914 resultados para Ideational meaning
This dissertation aims to analyze the right of withdrawal and its implications on distance and off-premises contracts, due to the importance of these contracts in our society. Our main goal is, first of all, to explain the meaning and characteristics of both distance and off-premises contracts and the reason why a right of withdrawal is granted. Secondly, we intend to explain all of the relevant aspects related to this right, such as its legal concept and main characteristics, the origin and evolution of the right of withdrawal on both European and Portuguese legislation, its implications in the contracting parties and, finally, a brief analysis of the applicable law. In a nutshell, the right of withdrawal allows the consumer to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, unilaterally, without having to indicate any motive to justify the decision, after a cooling-off period of 14 calendar days. In these two types of contracts such right exists due to the reasons or circumstances that lead to the conclusion of the contract.
Currently, Portugal assumes itself as a democratic rule of substantive law State, sustained by a legal system seeking the right balance between the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms constitutional foreseen in Portugal’s Fundamental Law and criminal persecution. The architecture of the penal code lies with, roughly speaking, a accusatory basic structure, “deliberately attached to one of the most remarkable achievements of the civilizational democratic progress, and by obedience to the constitutional commandment”, in balance with the official investigation principle, valid both for the purpose of prosecution and trial. Regarding the principle of non self-incrimination - nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare, briefly defined as the defendant’s right of not being obliged to contribute to the self-incrimination, it should be stressed that there isn’t an explicit consecration in the Portuguese Constitution, being commonly accepted in an implicit constitutional prediction and deriving from other constitutional rights and principles, first and foremost, the meaning and scope of the concept of democratic rule of Law State, embedded in the Fundamental Law, and in the guidelines of the constitutional principles of human person dignity, freedom of action and the presumption of innocence. In any case, about the (in) applicability of the principle of the prohibition of self-incrimination to the Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, and sharing an idea of Guedes Valente, the truth is that the exercise of criminal action must tread a transparent path and non-compliant with methods to obtain evidence that violate the law, the public order or in violation of democratic principles and loyalty (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 484). Within the framework of the penal process relating to the trial, which is assumed as the true phase of the process, the witness represents a relevant figure for the administration of criminal justice, for the testimonial proof is, in the idea of Othmar Jauernig, the worst proof of evidence, but also being the most frequent (Jauernig, 1998, p. 289). As coadjutant of the Public Prosecutor and, in specific cases, the investigating judge, the Criminal Police Bodies are invested with high responsibility, being "the arms and eyes of Judicial Authorities in pursuing the criminal investigation..." which has as ultimate goal the fulfillment of the Law pursuing the defense of society" (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 485). It is in this context and as a witness that, throughout operational career, the Criminal Police Bodies are required to be at the trial hearing and clarify the Court with its view about the facts relating to occurrences of criminal context, thus contributing very significantly and, in some cases, decisively for the proper administration of the portuguese criminal justice. With regards to the intervention of Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, it’s important that they pay attention to a set of standards concerning the preparation of the testimony, the very provision of the testimony and, also, to its conclusion. Be emphasized that these guidelines may become crucial for the quality of the police testimony at the trial hearing, thus leading to an improvement of the enforcement of justice system. In this vein, while preparing the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies must present itself in court with proper clothing, to read before and carefully the case files, to debate the facts being judged with other Criminal Police Bodies and prepare potential questions. Later, while giving his testimony during the trial, the Criminal Police Bodies must, summing up, to take the oath in a convincing manner, to feel comfortable, to start well by convincingly answering the first question, keep an attitude of serenity, to adopt an attitude of collaboration, to avoid the reading of documents, to demonstrate deference and seriousness before the judicial operators, to use simple and objective language, to adopt a fluent speech, to use nonverbal language correctly, to avoid spontaneity responding only to what is asked, to report only the truth, to avoid hesitations and contradictions, to be impartial and to maintain eye contact with the judge. Finally, at the conclusion of the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies should rise in a smooth manner, avoiding to show relief, resentment or satisfaction, leaving a credible and professional image and, without much formality, requesting the judge permission to leave the courtroom. As final note, it’s important to stress that "The intervention of the Police Criminal Bodies in the trial hearing in Court” encloses itself on a theme of crucial importance not only for members of the Police and Security Forces, who must welcome this subject with the utmost seriousness and professionalism, but also for the proper administration of the criminal justice system in Portugal.
