943 resultados para Internet of things, Mqtt, domotica, Raspberry Pi
Questa tesi si focalizza sulle possibili tecnologie per realizzare comunicazioni opportunistiche fra dispositivi mobile ed embedded, con l'obiettivo di integrarle nel contesto di sistemi a larga scala situati, e con particolare riferimento al prototipo denominato "Magic Carpet". Vengono considerate in particolare le tecnologie WiFi ad-hoc e Bluetooth Low Energy su Android e Raspberry Pi.
Soluzione usando Stunnel per la confidenzialità e autenticazione degli utenti nel Mobile Remote Monitor sviluppato all'interno del progetto euroepeo Internet Of Energy. Essa è utilizzabile anche per la sola piattaforma Smart-M3 sulla quale il progetto risulta fondato.
I distributori automatici sono attualmente molto diffusi perché permettono di automatizzare l'erogazione di un prodotto o servizio senza la necessità di avere una persona addetta a quello scopo. Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di progettare e sviluppare un’applicazione per sistemi embedded Linux che consenta agli utenti di richiedere, in modo autonomo, il pagamento tramite Bitcoin con la successiva erogazione di bevande alla spina.
In questo lavoro di tesi sono state impiegate le librerie grafiche OpenGL ES 2 per eseguire calcoli paralleli sulla GPU del Raspberry Pi. Sono stati affrontati e discussi concetti riguanrdati il calcolo parallelo, stream processing, GPGPU e le metriche di valutazione di algoritmi paralleli. Sono inoltre descritte le potenzialita e le limitazioni derivanti dall'impiego di OpenGL per implementare algoritmi paralleli. In particolare si e fatto riferimento all'algoritmo Seam Carving per il restringimento di immagini, realizzando e valutando una implementazione parallela di questo sul Raspberry Pi.
Successful treatment of prosthetic hip joint infection (PI) means elimination of infection and restored hip function. However, functional outcome is rarely studied. We analyzed the outcome of the strict use of a treatment algorithm for PI.
It is well known that, in Switzerland, communal grazing of livestock on alpine pastures plays an important role in the spread of BVD virus. Analogously, we might expect that the communal raising on farms specialising in raising heifers of animals born on different farms would also favour the spread of BVDV. This study investigated whether a persistently infected (PI) breeding heifer kept on this type of farm over a period of 26 months would put the other animals at risk of being infected.The PI-animal was in contact with 75 heifers (here defined as contact animals) on this farm. Thirty-two of the contact animals that were probably pregnant (animals at risk of giving birth to a PI-calf) were moved to 8 different breeding farms (here defined as farms at risk). On these 8 farms, 246 calves were found to be at risk of being infected with BVDV. We examined 78 calves and investigated whether the move of the pregnant animals from their original farm had permitted the virus to spread to these 8 other farms.The contact animals had a seroprevalence of 92% and the animals at risk a seroprevalence of 100%. Only one PI-animal was found on the farms at risk.This BVD infection, however, occurred independently of the PI-breeding animal. Seropositive calves were found only on 2 farms. This study did not provide any proof for a spread of BVDV with the PI-breeding animal as a source; likewise, no persistent infection was proven to exist on the farms at risk. This result is likely to be representative for the endemic situation of BVD in Switzerland. Thus, PI-animals present on heifer raising farms infect calves well before servicing. Hence, no new PI-animals are generated, and the infection becomes self-limiting. When we reconstructed the animal movements between the farms and determined the animals to be examined with the aid of the Swiss national animal traffic database (TVD) we found the data of 37% of the heifers to be incomplete and failed to successfully establish the whereabouts of 3 animals.
I work in the field of Armenian historiography. This means I get to play with medieval manuscripts. The things I'm doing with the manuscripts are theoretically interesting, but pretty boring in practice, so I'm using Perl to program away the most boring bits. I will talk about the problems of text criticism in general, what sorts of things can and can't be done by the computer, my initial aversion to XML, how I was shown (some of) the error of my ways, and how I'm combining a bunch of isolated pieces of technology that were mostly already in use to achieve fame and fortune in the world of Armenian studies.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is endemic worldwide. Together with classical swine fever and border disease viruses, it belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Most infections with BVDV take a transient, acute, course. Only rarely BVDV persists in its hosts. Due to the early time point of infection in utero, persistently infected (PI) animals are immunotolerant to the infecting non-cytopathic BVDV. In such animals the virus may mutate to a cytopathic biotype, causing lethal mucosal disease. In BVD-endemic regions, approximately 1% of the animals are PI. Removal of all PI animals leads to extinction of BVD. This approach to BVD eradication has been vindicated in Scandinavia. Following the same principles, regional and country-wide eradication programs are run in different parts of the world. These programs differ in the way PI animals are detected and in the role of vaccines. The Scandinavian two-step method of detecting PI animals is based on (i) the high level of seroprevalence in herds where PI animals are present and (ii) on testing all animals for virus in such herds. However, the high average herd seroprevalence in Switzerland made it impossible to define a reasonable threshold for virus testing. Therefore, all animals were directly tested for virus in the year 2008 and all newborn calves until the end of 2012, when the PI prevalence had dropped to 0.02%. Vaccination remains prohibited. Since 2013, surveillance for BVD is accomplished by serology. As a unique consequence of eradication, over 7500 viral strains are available to us for genetic studies.
