985 resultados para Leg Cuts
The lipids and kerogens of 15 sediment samples from Site 547 (ranging from Pleistocene to Early Jurassic/Triassic) and 4 from Site 545 (Cretaceous) have been analyzed. A strong terrestrial contribution of organic matter was found, and significant autochthonous inputs were also present, especially at Site 545. Both strongly reduced and highly oxidized sediments have been found in the Cenozoic and Jurassic samples of Site 547. On the contrary, all the Cretaceous sections of Sites 547 and 545 are anoxic. Sediments from anoxic paleoenvironments are immature and have a high content of sterenes, diasterenes, steradienes, hopenes, and ßß hopanes. Samples from oxic paleoenvironments are mainly mature and their content of hopenes and steriod structures is below the detection level. Nevertheless, their hopane distributions have the immature ßß homologs as the predominant molecular markers. For Site 545 the most abundant molecular markers are ring A monoaromatic steranes, and their presence is attributed to microbial and chemical transformations during early diagenesis.
Interstitial water analyses from sediments collected during Leg 25 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project have revealed that in the southwest Indian Ocean, great chemical activity exists in sediments in various depositional environments. Variable sedimentation rates allow us to set some interesting boundary conditions on chemical and transport processes in these interstitial waters, particularly with regard to the distribution of dissolved sulfate. In terrigenous rapidly deposited sediments, large depletions are observed in magnesium and potassium, whereas relatively small decreases in dissolved calcium occur. In slowly deposited detrital sediments, also, large decreases in potassium and magnesium coincide with very large calcium increases. In truly pelagic sediments, a one to one replacement of magnesium by calcium is observed in the interstitial waters, presumably due to reactions in the basal sediment layers. Biogenous deposits have great influence on dissolved silica (sponge spicules and radiolarians) and on dissolved strontium (carbonate recrystallization). Otherwise, dissolved silica reflects the clay mineralogy and shows variations which seem particularly dependent on the presence or absence of kaolinite. Variable dissolved manganese values reflect reducing conditions and/or availability of manganese in the solid phases for mobilization in reducing sediments.
Five Ocean Drilling Program sites (657-661), which form a north-south transect off the western periphery of the Sahara, were selected to measure the long-term history of Saharan/Sahelian dust flux and fluvial sediment discharge and the fluxes of marine CaCO3 and opal over the last 8 m.y. Sites 658 and 659 served for high-resolution studies, and Sites 657, 660, and 661 for insights into the spatial patterns of dust flux. The nearshore mean flux of opal off Cap Blanc (21 °N) showed an abrupt increase about 3 Ma that appears to reflect the main onset of coastal upwelling fertility and enhanced trade winds. At the same time, the input of river-borne clay strongly decreased, suggesting a dry up of the central Saharan rivers. Later, marked short-lived spikes of clay and opal may indicate ongoing ephemeral pulses of fluvial runoff linked to peak interglacial stages. Given the zonal dust discharge centered near 18 °N at Site 659, the aridification of the south Sahara and Sahel increased in several steps: at 4.6, 4.3, and especially at 4.0, 3.6, and 2.1 Ma, and again, at 0.8 Ma. The late Miocene and earliest Pliocene were humid. Although the central and north Saharan climate appears to be linked to the glaciation history of the Northern Hemisphere, the long-term aridification further south followed a different schedule. The spatial distribution of quartz accumulation suggests that the dust outbreaks linked to the Intertropical Convergence Zone during summer did not shift in latitude back to 4.0 Ma, at least. The short-term variations of dust output over the last 0.5 m.y. followed orbital scale pulses with a strong precessional signal, showing a link of Sahelian humidity changes to the variation of sea-surface temperature and evaporation in the tropical Atlantic.
Sediment spectral reflectance measurements were generated aboard the JOIDES Resolution during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162 shipboard operations. The large size of the raw data set (over 1.3 gigabytes) and limited computer hard disk storage space precluded detailed analysis of the data at sea, although broad band averages were used as aids in developing splices and determining lithologic boundaries. This data report describes the methods used to collect these data and their shipboard and postcruise processing. These initial results provide the basis for further postcruise research.
