991 resultados para Industrial surveys.


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O presente trabalho resulta do estágio realizada na Secretaria Geral do Ministério da Economia e do Emprego. O estágio consistiu na descrição de duas Séries documentais. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se demonstrar a importância do uso das normas de descrição arquivística, mostrando a importância da descrição dos produtores, das funções e das entidades responsáveis pela sua custódia, conjugada com a descrição dos documentos.


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This thesis aims to study how product relatedness to the current pattern of specialization influences the success of industrial policies in underdeveloped sectors. Drawing from Hausmann and Klinger (2006), this work extends the existing literature on the importance of proximity spillovers to explain economic development by focusing on underdeveloped sectors. We find that investment's success in an underdeveloped sector is more likely if it is highly related to the current pattern of specialization. However, heterogeneity amongst sectors is remarkable. Moreover, industrial policy cases are sometimes successful despite the bad odds provided by this criterion, suggesting further factors should be considered.


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An infinite-horizon discrete time model with multiple size-class structures using a transition matrix is built to assess optimal harvesting schedules in the context of Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) owners. Three model specifications accounting for forest income, financial return on an asset and amenity valuations are considered. Numerical simulations suggest uneven-aged forest management where a rational forest owner adapts her or his forest policy by influencing the regeneration of trees or adjusting consumption dynamics depending on subjective time preference and market return rate dynamics on the financial asset. Moreover she or he does not value significantly non-market benefits captured by amenity valuations relatively to forest income.


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S. João da Madeira é uma localidade que desde cedo construiu os seus discursos em torno da identidade local sob o epíteto de Cidade do Trabalho. Mais recentemente, desde a última década do século XX, a cidade começou a olhar para a sua dimensão industrial do ponto de vista do seu cunho patrimonial, dentro do quadro emergente das políticas culturais e de identidade, no qual as identidades particulares – como à escala local – se querem afirmar no plano global. Partindo de uma primeira análise dos processos contemporâneos de patrimonialização do industrial no contexto de S. João da Madeira, concretizados pela via dos museus e do turismo, num trabalho de projeto que se apresenta como fase de investigação preliminar de um futuro trabalho de doutoramento, questiona-se como a antropologia poderá pensar o conceito de cultura popular fora dos contextos normalmente a estes atribuídos e como, consequentemente, poderá problematizar as fronteiras daquilo que poderá ser considerado ou não Património Cultural Imaterial (PCI), categoria com a qual a disciplina está historicamente comprometida.


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Desta dissertação resultou uma análise ao consumo energético associado aos produtos mais comerci-alizados por uma Empresa, inserida no sector industrial de carnes, e de respectivas medidas de ges-tão de energia eléctrica e de implementação de tecnologia térmica para optimizara a eficiência ener-gética da instalação. A avaliação realizada nesta dissertação permitiu identificar os processos que mais energia consomem, nomeadamente todos os produtos que envolvem a fumagem. Com base nes-tes resultados a empresa pode identificar as prioridades em termos de redução e melhoria da eficiên-cia energética. O estudo de gestão da energia eléctrica permitiu concluir que é mais proveitoso man-ter em funcionamento os processos pontuais durante os períodos nocturnos ou durante o fim-de-semana, permitindo, no segundo caso, obter uma poupança de 16% nos custos associados de cada vez que se colocar a linha de produção de peito de peru fumado entre o período semanal para o perí-odo entre sexta-feira e domingo, visto ser a linha de produção estudada que mais energia eléctrica consome. Na análise de pré-aquecimento dos fluidos utilizados na empresa através de recuperadores de calor, concluiu-se que é mais benéfico pré-aquecer a água utilizada para o processo de fumagem, visto obter-se uma poupança económica de 6 € e 11,8 m3 de gás natural por aplicação, ou seja, de cada vez que é utilizada água pré-aquecida através deste procedimento, tendo-se obtido valores de poupança energética entre 24 e 60% para os vários fluidos estudados.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos do trabalho por turnos, incluindo o turno noturno, a nível da saúde, vida familiar e social, numa empresa do sector da indústria. Foi construído um questionário que abordava questões relativas aos dados sociodemográficos, organização temporal do trabalho, qualidade do sono, exigências da tarefa e envolvimento, saúde, vida familiar e social, e posteriormente foi aplicado a uma amostra de 24 trabalhadores com idades entre os 29 e os 52 anos (41,58±5,79 anos). Os resultados mostram uma tendência para doenças como a obesidade, colesterol elevado e manifestação de sintomas relacionados com problemas digestivos nos trabalhadores que trabalham por turnos à [sic] mais anos. Antes do primeiro turno noturno o tempo de sono é bastante reduzido e fica aquém do tempo que os trabalhadores sentem que necessitam dormir para se sentirem bem. O turno da tarde é o que permite os trabalhadores ficarem com um tempo de sono mais próximo desse “ideal”. Em relação à idade, todos os trabalhadores do grupo etário mais velho manifestam interrupções do sono diurno. Também se verifica um maior descontentamento destes trabalhadores com o tempo livre para realizar atividades que tragam bem-estar. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento da realidade do trabalho por turnos na indústria e espera-se que desperte a procura de soluções que otimizem a vida destes trabalhadores.


