931 resultados para López Pereda, Gabriel.
Las Comunicaciones Opticas, no difieren radicalmente de la convencionales por otras técnicas. De hecho, no son sino una síntesis de tecnologías muy diversas que coinciden en el campo común de transmitir información. Campos tan dispares como la Electrónica Cuántica-, la Física de los Semiconductores,la Optica, la Teoría de la Comunicación, la Electrónica de dispositívos y circuitos, las Tecnologías de Fabricación de vidrios por citar algunos, se dan cita aquí.
Ejercicios y problemas del Laboratorio de electrónica y componentes en le E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Untapered multifiber unions are reported to show a spectral behavior similar to the tapered ones. Their oscillatory behavior does not depend on the biconical regions. This suggests a novel way to make low-cost all-fiber devices with applications as passive components such as optical filters and wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers. Two types of multimode fibers have been studied and information about the index profile influence has been obtained. Polarization insensitivity and temperature stability have been observed.
A new type of photonic logic, based on the use of nematic liquid crystals is proposed. The system takes advantage of the refractive-index changes induced by laser beams. Examples of AND, OR and NOR functions are presented.
A method of opto-optical modulation in liquid crystals is reported. An Ar+-laser beam is employed to modulate a second He–Ne laser. The highest frequency achieved was 1.5 × 103 pulses per second with input modulating powers smaller than 10 mW. A homeotropic N-(p-methoxybenzylidene)-p-butylaniline liquid-crystal cell was employed as the nonlinear medium.
A time division multiplexing (TDM) array for passive multiplexing of identical fibre, optic intensity sensors has been demonstrated. Microbending loss sensors are introduced in fibre optic rings and pressure information is directly detected, demultiplexed and demodulated from the relative amplitude of the first two pulses produced on each ring. Several dynamic ranges from 6 dB to 14 dB are shown. A comparison between both fibre optic ring and Mach-Zehnder structure impulse responses is carried out and the consequences derived from second- and higher-order recirculating ring pulses are also evaluated. This technique can be applied to those TDM intensity sensing schemes which require low cost, high number of identical sensors, and suffer high element loss and undersirable intensity fluctuations at low frequencies.
A new type of domain for nematic liquid crystals with a twisted-wedge structure is presented. This new type of domain appears from the low frequency range to 10 kHz. This behavior was observed for square and pulsed excitations. The liquid crystal was N-(p-methoxybenzylidene)-p'-butylaniline) (MBBA) used at room temperature. These domains offer a higher degree of complexity than conventional Williams domains. The corresponding stability chart is presented.
In this paper we report the experimental results obtained when an He-Ne laser beam crosses an MBBA homeotropic sandwich structure and is modulated by the influence of another laser beam, in our case an Ar+ laser, crossing through the same region. We extend some results previously reported by us1 2 concerning the influence of the ratio of the diameters of the laser beams on the modulation characteristics. A theoretical model, based on the one reported in Ref6 , shows good agreement with the experimental results. If the Ar+ laser is intensity chopped, the resulting He-Ne diffracted image is also intensity modulated. The highest frequency observed has been 500 p. p. s.
Se recogen los dos discursos pronunciados en la apertura del curso académico universitario de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (curso 1986-1987)
Discurso del Académico Martín Pereda en la sesión inaugural del año académico ante sus compañeros de la Real Academia de Ingeniería. En él, el autor esboza su interpretación de cómo nuestro cerebro interpreta algunas imágenes, y más en concreto las ilusiones visuales, cómo la Fotónica puede ayudarnos a interpretarlas y cómo su interpretación puede servirnos para entender algo de cómo funciona nuestro sistema visual. Quizás de todo ello podrán extraerse conceptos que ayuden a interpretar la realidad.
Discurso del académico Aníbal Figueiras ante la Real Academia de Ingeniería y la contestación de José Antonio Martín Pereda.
1. Canopies are complex multilayered structures comprising individual plant crowns exposing a multifaceted surface area to sunlight. Foliage arrangement and properties are the main mediators of canopy functions. The leaves act as light traps whose exposure to sunlight varies with time of the day, date and latitude in a trade-off between photosynthetic light harvesting and excessive or photoinhibitory light avoidance. To date, ecological research based upon leaf sampling has been limited by the available echnology, with which data acquisition becomes labour intensive and time-consuming, given the verwhelming number of leaves involved. 2. In the present study, our goal involved developing a tool capable of easuring a sufficient number of leaves to enable analysis of leaf populations, tree crowns and canopies.We specifically tested whether a cell phone working as a 3Dpointer could yield reliable, repeatable and valid leaf anglemeasurements with a simple gesture. We evaluated the accuracy of this method under controlled conditions, using a 3D digitizer, and we compared performance in the field with the methods commonly used. We presented an equation to estimate the potential proportion of the leaf exposed to direct sunlight (SAL) at any given time and compared the results with those obtained bymeans of a graphicalmethod. 3. We found a strong and highly significant correlation between the graphical methods and the equation presented. The calibration process showed a strong correlation between the results derived from the two methods with amean relative difference below 10%. Themean relative difference in calculation of instantaneous exposure was below 5%. Our device performed equally well in diverse locations, in which we characterized over 700 leaves in a single day. 4. The newmethod, involving the use of a cell phone, ismuchmore effective than the traditionalmethods or digitizers when the goal is to scale up from leaf position to performance of leaf populations, tree crowns or canopies. Our methodology constitutes an affordable and valuable tool within which to frame a wide range of ecological hypotheses and to support canopy modelling approaches.
Este documento se generó a partir de la IV Reunión de la Red Temática FRUTURA de CYTED realizada en la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de Chile ubicada en Santiago de Chile. Esta reunión se celebró durante el mes de diciembre del 2010 y fue organizada por el Centro de Estudios Postcosecha (CEPOC) de esta Universidad. En esta reunión se realizaron dos seminarios relacionados con aspectos tecnológicos y situación comercial de la exportación frutícola en Iberoamérica. El primer seminario tuvo por título “Seminario Internacional sobre Evaluación no Destructiva de la Calidad e Implementación en la Industria Frutícola” y contó con la participación como expositores de los miembros de la red. Este evento mostró las tendencias actuales relacionadas con el transporte y trazabilidad, monitoreo y predicción de la calidad en la industria frutícola. Durante el segundo seminario titulado “Tendencias Actuales de las Agroexportaciones en Chile” se conocieron los desafíos del transporte de frutas desde el hemisferio sur al mundo, las barreras de protección y control fitosanitario y las herramientas de promoción en la apertura de nuevos mercados. En cada seminario asistieron más de 80 personas vinculadas con la investigación, transferencia y el sector privado (productores, exportadores y empresas de servicio). Esta actividad fue apoyada por las empresas de transporte TRANSFRESH Chile S.A. y GESEX exportadora, la asociación gremial FEDEFRUTA, las instituciones públicas PROCHILE y Servicio Agrícola Ganadero (SAG). Los trabajos aquí expuestos son el resultado de la adaptación de las presentaciones expuestas durante el primer seminario.
In this paper we present a new optical communication local network by optical fiber and laser, which is being installed between some of the buildings of the U.P.M. for a better scientific and management intercommunication, among all of them.
La extinción de fluorescencia ("quenching") multif1uoróforo ha sido empleada para obtener información dinámica y estructural especialmente en muestras biológicas tales como proteínas y ácidos nucleicos