948 resultados para Electrostatic Potential Dipole Legendre Induced Dyad Polarization
The present study examined the antiulcer effect of glucosamine on mucosal antioxidant defense system in ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in male albino rats. The results of the present study indicate that the pre-oral administration of chitosan and glucosamine maintain near to the normal status the activities of the mucosal antioxidant enzymes and the level of GSH (Glutathione), which protect mucosa against oxidative damage by decreasing the lipid peroxidation and strengthening the mucosal barrier, and which are the first line of defense against exogenous ulcerogenic agents. In this study indicate that the oral pre-treatment of chitosan and glucosamine can prevent ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in rats.This study can be concluded that co-administration of chitsosan and glucosamine can effectively prevent the isonized and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats.Comparatively, chitosan was found to have better results than glucosamine in alleviating the hepatic disorders.
Alloxan induced diabetic animal model was sed to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of ie aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelose. Insuinjection and oral treatment of Aegle marmelose of extract to the alloxan induced rats maintained ;e animal weight near to the control rats whereas ,,ere was a significant decrease in weight in alloxan •duced rats. Insulin injection and oral treatment the leaf extract reversed the decrease of protein )ntent in all the organs studied except the pancas. Glucose level was maintained near to the co- :rol levels in the insulin injected and leaf extract Bated alloxan diabetic rats. A significant increased ucose tolerance was observed in animals orally ven the leaf extract prior to the experiment. The suits indicate that there is an increased utilization glucose in the Aegle marmelose leaf extract treed rats.
Liquid Crystalline DNA is emerging as an active area of research, due to its potential applications in diverse fields, ranging from nanoelectronics to therapeutics. Since, counter ion neutralization is an essential requirement for the expression of LC DNA, and the present level of understanding on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA is inadequate, a thorough investigation is required to understand the nature and stability of these phases under the influence of various cationic species. The present study is, therefore mainly focused on a comparative investigation of the effect of metal ions of varying charge, size, hydration and binding modes on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA. The main objectives of the works are investigations on the induction and stabilization of LC phases of high molecular weight DNA by alkali metal ions, investigations on the induction and stabilization of LC phases of high molecular weight DNA by alkaline earth metal ions, effects of multivalent, transition and heavy metal ions on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA and investigations on spermine induced LC behavior of high molecular weight DNA in the presence of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions. The critical DNA concentration (CD) required for the expression of LC phases, phase transitions and their stability varied considerably when the binding site of the metal ions changed from phosphate groups to the nitrogenous bases of DNA, with Li+ giving the highest stability. Multiple LC phases with different textures, sometimes diffused and unstable or otherwise mainly distinct and clear, were observed on mixing metal ions with DNA solutions, which in turn depended on the charge, size, hydration factor, binding modes, concentration of the metal ions and time. Molecular modeling studies on binding of selected metal ions to DNA supported the experimental findings
The present study examined the antiulcer effect of glucosamine on mucosal antioxidant defense system in ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in male albino rats. The results of the present study indicate that the pre-oral administration of chitosan and glucosamine maintain near to the normal status the activities of the mucosal antioxidant enzymes and the level of GSH (Glutathione), which protect mucosa against oxidative damage by decreasing the lipid peroxidation and strengthening the mucosal barrier, and which are the first line of defense against exogenous ulcerogenic agents. In this study indicate that the oral pre-treatment of chitosan and glucosamine can prevent ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in rats.This study can be concluded that co-administration of chitsosan and glucosamine can effectively prevent the isonized and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats.Comparatively, chitosan was found to have better results than glucosamine in alleviating the hepatic disorders
N-alkyl-2,6-dimethyl-4(1H)-pyridinones, salts of 4-dimethylaminopyridine and 2-amino-5-nitropyridine are considered to be potential candidates for nonlinear optical (NLO) applications, in particular for the generation of blue-green laser radiation. Single crystals were grown following the slow evaporation technique at constant temperature. Single-shot laserinduced surface damage thresholds in the range 3–10 GW/cm2 were measured using a 18 ns Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The surface morphologies of the damaged crystals were examined under an optical microscope and the nature of damage identified. The Vicker’s microhardness was determined at a load of 98.07 mN. The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity (α), thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat capacity (Cp), of the grown crystals were measured by an improved photopyroelectric technique at room temperature. All the results are presented and discussed.