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 205 of the research vessel JOIDES Resolution was a return expedition to the Leg 170 sites located on the Costa Rica subduction zone. Here the entire sediment cover on the incoming Cocos plate, including significantly large sections of calcareous nannofossil ooze and chalk, is underthrust beneath the overriding Caribbean plate. The large amount of subducted carbonate produces characteristic styles of volcanic and seismic activity that differ from those found farther along strike in Nicaragua and elsewhere. An understanding of the fate of subducted carbonate sediment sections is an essential component to our understanding of the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon dioxide. Because Leg 205 drilling operations were performed within meters of the Leg 170 drill sites occupied during October-December 1996, minimal coring was done during Leg 205. Although the biostratigraphy of the Leg 170 sites has since been documented in detail, questions remained regarding the age and nature of a gabbro sill that was only partially penetrated by coring during Leg 170. Coring operations during Leg 205 fully penetrated the gabbro sill, followed by an additional 12 m of sediments below the sill, and then ~160 m of gabbro. Coring halted at 600 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Calcareous nannofossil age dating of the sediments immediately above the igneous sill, as well as the sediment between the sill and the lower igneous unit, indicates a minimum age of 15.6 Ma and a maximum age of 18.2 Ma for the sediments. This implies that the sill was emplaced more recently than 18.2 Ma. The calcareous nannofossil assemblage in baked sediments in contact with the top of the lower igneous unit also suggests that the maximum age for emplacement is 18.2 Ma. At Site 1254, coring was accomplished between 150 and 230 mbsf (prism section), and from 300 to 367.5 mbsf (prism and through the décollement into the underthrust section). In the interval from 150 to 322 mbsf, the biostratigraphic analysis of calcareous nannofossils suggests that the sediments are early Pleistocene age between 150 and 161 mbsf, late Pliocene age from 161 to 219 mbsf, and early Pliocene age from 219 to 222 mbsf (no younger than 3.75 Ma). The lack of marker fossils in the interval of sediments cored from 300 to 350.6 mbsf does not allow for any age determinations; however, sediments from 351.6 to 359.81 mbsf could be age dated and are also early Pliocene age, but no younger than 3.75 Ma.
Sand-silt-clay distribution was determined on 10-cm**3 sediment samples collected at the time the cores were split and described. The sediment classification used here is that of Shepard (1954), with the sand, silt, and clay boundaries based on the Wentworth (1922) scale. Thus the sand, silt, and clay fractions are composed of particles whose diameters are 2000 to 62.5 µm, 62.5 to 3.91 µm, and less than 3.91 µm, respectively. This classification is applied without regard to sediment type and origin; therefore, the sediment names used in this table may differ from those used elsewhere in this volume; e.g., a silt composed of nannofossils may be called a nannofossil ooze in a site chapter.
The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized fractions of samples from Sites 671, 672, and 674 of ODP Leg 110 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The major minerals include quartz, calcite, plagioclase feldspar, and the clay minerals smectite, illite, and kaolinite. The smectite is a dioctahedral montmorillonite and is derived primarily from degradation of volcanic ash. Percentage of smectite varies with sediment age; Miocene and Eocene sediments are the most smectite-rich. High smectite content tends to correlate with elevated porosity, presumably because of the ability of smectite clays to absorb significant amounts of interlayer water. Because of a change in physical properties, the decollement zone at Site 671 formed in sediments immediately subjacent to a section of smectite-rich, high-porosity, Miocene-age sediments. Sediments above the decollement at Site 671, as well as all sediments analyzed from Sites 672 and 674, contain nearly pure smectite characteristic of the alteration of volcanic ash. Within the decollement zone and underthrust sequence, however, the smectite contains up to 65% illite interlayers. Although the illite/smectite could be interpreted as detrital clay derived from South America, its absence in the sediments stratigraphically equivalent to the decollement and underthrust sequences at Sites 672 and 674 favors the interpretation that it originated by diagenetic alteration of pre-existing smectite similar to that in the overlying sediments. A significant percentage of the freshening of the pore waters observed in these zones could be due to the water released during smectite dehydration.
