815 resultados para Historians, Byzantine.


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O seguinte trabalho desenvolve o tema da violência contra o movimento popular na Galiléia, segundo o texto de Lucas 13,1-5. Esse texto não tem paralelo nas outras duas fontes sinóticas, nem em João, nem em Tomé, nem no grupo Galileu que escreveu a fonte Q; quanto a esses eventos históricos que narra o texto, não há referência nem em Flávio Josefo, nem em outros historiadores da época. Isso quer dizer, que estes versículos são uma fonte própria de Lucas, uma fonte autônoma, chamada por alguns como fonte L (ou fonte S). A abordagem deste texto de Lucas, feita por grande parte de pesquisadores na área bíblica, preocupa-se com os temas de pecado e arrependimento, deixando na margem a situação das vítimas e as ameaças de Jesus para seus ouvintes. Neste sentido, este trecho de Lucas é de grande importância. Estes versículos expressam a realidade sócio -política. Seu conteúdo é um sinal de conflito e de denúncia contra o sistema imperial romano que não passou desapercebido para o redator do texto e nem para o seu auditório. Trata-se, portanto, da memória das vítimas da opressão. Apresentamos a seguir, a pesquisa em três capítulos esboçados brevemente. O primeiro descreve o agir específico dos procuradores ou governadores romanos, nas províncias comandadas por eles; ao mesmo tempo, a reação do povo e os seus protestos. A nossa ênfase recairá sobre o procurador romano Pôncio Pilatos. Nos valeremos das fontes bíblicas, extra-bíblicas e pseudo-epígrafas. No final, destacaremos a relevância e o papel central do texto Lucas 13,1-5. No segundo capítulo, o centro será a exegese de Lucas 13,1-5, relacionando-o com o contexto maior que, em nosso caso, é chamado itinerário de viagem para Jerusalém , e com um contexto imediato que é o capitulo 13 de Lucas. No final, perguntaremos pelo grupo ou grupos que podem estar por trás destes versículos, e a importância da fonte L, como fonte primeira que se insere no Evangelho de Lucas. O texto de Lucas 13,1-5 aparece como texto autônomo, memória das vítimas; ele contrasta com a visão moderada dos relatos da Paixão nos sinóticos, frente a uma realidade de opressão. O terceiro capítulo constitui-se num ensaio de articulação destes dois capítulos com a realidade atual, especificamente com a situação de guerra, violência e morte na Colômbia, junto aos esforços atuais por reconstruir a memória das vítimas do povo colombiano, memória que dá sentido e dignifica a oferenda de suas vidas.(AU)


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O presente trabalho verificou como o jornalismo pode ser parceiro e fonte para a história por meio da reprodução e análise dos fatos político-econômicos brasileiros nas páginas dos jornais impressos diários. Nessa perspectiva, as colunas escritas nos últimos 25 anos (1983-2009) por Janio de Freitas, no jornal Folha de S.Paulo, significam interpretação e análise dessa história. Trata-se, portanto, de uma pesquisa qualitativa e está ancorada nos Estudos Culturais. O corpus desta pesquisa é composto de um recorte de 47 comentários sobre as Diretas Já , de janeiro até abril de 1984, período em que ocorreram as principais mobilizações da sociedade civil pela eleição direta para a Presidência da República e culminou com a votação e a rejeição da emenda Dante de Oliveira pelo Congresso Nacional. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foram utilizadas as ferramentas da Análise de Conteúdo a partir das categorias analíticas criadas Personagens, Votação da Emenda Dante de Oliveira e Movimento Diretas Já nas ruas , para descrever o conteúdo textual das colunas. Para que se pudesse efetuar uma análise aprofundada do corpus da pesquisa foi utilizado o referencial teórico da ACD Análise Crítica do Discurso em nove das 47 colunas selecionadas. O critério de escolha para essas colunas foi a identificação daquelas que no título já traziam uma referência explícita à Campanha pelas Diretas Já , Às mobilizações nas ruas , A votação da emenda Dante de Oliveira , Ao processo de sucessão presidencial ou as que tinham o seu conteúdo integral sobre um dos temas. Este estudo constata a hipótese de que o jornalista é um historiador do cotidiano e que é possível fazer uma leitura da história da Campanha das Diretas Já por meio das colunas de Janio de Freitas. Ao tecer em suas colunas o cenário da época, desnuda para a história e para os historiadores o xadrez político personagens, acordos políticos, votação da emenda e a campanha nas ruas que envolveu o processo. Dessa forma, a partir de suas lentes, oferece elementos para a construção da memória coletiva sobre esse período da história brasileira.(AU)


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This article analyses the relationship between Balkan national identities and the region's dominant religion: Eastern Orthodox Christianity. After examining the concept of 'symphonia' between Orthodoxy and politics that developed during the Byzantine Empire, this article argues that the political myths that have emerged from Orthodoxy are the most potent in the Balkan mythical imaginary. Political myths have a direct impact on contemporary politics developing a threefold structure: the sacralisation of politics; the perception of the nation as a divine manifestation; and, the construction of a divine realm on earth.


