951 resultados para Ethno-racial Territories


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Past studies into the roles of testosterone in birds have focused on species that occur in temperate regions. In such species, plasma testosterone levels are high during the establishment of territories in the spring and are associated with increased aggression. In contrast to most temperate species, tropical birds frequently defend territories year-round, during which time territoriality often occurs in a nonsexual context. The few studies that have been carried out on tropical birds show lower levels of circulating testosterone than occur in their temperate counterparts. In some year-round territorial tropical species, testosterone and aggression are dissociated, while in other species testosterone still plays a role in regulating aggression. This study examined the relationship between aggression and plasma testosterone levels in a year-round territorial, subtropical population of the buff-banded rail with characteristics typical of tropical species. Peak testosterone levels were substantially lower than those found in temperate species. Males displayed a seasonal peak in plasma testosterone level when their partners were most likely to be fertile. At other times, testosterone levels were mostly undetectable, despite year-round territoriality. We found that T levels increased with courtship behavior but showed no relationship with aggression, supporting the hypothesis that dissociation between testosterone and territoriality may be widespread among tropical avian taxa. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The first eighteen months of the Great War witnessed an unprecedented awakening of interest in the Polish Question, when worldwide attention was drawn to the prolonged devastation of the Polish territories. Thereafter, a steady increase in media comment and criticism, highlighting Poland's plight, fostered public indignation at the continual stalling of humanitarian relief efforts for Polish refugees. Such burgeoning popular sentiment focused wider political attention upon a growing movement for recognition of Polish claims to independence. This particularly proved to be the case for Woodrow Wilson and his administration's budding interest in Poland. Subsequently, nowhere did the Polish Question assume a greater role in diplomatic efforts to mediate for peace than in America, and at no time more than during the year preceding the President's hesitant decision to intervene in hostilities.


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Prediction equations of body composition based on measurements of whole-body bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) have been found to be population-specific. It was hypothesised that this may be, in part, due to differences in proportional limb lengths between ethnic or racial groups. As a preliminary to a survey of body composition in urban Nigerians using BIA, the relative limb lengths of the three major tribal groups (Hausa, Yoruba and Ibo) were determined. We found small (5-9%) but significantly longer limb lengths in Nigerians compared to a Caucasian population, but no significant differences between tribes. This implies that BIA prediction equations generated in a Caucasian population are inappropriate for use in a Nigerian population.


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This essay considers processes by which community identities are challenged by discussing the use of whiteface as an activist strategy in recent indigenous theatre in Canada and Australia. To understand whiteface, I employ Susan Gubar's notion of racechange, processes that test and even transgress racial borders. I also situate whiteface in relation to the history of blackface minstrelsy. Noting the ways these racial performances affirm the hierarchies of color and how power becomes invested in such color codings, the essay highlights indigenous employment of whiteface as a potential form of critical historiography. I then analyze how whiteface functions in two productions, Daniel David Moses's Almighty Voice and His Wife (1991) in Canada and the Queensland Theatre Company's 2000 revival of George Landen Dann's Fountains Beyond in Australia. My analysis posits that such indigenous performances of whiteface can affirm the identity of the marginalized other even as they destabilize the fixity of race and its meanings.


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AIM: To describe the prevalence and forms of sexual dysfunction experienced by Australians, and compare these with people in the United States. METHODS: A cross sectional, telephone interview survey of a randomly selected sample of men (n = 876) and women (n = 908) aged between 18 and 59 years on the electoral roll in all states and territories of Australia (response rate = 61%) was conducted between November 1999 and April 2000. RESULTS: Large proportions of Australian men (55.0%) and women (60.5%) reported at least one sexual problem within the preceding year. More serious sexual dysfunction (> 3 symptoms) was observed in 13.2% of men and 19.7% of women. DISCUSSION: Australia and the USA are similar with regard to the high rate of symptoms of sexual dysfunction observed in the population. The low rate of treatment points to both patient and doctor reluctance to discuss sexual performance and practices.


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The influence of complex plaque morphology on the extent of demand-induced ischemia in unselected patients is not well defined. We sought to investigate the functional significance of lesion morphology in patients who underwent coronary angiography and dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE).,Angiography and DSE were performed within a 6-month period (mean 1 +/- 1 month) in 196 patients. Angiographic assessments involved quantification of stenosis severity, assessment of the extent of jeopardized myocardium, and categorization of plaque morphology according to the Ambrose classification. DSE was interpreted by separate investigators with respect to wall motion score index (WMSI) and number of coronary territories involved. A general linear model was constructed to assess,the independent contribution of patient characteristics and angiographic and DSE results with respect to extent of ischemic myocardium. Complex lesion morphology was seen in 62 patients (32%). Patients with complex lesions were more likely to have had prior myocardial infarction (p < 0.001) and be current smokers (p = 0.03). During angiography, they exhibited a trend toward a greater number of diseased vessels, had a greater coronary jeopardy score (p < 0.001) and more frequent collateral flow (p = 0.03). During echocardiography, patients had a higher stress WMSI (p < 0.001) and were more likely to show ischemia in all 3 arterial territories (p < 0.01). On multivariate regression, the coronary artery jeopardy score and the presence of complex plaque morphology were independent predictors of the extent of ischemic myocardium (R 2 = 34%, p < 0.001). Thus, patients with complex plaque morphology are older, more likely to smoke, and more likely to have had prior myocardial. infarction. They exhibit more extensive disease with higher coronary jeopardy scores and a higher resting and peak stress WMSI. Despite these differences, complex plaque morphology remains an independent predictor of the extent of ischemia during stress. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.


