961 resultados para Laboratory techniques
After microscopic characterization of the size distributions of gold clusters, deposited on carbon substrates by vacuum evaporation or by soft landing, Au(4f') binding energy of the clusters has been measured as a function of the mean cluster size. Similar measurements have been carried out on Au clusters prepared from sols by chemical means and high-nuclearity cluster compounds. In general, small clusters with a mean diameter of $2 nm show significantly larger binding energies than the bulk metal value, due to the onset of nonmetallicity. Nonmetallicity manifests itself in terms of a tunneling conductance gap only in clusters of diameter ;5 1 nm containing 40 atoms or fewer.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää desorptio/fotoionisaatio ilmanpaineessa tekniikan (engl. desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI) soveltuvuutta rikosteknisen laboratorion näytteiden analysointiin. DAPPI on nopea massaspektrometrinen ionisaatiotekniikka, jolla voidaan tutkia yhdisteitä suoraan erilaisilta pinnoilta. DAPPI:ssa käytetään lämmitettyä mikrosirua, joka suihkuttaa höyrystynyttä liuotin- ja kaasuvirtausta kohti näytettä. Näytteen pinnan komponentit desorboituvat lämmön vaikutuksesta, jonka jälkeen ionisoituminen tapahtuu VUV-lampun emittoimien fotonien avulla.DAPPI:lla tutkittiin takavarikoituja huumausaineita, anabolisia steroideja ja räjähdysaineita sekä niiden jäämiä erilaisilta pinnoilta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin DAPPI:n mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia erilaisille näytematriiseille ilman näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden tutkimuksessa analysoitiin erilaisia tabletteja, jauheita, kasvirouheita, huumekasveja (khat, oopium, kannabis) ja sieniä. Anabolisia steroideja tunnistettiin tableteista sekä ampulleista, jotka sisälsivät öljymäistä nestettä. Jauheet ripoteltiin kaksipuoliselle teipille ja analysoitiin siltä. Muut näytteet analysoitiin sellaisenaan ilman minkäänlaista esikäsittelyä, paitsi nestemäisten näytteiden kohdalla näyte pipetoitiin talouspaperille, joka analysoitiin DAPPI:lla. DAPPI osoittautui nopeaksi ja yksinkertaiseksi menetelmäksi takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden ja steroidien analysoimisessa. Se soveltui hyvin rikoslaboratorion erityyppisten näytteiden rutiiniseulontaan ja helpotti erityisesti huumekasvien ja öljymäisten steroidiliuosten tutkimusta. Massaspektrometrin likaantuminen pystyttiin ehkäisemään säätämällä näytteen etäisyyttä sen suuaukosta. Likaantumista ei havaittu huolimatta näytteiden korkeista konsentraatioista ja useita kuukausia jatkuneista mittauksista. Räjähdysaineiden tutkimuksessa keskityttiin seitsemän eri räjähdysaineen DAPPI-MS-menetelmän kehitykseen; trinitrotolueeni (TNT), nitroglykoli (NK), nitroglyseriini (NG), pentriitti (PETN), heksogeeni (RDX), oktogeeni (HMX) ja pikriinihappoä Nämä orgaaniset räjähteet ovat nitraattiyhdisteitä, jotka voidaan jakaa rakenteen puolesta nitroamiineihin (RDX ja HMX), nitroaromaatteihin (TNT ja pikriinihappo) sekä nitraattiestereihin (PETN, NG ja NK). Menetelmäkehityksessä räjähdysainelaimennokset pipetoitiin polymetyylimetakrylaatin (PMMA) päälle ja analysoitiin siitä. DAPPI:lla tutkittiin myäs autenttisia räjähdysainejäämiä erilaisista matriiseista. DAPPI:lla optimoitiin jokaiselle räjähdysaineelle sopiva menetelmä ja yhdisteet saatiin näkymään puhdasaineina. Räjähdysainejäämien analysoiminen erilaisista rikospaikkamateriaaleista osoittautui haastavammaksi tehtäväksi, koska matriisit aiheuttivat itsessään korkean taustan spektriin, josta räjähdysaineiden piikit eivät useimmiten erottuneet tarpeeksi. Muut desorptioionisaatiotekniikat saattavat soveltua paremmin haastavien räjähdysainejäämien havaitsemiseksi.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Streptococcus pneumoniae are major health problems worldwide, both found in symptomless carriage but also causing even life-threatening infections. The aim of this thesis was to characterise MRSA and S. pneumoniae in detail by using several molecular typing methods for various epidemiological purposes: clonality analysis, epidemiological surveillance, outbreak investigation, and virulence factor analysis. The characteristics of MRSA isolates from the strain collection of the Finnish National Infectious Disease Register (NIDR) and pneumococcal isolates collected from military recruits and children with acute otitis media (AOM) were analysed using various typing techniques. