899 resultados para Frankenstein myth


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Due to the impacts of postcolonialism, social and cultural anthropology has been dealing intensively with the possibilities and limits of representing "other” human beings and their meaningful worlds. Scholars such as George Marcus, James Clifford or Clifford Geertz have discussed ways of improving anthropological methods of representation without, however, fully raising questions about the quality and validity of the objects represented and the very idea, that they could be “represented”. Thus, despite attempts to purify classical anthropological categories, substantialized presences (“Humans”, “Others”, “Pygmies” etc.), various forms of binary oppositions (us–them, culture–nature, human–animal) as well as certain epistemological modes/ logoi (representation, interpretation) have been rehearsed until today. The research aims to dissect and challenge the metaphysical outputs of the “anthropological machine” (Giorgio Agamben). I intended to solve these from their apparent familiarity as representable identities or differences in order to investigate their genealogy. In Derrida’s and Foucault’s understanding, genealogy becomes manifest mainly in the “blind spots” (Derrida) or “anomalies” (Foucault) between differences, at the borders of identities. As an analytical guideline, the research uses on one concrete metonym for the Derridean blind spot, one incorporation of a Foucauldian Other, namely pygmy narratives within early modern and 19th century imaginings. “Pygmies” have been part of both Western mythology and anthropological reflection since the antiquity and finally became “ethnographical facts” within an evolutionary anthropology in the 19th century during the European exploration of Africa. Throughout this veritable Odyssey, they were mostly precarious “category-jammers” (Timothy Beal), occupying the impossible middle grounds within (proto)anthropological classification. Thus, along with the early modern wild men, enfants sauvages or the apes of proto-primatology, the pygmies of the Homeric myth, as a catalyst for the negotiation of categories, played a decisive role in early modern and 19th century conceptions of the human. Through the precarious Pygmies, concrete socio-historical materializations of Identities (human, European), differences (human–animal etc.), as well as the accompanying logoi which vindicate these as pseudo-entities, appear evident. The research aims to read and write the history of early modern and 19th Century anthropology through one of its many classificatory constituting Others. It thus contributes to a discipline that for a long time has examined concrete systems of knowledge and the genealogy of classification in general. One might call it an “anthropologization” of anthropology.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Getting to Know You: Psychoeducational Groups to Counter Social Isolation of Neglectful Mothers. Marianne Berry Intensive Family Preservation in Children's Mental Health: Predictors of Placement. Cathryn C. Potter An Innovative Family Preservation Program in an African American Community: Longitudinal Analysis. Patricia Ciliberti Chipping Away at the Monolith: Dispelling the Myth of Father Noninvolvement in Children's Early Literacy Development. Robert W. Ortiz


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Murderous Medea – following Euripides’ seminal tragedy countless authors and artists have depicted Medea as child-slaughtering outlaw and avenger. But the Medea myth is much more diverse and holds more depth than this. Medea’s path through her career as princess, magician, wife, mother and avengress opens with another abominable death: that of her brother Apsyrtos. This article focuses on how and why the death of Medea’s brother Apsyrtos has been examined and instrumentalised in modern adaptions of the myth by Hans Henny Jahnn, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Christa Wolf and Dea Loher. Whether guilty as charged but with sensible intentions to gain self-rule and show herself trustworthy or innocent of crime or murder but stricken with guilt and alienation, Medea’s involvement in her brother’s death seems to hold the key to modern interpretations of antiquity’s different strands of the Medea myth and its adaptability to modern concerns of subjectivity and emancipation.


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Die Doktorarbeit “Dein Gott ist ein Esel. Griechische und römische Tierkarikaturen als Spiegel antiker Wertvorstellungen” hat sowohl die lange und intensive Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Tier als auch das antike Humorverständnis zum Thema. Trotz seiner verschiedenen Rollen als Helfer und Freund blieb (und bleibt) das Tier der Stereotyp des ‚Anderen’, das Gegenbild, das alle Menschen teilen. Das Lachen und damit die Karikatur wiederum helfen uns, zu reflektieren und Distanz zu den Dingen und vielleicht zu uns selbst zu gewinnen. Tierkarikaturen sind deshalb besonders geeignet, ein Spiegel menschlicher Fehler und Schwächen zu sein. In der Regel handelt es sich bei den antiken Tierkarikaturen um Bilder von Menschen, die tiergestaltig ‚verzerrt’ sind, zum Beispiel ein Lehrer mit dem Äusseren eines Esels. Solche Darstellungen sind ab dem 6. Jh. v. Chr. zu finden und werden in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit häufiger, wo der Fokus der Arbeit liegt. Meist sind es Terrakotta- oder Bronzefiguren, die verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen zugeordnet werden können wie Religion, Politik, Freizeit usw. Unter Berücksichtigung des spezifischen kulturellen und funktionalen Kontextes jedes Stückes sowie zeitgenössischen schriftlichen Quellen wird die Bedeutung dieser Karikaturen erarbeitet.