Assessing the community needs of mental health residential care service users in Republic of Moldova
RESUMO: Background: Problemas de saúde mental são um grande problema clínico e social na República da Moldávia, representando uma quota significante de deficiência, sendo classificada no top cinco das dez linhas na hierarquia das condições. A taxa de incidência tem sido crescente na República da Moldávia, atingindo cerca de 15.000 por ano (14,655 em 2011), ou seja, 411,4 por 100 mil habitantes, e uma taxa de prevalência de 97.525 pessoas em 2011, ou seja, 2,737.9 por 100 mil habitantes. Sistema de atendimento psiquiátrico fornece serviços de saúde mental escassos a nível da comunidade, visando principalmente terapia hospitalar, centralizada, através de uma rede de três hospitais psiquiátricos, com 1.860 camas e 4 sanatórios psico- neurológicos com 1890 camas, assim alimentando-se a estigmatização do paciente. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação das necessidades individuais dos beneficiários e do seu nível de autonomia dentro de cuidados residenciais, para o planeamento de reformas de saúde mental e desinstitucionalização na República da Moldávia. Este estudo foi encomendado pelo Ministério do Trabalho, Proteção Social e da Família e pelo Ministério da Saúde, com o apoio da Organização Mundial da Saúde, para determinar o cumprimento eficaz do artigo 19 da Convenção da ONU. O estudo tem os seguintes objetivos: Avaliar o nível de autonomia dos residentes nos hospitais psiquiátricos e sanatórios psico-neurológico, usando uma amostra representativa de 10 por ce nto do número total de pacientes/residentes e comparação cruzada; Para avaliar quatro sanatórios psico-neurológicos para adultos e três hospitais psiquiátricos; Para desenvolver recomendações para o planeamento da desinstitucionalização das pessoas com problemas de saúde mental e colocação na comunidade com base nos resultados do estudo. Metodologia e resultados: O estudo fez uso de duas ferramentas globais: questionário para a avaliação individual dos residentes do estabelecimento de saúde mental, e questionário de avaliação institucional. Todos os entrevistados foram divididos em quatro categorias conforme com o grau de dependência e preparação de viver de forma independente na comunidade. Apenas 1,2% dos entrevistados de PNHB eram totalmente dependentes de terceiros ou serviços especializados, tornando-se a categoria 4, que necessitam de cuidados e apoio contínuo. No PH esta categoria de pessoas é ausente. Conclusões: A condição dos entrevistados foi pior em PNBH que em PH. No entanto, ainda, aqueles que estão prontos para ser desinstitucionalizados correspondem com a maior parte dos entrevistados. Todos os hospitais tinham o consentimento do utente para admissão e tratamento, enquanto não houve consentimento qualquer em PNBH. É bastante óbvio que tanto os hospitais como também a sistema de assistência residencial não atingem a sua finalidade, o que significa que a maioria dos utentes pode ser desinstitucionalizados, sem qualquer terapia de suporte.------------------ABSTRACT: Background: Mental health problems are a major clinical and social issue in the Republic of Moldova,accounting for a significant share of disability and ranking in top five of the ten lines in the hierarchy of conditions. The incidence rate has been growing in the Republic of Moldova to reach approximately 15 thousand a year (14,655 in 2011), i.e. 411.4 per 100 thousand population, and a prevalence rate of 97,525 thousand people in 2011, i.e. 2,737.9 per 100 thousand population. Psychiatric care system provides for scanty mental health services at community level, aiming mainly at centralized hospital-based therapy through a network of three psychiatric hospitals tallying up 1,860 beds and 4 psycho-neurological boarding houses with 1,890 beds, thus fuelling up patient stigmatization. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the individual needs of beneficiaries and their level of autonomy within residential care for the planning of mental health system reforms and deinstitutionalization in the Republic of Moldova. This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and by the Ministry of Health, with the World Health Organization support, to provide for effective enforcement of article 19 of the UN CRPD. The study pursued the following goals: To evaluate the level of autonomy of the psychiatric hospital and psycho-neurological boarding house residents by using a representative sample of 10 per cent of the total number of patients / residents and cross-comparison; To evaluate four psycho-neurological boarding houses for adults and three psychiatric hospitals; To develop recommendations for planning the deinstitutionalization of people with mental health problems and community placement based on the study findings.Methodology and results: The study made use of two global tools: questionnaire for individual assessment of mental health facility residents, and institutional assessment questionnaire. All interviewees were divided into four categories by one’s degree of dependence and readiness to live independently in the community. Only 1.2% of respondents from PNHB were fully dependent on a third party or specialized services, making up category 4, requiring continuous care and support. In PH this category of people is absent.Conclusions: The condition of respondents was worse in PNBH than in PH. However, yet, those ready to be deinstitutionalized accounted for most of respondents there. All hospitals had the resident’s consent to admission and treatment, whereas there was no consent in PNBH whatsoever. It is quite obvious that both the hospitals and residential care system do not achieve their intended purpose, meaning that the majority of residents may be deinstitutionalized without any support therapy.