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The Layout of My Thesis This thesis contains three chapters in Industrial Organization that build on the work outlined above. The first two chapters combine leniency programs with multimarket contact and provide a thorough analysis of the potential effects of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus. The third chapter puts the whole discussion on leniency programs into perspective by examining other enforcement tools available to an antitrust authority. The main argument in that last chapter is that a specific instrument can only be as effective as the policy in which it is embedded. It is therefore important for an antitrust authority to know how it best accompanies the introduction or modification of a policy instrument that helps deterrence. INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 examines the efféct of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus on the incentives of firms to report cartel activities. The main question is whether the inclusion of these policies in a leniency program undermine the effectiveness of the latter by discouraging the firms to apply for amnesty. The model is static and focus on the ex post incentives of firms to desist from collusion. The results suggest that, because Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus encourage the reporting of a second cartel after a first detection, a firm, anticipating this, may be reluctant to seek leniency and to report in the first place. However, the effect may also go in the opposite direction, and Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus may encourage the simultaneous reporting of two cartels. Chapter 2 takes this idea further to the stage of cartel formation. This chapter provides a complete characterization of the potential anticompetitive and procompetitive effects of Amnesty Plus in a infinitely repeated game framework when the firms use their multimarket contact to harshen punishment. I suggest a clear-cut policy rule that prevents potential adverse effects and thereby show that, if policy makers follow this rule, a leniency program with Amnesty Plus performs better than one without. Chapter 3 characterizes the socially optimal enforcement effort of an antitrust authority and shows how this effort changes with the introduction or modification of specific policy instruments. The intuition is that the policy instrument may increase the marginal benefit of conducting investigations. If this effect is strong enough, a more rigorous detection policy becomes socially desirable.


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One of the key problems in conducting surveys is convincing people to participate.¦However, it is often difficult or impossible to determine why people refuse. Panel surveysprovide information from previous waves that can offer valuable clues as to why people¦refuse to participate. If we are able to anticipate the reasons for refusal, then we¦may be able to take appropriate measures to encourage potential respondents to participate¦in the survey. For example, special training could be provided for interviewers¦on how to convince potential participants to participate.¦This study examines different influences, as determined from the previous wave,¦on refusal reasons that were given by the respondents in the subsequent wave of the¦telephone Swiss Household Panel. These influences include socio-demography, social¦inclusion, answer quality, and interviewer assessment of question understanding and¦of future participation. Generally, coefficients are similar across reasons, and¦between-respondents effects rather than within-respondents effects are significant.¦While 'No interest' reasons are easier to predict, the other reasons are more situational. Survey-specific issues are able to distinguish¦different reasons to some extent.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate adverse effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), produced for industrial purposes, on the human epithelial cell line A549. MWCNT were dispersed in dipalmitoyl lecithin (DPL), a component of pulmonary surfactant, and the effects of dispersion in DPL were compared to those in two other media: ethanol (EtOH) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Effects of MWCNT were also compared to those of two asbestos fibers (chrysotile and crocidolite) and carbon black (CB) nanoparticles, not only in A549 cells but also in mesothelial cells (MeT5A human cell line), used as an asbestos-sensitive cell type. MWCNT formed agglomerates on top of both cell lines (surface area 15-35 μm2) that were significantly larger and more numerous in PBS than in EtOH and DPL. Whatever the dispersion media, incubation with 100 μg/ml MWCNT induced a similar decrease in metabolic activity without changing cell membrane permeability or apoptosis. Neither MWCNT cellular internalization nor oxidative stress was observed. In contrast, asbestos fibers penetrated into the cells, decreased metabolic activity but not cell membrane permeability, and increased apoptosis, without decreasing cell number. CB was internalized without any adverse effects. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that MWCNT produced for industrial purposes exert adverse effects without being internalized by human epithelial and mesothelial pulmonary cell lines. [Authors]


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Estadística del desarrollo de la flota pesquera en el Perú por un periodo de 10 años y a través del tipo de pesca, clases de eslora y puertos de inscripción. Los informes más detallados corresponden al año 1961 y 1962, donde la flota empleada para cada tipo de pesca industrial fue agrupada en clases de eslora y puertos de inscripción para la flota nacional y por puertos de desembarqué, para las embarcaciones de bandera extranjera. Solamente algunos cuadros se han hecho con indicadores analíticos para demostrar la estructura de la flota bolichera


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Durante los últimos años, la tendencia en la construcción de embarcaderos ha sufrido variaciones motivadas por las necesidades de la pesca, las dimensiones han ido en aumento, así como también la capacidad de bodega, potencia de motor y el empleo de nuevos materiales para su construcción.


