978 resultados para Leukotriene Biosynthesis


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the human intervertebral disc is rich in molecules that interact with cells through integrin-mediated attachments. Porcine nucleus pulposus (NP) cells have been shown to interact with laminin (LM) isoforms LM-111 and LM-511 through select integrins that regulate biosynthesis and cell attachment. Since human NP cells lose many phenotypic characteristics with age, attachment and interaction with the ECM may be altered. Expression of LM-binding integrins was quantified for human NP cells using flow cytometry. The cell-ECM attachment mechanism was determined by quantifying cell attachment to LM-111, LM-511, or type II collagen after functionally blocking specific integrin subunits. Human NP cells express integrins β1, α3, and α5, with over 70% of cells positive for each subunit. Blocking subunit β1 inhibited NP cell attachment to all substrates. Blocking subunits α1, α2, α3, and α5 simultaneously, but not individually, inhibits NP cell attachment to laminins. While integrin α6β1 mediated porcine NP cell attachment to LM-111, we found integrins α3, α5, and β1 instead contributed to human NP cell attachment. These findings identify integrin subunits that may mediate interactions with the ECM for human NP cells and could be used to promote cell attachment, survival, and biosynthesis in cell-based therapeutics.


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It is widely appreciated that larvae of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans arrest development by forming dauer larvae in response to multiple unfavorable environmental conditions. C. elegans larvae can also reversibly arrest development earlier, during the first larval stage (L1), in response to starvation. "L1 arrest" (also known as "L1 diapause") occurs without morphological modification but is accompanied by increased stress resistance. Caloric restriction and periodic fasting can extend adult lifespan, and developmental models are critical to understanding how the animal is buffered from fluctuations in nutrient availability, impacting lifespan. L1 arrest provides an opportunity to study nutritional control of development. Given its relevance to aging, diabetes, obesity and cancer, interest in L1 arrest is increasing, and signaling pathways and gene regulatory mechanisms controlling arrest and recovery have been characterized. Insulin-like signaling is a critical regulator, and it is modified by and acts through microRNAs. DAF-18/PTEN, AMP-activated kinase and fatty acid biosynthesis are also involved. The nervous system, epidermis, and intestine contribute systemically to regulation of arrest, but cell-autonomous signaling likely contributes to regulation in the germline. A relatively small number of genes affecting starvation survival during L1 arrest are known, and many of them also affect adult lifespan, reflecting a common genetic basis ripe for exploration. mRNA expression is well characterized during arrest, recovery, and normal L1 development, providing a metazoan model for nutritional control of gene expression. In particular, post-recruitment regulation of RNA polymerase II is under nutritional control, potentially contributing to a rapid and coordinated response to feeding. The phenomenology of L1 arrest will be reviewed, as well as regulation of developmental arrest and starvation survival by various signaling pathways and gene regulatory mechanisms.


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The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a major human pathogen and a main cause of genital and ocular diseases. During its intracellular cycle, C. trachomatis replicates inside a membrane-bound vacuole termed an "inclusion". Acquisition of lipids (and other nutrients) from the host cell is a critical step in chlamydial replication. Lipid droplets (LD) are ubiquitous, ER-derived neutral lipid-rich storage organelles surrounded by a phospholipids monolayer and associated proteins. Previous studies have shown that LDs accumulate at the periphery of, and eventually translocate into, the chlamydial inclusion. These observations point out to Chlamydia-mediated manipulation of LDs in infected cells, which may impact the function and thereby the protein composition of these organelles. By means of a label-free quantitative mass spectrometry approach we found that the LD proteome is modified in the context of C. trachomatis infection. We determined that LDs isolated from C. trachomatis-infected cells were enriched in proteins related to lipid metabolism, biosynthesis and LD-specific functions. Interestingly, consistent with the observation that LDs intimately associate with the inclusion, a subset of inclusion membrane proteins co-purified with LD protein extracts. Finally, genetic ablation of LDs negatively affected generation of C. trachomatis infectious progeny, consistent with a role for LD biogenesis in optimal chlamydial growth.


