915 resultados para Elaine Albright
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No Estado do Tocantins, no Norte do Brasil, a incidência de rizoctoniose no arroz é importante, causando danos significativos em lavouras de arroz irrigado. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o grupo de anastomose (AG) de isolados de R. solani associados ao arroz naquela região, testando a hipótese de que esses isolados pertencem ao grupo padrão de anastomose AG-1 IA, que também é o agente causal da mela em soja em áreas úmidas do Norte do Brasil. Todos os quatro isolados de arroz foram caracterizados, através de fusão de hifas, como AG-1 IA. A caracterização cultural, em função das temperaturas basais (mínimas, máximas e ótimas), evidenciou que os isolados de R. solani de arroz apresentaram perfis semelhantes aos padrões AG-1 IA, AG-1 IB e AG-1 IC. Os isolados de arroz foram caracterizados como autotróficos para tiamina assim como os isolados padrões AG-1 IA, IB, IC, AG-4 HGI e o isolado da mela da soja. O teste de patogenicidade em plantas de arroz cultivar IRGA-409 e de patogenicidade cruzada à cultivar IAC-18 de soja (suscetível à mela), indicou que além de causar a queima da bainha em arroz, esses isolados causam mela em soja. da mesma forma, o isolado SJ-047 foi patogênico ao arroz. As seqüências de bases de DNA da região ITS-5.8S do rDNA dos isolados do arroz foram similares às seqüências do AG-1 IA, depositadas no GenBank® - NCBI. A filogenia do ITS-rDNA indicou um grupo filogenético comum formado pelos isolados do arroz, o isolado da soja e o isolado teste do AG-1 IA. Assim, com base em características citomorfológicas, culturais, filogenéticas e patogênicas, foi confirmada a hipótese de que os isolados de R. solani patógenos de arroz do Estado do Tocantins pertencem ao grupo de anastomose AG-1 IA, além da indicação de que esses isolados podem também causar a mela em soja.
The main goal of our research was to search for SSRs in the Eucalyptus EST FORESTs database (using a software for mining SSR-motifs). With this objective, we created a database for cataloging Eucalyptus EST-derived SSRs, and developed a bioinformatics tool, named Satellyptus, for finding and analyzing microsatellites in the Eucalyptus EST database. The search for microsatellites in the FORESTs database containing 71,115 Eucalyptus EST sequences (52.09 Mb) revealed 20,530 SSRs in 15,621 ESTs. The SSR abundance detected on the Eucalyptus ESTs database (29% or one microsatellite every four sequences) is considered very high for plants. Amongst the categories of SSR motifs, the dimeric (37%) and trimeric ones (33%) predominated. The AG/CT motif was the most frequent (35.15%) followed by the trimeric CCG/CGG (12.81%). From a random sample of 1,217 sequences, 343 microsatellites in 265 SSR-containing sequences were identified. Approximately 48% of these ESTs containing microsatellites were homologous to proteins with known biological function. Most of the microsatellites detected in Eucalyptus ESTs were positioned at either the 5 or 3 end. Our next priority involves the design of flanking primers for codominant SSR loci, which could lead to the development of a set of microsatellite-based markers suitable for marker-assisted Eucalyptus breeding programs.
The role of non-pathogenic binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. (BNR) on the biocontrol of diseases caused by R. solani on many crops has been reported in the literature. However, in Brazil, there is no information about the potential of BNR as biocontrol agents against Rhizoctonia diseases on soybean. on this research we tested the hypothesis that BNR can induce resistance on soybean against the foliar blight caused by R. solani anastomosis group (AG) 1 IA. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate BNR isolates isolated from peanuts, snapbeans and soybean according to their ability for inducing resistance on soybean against the foliar blight disease, under greenhouse conditions. This research evidenced the role of BNR inducing resistance on soybeans against the foliar blight. However, both the occurrence and effectiveness of the phenomenon of induced resistance are dependent on the soybean cultivation season.
