756 resultados para Gh
Cf. Clark, W.A. Modern Eng. lit. 1920-28. v. 3, p. 1-2.
Caption title.
Elegant autograph copy of the versified Persian-Turkish glossary of the müderris Osman Şakir (whose name appears in Īḍāḥ al-maknūn as ʻUthmān Shukrī, d.1818?). Apparently inspired by the popular Tuhfe-yi Vehbî (used for many years in Ottoman schools) of Sünbülzâde Vehbi Mehmet Efendi (d.1809), see opening matter on p.5-15.
marginal notes/ examined by M. Zacharia 8/24/89."
The role of growth hormone (GH) in embryonic growth is controversial, yet preimplantation embryos express GH, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and their receptors. In this study, addition of bovine GH doubled the proportion of two-cell embryos forming blastocysts and increased by about 25% the number of cells in those blastocysts with a concentration-response curve showing maximal activity at 1 pg bovine GH ml(-1), with decreasing activity at higher and lower concentrations. GH increased the number of cells in the trophectoderm by 25%, but did not affect the inner cell mass of blastocysts. Inhibition of cell proliferation by anti-GH antiserum indicated that GH is a potent autocrine or paracrine regulator of the number of trophectoderm cells in vivo. Type 1 IGF receptors (IGF1R) were localized to cytoplasmic vesicles and plasma membrane in the apical domains of uncompacted and compacted eight-cell embryos, but were predominantly apparent in cytoplasmic vesicles of the trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst, similar to GH receptors. Studies using alphaIR3 antiserum which blocks ligand activation of IGF1R, showed that IGF1R participate in the autocrine or paracrine regulation of the number of cells in the inner cell mass by an endogenous IGF-I-IGF1R pathway. However, alphaIR3 did not affect GH stimulation of the number of trophectoderm cells. Therefore, CH does not use secondary actions via embryonic IGF-I to modify the number of blastocyst cells. This result indicates that GH and IGF-I act independently. GH may selectively regulate the number of trophectoderm cells and thus implantation and placental growth. Embryonic GH may act in concert with IGF-I, which stimulates proliferation in the inner cell mass, to optimize blastocyst development.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) in rat salivary glands is regulated by testosterone, thyroxin, and growth hormone (GH). Salivary glands of 45-day-old giant and dwarf male and female transgenic mice were examined histologically and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for EGF. Male giants showed no significant differences from wild-type (WT) parotid and submandibular glands. However, their sublingual glands expressed EGF diffusely and strongly in granular cells within the striated ducts, where they were not found in WT mice. Submandibular gland ducts of female WT were different, having individual granular cells strongly positive for EGF and distributed sporadically along the striated duct walls. Neither female GH-antagonist dwarf mice nor GH-receptor knockout mice had any granular cells expressing EGF in any gland. Obvious presence of granular duct cells in the sublingual glands of giant male mice suggests GH-upregulated granular cell EGF expression. Furthermore, absence of granular duct cells from all glands in female GH-antagonist and GH-receptor knockout transgenic mice suggests that GH is necessary for the differentiation of the granular cell phenotype in female salivary glands.
Although the importance of CD4(+) T cell responses to human cytonnegalovirus (HCMV) has recently been recognized in transplant and immunosuppressed patients, the precise specificity and nature of this response has remained largely unresolved. In the present study we have isolated CD4(+) CTL which recognize epitopes from HCMV glycoproteins gB and gH in association with two different HLA-DR antigens, DRA1*0101/DRB1*0701 (DR7) and DRA1*0101/DRB1*1101 (DR11). Comparison of amino acid sequences of HICMV isolates revealed that the gB and gH epitope sequences recognized by human CD4(+) T cells were not only conserved in clinical isolates from HCMV but also in CMV isolates from higher primates (chimpanzee, rhesus and baboon). Interestingly, these epitope sequences from chimpanzee, rhesus and baboon CMV are efficiently recognized by human CD4(+) CTL. More importantly, we show that gB-specific T cells from humans can also efficiently lyse pepticle-sensitized Patr-DR7(+) cells from chimpanzees. These findings suggest that conserved gB and gH epitopes should be considered while designing a prophylactic vaccine against HCMV. In addition, they also provide a functional basis for the conservation of MHC class 11 lineages between humans and Old World primates and open the possibility for the use of such primate models in vaccine development against HCMV.
Growth hormone (GH) stimulates mandibular growth but its effect on the mandibular condylar cartilage is not well. understood. Objective: This study was designed to understand the influence of GH on mitotic activity and on chondrocytes maturation. The effect of GH on cartilage thickness was also determined. Design: An animal model witt differences in GH status was determined by comparing mutant Lewis dwarf rats with reduced pituitary GH synthesis (dwarf), with normal rats and dwarf animals treated with GH. Six dwarf rats were injected with GH for 6 days, while other six normal rats and six dwarf rats composed other two groups. Mandibular condylar tissues were processed and stained for Herovici's stain and immunohistochemistry, for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Measurements of cartilage thickness as well as the numbers of immunopositive cells for each antibody were analysed by one-way analysis of variance. Results: Cartilage thickness was significantly reduced in the dwarf animals treated with GH. PCNA expression was significant lower in the dwarf rats, but significantly increased when these animals were treated with GH. ALP expression was significant higher in the dwarf animals, while it was significantly reduced in the dwarf animals treated with GH. Conclusions: The results from this study showed that GH stimulates mitotic activity and delays cartilage cells maturation in the mandibular condyte. This effect at the cellular Level may produce changes in the cartilage thickness. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The cDNAs coding for the brain GnRHs (AY373449-51), pituitary GH, SL and PRL, and liver IGFs (AY427954-5) were isolated. Partial cDNA sequences of the brain (Cyp19b) and gonadal (Cyp19a) aromatases have also been obtained. These tools would be utilized to study the endocrine regulation of puberty in the grey mullet.
