945 resultados para Entropic graphs


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El treball que teniu a les mans és una recerca sociolingüística que té com a objectiu l’anàlisi dels coneixements i els usos lingüístics de la Universitat de Lleida, a partir de la comparació dels resultats obtinguts a “Coneixements i usos lingüístics de l’estudiantat de la Universitat de Lleida” (Curs 1993/1994), un estudi impulsat des dels Servei de Llengua i Terminologia l’any 1993. L’elaboració del treball es divideix en tres etapes: l’etapa d’investigació, l’etapa d’organització i l’etapa d’interpretació. La primera etapa ha estat destinada a la recollida de dades. He demanat a un total de 1046 alumnes provinents de vint-i-un graus o especialitat diferents que contestessin un qüestionari. La segona etapa consisteix en l’organització de les dades. El primer que he fet ha estat entrar els resultats de cadascuna de les enquestes al programa ACCES, el qual m’ha permès fer les posteriors agrupacions partint sempre del model de 1993. Una vegada he tingut totes les agrupacions fetes, he fet tots els percentatges, gràfiques i taules al programa Excel. Finalment, quan ja he tingut tots els gràfics i taules confeccionats he passat ja a l’última etapa del treball: la interpretació de les dades. Primer he fet una lectura de cadascun dels gràfics i taules, comparant-los posteriorment amb els resultats obtinguts el 1993. Una vegada he tingut tots els comentaris fets he passat ja al més important: la redacció de les conclusions, on intento explicar els canvis més importants que he copsat.


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Chemical reactions in living cells are under strict enzyme control and conform to a tightly regulated metabolic program. However, uncontrolled and potentially deleterious endogenous reactions occur, even under physiological conditions. Aging, in this chemical context, could be viewed as an entropic process, the result of chemical side reactions that chronically and cumulatively degrade the function of biological systems. Mitochondria are a main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and chemical sidereactions in healthy aerobic tissues and are the only known extranuclear cellular organelles in animal cells that contain their own DNA (mtDNA). ROS can modify mtDNA directly at the sugar-phosphate backbone or at the bases, producing many different oxidatively modified purines and pyrimidines, as well as single and double strand breaks and DNA mutations. In this scenario, natural selection tends to decrease the mitochondrial ROS generation, the oxidative damage to mtDNA, and the mitochondrial mutation rate in long-lived species, in agreement with the mitochondrial oxidative stress theory of aging.


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Tractable cases of the binary CSP are mainly divided in two classes: constraint language restrictions and constraint graph restrictions. To better understand and identify the hardest binary CSPs, in this work we propose methods to increase their hardness by increasing the balance of both the constraint language and the constraint graph. The balance of a constraint is increased by maximizing the number of domain elements with the same number of occurrences. The balance of the graph is defined using the classical definition from graph the- ory. In this sense we present two graph models; a first graph model that increases the balance of a graph maximizing the number of vertices with the same degree, and a second one that additionally increases the girth of the graph, because a high girth implies a high treewidth, an important parameter for binary CSPs hardness. Our results show that our more balanced graph models and constraints result in harder instances when compared to typical random binary CSP instances, by several orders of magnitude. Also we detect, at least for sparse constraint graphs, a higher treewidth for our graph models.


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This paper deals with the relationship between the periodic orbits of continuous maps on graphs and the topological entropy of the map. We show that the topological entropy of a graph map can be approximated by the entropy of its periodic orbits.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kerätä Elcoteq Network Oyj:n myyntihenkilöiden tietotarpeet ja konkretisoida ne raportoinnin kautta. Tutkimus keskittyi asiakasvirran eri vaiheissa tarvittavaan asiakas- ja projektikohtaiseen tietoon. Tarkoituksena oli parantaa raportointia vastaamaan asiakkaan ja sales case:n hallintaa alkaen asiakasvirran uusasiakasvaiheesta ja projektin arvioinnista. Tietotarpeet kerättiin haastattelujen avulla ja osallistumalla aiheeseen liittyviin projekteihin. Haastattelujen ja teorian avulla projektiliiketoiminnan avainpiirteet ja asiakaskannattavuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät kerättiin yhteen ja muutettiin konkretiaksi raportoinnin parannusehdotuksien kautta. Tutkimus osoitti, että myyntihenkilöiden näkökulmasta olisi muodostettava uudet raportit tukemaan asiakkaan ja projektin hallintaa. Ennustettu voidaan verrata toteutuneeseen ja sekä asikkuuden, että sales case:n seuranta paranee uusien raporttien avulla. Budjetit, sekä asiakaskohtaiset tavoitteet voidaan laatia luotettavimmin ja kokonaiskuva asiakkuuden ja projektin kannattavuudesta pystytään näkemään ko. raporteista sekä graafein, että numeerisena tietona.