Soil porosity influences plant development since root growth and crop yield are determined by the root depth. The objective of this study was to investigate the linear and spatial variability and correlations between common bean yield and soil porosity. The bean grain yield of the irrigated cultivar Carioca IAC was analyzed in the growing season 2004/2005, in Selviria-MS, as well as macroporosity (MA), microporosity (MI) and total porosity (TP), in a Dystroferric Red Latosol, at four depths: 1 (0.0-0.10 m), 2 (0.10-0.20 M), 3 (0.20-0.30 m) and 4 (0.30-0.40 m). Soil and plant data were collected in a geostatistical grid with 135 points spaced 10 m apart, covering an area of 50 x 150 m. The data of the studied attributes did not vary randomly and the values were intermediate to low. They followed well-defined spatial standards, reaching between 11.70-104.40 m. on the other hand, the linear correlation between the plant and soil attributes was low, due to the high number of observations. Grain yield had the best linear correlations with MA1b, MI1 and TP3. From the spatial point of view, the inverse correlation between PG and #TP2 was outstanding. At the sites where #TP2 diminished (0.030-0.045 m(3) m(-3)) the yield varied from 2,173 to 3,529 kg ha(-1) and where it increased (0.045-0.076 m(3) m(-3)), the yield was between 1,630 and 2,173 kg ha(-1). Therefore, the total soil porosity, evaluated in the 0.10-0.20 m layer (#TP2), indicated the importance of the contact root/soil and was in turn a satisfactory indicator of soil physical quality, with a view to the grain yield of irrigated common bean.
Este artigo avalia as alternativas propostas para a região dos vales dos rios Tietê e Paraná, no estado de São Paulo. Os projetos formalmente elaborados para a região foram analisados através do método da estrutura lógica. Tal método consiste em representar um projeto na forma de uma matriz 4 × 4 cujos elementos permitem a análise do projeto em questão pela utilização de critérios relacionados ao método científico, à análise de sistemas e ao ponto de vista da gerência de programas. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram a inconsistência nos planos e projetos existentes para a região.
O texto analisa a Arquivologia e sua relação com a mediação da informação. Defende que a base teórica da Arquivologia proporciona condições fundamentais para que, no âmbito da prática, se desenvolvam operações metodológicas que resultem no tratamento adequado dos documentos. Dessa forma, ressaltando a práxis arquivística, compreende-se a utilização de instrumentos e técnicas como uma mediação de sistemas, na qual as etapas da metodologia arquivística atendem ao objetivo primordial de organização de massas documentais, possibilitando seu tratamento, com o propósito de recuperar e disponibilizar as informações dos respectivos conjuntos documentais. A atuação técnica de profissionais da informação, especificamente do arquivista, nesse contexto, já configura uma mediação, mas uma mediação, sobretudo, que lida com a protoinformação. Dessa forma, argumenta-se que é necessário entender como essa protoinformação torna-se informação. Afirma-se que, nesse sentido, a mediação da informação apresenta-se como objeto que vislumbra tal compreensão, partindo, para tanto, do parâmetro da apropriação da informação dos usuários-pesquisadores do arquivo e sua produção e/ou alteração do conhecimento resultante da relação com esse ambiente, para garantir, de fato, uma mediação da informação arquivística. Advoga que essa perspectiva inovadora da mediação da informação nos arquivos, caracteriza uma abordagem que carece de maiores reflexões na área.
CONTEXTO: A cirurgia videolaparoscópica (CVL) vem evoluindo como alternativa cirúrgica menos invasiva para o tratamento da doença aterosclerótica oclusiva aorto-ilíaca e do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. Poucos estudos avaliaram objetivamente a curva de aprendizado com essa técnica em cirurgia vascular. OBJETIVO: Avaliar objetivamente os tempos e a evolução de cada passo cirúrgico e demonstrar a exeqüibilidade dessa técnica. MÉTODOS: Entre outubro 2007 e janeiro de 2008, dois cirurgiões vasculares iniciantes na CVL operaram, após cursos e treinamentos, seis porcos consecutivos, com dissecção aórtica e interposição de um enxerto de dácron em um segmento da aorta infra-renal abdominal, com técnica totalmente laparoscópica. RESULTADOS: Todos os tempos cirúrgicos foram decrescentes ao longo do estudo, apresentando redução de 45,9% no tempo total de cirurgia, 85,8% no tempo de dissecção da aorta, 81,2% na exposição da aorta, 55,1% no clampeamento total, 71% na confecção da anastomose proximal e 64,9% na anastomose distal. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo mostrou que os resultados técnicos satisfatórios da CVL vascular ocorreram somente após longa curva de aprendizado, que foi decrescente ao longo do tempo, à medida que aumentou a experiência e vivência com os materiais e com a visão não-estereoscópica. Essa técnica pode ser realizada com perfeição por cirurgiões vasculares desde que façam cursos especializados, com treinamento em simuladores e animais, e desde que busquem constante aprimoramento a fim de conseguir resultados similares aos obtidos com a cirurgia convencional.