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Growth cone guidance and synaptic plasticity involve dynamic local changes in proteins at axons and dendrites. The Dual-Leucine zipper Kinase MAPKKK (DLK) has been previously implicated in synaptogenesis and axon outgrowth in C. elegans and other animals. Here we show that in C. elegans DLK-1 regulates not only proper synapse formation and axon morphology but also axon regeneration by influencing mRNA stability. DLK-1 kinase signals via a MAPKAP kinase, MAK-2, to stabilize the mRNA encoding CEBP-1, a bZip protein related to CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins, via its 3'UTR. Inappropriate upregulation of cebp-1 in adult neurons disrupts synapses and axon morphology. CEBP-1 and the DLK-1 pathway are essential for axon regeneration after laser axotomy in adult neurons, and axotomy induces translation of CEBP-1 in axons. Our findings identify the DLK-1 pathway as a regulator of mRNA stability in synapse formation and maintenance and also in adult axon regeneration.


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Constitutive biosynthesis of lipid A via the Raetz pathway is essential for the viability and fitness of Gram-negative bacteria, includingChlamydia trachomatis Although nearly all of the enzymes in the lipid A biosynthetic pathway are highly conserved across Gram-negative bacteria, the cleavage of the pyrophosphate group of UDP-2,3-diacyl-GlcN (UDP-DAGn) to form lipid X is carried out by two unrelated enzymes: LpxH in beta- and gammaproteobacteria and LpxI in alphaproteobacteria. The intracellular pathogenC. trachomatislacks an ortholog for either of these two enzymes, and yet, it synthesizes lipid A and exhibits conservation of genes encoding other lipid A enzymes. Employing a complementation screen against aC. trachomatisgenomic library using a conditional-lethallpxHmutantEscherichia colistrain, we have identified an open reading frame (Ct461, renamedlpxG) encoding a previously uncharacterized enzyme that complements the UDP-DAGn hydrolase function inE. coliand catalyzes the conversion of UDP-DAGn to lipid Xin vitro LpxG shows little sequence similarity to either LpxH or LpxI, highlighting LpxG as the founding member of a third class of UDP-DAGn hydrolases. Overexpression of LpxG results in toxic accumulation of lipid X and profoundly reduces the infectivity ofC. trachomatis, validating LpxG as the long-sought-after UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase in this prominent human pathogen. The complementation approach presented here overcomes the lack of suitable genetic tools forC. trachomatisand should be broadly applicable for the functional characterization of other essentialC. trachomatisgenes.IMPORTANCEChlamydia trachomatisis a leading cause of infectious blindness and sexually transmitted disease. Due to the lack of robust genetic tools, the functions of manyChlamydiagenes remain uncharacterized, including the essential gene encoding the UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase activity for the biosynthesis of lipid A, the membrane anchor of lipooligosaccharide and the predominant lipid species of the outer leaflet of the bacterial outer membrane. We designed a complementation screen against theC. trachomatisgenomic library using a conditional-lethal mutant ofE. coliand identified the missing essential gene in the lipid A biosynthetic pathway, which we designatedlpxG We show that LpxG is a member of the calcineurin-like phosphatases and displays robust UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase activityin vitro Overexpression of LpxG inC. trachomatisleads to the accumulation of the predicted lipid intermediate and reduces bacterial infectivity, validating thein vivofunction of LpxG and highlighting the importance of regulated lipid A biosynthesis inC. trachomatis.


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Because only 10% of individuals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis will eventually develop disease, antigens that are recognized differently by the immune systems of infected healthy and diseased subjects may constitute potential vaccine candidates. Here, the heparin-binding hemagglutinin adhesin (HBHA) is identified as such an antigen. Lymphocytes from 60% of healthy infected individuals (n=25) produced interferon (IFN)-gamma after stimulation with HBHA, compared with only 4% of patients with active tuberculosis (n=24). In the responders, both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells secreted HBHA-specific IFN-gamma, and the antigen was presented by both major histocompatibility complex class I and II molecules. In contrast to the reduced ability of patients with tuberculosis to produce HBHA-specific IFN-gamma, most of them (82%) produced anti-HBHA antibodies, compared with 36% of the infected healthy subjects. These observations indicate that HBHA is recognized differently by the immune systems of patients with tuberculosis and infected healthy individuals and might provide a marker for protection against tuberculosis.