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing, and the detection of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes were performed for MRSA isolates. Pneumococcal isolates were analysed using antimicrobial susceptibility testing, serotyping, MLST, and by detecting pilus islet 1 (PI-1) and 2 (PI-2) genes. Several international community- and hospital-associated MRSA clones were recognised in Finland. The genetic diversity among MRSA FIN-4 isolates and among FIN-16 isolates was low. Overall, MRSA blood isolates from 1997 to 2006 were genetically diverse. spa typing was found to be a highly discriminatory, rapid and accurate typing method and it also qualifies as the primary typing method in countries with a long history of PFGE-based MRSA strain nomenclature. However, additional typing by another method, e.g. PFGE, is needed in certain situations to be able to provide adequate discrimination for epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation. An outbreak of pneumonia was associated with one pneumococcal strain among military recruits, previously healthy young men living in a crowded setting. The pneumococcal carriage rate after the outbreak was found to be exceptionally high. PI-1 genes were detected at a rather low prevalence among pneumococcal isolates from children with AOM. However, the study demonstrated that PI-1 has existed among pneumococcal isolates prior to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and the increased antimicrobial resistance era. Moreover, PI-1 was found to associate with the serotype rather than the genotype. This study adds to our understanding of the molecular epidemiology of MRSA strains in Finland and the importance of an appropriate genotyping method to be able to perform high-level laboratory-based surveillance of MRSA. Epidemiological and molecular analyses of S. pneumoniae add to our knowledge of the characteristics of pneumococcal strains in Finland.
Electrolytes based on polyethylene glycol (PEG, mol.wt.8000) and LiCl of compositions, (PEG)(x)LiCl, x=4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 40, 60, where x is the O/Li ratio, were prepared by solution casting from methanol solutions. FTIR studies indicate that the ether oxygens of the polymer chain participate in Li+ ion conduction. The presence of a salt-polymer complex that melts around 190 degrees C was evidenced by DSC measurements for the electrolytes with compositions x<12. The highest conductivity was obtained at the composition x=10 which was attributed to the presence of a mostly amorphous compound. NMR measurements indicated two regions of motional narrowing, one attributable to the glass transition and another to translational diffusion.
In the Himalayas, a large area is covered by glaciers and seasonal snow and changes in its extent can influence availability of water in the Himalayan Rivers. In this paper, changes in glacial extent, glacial mass balance and seasonal snow cover are discussed. Glacial retreat was estimated for 1868 glaciers in 11 basins distributed in the Indian Himalaya since 1962. The investigation has shown an overall reduction in glacier area from 6332 to 5329km2 from 1962 to 2001/2 - an overall deglaciation of 16%. Snow line at the end of ablation season on the Chhota Shigri glacier observed using field and satellite methods suggests a change in altitude from 4900 to 5200m from the late 1970s to present. Seasonal snow cover was monitored in the 28 river sub-basins using normalized difference snow index (NDSI) technique in Central and Western Himalaya. The investigation has shown that in the early part of winter, i.e. from October to December, a large amount of snow retreat was observed. For many basins located in lower altitude and in the south of the Pir Panjal range, snow ablation was observed throughout the winter season. In addition, average stream runoff of the Baspa basin for the month of December increased by 75%. This combination of glacial retreat, negative mass balance, early melting of seasonal snow cover and winter-time increase in stream runoff might suggest an influence of global warming on the Himalayan cryosphere.
