692 resultados para Homossexualidade masculina


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This paper seeks to analyze the statements of a teacher of basic education in the city of Cocalinho-MT on homosexuality. I try to identify possible ideological traits through the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2003a), with support from Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994). The analytical categories used are representational meaning, interdiscursivity and ideational metafunction. The studies of Rios (2009), Louro (2000, 2010) and Borrillo (2009) are used for the conceptualization of issues related to gender, sexuality and homophobia. The results show the presence of discourses that contribute to the strengthening of homophobia as oppressive naturalized practice, as the silencing of diversity discourse, the heteronormative and the nuclear family discourse. I make a reflection, to deconstruct these discourses that we educators can take advantage of rights and duties without hiding in a heteronormative profile for fear of suffer with the physical and psychological prejudice.


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Brazilian literature critics’ theorizations concerning feminine emancipation in the modern novel tend to consider a single form of resistance, the exacerbation of sexuality, which leads characters to discrimination and subsequent punishment, often culminates into their deaths. In this sense, a hypothesis to be followed is one to state that this type of criticism underestimates the feminine power, especially in women who reached “respectability” through marriage, i.e., there are other kinds of escape to masculine oppression that do not necessarily include the use of the body. Therefore, the objective of this work is to examine a case study, of sinha Vitória in Barren lives [Vidas secas], a revealing example of empowerment potentialities of married women, through other expedients, such as intellectual superiority. Theoretically, this article dialogs with both canonical studies, including Candido (1992) and Mourão (1971), as well as contemporary ones, like Bueno (2006) and Brunacci (2008). Setting form and arriving at the ambiguity in the name sinha Vitória, the analysis could observe the assumed relevance of the character in the family, as a decision-making authority, representing an intellectual and ideological compass. However, within the unmeasured inequalities of the northeastern society in the first half of the XX Century, this highlighted position in the family and sagacity to read the surrounding world do not prevent the social oppression of her nucleus by the powerful farmers, making her victory a merely partial one.