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Milan Kundera, an intellectual born in Moravia who emigrated to France in 1975, in L’Ignorance leans on the myth of Ulysses to question contemporary realities of exile and return, nostalgia and oblivion. Does the hope of returning to the place of origin really haunt the modern émigré? To what extent does the notion of homeland still have meaning for him? And what happens when the émigré, unlike Ulysses the great nostalgic, prefers to stay with Calypso his lover rather than return to his native land and faithful wife Penelope? With some cynicism, Kundera in L’Ignorance offers scenarios of exile which desecrate and destabilize historically and culturally available standards while allowing us to reflect on new paradigmatic figures of contemporary exile.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Forderungen nach der Katholiken-Emanzipation in Preußen und im Deutschen Bund


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The hindsight bias represents the tendency of people to falsely believe that they would have predicted the outcome of an event, once the outcome is known. Two experiments will be presented that show a reduction or even reversal of the hindsight bias when the outcome information is self-threatening for the participants. Participants read a report of an interaction between a man and a woman that ended with different outcomes: The woman was raped vs. the woman was not raped vs. no outcome information was given. Results of the first experiment indicated that especially female participants, who did not accept rape myths, showed a reversed hindsight bias, when they received the rape outcome information. The more threatening the rape outcome had been, the lower was their estimated likelihood of rape. Results of the second experiment confirmed those of the first. Female participants, who did not accept rape myths and perceived themselves highly similar to the victim, showed a strong reversed hindsight bias, when threatened by the rape outcome, whereas female participants, who did believe in rape myth and were not similar to the victim, showed a classical hindsight bias. These effects were interpreted in terms of self-serving or in-group serving functions of the hindsight bias: Participants deny the foreseeability of a self-threatening outcome as a means of self-protection even if they are not personally affected by the negative information, but a member of their group.


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Figurentheater für ein erwachsenes Publikum findet vermehrt auch auf den institutionalisierten Bühnen des Sprech-, Tanz- und Musiktheaters statt. Diese Entwicklung steht symptomatisch für eine in allen Künsten beobachtbare Tendenz, Genre- und Formgrenzen zu öffnen. Mit der Auflösung strikter Grenzziehungen zwischen den Künsten sowie der Enthierarchisierung der Theatermittel in postdramatischen Formen werden mittlerweile verstärkt auch in Schauspielinszenierungen Puppen, die gleichberechtigt neben den menschlichen Darsteller_innen agieren, eingesetzt (z. B. Frankenstein, Regie: Philipp Stölzl, Theater Basel 2014; Die Brüder Löwenherz, Regie: Ingo Berk, Puppen: Mervyn Millar, Schauspielhaus Zürich 2014; Der Untergang des Hauses Usher, Regie und Puppen: Suse Wächter, Residenztheater München 2015; Merlin oder das wüste Land, Regie: Jan-Christoph Gockel, Puppen: Michael Pietsch, Schauspielhaus Graz 2015). Der seit etwa 20 Jahren beobachtbare massive Entwicklungsschub im west- und zentraleuropäischen Figurentheater ist eng verknüpft mit der Form der offenen Manipulation, bei der Puppenspieler_innen sichtbar die Spielfigur animieren. Inspiriert ist diese offene Spielweise vom traditionellen japanischen Figurentheater Bunraku, bei dem drei sichtbare Puppenspieler eine Figur animieren. Das Bühnengeschehen wird von einem am Seitenrand der Bühne platzierten Rezitator, welcher die Handlung erzählt und den Text aller Figuren spricht, sowie von einem Shamisen-Spieler begleitet. Während für Vertreter der historischen Avantgarde wie beispielsweise Edward Gordon Craig die Puppe aufgrund ihrer Kontrollierbarkeit als Schauspielerersatz von Interesse war, rückt im zeitgenössischen, offen manipulierenden Figurentheater der Fokus auf die Konfrontation von menschlichen Darsteller_innen und Kunstkörpern. Der Beitrag möchte das evidente Interesse der zeitgenössischen Theaterpraxis an der figurentheaterspezifischen Spielweise der offenen Manipulation zum Ausgangspunkt nehmen, um deren Potenzial zur Fragmentierung, Collagierung und Hybridisierung von Körperkonstruktionen und Körperdarstellungen sowie die damit einhergehenden Fragen nach Subjekt- versus Objektstatus zu untersuchen. Abschliessend soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, welche tradierten schauspieltheoretischen Setzungen mit Blick auf die Möglichkeiten der offenen Manipulation als theatrale Praktik im Sprechtheater einer Revision unterzogen werden müssen.


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This paper discusses generally the question of the level of government that should be used to administer different social policies. The chapter focuses on the Medicaid program, looking at recent state-level changes in health insurance for the poor and long-term care policy. Particular attention will be paid to the question of how states have used their new freedoms to outsource public insurance to the private sector and on the consequent differences in outcomes across states. Notably, this paper will be drawn from my forthcoming book “The American Myth of Markets in Social Policy” (Palgrave, MacMillan, November, 2015).


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Carl Frankenstein


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Carl Frankenstein


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Carl Frankenstein