Epoxy nanocomposite samples with a good dispersion of alumina nanoparticles in epoxy matrix were prepared and experiments were performed to measure their partial discharge resistant characteristics. Epoxy alumina nanocomposites with 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 15 wt% nanofillers were prepared in the laboratory and partial discharge (PD) experiments were conducted at a voltage of 10 kV for different durations using IEC (b) type electrodes. The degradation of the sample surfaces were analyzed using SEM techniques, surface profile studies, FTIR spectroscopy as well as PD studies. An attempt was made to understand the interaction dynamics between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain by measuring the glass transition temperature of the nanocomposites. The partial discharge resistance obtained for the nanocomposites are compared with those of unfilled epoxy and epoxy microcomposites. It was observed that even with 0.1 wt% of nanofiller added to the epoxy matrix, the partial discharge resistance to degradation gets improved considerably. It was also observed that the inter particle distance has a significant effect on the discharge resistance to degradation. The improvement in the degradation resistance is attributed to the interactions between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain. A possible mechanism for the surface degradation of nanocomposites has been proposed.
A new computational tool is presented in this paper for suboptimal control design of a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems. First proper orthogonal decomposition based problem-oriented basis functions are designed, which are then used in a Galerkin projection to come up with a low-order lumped parameter approximation. Next, a suboptimal controller is designed using the emerging /spl thetas/-D technique for lumped parameter systems. This time domain sub-optimal control solution is then mapped back to the distributed domain using the same basis functions, which essentially leads to a closed form solution for the controller in a state feedback form. Numerical results for a real-life nonlinear temperature control problem indicate that the proposed method holds promise as a good suboptimal control design technique for distributed parameter systems.
Wear of high carbon low alloy (HCLA) cast steel balls during the grinding of a chalcopyrite ore was evaluated under different experimental conditions. The role of oxygen in enhancing ball wear during wet finding is brought out. The influence of pH on ball wear was also examined from the view point of acid production during grinding and reactivity of sulphides. Contributions from corrosion and abrasion towards ball wear are quantified in terms of ball wear rates as a function of time, particle size and gaseous atmosphere in the mill.
Joining of dissimilar metals involves a number of scientific issues, the modelling of which offers unique challenges. This review discusses the complexities in different joining processes and dissimilar combinations, and the corresponding computational techniques that have the potential to address the same. Future directions in modelling at both macroscopic and microscopic scales are also suggested.
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of carbon nanocapsules (onions) is reported for the first time. Spherulitic graphite is shown to be purely crystalline graphite based on X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy studies.
Reported distress to an industrial structure from phosphate/sulfate contamination of kaolinitic foundation soil at an industrial location in Southern India prompted this laboratory study. The study examines the short-term effect of sodium sulfate/phosphate contamination on the swell/compression characteristics of a commercial kaolinite. Experimental results showed that the unsaturated contaminated kaolinite specimens exhibited slightly higher swell potentials and lower compressions than the unsaturated uncontaminated kaolinite specimens. It is suggested that the larger double layer promoted by the increased exchangeable sodium ion concentration is responsible for the slightly higher swell potentials and lower compressions of the unsaturated contaminated kaolinite specimens.
The structure and chemical environment of Cu in Cu/CeO2 catalysts synthesized by the solution combustion method have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and extended X-ray fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. High-resolution XRD studies of 3 and 5 atom % Cu/CeO2 do not show CuO lines in their respective patterns. The structure could be refined for the composition Ce1-xCuxO2-delta (x = 0.03 and 0.05; delta similar to 0.13 and 0.16) in the fluorite structure with 5-8% oxide ion vacancy. High-resolution TEM did not show CuO particles in 5 atom % Cu/CeO2. EPR as well as XPS studies confirm the presence of Cu2+ species in the CeO2 matrix. Redox potentials of Cu species in the CeO2 matrix are lower than those in CuO. EXAFS investigations of these catalysts show an average coordination number of 3 around the Cu2+ ion in the first shell at a distance of 1.96 Angstrom, indicating the O2- ion vacancy around the Cu2+ ion. The Cu-O bond length also decreases compared to that in CuO. The second and third shell around the Cu2+ ion in the catalysts are attributed to -Cu2+-O2--Cu2+ - at 2.92 Angstrom and -Cu2+-O2--Ce4+- at the distance of 3.15 Angstrom, respectively. The present results provide direct evidence for the formation of a Ce1-xCuxO2-delta type of solid solution phase having -square-Cu2+-O-Ce4+- kind of linkages.