The life of humans and most living beings depend on sensation and perception for the best assessment of the surrounding world. Sensorial organs acquire a variety of stimuli that are interpreted and integrated in our brain for immediate use or stored in memory for later recall. Among the reasoning aspects, a person has to decide what to do with available information. Emotions are classifiers of collected information, assigning a personal meaning to objects, events and individuals, making part of our own identity. Emotions play a decisive role in cognitive processes as reasoning, decision and memory by assigning relevance to collected information. The access to pervasive computing devices, empowered by the ability to sense and perceive the world, provides new forms of acquiring and integrating information. But prior to data assessment on its usefulness, systems must capture and ensure that data is properly managed for diverse possible goals. Portable and wearable devices are now able to gather and store information, from the environment and from our body, using cloud based services and Internet connections. Systems limitations in handling sensorial data, compared with our sensorial capabilities constitute an identified problem. Another problem is the lack of interoperability between humans and devices, as they do not properly understand human’s emotional states and human needs. Addressing those problems is a motivation for the present research work. The mission hereby assumed is to include sensorial and physiological data into a Framework that will be able to manage collected data towards human cognitive functions, supported by a new data model. By learning from selected human functional and behavioural models and reasoning over collected data, the Framework aims at providing evaluation on a person’s emotional state, for empowering human centric applications, along with the capability of storing episodic information on a person’s life with physiologic indicators on emotional states to be used by new generation applications.
This paper provides an ongoing analysis to one of the biggest ethical and financial scandals in Portugal – Banco Espírito Santo (BES). BES was considered one of the three best banks but it went bankrupted and its employees were transferred to a new entity – Novo Banco. This study was conducted in order to provide an understanding of the employees’ side, which has been forgotten so far. An ethical scandal (sensebreaking) creates ambiguity and uncertainty which triggers new sensemaking processes in order to understand and derive meaning from the new reality. The methodology followed was semi-structured interviews to employees both from the branches and the central services. We found evidence that in organizations with strong identification, unethical behavior has a significant impact on followers’ – the new process of sensemaking is particularly important in this situation because employees suffer more from the disruption of their reality.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is gaining relevance among financial and non-financial companies but its benefits still are uncertain. This paper aims at investigating the relationship between ERM adoption and firm performance based on a sample of 1130 non-financial companies belonging to the STOXX® index. A content analysis of individual accounts is performed to distinguish adopters, and a regression analysis explores the effect of ERM adoption on firm performance, proxied by Tobin’s Q. The findings suggest that there is a statistical significant positive effect of ERM adoption on firm performance, meaning that firms are benefiting from the implementation of this process.
