899 resultados para GENOCIDIO – HISTORIA - CAMBOYA - 1975-1979
The wastage of prawns due to spoilage in processing factories accounted to about 0-12% in 1974, 0-35% in 1975, 0-3% in 1976 and 0-4% in 1977. Spoilage increases with the time lag between catching and processing and also due to defective icing. The paper discusses the counts of whole prawns required for obtaining meat of specified size grades.
This paper summarizes the results of the experiments on the induced breeding and larval rearing of milkfish (Chanos chanos) during the 1979 season. Milkfish larvae could be reared successfully without the use of trochophore larvae of oysters as feed during the first few days. In order to induce the ovulation of wild adult milkfish a higher dose of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is required.
During 1975, two experimental fisheries resource surveys were conducted on lake wamala from 14th to 20th May and 10th to 16th July. The purpose of the experimental fishing on this lake was to provide information required to genrate enough scientific guidelines and advice for rational exploitation, management, development and utilization of the fishery resources in the lake.
This report presents the results of the second (in 1975) fisheries resource survey for Lake Wamala conducted from 10th to 16th July 1975. The first similar survey covered the period 14th to 20th May 1975. The areas sampled consisted of the river-month areas, the papyrus-fringed inshore waters and the open dee offshore waters. In an effort to find the possible major causes of the decline in catch and seasonal disappearance of fish-hence a solution to the problem(s)-a second fisheries resource survey using multifilament nylon gillnets was conducted on Lake Kijanebalola during the period 17th to 21st July 1975. The first survey was similar and covered the period 21st to 27th May 1975.
树鼩是一种新开发的小型实验动物. 研究树鼩的寄生虫对保护树鼩群体, 保证准确的实验结果, 以及寻找人类疾病的动物模型等方面都有着重要的实用意义和理论意义. 关于缅甸、越南、婆罗洲、马来西亚、马来亚、印度、和印度尼西亚树鼩的体内外寄生虫研究, 国外学者已作过许多研究(Dunn, 1963, 1964; Van Peenen等, 1967;Durette-Desset等, 1975, 1981; File, 1974; Quentin等, 1975, 1977; Chabaud等, 1975;Ohbayashi等, 1983; Betteron等, 1977; Betterton, 1979, 1980; Myers, 1960; Orihel, 1966; Nandi, 1982; Manning等, 1972; Mallin等, 1972; Schmidt等, 1977; Houdemer, 1938; Heyneman 等, 1965; Jordan,1926; Durden 等, 1984)。
<正> 随着水污染的日趋严重,为适应水质监测、渔业等方面的需要,近年来,鱼类生态毒理学研究得到了迅速发展。有关鱼类生态毒理研究的进展情况,已分别有人就1975、1978年及1978~1979年作过综述报导。在此,作者对1984~1986年的鱼类生态毒理研究新进展作一综述。 一、概述 第二届国际海洋生物对污染物反应讨论会于1983年4月27日在美国明尼苏达州Woods Hole召开’会后由Stegeman,J.J.编辑出版了论文集《海洋生物对污染物
<正> 关于水污染的生态研究,我所于1975、1978年已有两次综述报导。现就1978—1979年有关水污染对鱼类生态毒理影响的研究进展,分为概述、急性毒性、亚急性毒性、慢性毒性、模式和模拟研究等五个部份综述如下。
<正> 1973—1975年间,中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队在西藏自治区波密县易贡若果冰川(海拔4600公尺)等地,采到这种冰蚯蚓。冰蚯蚓标本分别承中国科学院水生生物研究所曹文萱副教授和南京大学地理学系王富葆副教授送交我们进行分类研究;冰蚯蚓的显微摄影工作得到中国科学院水生生物研究所蒋燮治副教授的热情指导和该所何楚华、郑英两同志的大力协助,特此一并致以谢意。 冰蚯蚓标本共82条。其中成熟的个体为52条,9条分别用作横切、纵切和矢切玻片进行观察。10条用于解剖观察,我们认为这种冰蚯蚓确为一新属、新种,兹
<正> 新中国成立后,在环境生物学方面开展了一些科学研究和调查工作,1973年第一次全国环境保护工作会议以后,这方面的工作有较多的开展,全国的大专院校、卫生部门、农业(包括林业和水产)的科学研究和生产单位、工业方面的科研设计单位和工矿企业,以及中国科学院的有关研究所,都开展了工作,不论在污染生态的调查和生物监测,生态毒理学领域的各项研究,还是生物处理废水、污水方面,都取得了一定成绩,这里特别值得提出的,中国科学院曾委托水生生物研究所分别于1975年10月及1978年2月在武汉举行过“环境保护生物监测与治理