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Two graphs with adjacency matrices $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$ are isomorphic if there exists a permutation matrix $\mathbf{P}$ for which the identity $\mathbf{P}^{\mathrm{T}} \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} = \mathbf{B}$ holds. Multiplying through by $\mathbf{P}$ and relaxing the permutation matrix to a doubly stochastic matrix leads to the linear programming relaxation known as fractional isomorphism. We show that the levels of the Sherali--Adams (SA) hierarchy of linear programming relaxations applied to fractional isomorphism interleave in power with the levels of a well-known color-refinement heuristic for graph isomorphism called the Weisfeiler--Lehman algorithm, or, equivalently, with the levels of indistinguishability in a logic with counting quantifiers and a bounded number of variables. This tight connection has quite striking consequences. For example, it follows immediately from a deep result of Grohe in the context of logics with counting quantifiers that a fixed number of levels of SA suffice to determine isomorphism of planar and minor-free graphs. We also offer applications in both finite model theory and polyhedral combinatorics. First, we show that certain properties of graphs, such as that of having a flow circulation of a prescribed value, are definable in the infinitary logic with counting with a bounded number of variables. Second, we exploit a lower bound construction due to Cai, Fürer, and Immerman in the context of counting logics to give simple explicit instances that show that the SA relaxations of the vertex-cover and cut polytopes do not reach their integer hulls for up to $\Omega(n)$ levels, where $n$ is the number of vertices in the graph.


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Estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante a técnica de "Electrical Penetration Graphs" (EPG) das cochonilhas-farinhentas (Pseudococcidae) provenientes de um hospedeiro de criação alternativo têm mostrado que esses insetos não atingem ou demoram cerca de 9 horas para alcançar a fase floemática. Por outro lado, aqueles provenientes do hospedeiro-fonte atingem a fase floemática mais rapidamente e apresentam maior frequência de alimentação nos vasos crivados. Esses resultados indicam a presença do fenômeno de condicionamento alimentar, ainda não demonstrado em cochonilhas. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a existência desse fenômeno em Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Foram realizados testes de livre escolha, monitoramento eletrônico (EPG) e estudos de alguns parâmetros biológicos. Em todos os experimentos, o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), os citros (Citrus sinensis L.) e abóbora (Cucurbita maxima L.) foram utilizados como substratos de criação (fonte) da cochonilha, sendo os tratamentos constituídos pela combinação entre os hospedeiros-fonte e os hospedeiros receptores (café e citros). O teste de escolha entre cafeeiro e citros nas primeiras 72 horas mostrou que as cochonilhas criadas em cafeeiro apresentaram preferência pelo cafeeiro; aquelas originadas dos citros mostraram uma tendência, embora não significativa, em selecionar os citros em relação ao cafeeiro e aquelas criadas em abóbora não mostraram preferência por nenhum dos hospedeiros. Os estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante o monitoramento eletrônico (EPG) mostraram que a fase floemática, considerada como a fase de aceitação do hospedeiro, foi mais frequente em cafeeiro, seja com cochonilhas oriundas deste substrato, seja de citros. Aqueles insetos mantidos em abóbora e transferidos para o cafeeiro ou citros apresentaram excepcionalmente ou não apresentaram nenhuma fase floemática, respectivamente. A transferência de cochonilhas de qualquer hospedeiro-fonte para cafeeiro ou citros não afetou o tempo de desenvolvimento, fecundidade e mortalidade, porém aquelas criadas e mantidas em abóbora mostraram maior fecundidade quando comparadas com qualquer outro substrato receptor. Conclui-se que a transferência do substrato, seja cafeeiro, seja citros, não influencia significativamente o comportamento alimentar e o desenvolvimento de P. citri, embora possa existir preferência inicial pelo hospedeiro-fonte.


