drying the press cake either in the sun, tunnel dryer under controlled conditions or hot air oven. Yield of the meal varied between 18.6 to 21.5% of the fresh frog waste. Chemical analyses of the meals have shown that the meals prepared from frog waste conform to standards prescribed for fish meal and livestock feed and can therefore be used for supplementation of poultry/animal feed.


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Master cartons for fishery products collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for bursting strength, puncture resistance, waterproofness, combined weight of liners, basis weight of the corrugating medium, weight of the carton, dimensions of the carton, wax content and saponifiable matter and discussed in the light of the ISI standards.


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Waxed duplex cartons collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for their physico-chemical properties such as bursting strength, puncture resistance, water proofness, tearing, strength, tensile strength, elongation, moisture content, thickness, weight of the carton, dimension, wax content and saponifiable matter. The results are discussed from the point of view of formulation of standards for this most widely employed packaging material for frozen fishery products in the country.


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A detailed bacteriological survey of the prawn canneries of Cochin area was carried out to study the nature and type of micro-organisms present in the factory environs and their role in causing contamination of the canned products. About 26% of the total of 1030 strains isolated was found to be gram positive spore-formers of the Bacillus type, the cooling water being their major source. Similar types of organisms formed the major group often met with in defective canned prawn samples picked up from the factories for examination, thus establishing a correlation between bacterial characteristics and load of cooling water and can contamination.


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Prawn processing factories of the three major fish processing centres of the West Coast of India, viz., Cochin, Mangalore and Calicut were surveyed to determine the occurrence of Clostridium perfringens in processing areas, and in processed products. Direct plating on Sulphite-polymyxin- sulphadiazine Agar and enrichment techniques were used. Samples of prawn, prawn guts, frozen prawns, canned prawns, water, ice, swab from utensils and soil from the factory premises were examined. Among a total of 461 samples examined, only 32 (6.9%) gave positive results. The incidence of C. perfringens was more in prawn guts (80%), followed by soil (50%), prawn (38%), ice (33.3%), frozen prawns (11%), swab (5.0%) and water (1.1%). No C. perfringens was isolated from canned prawns.


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A survey on the sources and quality of water used in prawn processing factories has revealed much non-uniformity in the chemical quality. An attempt has been made to study the effect of varying concentrations of chemical constituents in the water used for prawn freezing and its influence on the quality of the prawn after freezing and during cold storage. The results of the study are reported in this communication, together with recommendations on the quality tolerances for water used in fish processing industry.


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Data on proximate composition, total volatile bases, total non-protein nitrogen and bacterial quality of commercial samples of Indian fish meal are presented in this communication. The samples vary very much in quality depending on the type of raw material used and method of processing followed. The data are discussed in relation to the Indian standard Specifications for fish meal as livestock feed.


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The domestication of livestock represented a crucial step in human history. By using endogenous retroviruses as genetic markers, we found that sheep differentiated on the basis of their "retrotype" and morphological traits dispersed across Eurasia and Afr