Cross-sectional research implies a close relation of vocation interests, goals, and traits, yet little is known about their reciprocal development over time. This longitudinal study examined development of Things/People (T/P) and Data/Ideas (D/I) vocational interests and career goals in relation to Big Five personality traits among 292 Swiss adolescents with a cross-lagged panel design with two measurement points over 1 year from seventh to eighth grade. Interests and goals were significantly related within time and showed significant interactions across time. Traits related significantly and equally to interests and goals within time and predicted their development across time except for T/P goals. Goals and interests possessed incremental validity above traits in affecting each other. Implications include the need to account for dynamic processes in the development of goals and interests and their systematic relation to traits in theory and practice.
En el horizonte del pensamiento contemporáneo, Martín Heidegger subrayó la necesidad de una reflexión fundamental acerca del hombre, fundamentación que, sin embargo, él mismo no llegó a desplegar completamente. No obstante ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de una interpretación del hombre que llegue hasta sus estructuras ontológicas fundamentales, relacionadas al problema del ser, que, en su caso, reviste una modalidad distinta al ser de las demás cosas, aún, de los demás vivientes, motivo por el cual la pregunta acerca del hombre es también metafísica. No pretenderemos dar una respuesta acabada a estos puntos de vista, ni los abordaremos desde su propia comprensión de la ontología, del hombre y del ser. En su lugar nos propondremos recoger algunas perspectivas ya presentes en el pensamiento medieval que puedan aportar, al menos en principio, una orientación hacia su desarrollo. La comunicación quedará configurada por dos características: abordará la problemática de la relación entre naturaleza y persona desde una perspectiva preferentemente metafísica a partir del Comentario a las Sentencias de Pedro Lombardo de Tomás de Aquino; y sugerirá algunas tendencias en este campo que ponen de relieve la preeminencia de la persona en el conjunto de su pensamiento filosófico.
La concepción de la notitia intuitiva, tal como la entienden los filósofos del siglo XIV, constituye un modo de acceso a la realidad de cuño agustiniano que subsiste a pesar del progresivo avance de la teoría aristotélica de la abstracción. Tomando como punto de partida la notitia intuitiva, Ockham propone una construcción del conocimiento y de la ciencia que procura una interpretación más delimitada y precisa del pensamiento de Duns Escoto. Esta doctrina ockhamista va a ser puesta a prueba por un desarrollo paradojal vinculado al conocimiento de lo no-existente. La importancia del ejemplo ha sido clave a la hora de la valoración de su gnoseología. En particular, el tema es expuesto, con algunos matices de diferenciación, en tres obras: en la quaestio primera del Prólogo del Commentarium in Sententiis; en las quaestiones 12-13 de la Reportatio II y en las Quaestiones Quodlibetales V y VI, a las que también se suman precisiones puntualizadas en el marco de sus composiciones físicas, en particular, en las Quaestiones Physicorum. Constituye nuestro propósito el análisis de estas fuentes en orden a discernir la importancia que el controvertido paso asume en el marco de la gnoseología ockhamista. El ejemplo ha sido interpretado de modo contrastante: para algunos introduce claramente una concepción escéptica de la doctrina del conocimiento, en el sentido que, una vez admitida la posibilidad de una intuición de cosas que no existen, no tenemos ningún criterio para establecer cuándo nuestro conocimiento es objetivo o subjetivo. Para otros, en cambio, debe ser entendido como una hipótesis que no interfiere sobre el plano natural del conocimiento. El recurso a las fuentes nos permitirá comparar los planos de explicitación del ejemplo aludido y determinar su contexto y alcance en orden a un examen del problema en el doble ámbito de lo natural y de lo sobrenatural, aportando nuestras propias conclusiones al caso.
El principio de contradicción tiene su lugar propio en la filosofía griega, concretamente en la Filosofía Primera o Teología de Aristóteles. No es ni un precepto ni una prohibición sobre el ente, abstraído de diversos estados de cosas, sino él mismo un estado de cosas, mejor dicho: el estado de cosas primero para todo el que quiera conocer algo. Su universalidad consiste en que presenta el estado de cosas en cuanto estado de cosas y se expresa en la decisividad de lo que constata: es imposible – que lo es el caso no sea el caso.
En tanto "mapa" es toda "representación gráfica que facilita el conocimiento espacial de cosas, conceptos, condiciones, procesos o eventos que conciernen al mundo humano", el término "mapa" refiere a muchas imágenes muy diferentes, que usan diversas técnicas y soportes, apelan a lenguajes visuales muy heterogéneos, convenciones gráficas que han variado a lo largo del tiempo, etcétera. Este trabajo propone dos categorías metodológicas para abordar la pluralidad de la imagen cartográfica sin renunciar a esa definición amplia e inclusiva. La primera es la noción de género cartográfico, que permite agrupar y clasificar mapas que comparten claves temáticas, estilísticas, técnicas y/o composicionales. La segunda es la noción de serie, porque el armado de una serie crea claves de lectura y de interpretación y, consecuentemente, un mismo mapa no comunica lo mismo en dos series diferentes. Con ejemplos se discutirán las potencialidades y las limitaciones de estas propuestas metodológicas.
Secret and power constitute two fundamental instances of the social world. Secret takes care of the concealment of things and of social processes. Secret is also a power device. Power is the social capacity to do, create, not doing and stop from doing. Secret and power get mutual feedback. Power uses the secret to protect his potential, be it what may, to increment its operative strength. Secret uses the power to achieve its aims and proposals. Social sciences seem to ignore the huge explanatory capacity of these two interrelated concepts, and even more, their powerful intervention in societies.