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The revival of terracotta and faience in British architecture was widespread, dramatic in its results and, for two decades, the subject of intense debate. However the materials have been frequently denigrated and more generally disregarded by both architects and historians. This study sets out to record and explain the rise and fall of interest in terracotta and faience, the extent and nature of the industry and the range of architectural usage in the Victorian, Edwardian and inter-war periods. The first two chapters record the faltering use of terracotta as an 'artificial stone', until the material gained its own identity, largely through the appreciation of Italian architecture. In the mid-Victorian period, terracotta will be seen to have become symbolic of the philosophy of the Victoria and Albert Museum and its Art School in attempting to reform both architecture and the decorative arts. The adoption of terracotta was furthered as much by industrial as aesthetic factors; three chapters examine how the exploitation of coal-measure clays, developments in the processes of manufacture, the changing motivation of industrialists and differing economics of production served to promote and then to hinder expansion and adaptation. The practical values of economy, durability and fire-resistance and the aesthetic potential, seen in terms of colour and decorative and sculptural modelling, became inter-related in the work of the architects who made extensive use of architectural ceramics. A correlation emerges between the free Gothic style, exemplified by the designs of Alfred Waterhouse and the use of red terracotta supplied from Ruabon, and between the eclectic Renaissance style and a buff material produced by different manufacturers.These patterns were modified as a result of the adoption of faience for facing external walls as well as interiors, and because of the new architectural requirements and tastes of the twentieth century. The general timidity in exploiting the scope for polychromatic decoration and the increasing opposition to architectural ceramics is contrasted with the most successful schemes produced for cinemas, chain-stores and factories. In the last chapter, those undertaken by the Hathern Station Brick and Terracotta Company between 1896 and 1939 are used as a case study; they confirm that manufacturers, architects and clients were all committed to creating a modern and yet decorative architecture, appropriate for new building types and that would appeal to and be comprehensible to the public.


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This doctoral thesis originates from an observational incongruence between the perennial aims and aspirations of economic endeavour and actually recorded outcomes, which frequently seem contrary to those intended and of a recurrent, cyclical type. The research hypothesizes parallel movement between unstable business environments through time, as expressed by periodically fluctuating levels of economic activity, and the precipitation rates of industrial production companies. A major problem arose from the need to provide theoretical and empirical cohesion from the conflicting, partial and fragmented interpretations of several hundred historians and economists, without which the research question would remain unanswerable. An attempt to discover a master cycle, or superimposition theorem, failed, but was replaced by minute analysis of both the concept of cycles and their underlying data-bases. A novel technique of congregational analysis emerged, resulting in an integrated matrix of numerical history. Two centuries of industrial revolution history in England and Wales was then explored and recomposed for the first time in a single account of change, thereby providing a factual basis for the matrix. The accompanying history of the Birmingham area provided the context of research into the failure rates and longevities of firms in the city's staple metal industries. Sample specific results are obtained for company longevities in the Birmingham area. Some novel presentational forms are deployed for results of a postal questionnaire to surviving firms. Practical demonstration of the new index of national economic activity (INEA) in relation to company insolvencies leads to conclusions and suggestions for further applications of research into the tempo of change, substantial Appendices support the thesis and provide a compendium of information covering immediately contiguous domains.


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The relationship between the religious and political fields in the Orthodox Church is defined by the concept of symphonia which dates back to the Byzantine Empire. The concept suggests that the religious and political authorities should work together in a symphonic agreement towards achieving the material and spiritual welfare of the faithful. This article argues that an investigation of the theory of sign and symbol offers a better understanding of symphonia and, in particular, of its relationship with the nation-building process. From this perspective, by corroborating the data provided by the European Values Survey from 1990 to 2000 with this theory, this article demonstrates that the enlargement of the European Union represents the most significant challenge to symphonia, shifting its national focus to a supranational level. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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History as a discipline has been accused of being a-theoretical. For business historians working at business schools, however, the issue of methodology looms larger, as it is hard to make contributions to social science debates without explicating one’s disciplinary methodology. This paper seeks to outline an important aspect of historical methodology, which is data collection from archives. In this area, postcolonialism has made significant methodological contributions not just for non-Western history, as it has emphasized the importance of considering how archives were created, and how one can legitimately use them despite their limitations.


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History as a discipline has been accused of being a-theoretical. Business historians working at business schools, however, need to better explicate their historical methodology, not theory, in order to communicate the value of archival research to social scientists, and to train future doctoral students outside history departments. This paper seeks to outline an important aspect of historical methodology, which is data collection from archives. In this area, postcolonialism and archival ethnography have made significant methodological contributions not just for non-Western history, as it has emphasized the importance of considering how archives were created, and how one can legitimately use them despite their limitations. I argue that these approaches offer new insights into the particularities of researching business archives.