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O caso aborda o processo de estrutura????o de pol??tica p??blica voltada para o combate aos preconceitos de g??nero e ra??a no Sistema ??nico de Sa??de. Por meio da experi??ncia de Ana Cl??udia, enfermeira e pesquisadora da sa??de da mulher, s??o relatados epis??dios comuns no cotidiano de mulheres negras em per??odo de pr??-natal, parto e puerp??rio. Al??m disso, ao longo da narrativa, s??o apresentadas informa????es sobre pol??ticas, planos e projetos do setor p??blico, al??m de dados de pesquisas, sobre a tem??tica da sa??de da popula????o negra e da mulher. Apesar de seu foco na estrutura????o de um programa de combate ?? discrimina????o na sa??de p??blica, o caso suscita quest??es para debate nas ??reas de diversidade racial e de g??nero, al??m de t??picos relacionados ?? gest??o de pol??ticas p??blicas. O relato pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre pol??ticas p??blicas e desenho e gest??o de programas e projetos


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O caso relata uma situa????o de promo????o em ??rg??o p??blico na qual dois funcion??rios ??? uma mulher negra e um homem branco - se mostram como candidatos ao cargo. S??o apresentados os perfis e habilidades profissionais dos dois servidores e, ao final, a decis??o tomada pelo Secret??rio, chefe de ambos. O estudo suscita discuss??es sobre pr??ticas discriminat??rias nos espa??os de poder das institui????es p??blicas e o papel do dirigente para combater ou difundir tais pr??ticas. Pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre lideran??a, gest??o de pessoas e ??tica e servi??o p??blico


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Com o afastamento do chefe do setor por quest??es m??dicas, Carla, que j?? exercia eventualmente a chefia da equipe, tornou-se a substituta do cargo, s?? n??o contava com o ass??dio de Ricardo, funcion??rio querido por todos. As investidas foram ficando cada vez mais agressivas e Carla n??o sabia mais como lidar com a situa????o. Come??ou a ter problemas com a sua equipe e sofrer difama????es por parte de Ricardo. O cen??rio encontrado pelo chefe ao voltar da licen??a foi de uma equipe desestabilizada. O caso trata do tema de ass??dio moral, agregado ?? quest??o racial e de g??nero, e suscita discuss??o sobre como um dirigente deve atuar para evitar a pr??tica dos ass??dios moral e sexual na equipe que gerencia, bem como para remediar situa????es j?? consolidadas. Pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre lideran??a, gest??o de pessoas e ??tica e servi??o p??blico


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A MRPA Diversidade e Capacita????o em Escolas de Governo reuniu especialistas e dirigentes de variadas origens para pensar a constru????o de alternativas para a inser????o dos temas diversidade, igualdade de g??nero, igualdade racial e direitos humanos nos programas de capacita????o e forma????o desenvolvidos em escolas de governo


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Debater sobre os desafios da incorpora????o dos temas transversais, relacionados a p??blicos espec??ficos, nos processos de implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas da Administra????o P??blica Federal


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O evento discutiu a lideran??a feminina no servi??o p??blico. A professora irlandesa Linda McLoughlin, que conduziu o encontro, fez a apresenta????o ???L??deres, l??deres femininas e reforma ??? n??s temos o que ?? preciso???? e comentou duas pesquisas sobre o assunto, realizadas em seu pa??s


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A irlandesa Linda McLoughlin criou a empresa de consultoria em lideran??a Linda McLoughlin LeadershipWorks, depois de mais de 20 anos no servi??o p??blico irland??s, onde trabalhou na Ag??ncia Estatal de Turismo (Cert) desenvolvendo curr??culos nacionais para apoiar a educa????o vocacional e a forma????o no setor tur??stico, al??m de ser respons??vel pela avalia????o e certifica????o da ind??stria hoteleira irlandesa. Em 1997, tornou-se, no Instituto de Administra????o P??blica (Ipa), especialista em lideran??a e gest??o s??nior, e na Kennedy School of Government, em Harvard, desenvolveu pesquisa em percep????es sobre lideran??a feminina no setor p??blico. Com experi??ncia em desenvolvimento de lideran??as na Europa e na ??frica, Linda McLoughlin visitou a ENAP, em setembro. Entre outras atividades, esteve ?? frente do Caf?? com Debate, que contou com a participa????o da ministra Nilc??ia Freire, da Secretaria Especial de Pol??ticas paraas Mulheres, e de Magali Naves, representando a ministra Matilde Ribeiro, da Secretaria de Promo????o da Igualdade Racial. Linda McLoughlin concedeu esta entrevista ?? Revista do Servi??o P??blico.


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Trabalho realizado durante a vigência de bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa/CNPq.