In-Band Full-DupleX (IB-FDX) is defined as the ability for nodes to transmit and receive signals simultaneously on the same channel. Conventional digital wireless networks do not implement it, since a node’s own transmission signal causes interference to the signal it is trying to receive. However, recent studies attempt to overcome this obstacle, since it can potentially double the spectral efficiency of current wireless networks. Different mechanisms exist today that are able to reduce a significant part of the Self- Interference (SI), although specially tuned Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are required to optimize its use. One of IB-FDX’s biggest problems is that the nodes’ interference range is extended, meaning the unusable space for other transmissions and receptions is broader. This dissertation proposes using MultiPacket Reception (MPR) to address this issue and adapts an already existing Single-Carrier with Frequency-Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) receiver to IB-FDX. The performance analysis suggests that MPR and IB-FDX have a strong synergy and are able to achieve higher data rates, when used together. Using analytical models, the optimal transmission patterns and transmission power were identified, which maximize the channel capacity with the minimal energy consumption. This was used to define a new MAC protocol, named Full-duplex Multipacket reception Medium Access Control (FM-MAC). FM-MAC was designed for a single-hop cellular infrastructure, where the Access Point (AP) and the terminals implement both IB-FDX and MPR. It divides the coverage range of the AP into a closer Full-DupleX (FDX) zone and a farther Half-DupleX (HDX) zone and adds a tunable fairness mechanism to avoid terminal starvation. Simulation results show that this protocol provides efficient support for both HDX and FDX terminals, maximizing its capacity when more FDX terminals are used.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Insituto Universitário
Cuidar de um familiar com doença avançada e/ou em fim de vida pode representar uma grande sobrecarga emocional, física e financeira que afeta a qualidade de vida dos cuidadores. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a sobrecarga no cuidar, os fatores relacionados e suas consequências nos cuidadores de pacientes com câncer avançado em fim de vida ou em cuidados paliativos. Foi realizada uma busca de artigos científicos publicados nas bases de dados EBSCO, Web of Knowledge e Bireme, desde os primeiros registros nas respectivas bases de dados sobre o tema até março de 2014. Dos 582 artigos encontrados, apenas 27 foram selecionados. A maioria dos artigos afirma que os cuidadores familiares estão sobrecarregados. Em alguns estudos, a sobrecarga no cuidar aparece associada a características do paciente e da sua doença; em outros, a um pior estado de saúde do cuidador, a uma maior sintomatologia psicopatológica (ansiedade, depressão, distress emocional) e também ao desenvolvimento de complicações no luto. Porém, a esperança, o apoio social, a capacidade do cuidador de atribuir um significado à experiência de cuidar e se sentir confortável com as tarefas de cuidar foram associados a menores níveis de sobrecarga.
The aim of this research is to investigate if a celebrity can be a mediator between two brands so that a negative event happening to one brand can spill over to a completely unrelated brand, which shares with the first brand only the celebrity endorser. Even though celebrity endorsement is a popular marketing strategy and celebrities often endorse multiple brands, so far there has not been any systematic study on this topic. Drawing on Associative Network Theory and the Meaning Transfer Model as theoretical framework, this research finds out that negative publicity about a brand can spill over and thereby not only hurt consumers’ attitude toward the celebrity endorser but also toward a second brand that is endorsed by the same celebrity. An unexpected finding is that celebrities can act as a protective shield for brands by weakening the direct impact of negative publicity.
In this thesis we propose to examine the first half of the Phaedrus (sc. until the end of the palinode) in light of the opposition between the notions of μανία and φρονεῖν, as they are explicitly and implicitly presented in the erotic speeches. These are read in dialogue with what we have designated as the “implicit speech” or “speeches”, i.e., the plurality of conceptions regarding ἔρως, μανία and φρονεῖν that were part of Ancient Greek culture. Our reading of the two speeches against ἔρως, Lysias’ and Socrates’ first speech, engages with this cultural background, and extracts a conception of μανία and φρονεῖν with which the palinode will primarily confront. Our reading of the palinode divides it into two sections: the first, the presentation of the first three kinds of beneficial μανία; the second, the mythical narrative that deals with erotic μανία. We emphasise the existence of a wide gulf between these two moments in terms of their ontological, theological and anthropological conceptions. The second section of the palinode is revolutionary not only in contrast with the “implicit speech” and the speeches against ἔρως, but also in contrast with the very beginning of the palinode – which preserves many of the conceptions and assumptions found in the previous speeches and in the cultural tradition. It is in order to explain the foundation, meaning and significance of this gulf that we explore and discuss the notion of ὑπόθεσις and its role as an implicit operator in the Phaedrus. From our reading of the second part of the palinode, it is clear how the introduction of the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος brings about a radical revision of the perspectives on the nature of reality and on human nature and condition that were implicit in the previous speeches and in the first part of the palinode. We show that the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος corresponds to the projection of a multiplicity of cognitive and desiderative requirements that our normal perspective demands, but cannot possibly satisfy. In other words, our perspective is shown to be living beyond its means, yearning for something that by far exceeds what it can get in its de facto condition: the superlative. This results in a major revision of the understanding of φρονεῖν and μανία – a revision that challenges the traditional understanding of these two notions as binary opposites, thereby revealing a much more complex landscape.