Over the past few years, a little word with big potential has been rapidly entering into the world's consciousness-'nano'. Nanoscience and technology is a multidisciplinary field, involving the fabrication and understanding of matter at the finest level of a few nanomters.This thesis is about the synthesis and laser induced studies of nanosized ZnO,a versatile material with a wide range of applications.After synthesizing colloids and films of nano ZnO,the samples are studied using different optical methods.Interactions of intense laser beams with nanosized particles are found to open up many interesting scenarios with possible applications in the field of photonics.
A density-functional self-consistent calculation of the ground-state electronic density of quantum dots under an arbitrary magnetic field is performed. We consider a parabolic lateral confining potential. The addition energy, E(N+1)-E(N), where N is the number of electrons, is compared with experimental data and the different contributions to the energy are analyzed. The Hamiltonian is modeled by a density functional, which includes the exchange and correlation interactions and the local formation of Landau levels for different equilibrium spin populations. We obtain an analytical expression for the critical density under which spontaneous polarization, induced by the exchange interaction, takes place.
The onset of spontaneous seizures triggers a cascade of molecular and cellular events that eventually leads to neuronal injury and cognitive decline. The present study investigated the effect of Withania somnifera (WS) root extract and Withanolide A (WA) in restoring behavioural deficit by inhibiting oxidative stress induced alteration in glutamergic neurotransmission. The subdued performance in behavioural tests shows impaired motor coordination and memory. Histopathological investigations revealed significant neuronal loss in hippocampus of epileptic rats indicating glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The treatment with WS and WA restored behavioural deficit and ameliorated neuronal loss. An altered redox homeostasis leading to oxidative stress is a hallmark of TLE. The antioxidant potential was afflicted in epileptic rats, evident from altered activity of SOD and CAT, down regulation of SOD and GPX expression and enhanced lipid peroxidation. The antioxidant property of WS and WA restored altered antioxidant capacity. Alteration in GDH activity and down regulation of GLAST expression resulted in enhanced glutamate content in the brain regions. The metabolism of glutamate was altered in the form of down regulated GAD expression. The alteration in synthesis, transport and metabolism resulted in further increase of the glutamate concentration at the synapse leading to glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The decreased NMDA and AMPA receptor binding and down regulated NMDA R1, NMDA 2B and AMPA (GluR2) mRNA expression indicated altered glutamergic receptor function. The treatment with WS and WA reversed altered glutamergic receptor function, synthesis, transport and metabolism. The enhanced levels of second messenger IP3 responsible for Ca2+ mediated toxicity was reversed after treatment with WS and WA. Neurotoxics concentration of glutamate resulted in up regulation of pro apoptotic factors Bax and Caspase 8 and down regulation of anti apoptotic factor Akt resulting in neuronal death. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in activation of Akt and down regulation of Bax and caspase 8 leading to blocking of apoptotic pathway. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in reduced seizure frequency and amelioration of associated alterations suggesting the therapeutic role of Withania somnifera in temporal lobe epilepsy
Electron scattering on a thin layer where the potential depends self-consistently on the wave function has been studied. When the amplitude of the incident wave exceeds a certain threshold, a soliton-shaped brightening (darkening) appears on the layer causing diffraction of the wave. Thus the spontaneously formed transverse pattern can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear quantum screen. Attractive or repulsive nonlinearities result in different phase shifts of the wave function on the screen, which give rise to quite different diffraction patterns. Among others, the nonlinearity can cause self-focusing of the incident wave into a beam, splitting in two "beams," single or double traces with suppressed reflection or transmission, etc.
