Koran : manuscript, [1892-1896].

Autoria(s): Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1842-1918, former owner.



marginal notes/ examined by M. Zacharia 8/24/89."

"With marginal notes, excerpted from many sources, on textual variants, division of the text into verses, liturgical pronunciation etc.; a closing prayer [pp. 503-505]; tables showing the relationship of the Ten Readers (ḳurrāʼ), the Twenty Reciters (ruwāt), [and the Eighty Brotherhoods (ṭuruq), pp. [506-508], an explanatory discourse by the writer of the marginal notes [pp. 509-545]. Cataloging by William Hoyt Worrell, 1925. Researcher's note: "Calligraphic masterpiece/unique gilding/interesting

blue paper endpapers; red leather binding and slipcase stamped and painted in gold and silver.

Illumination on pp. [1-2]; chapter headings and colophons illuminated; verse endings marked with illuminated rosettes, each different; text enclosed in gold borders; illuminated rosettes in margins mark end of each juzʼ (1/30th); marginal indications in red for sixtieths (ḥizb or niṣf juzʼ) and 120ths (niṣf ḥizb) of text; rubricated marginal commentaries in hand of Muḥammad Khalūṣī; tables and closing discourse are rubricated and enclosed in golded borders; vol. edges gilded and painted; gilded

[i.e. 1895 or 6]; name of copyist of terminal discourse in colophon on p. [545]: sawwadahu Muḥammad Khalūṣī min tilmīdh al-maʻrūf bi-al-ḥājj Muḥammad Shawqī ... fī Muḥarram sanat 1310 [i.e. July-August 1892].

Date of copying and copyist's name in colophon on p. [502]: sawwdahu kathīr al-musāwī ... Būrdūrī al-faqīr al-ḥaqīr Nūrī ʻUthmān al-mushtahar al-ḥāfiẓ al-Qurʼān bi-Qāyish Zādah rāqiman ʻalá mā wāfaqa muṣḥaf al-sharīf ithnā wa-miʼah ... qad waqaʻa al-farāgh fī awākhir shahr Dhī al-Ḥijjah li-sanat tisʻa wa-thalāthamiʼah wa-alf [i.e. July 1892]; date of gilding and gilder's name at bottom of colophon: dhahhabahu al-ḥājj Aḥmad min tilmīdh al-ḥājj Ḥasan[?] sanat 1313

Zakariya, Mohamed. "Islamic calligraphy: A technical overview." In Brocade of the pen: the art of Islamic writing. Carol Garrett Fisher, ed. (East Lansing, MI: Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, 1991):

Brocade of the pen : the art of Islamic writing. Carol Garrett Fisher, ed. (East Lansing, MI: Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, 1991),

marginal notes/ examined by M. Zacharia 8/24/89."

"With marginal notes, excerpted from many sources, on textual variants, division of the text into verses, liturgical pronunciation etc.; a closing prayer [pp. 503-505]; tables showing the relationship of the Ten Readers (ḳurrāʼ), the Twenty Reciters (ruwāt), [and the Eighty Brotherhoods (ṭuruq), pp. [506-508], an explanatory discourse by the writer of the marginal notes [pp. 509-545]. Cataloging by William Hoyt Worrell, 1925. Researcher's note: "Calligraphic masterpiece/unique gilding/interesting

Mode of access: Internet.


Purchased in Cairo, 1924. Once part of the personal manuscript collection of Sultan Abdülhamid II of Turkey.








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Palavras-Chave #Manuscripts, Arabic