AuNPs are versatile systems used for different biomedical application including imaging, drug and gene delivery. These systems support the intracellular transport of active molecules, a step that is considered one of the crucial problems in drug delivery. Nevertheless, in order to design optimal multifunctional AuNPs for specific and efficient nanomedicine applications, the mechanism by which AuNPs interact with living cells must be fully understand. The main goal of this work consisted in the assessment of the cellular uptake mechanism of 14 nm spherical AuNPs by A549 cells, through fluorescent spectroscopy and microscopy, in combination with quantitative analysis by ICP-MS. TAMRA labeled AuNPs were characterized by UV-visible and fluorescent spectroscopy and the final hydrodynamic diameter of 22.5 ± 0.33 nm was obtained by DLS. Regarding the cellular uptake studies, the AuNPs presented a fast cellular uptake kinetics reaching a saturation point after 6 hours of incubation in A549 cells. Further investigation concerning the internalization mechanism of this AuNPs was evaluated using specific inhibitors for different endocytic pathways. Optimal inhibition was achieved using chlorpromazine, inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, resulting in a 23.5 % inhibition of AuNPs after 1 hour of incubation. This preliminary result obtained by fluorescent spectroscopy suggests that these AuNPs were predominantly uptake by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, meaning that other endocytic pathways must be involved in the cellular uptake of this AuNPs. In what cell viability is concern, the prepared AuNPs and the endocytic inhibitors revealed no significant effect on the cell viability in A549 cell line.
Neste artigo, o autor propõe-se refletir sobre a chancelaria do rei D. Dinis apresentando novas perspetivas para o seu entendimento do ponto de vista diplomático, ao mesmo tempo que valoriza, dá notícia e publica um conjunto de documentação, pouco divulgada, que permite reavaliar a dimensão e o significado históricos da produção documental dionisina.
This paper identifies and critiques the value of stillness as a necessary condition for the display and appreciation of art objects like the 16th century Japanese Namban screens, whose history and function is characterised by forms of movement. Drawing on multi-sited fieldwork in museum galleries that display these screens in Japan, Portugal and North America I will detail how the art-historical interpretation of the physical passage of these objects and their value as cultural heritage is based upon the fixed point perspectivism of networks and a visualist paradigm. Museum focused processes of conservation and display can be understood as extending this paradigm. By means of environmental controls, directed towards the location of perceptible meaning in what is available to vision and the necessary attenuation of the other senses the material movements of the object and movements of constituent materials in the object are stilled. The argument is for a sensory approach to museums and the objects within them, which in this case takes account of the material movements of the screens by engaging the senses through the ‘touch of sound’ as well as vision.
In museum studies and history of art, what happens behind the scenes of museums stays relatively unseen and unspoken about. In the arts, generally speaking, what is dismissed as irrelevant (e.g. the realm of practices) is deliberately detached from what is thought to really matter; theory, discourse, content and meaning. Up till recently, backstage activities such as conservation practices are merely discussed among specialists and museum professionals. Only the outcomes of these discussions are sometimes – if at all – explicitly communicated to a larger public. Studies into the practices of contemporary art conservation however show that practices behind the scenes play an important role in the perpetuation of these artworks. What happens behind the scenes in terms of conservation has, in several ways, important effects on the ongoing life of these artworks in a museum context. Conservation practices, I argue, should therefore become a necessary part of museum studies and history of art. How can the working practices of conservators become more visible and transparent to a diversity of audiences, including researchers? And what does this mean in terms of research methodology?