Background: The consequences of aggressive therapy following a myocardial infarction (MI) on ventricular remodeling are not well established. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and predictors of left ventricular remodeling in the era of modern medical therapy.Material/Methods: Clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data were analyzed in 66 consecutive patients with anterior infarction at admission and at 6-month follow-up. Ventricular remodeling was defined as an increase of 10% in ventricular end-systolic or end-diastolic diameter.Results: In our study, 58% of patients presented with ventricular remodeling. Patients with remodeling possessed higher total plasma creatine kinase (CPK), MB-fraction (CPK-MB), heart rate, heart failure, shortness of breath, and reperfusion therapy than patients without remodeling. In contrast, patients with remodeling had a smaller ejection fraction, E-Wave deceleration time (EDT), and early (E' Wave) and late (A' Wave) diastolic mitral annulus velocity (average of septal and lateral walls), but a higher E/E' than patients without remodeling. Patients with remodeling used more diuretics, digoxin, oral anticoagulants and aldosterone antagonists than patients without remodeling. In the multivariate analyses, only E' Wave was an independent predictor of ventricular remodeling. Each 1 unit increase in the E' Wave was associated with a 59% increased odds of ventricular remodeling.Conclusions: In patients with anterior MI, despite contemporary treatment, ventricular remodeling is still a common event. In addition, diastolic function can have an important role as a predictor of remodeling in this scenario.
Background: Regardless significant therapeutic advances, mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction (MI) are still high. For a long time, the importance of right ventricle (RV) function has been neglected. Recently, RV dysfunction has also been associated with poor outcomes in the setting of heart failure. The shape, location, and contraction conditions make the RV chamber assessment technically challenging.Methods: Our study identified clinical characteristics and left ventricle (LV) echocardiographic data performed 3-5 days after MI that could be associated with RV dysfunction (RV fractional area change [FAC] < 35%) 6 months after MI.Results: The RV dysfunction group consisted of 11 patients (RV FAC 29.4% +/- 5.2) and the no RV dysfunction group of 71 patients (RV FAC 43.7% +/- 5.1); (P < 0.001). Both groups presented the same baseline clinical characteristics. Left atrium (LA), interventricular septum (IVS), and left ventricular posterior wall (LVPW) were larger in RV dysfunction than in no RV dysfunction. Conversely, E wave deceleration time (EDT) was lower in RV dysfunction when compared with no RV dysfunction. Left atrium(adj) (adjusted by gender, age, infarct size, and body mass index) (odds ratio [OR], 1.22; confidence interval [CI], 1.016-1.47; P = 0.032), interventricular septum(adj) (OR, 1.49; CI, 1.01-2.23; P = 0.044), and E wave deceleration time(adj) (OR, 0.98; CI, 0.97-0.98; P = 0.029) assessed soon after MI predicted RV failure after 6-months.Conclusions: LV diastolic dysfunction, resulting from anterior MI and assessed 3-5 days after the event, may play an important role in predicting RV dysfunction 6 months later.
Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte
Atualmente, há diferentes definições de implicações fuzzy aceitas na literatura. Do ponto de vista teórico, esta falta de consenso demonstra que há discordâncias sobre o real significado de "implicação lógica" nos contextos Booleano e fuzzy. Do ponto de vista prático, isso gera dúvidas a respeito de quais "operadores de implicação" os engenheiros de software devem considerar para implementar um Sistema Baseado em Regras Fuzzy (SBRF). Uma escolha ruim destes operadores pode implicar em SBRF's com menor acurácia e menos apropriados aos seus domínios de aplicação. Uma forma de contornar esta situação e conhecer melhor os conectivos lógicos fuzzy. Para isso se faz necessário saber quais propriedades tais conectivos podem satisfazer. Portanto, a m de corroborar com o significado de implicação fuzzy e corroborar com a implementação de SBRF's mais apropriados, várias leis Booleanas têm sido generalizadas e estudadas como equações ou inequações nas lógicas fuzzy. Tais generalizações são chamadas de leis Boolean-like e elas não são comumente válidas em qualquer semântica fuzzy. Neste cenário, esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre as condições suficientes e necessárias nas quais três leis Booleanlike like — y ≤ I(x, y), I(x, I(y, x)) = 1 e I(x, I(y, z)) = I(I(x, y), I(x, z)) — se mantém válidas no contexto fuzzy, considerando seis classes de implicações fuzzy e implicações geradas por automorfismos. Além disso, ainda no intuito de implementar SBRF's mais apropriados, propomos uma extensão para os mesmos
I thank to my advisor, João Marcos, for the intellectual support and patience that devoted me along graduate years. With his friendship, his ability to see problems of the better point of view and his love in to make Logic, he became a great inspiration for me. I thank to my committee members: Claudia Nalon, Elaine Pimentel and Benjamin Bedregal. These make a rigorous lecture of my work and give me valuable suggestions to make it better. I am grateful to the Post-Graduate Program in Systems and Computation that accepted me as student and provided to me the propitious environment to develop my research. I thank also to the CAPES for a 21 months fellowship. Thanks to my research group, LoLITA (Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications). In this group I have the opportunity to make some friends. Someone of them I knew in my early classes, they are: Sanderson, Haniel and Carol Blasio. Others I knew during the course, among them I’d like to cite: Patrick, Claudio, Flaulles and Ronildo. I thank to Severino Linhares and Maria Linhares who gently hosted me at your home in my first months in Natal. This couple jointly with my colleagues of student flat Fernado, Donátila and Aline are my nuclear family in Natal. I thank my fiancée Luclécia for her precious a ective support and to understand my absence at home during my master. I thank also my parents Manoel and Zenilda, my siblings Alexandre, Paulo and Paula.Without their confidence and encouragement I wouldn’t achieve success in this journey. If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses Carl Yastrzemski
Apoptosis and its associated regulatory mechanisms are physiological events crucial to the maintenance of placental homeostasis; imbalance of these processes, however, such as occurs under various pathological conditions, may compromise placenta function and, consequently, pregnancy success. Increased apoptosis occurs in the placentas of pregnant women with several developmental disabilities, while increased Bcl-2 expression is generally associated with pregnancy-associated tumors. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that apoptosis-associated disturbs might be involved in the placental physiopathology subjected to different maternal hyperglycemic conditions.Thus, in the present study we investigated and compared the incidence of apoptosis using TUNEL reaction and Bcl-2 expression, in term-placentas of normoglycemic, diabetic and daily hyperglycemic patients. Tissue samples were collected from 37 placentas, being 15 from healthy mothers with normally delivered healthy babies, and 22 from mothers with glucose disturbances. From these latter 22 patients, 10 showed maternal daily hyperglycemia and 12 were clinically diabetics. Both Bcl-2 expression and apoptotic DNA fragmentation were established and quantified in the trophoblasts of healthy mothers. Compared to these reference values, a higher apoptosis index and lower Bcl-2 expression were disclosed in the placentas of the diabetic women, while in the daily hyperglycemic group, values were intermediate between the diabetic and normoglycemic patients. The TUNEL/Bcl-2 index ratio in the placentas varied from 0.02 to 0.09 for pregnant normoglycemic and diabetic women, respectively, revealing a predominance of apoptosis in the diabetic group. Our findings suggest that hyperglycemia may be a key factor evoking apoptosis in the placental trophoblast, and therefore, is relevant to diabetic placenta function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.