Cementum is known to be growth-hormone (GH)-responsive, but to what extent is unclear. This study examines the effects of extremes of GH status on cementogenesis in three lines of genetically modified mice; GH excess (giant), GH antagonist excess (dwarf), and GH receptor-deleted (GHR-KO) (dwarf). Age-matched mandibular molar tissues were processed for light microscope histology. Digital images of sections of first molar teeth were captured for morphometric analysis of lingual root cementum. Cross-sectional area of the cellular cementum was a sensitive guide to GH status, being reduced nearly 10-fold in GHR-KO mice, three-fold in GH antagonist mice, and increased almost two-fold in giant mice (p
Based on phage display optimization studies with human growth hormone (GH), it is thought that the biopotency of GH cannot be increased. This is proposed to be a result of the affinity of the first receptor for hormone far exceeding that which is required to trap the hormone long enough to allow diffusion of the second receptor to form the ternary complex, which initiates signaling. We report here that despite similar site 1 kinetics to the hGH/hGH receptor interaction, the potency of porcine GH for its receptor can be increased up to 5-fold by substituting hGH residues involved in site 1 binding into pGH. Based on extensive mutations and BIAcore studies, we show that the higher potency and site 1 affinity of hGH for the pGHR is primarily a result of a decreased off-rate associated with residues in the extended loop between helices 1 and 2 that interact with the two key tryptophans Trp(104) and Trp(169) in the receptor binding hot spot. Our mutagenic analysis has also identified a second determinant (Lys(165)), which in addition to His(169), restricts the ability of non-primate hormones to activate hGH receptor. The increased biopotency of GH that we observe can be explained by a model for GH receptor activation where subunit alignment is critical for effective signaling.
Hyperactivity of the sympathetic and noradrenergic systems is thought to be a feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Assessment of noradrenergic receptor function can be undertaken by measuring the growth hormone (GH) response to the alpha(2)-agonist clonidine. The aim of this study was to examine whether subjects with combat-related PTSD (with or without co-morbid depression) have a blunted growth hormone response to clonidine, compared to a combat-exposed control group. Twenty-three Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD alone, 27 suffering from PTSD and co-morbid depression, and 32 veteran controls with no psychiatric illness were administered 1.5 mug/kg clonidine i.v. Plasma growth hormone was measured every 20 min for 120 min. The growth hormone response to clonidine was significantly blunted in the non-depressed PTSD group compared to both the depressed PTSD group and the control group as measured by peak growth hormone, delta growth hormone and AUC growth hormone. Subjects with PTSD and no co-morbid depressive illness show a blunted growth hormone response to clonidine. This suggests that post-synaptic alpha(2)-receptors are subsensitive. This finding is consistent with other studies showing increased noradrenergic activity in PTSD. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A detailed ecological, micro-structural and skeletal Sr/Ca study of a 3.42 m thick Goniopora reef profile from an emerged Holocene reef terrace at the northern South China Sea reveals at least nine abrupt massive Goniopora stress and mortality events occurred in winter during the 7.0-7.5 thousand calendar years before present (cal. ka BP) (within the Holocene climatic optimum). Whilst calculated Sr/Ca-SST (sea surface temperature) maxima during this period are comparable to those in the 1990s, Sr/Ca-SST minima are significantly lower, probably due to stronger winter monsoons. Such generally cooler winters, superimposed by further exceptional winter cooling on inter-annual to decadal scales, may have caused stress and mortality of the corals about every 50 years. Sea level rose by similar to 3.42 m during this period, with present sea-level reached at similar to 7.3 ka BP and a sea-level highstand of at least similar to 1.8 m occurred at similar to 7.0 ka. The results show that it took about 20-25 years for a killed Goniopora coral reef to recover. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently we have shown that growth hormone (GH) inhibits neuronal differentiation and that this process is blocked by suppressor of cytokine signalling-2 (SOCS2). Here we examine several cortical and subcortical neuronal populations in GH hyper-responsive SOCS2 null (-/-) mice and GH non-responsive GH receptor null (GHR-/-) mice. While SOCS2-/- mice showed a 30% decrease in density of NeuN positive neurons in cortex compared to wildtype, GHR-/- mice showed a 25% increase even though brain size was decreased. Interneuron sub-populations were variably affected, with a slight decrease in cortical parvalbumin expressing interneurons in SOCS2-/- mice and an increase in cortical calbindin and calretinin and striatal cholinergic neuron density in GHR-/- mice. Analysis of glial cell numbers in cresyl violet or glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) stained sections of cortex showed that the neuron: glia ratio was increased in GHR-/- mice and decreased in SOCS2-/- mice. The astrocytes in GHR-/- mice appeared smaller, while they were larger in SOCS2-/- mice. Neuronal soma size also varied in the different genotypes, with smaller striatal cholinergic neurons in GHR-/- mice. While the size of layer 5 pyramidal neurons was not significantly different from wildtype, SOCS2-/- neurons were larger than GHR-/- neurons. In addition, primary dendritic length was similar in all genotypes but dendritic branching of pyramidal neurons in the cortex appeared sparser in GHR-/- and SOCS2-/- mice. These results suggest that GH, possibly regulated by SOCS2, has multiple effects on central nervous system (CNS) development and maturation, regulating the number and size of multiple neuronal and glial cell types.