In the pre—laser era it was difficult to believe that the optical properties of a medium depend upon the intensity of the radiation incident on it. The basis for this conclusion is that the electric field strength associated with the conventional light sources used before the advent of lasers was much smaller than (103 V/cm) the field sttrengths of atomic or interatomic fields (2 107 —- 10” V/cm). The radiation with such low intensity is not able to affect atomic fields to the extent of changing optical parameters. The invention of laser in 1960 was a turning point. The high degree of coherence of the laser radiation provides high spatial concentration of optical power. With the availability of the femtosecond lasers it has become possible to get extremely high peak powers 2 1013 W/cmz). At such high fields, the relationship between electric ‘polarization P and the electric field strength E ceases to be linear and several nonlinear effects begin to occur. Nonlinear absorption, a branch of nonlinear optics, refers to the interaction between radiation and matter accompanied by absorption of more than one photon. Nonlinear absorption has acquired great importance after the invention of high power lasers. One of the objectives of the present work is to investigate the nonlinear absorption processes occurring in fullerene, selected organic solvents and laser dyes. Fullerenes and laser dyes were chosen because of their highly nonlinear behaviour. Fullerenes, the most beautiful among molecules, offer fascinating field of research owinglto their significant structural properties. As toluene, benzene and carbon disulphide are themost widely used solvents for fullerenes, it seems important to study the nonlinear properties of these liquids as well. Like fullerenes, laser dyes also possess highly delocalized 7r electrons which are responsible for their nonlinear absorption. Dye lasers were the fulfillment of an experimenter’s pipe dream - to have a laser that is easily tunable over a wide range of wavelengths. A better understandingof the photophysical properties of laser dyes can significantly enhance the development and technology of dye lasers. We studied the nonlinear absorption properties of two rhodamine dyes to have some insight into their nonlinear optical properties.
In the present work we studied the potential of Bacopa monnieri and Bacoside A treatment to enhance the antioxidant system and support the neuronal survival in the hypoglycemic neonatal brain. For achieving the aim, DAD1 and DAD2 receptors functional regulation, gene expression of growth factors, neuronal survival and apoptotic factors during insulin induced hypoglycemic neonatal brain in rats were studied.
Polarization and correlation phenomena in the radiative electron capture by bare highly-charged ions
In dieser Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Photon und einem Elektron im starken Coulombfeld eines Atomkerns am Beispiel des radiativen Elektroneneinfangs beim Stoß hochgeladener Teilchen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren wurde dieser Ladungsaustauschprozess insbesondere für relativistische Ion–Atom–Stöße sowohl experimentell als auch theoretisch ausführlich erforscht. In Zentrum standen dabei haupsächlich die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte. In neuerer Zeit werden vermehrt Spin– und Polarisationseffekte sowie Korrelationseffekte bei diesen Stoßprozessen diskutiert. Man erwartet, dass diese sehr empfindlich auf relativistische Effekte im Stoß reagieren und man deshalb eine hervorragende Methode zu deren Bestimmung erhält. Darüber hinaus könnten diese Messungen auch indirekt dazu führen, dass man die Polarisation des Ionenstrahls bestimmen kann. Damit würden sich neue experimentelle Möglichkeiten sowohl in der Atom– als auch der Kernphysik ergeben. In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst diese ersten Untersuchungen zu den Spin–, Polarisations– und Korrelationseffekten systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Dichtematrixtheorie liefert hierzu die geeignete Methode. Mit dieser Methode werden dann die allgemeinen Gleichungen für die Zweistufen–Rekombination hergeleitet. In diesem Prozess wird ein Elektron zunächst radiativ in einen angeregten Zustand eingefangen, der dann im zweiten Schritt unter Emission des zweiten (charakteristischen) Photons in den Grundzustand übergeht. Diese Gleichungen können natürlich auf beliebige Mehrstufen– sowie Einstufen–Prozesse erweitert werden. Im direkten Elektroneneinfang in den Grundzustand wurde die ”lineare” Polarisation der Rekombinationsphotonen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass man damit eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung der Polarisation der Teilchen im Eingangskanal des Schwerionenstoßes hat. Rechnungen zur Rekombination bei nackten U92+ Projektilen zeigen z. B., dass die Spinpolarisation der einfallenden Elektronen zu einer Drehung der linearen Polarisation der emittierten Photonen aus der Streuebene heraus führt. Diese Polarisationdrehung kann mit neu entwickelten orts– und polarisationsempfindlichen Festkörperdetektoren gemessen werden. Damit erhält man eine Methode zur Messung der Polarisation der einfallenden Elektronen und des Ionenstrahls. Die K–Schalen–Rekombination ist ein einfaches Beispiel eines Ein–Stufen–Prozesses. Das am besten bekannte Beispiel der Zwei–Stufen–Rekombination ist der Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Ions und anschließendem Lyman–1–Zerfall (2p3/2 ! 