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Neonatal immaturity of the immune system is currently believed to generally limit the induction of immune responses to vaccine Ags and to skew them toward type 2 responses. We demonstrated here that Bordetella pertussis infection in very young infants (median, 2 mo old) as well as the first administration of whole-cell pertussis vaccine induces B. pertussis Ag-specific IFN-gamma secretion by the PBMC of these infants. IFN-gamma was secreted by both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and the levels of Ag-induced IFN-gamma secretion did not correlate with the age of the infants. Appearance of the specific Th-1 cell-mediated immunity was accompanied by a general shift of the cytokine secretion profile of these infants toward a stronger Th1 profile, as evidenced by the response to a polyclonal stimulation. We conclude that the immune system of 2-mo-old infants is developmentally mature enough to develop Th1 responses in vivo upon infection by B. pertussis or vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccines.


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Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has recently been described as a new tool to measure and accurately quantify mRNA levels. In this study, we have applied this technique to evaluate cytokine mRNA synthesis induced by antigenic stimulation with purified protein derivative (PPD) or heparin-binding haemagglutinin (HBHA) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals. Whereas PPD and HBHA optimally induced IL-2 mRNA after respectively 8 and 16 to 24 h of in vitro stimulation, longer in vitro stimulation times were necessary for optimal induction of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) mRNA, respectively 16 to 24 h for PPD and 24 to 96 h for HBHA. IL-13 mRNA was optimally induced by in vitro stimulation after 16-48 h for PPD and after 48 to 96 h for HBHA. Comparison of antigen-induced Th1 and Th2 cytokines appears, therefore, valuable only if both cytokine types are analysed at their optimal time point of production, which, for a given cytokine, may differ for each antigen tested. Results obtained by real-time PCR for IFN-gamma and IL-13 mRNA correlated well with those obtained by measuring the cytokine concentrations in cell culture supernatants, provided they were high enough to be detected. We conclude that real-time PCR can be successfully applied to the quantification of antigen-induced cytokine mRNA and to the evaluation of the Th1/Th2 balance, only if the kinetics of cytokine mRNA appearance are taken into account and evaluated for each cytokine measured and each antigen analysed.


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BACKGROUND: Most individuals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not develop tuberculosis (TB) and can be regarded as being protected by an appropriate immune response to the infection. The characterization of the immune responses of individuals with latent TB may thus be helpful in the definition of correlates of protection and the development of new vaccine strategies. The highly protective antigen heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) induces strong interferon (IFN)- gamma responses during latent, but not active, TB. Because of the recently recognized importance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in anti-TB immunity, we characterized the CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses to HBHA in subjects with latent TB. RESULTS: HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes expressed memory cell markers and synthesized HBHA-specific IFN- gamma .They also restricted mycobacterial growth and expressed cytotoxicity by a granule-dependent mechanism. This activity was associated with the intracellular expression of HBHA-induced perforin. Surprisingly, the perforin-producing CD8(+) T lymphocytes were distinct from the IFN- gamma -producing CD8(+) T lymphocytes. CONCLUSION: During latent TB, the HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte population expresses all 3 effector functions associated with CD8(+) T lymphocyte-mediated protective immune mechanisms, which supports the notion that HBHA may be protective in humans and suggests that markers of HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses may be useful in the monitoring of protection.


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Interactions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with macrophages have long been recognized to be crucial to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis. The role of non-phagocytic cells is less well known. We have discovered a M. tuberculosis surface protein that interacts specifically with non-phagocytic cells, expresses hemagglutination activity and binds to sulfated glycoconjugates. It is therefore called heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA). HBHA-deficient M. tuberculosis mutant strains are significantly impaired in their ability to disseminate from the lungs to other tissues, suggesting that the interaction with non-phagocytic cells, such as pulmonary epithelial cells, may play an important role in the extrapulmonary dissemination of the tubercle bacillus, one of the key steps that may lead to latency. Latently infected human individuals mount a strong T cell response to HBHA, whereas patients with active disease do not, suggesting that HBHA is a good marker for the immunodiagnosis of latent tuberculosis, and that HBHA-specific Th1 responses may contribute to protective immunity against active tuberculosis. Strong HBHA-mediated immuno-protection was shown in mouse challenge models. HBHA is a methylated protein and its antigenicity in latently infected subjects, as well as its protective immunogenicity strongly depends on the methylation pattern of HBHA. In both mice and man, the HBHA-specific IFN-gamma was produced by both the CD4(+) and the CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, the HBHA-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed bactericidal and cytotoxic activities to mycobacteria-infected macrophages. This latter activity is most likely perforin mediated. Together, these observations strongly support the potential of methylated HBHA as an important component in future, acellular vaccines against tuberculosis.