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Diplomityössä käsitellään Nokia Mobile Phonesin matkapuhelimien käyttöliittymäohjelmistojen suunnittelu-ja testausympäristön kehitystä. Ympäristöön lisättiin kaksi ohjelmistomodulia avustamaan simulointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalulla matkapuhelimen toiminta voidaan jäljittää suunnittelu- kaavioihin tilasiirtyminä, kun taas vertailusovelluksella kaavioiden väliset erot nähdään graafisesti. Kehitetyt sovellukset parantavat käyttöliittymien suunnitteluprosessia tehostaen virheiden etsintää, optimointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalun edut ovat merkittävät, koska käyttöliittymäsovellusten toiminta on havaittavissa suunnittelu- kaavioista reaaliaikaisen simuloinnin yhteydessä. Näin virheet ovat välittömästi paikannettavissa. Lisäksi työkalua voidaan hyödyntää kaavioita optimoitaessa, jolloin sovellusten kokoja muistintarve pienenee. Graafinen vertailutyökalu tuo edun rinnakkaiseen ohjelmistosuunnitteluun. Eri versioisten suunnittelukaavioiden erot ovat nähtävissä suoraan kaaviosta manuaalisen vertailun sijaan. Molemmat työkalut otettiin onnistuneesti käyttöön NMP:llä vuoden 2001 alussa.


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Statistical properties of binary complex networks are well understood and recently many attempts have been made to extend this knowledge to weighted ones. There are, however, subtle yet important considerations to be made regarding the nature of the weights used in this generalization. Weights can be either continuous or discrete magnitudes, and in the latter case, they can additionally have undistinguishable or distinguishable nature. This fact has not been addressed in the literature insofar and has deep implications on the network statistics. In this work we face this problem introducing multiedge networks as graphs where multiple (distinguishable) connections between nodes are considered. We develop a statistical mechanics framework where it is possible to get information about the most relevant observables given a large spectrum of linear and nonlinear constraints including those depending both on the number of multiedges per link and their binary projection. The latter case is particularly interesting as we show that binary projections can be understood from multiedge processes. The implications of these results are important as many real-agent-based problems mapped onto graphs require this treatment for a proper characterization of their collective behavior.


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Networks often represent systems that do not have a long history of study in traditional fields of physics; albeit, there are some notable exceptions, such as energy landscapes and quantum gravity. Here, we consider networks that naturally arise in cosmology. Nodes in these networks are stationary observers uniformly distributed in an expanding open Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe with any scale factor and two observers are connected if one can causally influence the other. We show that these networks are growing Lorentz-invariant graphs with power-law distributions of node degrees. These networks encode maximum information about the observable universe available to a given observer.


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The introduction of time-series graphs into British economics in the 19th century depended on the « timing » of history. This involved reconceptualizing history into events which were both comparable and measurable and standardized by time unit. Yet classical economists in Britain in the early 19th century viewed history as a set of heterogenous and complex events and statistical tables as giving unrelated facts. Both these attitudes had to be broken down before time-series graphs could be brought into use for revealing regularities in economic events by the century's end.


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This manual describes how to run the new produced GUI C++ program that so called'WM' program. Section two describes the instructions of the program installation.Section three illustrates test runs description including running the program WM,sample of the input, output files, in addition to some generated graphs followed by the main form of the program created by using the Borland C++ Builder 6.


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Objective To compare automatic and manual measurements of intima-media complex (IMC) in common carotid, common femoral and right subclavian arteries of HIV-infected patients in relation to a control group, taking into consideration the classical risk factors for atherosclerosis. Materials and Methods The study sample comprised 70 HIV-infected patients and 70 non-HIV-infected controls paired according sex and age. Automatic (gold standard) and manual measurements of IMC were performed in the carotid arteries. Manual measurements were also performed in common femoral and right subclavian arteries. Bland-Altman graphs were utilized in the comparison and the adopted level significance was 5%. Results Intima-media complex alterations were not observed in any of the individuals as the mean automatic measurement in the right common carotid (RCC) artery was considered as the gold standard. As the gold standard was compared with the manual measurements (mean, maximum and minimum), no clinically significant alteration was observed. As the gold standard was compared with other sites, the difference was statistically and clinically significant at the origin of right subclavian artery (RCC: 0.51 mm vs. 0.91 mm) (p < 0.001). Conclusion HIV-infected individuals are not at higher risk for atherosclerosis than the control population.


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Potentiometric amalgam electrodes of lead, cadmium, and zinc are proposed to study the complexation properties of commercial and river sediment humic acids. The copper complexation properties of both humic acids were studied in parallel using the solid membrane copper ion-selective electrode (Cu-ISE). The complexing capacity and the averaged conditional stability constants were determined at pH 6.00 ± 0.05 in medium of 2x10-2 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The lead and cadmium amalgam electrodes presented a Nernstian behavior from 1x10-5 to 1x10-3 moles L-1 of total metal concentration, permitting to perform the complexation studies using humic acid concentrations around of 20 to 30 mg L-1, that avoids colloidal aggregation. The zinc amalgam electrode showed a subnernstian linear response in the same range of metal concentrations. The Scatchard graphs for both humic acids suggested two classes of binding sites for lead and copper and one class of binding site for zinc and cadmium.