1s1/2). Im Rahmen der Dichte–Matrix–Theorie wurden sowohl die Winkelverteilung als auch die lineare Polarisation der charakteristischen Photonen untersucht. Beide (messbaren) Größen werden beträchtlich durch die Interferenz des E1–Kanals (elektrischer Dipol) mit dem viel schwächeren M2–Kanal (magnetischer Quadrupol) beeinflusst. Für die Winkelverteilung des Lyman–1 Zerfalls im Wasserstoff–ähnlichen Uran führt diese E1–M2–Mischung zu einem 30%–Effekt. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Interferenz behebt die bisher vorhandene Diskrepanz von Theorie und Experiment beim Alignment des 2p3/2–Zustands. Neben diesen Ein–Teichen–Querschnitten (Messung des Einfangphotons oder des charakteristischen Photons) wurde auch die Korrelation zwischen den beiden berechnet. Diese Korrelationen sollten in X–X–Koinzidenz–Messungen beobbachtbar sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchungen lag bei der Photon–Photon–Winkelkorrelation, die experimentell am einfachsten zu messen ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden ausführliche Berechnungen der koinzidenten X–X–Winkelverteilungen beim Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Uranions und beim anschließenden Lyman–1–Übergang durchgeführt. Wie bereits erwähnt, hängt die Winkelverteilung des charakteristischen Photons nicht nur vom Winkel des Rekombinationsphotons, sondern auch stark von der Spin–Polarisation der einfallenden Teilchen ab. Damit eröffnet sich eine zweite Möglichkeit zur Messung der Polaristion des einfallenden Ionenstrahls bzw. der einfallenden Elektronen.
It is found that the electric dipole polarizabilities of neutral atoms correlate very strongly with their first ionization potential within the groups of elements with the same angular momenta of the outermost electrons. As the latter values are known very accurately, this allows a very good (<30%) prediction of various atomic polarizabilities.
The present thesis is a contribution to the study of laser-solid interaction. Despite the numerous applications resulting from the recent use of laser technology, there is still a lack of satisfactory answers to theoretical questions regarding the mechanism leading to the structural changes induced by femtosecond lasers in materials. We provide here theoretical approaches for the description of the structural response of different solids (cerium, samarium sulfide, bismuth and germanium) to femtosecond laser excitation. Particular interest is given to the description of the effects of the laser pulse on the electronic systems and changes of the potential energy surface for the ions. Although the general approach of laser-excited solids remains the same, the potential energy surface which drives the structural changes is calculated with different theoretical models for each material. This is due to the difference of the electronic properties of the studied systems. We use the Falicov model combined with an hydrodynamic method to study photoinduced phase changes in cerium. The local density approximation (LDA) together with the Hubbard-type Hamiltonian (LDA+U) in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) is used to describe the structural properties of samarium sulfide. We parametrize the time-dependent potential energy surface (calculated using DFT+ LDA) of bismuth on which we perform quantum dynamical simulations to study the experimentally observed amplitude collapse and revival of coherent $A_{1g}$ phonons. On the basis of a time-dependent potential energy surface calculated from a non-orthogonal tight binding Hamiltonian, we perform molecular dynamics simulation to analyze the time evolution (coherent phonons, ultrafast nonthermal melting) of germanium under laser excitation. The thermodynamic equilibrium properties of germanium are also reported. With the obtained results we are able to give many clarifications and interpretations of experimental results and also make predictions.
This study describes a combined empirical/modeling approach to assess the possible impact of climate variability on rice production in the Philippines. We collated climate data of the last two decades (1985-2002) as well as yield statistics of six provinces of the Philippines, selected along a North-South gradient. Data from the climate information system of NASA were used as input parameters of the model ORYZA2000 to determine potential yields and, in the next steps, the yield gaps defined as the difference between potential and actual yields. Both simulated and actual yields of irrigated rice varied strongly between years. However, no climate-driven trends were apparent and the variability in actual yields showed no correlation with climatic parameters. The observed variation in simulated yields was attributable to seasonal variations in climate (dry/wet season) and to climatic differences between provinces and agro-ecological zones. The actual yield variation between provinces was not related to differences in the climatic yield potential but rather to soil and management factors. The resulting yield gap was largest in remote and infrastructurally disfavored provinces (low external input use) with a high production potential (high solar radiation and day-night temperature differences). In turn, the yield gap was lowest in central provinces with good market access but with a relatively low climatic yield potential. We conclude that neither long-term trends nor the variability of the climate can explain current rice yield trends and that agroecological, seasonal, and management effects are over-riding any possible climatic variations. On the other hand the lack of a climate-driven trend in the present situation may be superseded by ongoing climate change in the future.