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Many efforts are currently made to prepare combined vaccines against most infectious pathogens, that may be administered early in life to protect infants against infectious diseases as early as possible. However, little is known about the general immune modulation induced by early vaccination. Here, we have analyzed the cytokine secretion profiles of two groups of 6-month-old infants having received as primary immunization either a whole-cell (Pw) or an acellular (Pa) pertussis vaccine in a tetravalent formulation of pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria-poliomyelitis vaccines. Both groups of infants secreted IFN-gamma in response to the Bordetella pertussis antigens filamentous haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin, and this response was correlated with antigen-specific IL-12p70 secretion, indicating that both pertussis vaccines induced Th1 cytokines. However, Pa recipients also developed a strong Th2-type cytokine response to the B. pertussis antigens, as noted previously. In addition, they induced Th2-type cytokines to the co-administrated antigen tetanus toxoïd, as well as to the food antigen beta-lactoglobulin. Furthermore, the general cytokine profile of the Pa recipients was strongly Th2-skewed at 6 months, as indicated by the cytokines induced by the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin. These data demonstrate that the cytokine profile of 6-month-old infants is influenced by the type of formulation of the pertussis vaccine they received at 2, 3 and 4 months of life. Large prospective studies would be warranted to evaluate the possible long-term consequences of this early modulation of the cytokine responses in infants.


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CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells have recently been found at elevated levels in the peripheral blood of tuberculosis patients, compared to Mycobacterium tuberculosis latently infected (LTBI) healthy individuals and non-infected controls. Here, we show that CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ T lymphocytes can be expanded in vitro from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of LTBI individuals, but not of uninfected controls by incubating them with BCG in the presence of TGF-beta. These expanded cells from the PBMC of LTBI subjects expressed CTLA-4, GITR and OX-40, but were CD127low/- and have therefore the phenotype of Treg cells. In addition, they inhibited in a dose-dependant manner the proliferation of freshly isolated mononuclear cells in response to polyclonal stimulation, indicating that they are functional Treg lymphocytes. In contrast, incubation of the PBMC with BCG alone preferentially induced activated CD4+ T cells, expressing CD25 and/or CD69 and secreting IFN-gamma. These results show that CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ Treg cells can be expanded or induced in the peripheral blood of LTBI individuals in conditions known to predispose to progression towards active tuberculosis and may therefore play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease.


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RATIONALE: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of death, and the role of T-cell responses to control Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections is well recognized. Patients with latent TB infection develop strong IFN-gamma responses to the protective antigen heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA), whereas patients with active TB do not. OBJECTIVES: We investigated the mechanism of this difference and evaluated the possible involvement of regulatory T (Treg) cells and/or cytokines in the low HBHA T-cell responses of patients with active TB. METHODS: The impact of anti-transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and anti-IL-10 antibodies and of Treg cell depletion on the HBHA-induced IFN-gamma secretion was analyzed, and the Treg cell phenotype was characterized by flow cytometry. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Although the addition of anti-TGF-beta or anti-IL-10 antibodies had no effect on the HBHA-induced IFN-gamma secretion in patients with active TB, depletion of CD4(+)CD25(high)FOXP3(+) T lymphocytes resulted in the induction by HBHA of IFN-gamma concentrations that reached levels similar to those obtained for latent TB infection. No effect was noted on the early-secreted antigen target-6 or candidin T-cell responses. CONCLUSIONS: Specific CD4(+)CD25(high)FOXP3(+) T cells depress the T-cell-mediated immune responses to the protective mycobacterial antigen HBHA during active TB in humans.


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Antigen-specific gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) has been demonstrated to participate in protection against Bordetella pertussis infection. Circulating mononuclear cells from B. pertussis-infected and from pertussis-vaccinated infants secrete high amounts of IFN-gamma after in vitro stimulation by B. pertussis antigens, but with a large variation in the secreted IFN-gamma levels between individuals. We show here that the inhibition of the specific IFN-gamma response can be at least partially attributed to IL-10 secretion by monocytes. This IL-10 secretion was not associated with polymorphisms at positions -1082, -819, and -592 of the IL-10 gene promoter, suggesting that other genetic or environmental factors affect IL-10 expression and secretion.