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Se trabajó utilizando una metodología basada en Modelos Lineales Generalizados (MLG). La CPUE fue expresada en toneladas por duración de viaje. Las variables explicativas utilizadas fueron el año, mes, capacidad de bodega, latitud, inercia espacial y distancia a la costa. El modelo tuvo un coeficiente de determinación de 0,485, explicando casi la mitad de la variabilidad de la CPUE observada. La variable con mayor influencia en el modelo fue la capacidad de bodega (49% de la varianza explicada), debido posiblemente a que la flota anchovetera posee una capacidad elevada de captura y que los recursos pelágicos tienden a hiper-agregarse, incluso cuando están siendo fuertemente explotados. La correlación entre la CPUE estandarizada y biomasa estimada por un modelo de captura a la edad (r=0,74) indica que el método basado en MLG es recomendable para la estandarización de la CPUE. Se propone a esta CPUE como una alternativa para monitorear la biomasa de la anchoveta.


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BACKGROUND: The escalating prevalence of obesity might prompt obese subjects to consider themselves as normal, as this condition is gradually becoming as frequent as normal weight. In this study, we aimed to assess the trends in the associations between obesity and self-rated health in two countries. METHODS: Data from the Portuguese (years 1995-6, 1998-6 and 2005-6) and Swiss (1992-3, 1997, 2002 and 2007) National Health Surveys were used, corresponding to more than 130,000 adults (64,793 for Portugal and 65,829 for Switzerland). Body mass index and self-rated health were derived from self-reported data. RESULTS: Obesity levels were higher in Portugal (17.5% in 2005-6 vs. 8.9% in 2007 in Switzerland, p < 0.001) and increased in both countries. The prevalence of participants rating their health as "bad" or "very bad" was higher in Portugal than in Switzerland (21.8% in 2005-6 vs 3.9% in 2007, p < 0.001). In both countries, obese participants rated more frequently their health as "bad" or "very bad" than participants with regular weight. In Switzerland, the prevalence of "bad" or "very bad" rates among obese participants, increased from 6.5% in 1992-3 to 9.8% in 2007, while in Portugal it decreased from 41.3% to 32.3%. After multivariate adjustment, the odds ratio (OR) of stating one self's health as "bad" or "very bad" among obese relative to normal weight participants, almost doubled in Switzerland: from 1.38 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.01-1.87) in 1992-3 to 2.64 (95% CI: 2.14-3.26) in 2007, and similar findings were obtained after sample weighting. Conversely, no such trend was found in Portugal: 1.35 (95% CI: 1.23-1.48) in 1995-6 and 1.52 (95% CI: 1.37-1.70) in 2005-6. CONCLUSION: Obesity is increasing in Switzerland and Portugal. Obesity is increasingly associated with poorer self-health ratings in Switzerland but not in Portugal.


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TUTKIMUKSEN TAVOITTEET Tutkielman tavoitteena oli luoda ensin yleiskäsitys tuotemerkkimarkkinoinnin roolista teollisilla markkinoilla, sekä suhdemarkkinoinnin merkityksestä teollisessa merkkituotemarkkinoinnissa. Toisena oleellisena tavoitteena oli kuvata teoreettisesti merkkituoteidentiteetin rakenne teollisessa yrityksessä ja sen vaikutukset myyntihenkilöstöön, ja lisäksi haluttiin tutkia tuotemerkkien lisäarvoa sekä asiakkaalle että myyjälle. Identiteetti ja sen vaikutukset, erityisesti imago haluttiin tutkia myös empiirisesti. LÄHDEAINEISTO JA TUTKIMUSMENETELMÄT Tämän tutkielman teoreettinen osuus perustuu kirjallisuuteen, akateemisiin julkaisuihin ja aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin; keskittyen merkkituotteiden markkinointiin, identiteettiin ja imagoon, sekä suhdemarkkinointiin osana merkkituotemarkkinointia. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on kuvaileva eli deskriptiivinen ja sekä kvalitatiivinen että kvantitatiivinen. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, jossa caseyritykseksi valittiin kansainvälinen pakkauskartonki-teollisuuden yritys. Empiirisen osuuden toteuttamiseen käytettiin www-pohjaista surveytä, jonka avulla tietoja kerättiin myyntihenkilöstöltä case-yrityksessä. Lisäksi empiiristä osuutta laajennettiin tutkimalla sekundäärilähteitä kuten yrityksen sisäisiä kirjallisia dokumentteja ja tutkimuksia. TULOKSET. Teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tuloksena luotiin malli jota voidaan hyödyntää merkkituotemarkkinoinnin päätöksenteon tukena pakkauskartonki-teollisuudessa. Teollisen brandinhallinnan tulee keskittyä erityisesti asiakas-suhteiden brandaukseen – tätä voisi kutsua teolliseksi suhdebrandaukseksi. Tuote-elementit ja –arvot, differointi ja positiointi, sisäinen yrityskuva ja viestintä ovat teollisen brandi-identiteetin peruskiviä, jotka luovat brandi-imagon. Case-yrityksen myyntihenkilöstön tuote- ja yritysmielikuvat osoittautuivat kokonaisuudessaan hyviksi. Paras imago on CKB tuotteilla, kun taas heikoin on WLC tuotteilla. Teolliset brandit voivat luoda monenlaisia lisäarvoja sekä asiakas- että myyjäyritykselle.