Visual-domain diffuse reflectance data collected aboard the JOIDES Resolution with the Minolta spectrometer CM-2002 during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 172 have been used to estimate successfully the carbonate content of sediments. Calibration equations were developed for each site and for each lithostratigraphic unit (or subunit at Site 1063) using multiple linear regression on raw as well as pretreated reflectance spectra (i.e., first-order derivation and squaring of raw reflectance spectra) for a total of 4141 direct carbonate measurements. The root-mean-square errors of 4% to 7% are within the range of previous estimates using diffuse reflectance data and are acceptable for the general extensive range of carbonate contents (i.e., 0-70 wt%) that characterize sedimentation at Leg 172 sites.
The main objectives of this study are (1) to characterize the spatial and temporal variations in organic matter deposited in upwelling and related sediments (manifest in the palynoclast and organic-walled microplankton assemblages) and (2) to relate these variations to paleoenvironmental changes. A total of 40 samples from Holes 679D, 680B, 681B, 684B, 686B, and 687B were analyzed. Without exception, amorphogen dominates the palynoclast assemblages overwhelmingly. Influx of terrestrial particulate organic matter to the marine realm was extremely low. Levels of amorphogen swamp other palynoclast categories, and little significance can be attached to any variations observed. Microplankton dominate the palynomorph assemblages, with variable levels of subordinate foraminiferal test linings. Miospores are rare and are absent in most samples. Foraminiferal test linings are particularly abundant in the shallowest samples, which may reflect low surface-water paleotemperatures. Cysts of heterotrophic peridiniacean dinoflagellates (P-cysts) dominate the microplankton assemblages, with variable levels of cysts of autotrophic gonyaulacacean dinoflagellates (G-cysts). Samples dominated by P-cysts are derived largely from laminated, unbioturbated units deposited under the influence of strong upwelling. A lower abundance of P-cysts in some samples is restricted to unlaminated, bioturbated units deposited under oxygenated conditions. We conclude that the ratio of P-cysts to G-cysts is a useful indicator of variable upwelling strength. Detailed study of the variations in the microplankton assemblages offers one the greatest potential for palynological characteriztion and understanding of the upwelling system.
The distributions of calcium carbonate, of amorphous silica, and of 21 chemical compounds and elements in sediments of Holes 515A, 515B, 516, 516F, 517, and 518 are highly nonuniform; they change depending on the sediment types, grain size, and mineral composition. The main source of the lithogenous elements (K, Li, Rb, Fe, Ti, Zr, Ni, Cr, Sn) is terrigenous matter of South America. These elements correlate well or at least satisfactorily with each other and with the sum of clay minerals. CaCO3, amorphous SiO2 and organic C form a second group, the main source of which is biota of the ocean. Zn, Cu, Ba, Mo, (V, Na) are a third group, which is supplied by both terrigenous and biogenic matter. Judging by the distribution of chemical elements and components in sediments of Site 515, this area of the Brazil Basin is characterized by the rather constant conditions of pelagic terrigenous sedimentation from upper Eocene till Holocene. Small changes in chemical composition of sediments throughout the section are linked mainly to the evolution of subaerial source provinces, changes in hydrodynamic regime, and fluctuations of the ocean level. The chemical composition of sediments from the Rio Grande Rise sites suggests the existence of three main stages of sedimentation in this area. The first stage is the initial period of sediment accumulation on basalts at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Then followed sedimentary conditions notable for their sharp changes in chemical composition and type. Beginning in the middle Eocene and persisting into the Holocene, stable conditions of sedimentation characterize a third stage, represented by the formation of approximately 700 m of nannofossil oozes of rather monotonous chemical composition.
Neogene calcareous nannofossils were examined from 10 holes at three sites cored during ODP Leg 105. Sediment recovered in Baffin Bay at Site 645 is virtually barren of calcareous nannofossils, with the exception of a sparse lower Miocene assemblage. Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea contain upper Miocene to Holocene sediments having numerous barren intervals. Upper Pleistocene fossil coccolithophorid floras in the Labrador Sea indicate alternations of cold subpolar with transitional (subpolar/subtropical) assemblages. Extreme variations in the abundance of Coccolithus pelagicus were observed at Sites 646 and 647. These variations are correlated with stable isotopic data to interpret oceanographic responses to warming and cooling trends. The climatic history indicated by the changes of these assemblages closely approximates the past climatic fluctuations recorded in other North Atlantic cores. One new taxon, Discoaster bergenii, is described.