925 resultados para Dried foods.


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People, animals and the environment can be exposed to multiple chemicals at once from a variety of sources, but current risk assessment is usually carried out based on one chemical substance at a time. In human health risk assessment, ingestion of food is considered a major route of exposure to many contaminants, namely mycotoxins, a wide group of fungal secondary metabolites that are known to potentially cause toxicity and carcinogenic outcomes. Mycotoxins are commonly found in a variety of foods including those intended for consumption by infants and young children and have been found in processed cereal-based foods available in the Portuguese market. The use of mathematical models, including probabilistic approaches using Monte Carlo simulations, constitutes a prominent issue in human health risk assessment in general and in mycotoxins exposure assessment in particular. The present study aims to characterize, for the first time, the risk associated with the exposure of Portuguese children to single and multiple mycotoxins present in processed cereal-based foods (CBF). Portuguese children (0-3 years old) food consumption data (n=103) were collected using a 3 days food diary. Contamination data concerned the quantification of 12 mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins and trichothecenes) were evaluated in 20 CBF samples marketed in 2014 and 2015 in Lisbon; samples were analyzed by HPLC-FLD, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. Daily exposure of children to mycotoxins was performed using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Different strategies were used to treat the left censored data. For aflatoxins, as carcinogenic compounds, the margin of exposure (MoE) was calculated as a ratio of BMDL (benchmark dose lower confidence limit) to the aflatoxin exposure. The magnitude of the MoE gives an indication of the risk level. For the remaining mycotoxins, the output of exposure was compared to the dose reference values (TDI) in order to calculate the hazard quotients (ratio between exposure and a reference dose, HQ). For the cumulative risk assessment of multiple mycotoxins, the concentration addition (CA) concept was used. The combined margin of exposure (MoET) and the hazard index (HI) were calculated for aflatoxins and the remaining mycotoxins, respectively. 71% of CBF analyzed samples were contaminated with mycotoxins (with values below the legal limits) and approximately 56% of the studied children consumed CBF at least once in these 3 days. Preliminary results showed that children exposure to single mycotoxins present in CBF were below the TDI. Aflatoxins MoE and MoET revealed a reduced potential risk by exposure through consumption of CBF (with values around 10000 or more). HQ and HI values for the remaining mycotoxins were below 1. Children are a particularly vulnerable population group to food contaminants and the present results point out an urgent need to establish legal limits and control strategies regarding the presence of multiple mycotoxins in children foods in order to protect their health. The development of packaging materials with antifungal properties is a possible solution to control the growth of moulds and consequently to reduce mycotoxin production, contributing to guarantee the quality and safety of foods intended for children consumption.


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Background Special low protein foods (SLPF) are essential in the nutritional management of patients with phenylketonuria (PKU). The study objectives were to: 1) identify the number of SLPF available for use in eight European countries and Turkey and 2) analyse the nutritional composition of SLPF available in one of these countries. Methods European Nutritionist Expert Panel on PKU (ENEP) members (Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Denmark and Turkey) provided data on SPLF available in each country. The nutritional composition of Portuguese SLPF was compared with regular food products. Results The number of different SLPF available in each country varied widely with a median of 107 [ranging from 73 (Portugal) and 256 (Italy)]. Food analysis of SLPF available from a single country (Portugal) indicated that the mean phenylalanine content was higher in low protein baby cereals (mean 48 mg/100 g) and chocolate/energy bars/jelly (mean 41 mg/100 g). The energy content of different foods from a sub-group of SLPF (cookies) varied widely between 23 and 96 kcal/cookie. Low protein bread had a high fat content [mean 5.8 g/100 g (range 3.7 to 10)] compared with 1.6 g/100 g in regular bread. Seven of the 12 SLPF sub-groups (58 %) did not declare any vitamin content, and only 4 (33 %) identified a limited number of minerals. Conclusions Whilst equal and free access to all SLPF is desirable, the widely variable nutritional composition requires careful nutritional knowledge of all products when prescribed for individual patients with PKU. There is a need for more specific nutritional standards for special low protein foods.


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A qualidade dos produtos alimentares e a sua influência sobre a nutrição e a saúde humana tem vindo a merecer um lugar de destaque na comunidade científica. O conceito de alimento funcional tem adquirido grande importância hoje em dia, em particular os alimentos com compostos bioactivos. O Cardo (Cynara cardunculus L.) é uma planta herbácea originária da região mediterrânea usada essencialmente na coagulação do leite, e por muitos considerada um medicamento popular, devido aos seus efeitos terapêuticos. Este trabalho teve como objectivo estudar o efeito de diferentes condições de secagem da flor de cardo, na composição em ácidos fenólicos, bem como em polissacarídeos. Era ainda objectivo tentar identificar possíveis compostos que pudessem ser utilizados como marcadores de autenticidade do queijo da serra. Neste trabalho foi usada uma amostra de flor de cardo liofilizado e três amostras secadas, a diferentes temperaturas (40, 50 e 60ºC). A análise do resíduo sólido da flor do cardo, por cromatografia gasosa, permitiu identificar a presença de açúcares constituintes de polissacarídeos pécticos. A análise por HPLC, dos extratos metanólicos e cetónicos, revelaram a presença de ácidos hidroxibenzóicos e hidroxicinâmicos na flor do cardo. A amostra mais rica nestes compostos foi a amostra secada a 50ºC. O aumento da temperatura de secagem originou uma diminuição de ácidos fenólicos.


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Evidence suggests that current levels of salt consumption across Europe are linked with several chronic diseases. In recent decades, high blood pressure has increased, together with the consumption of processed foods. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a salt intake of less than 5 g/day for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the salt content of processed foods available in the Portuguese market and to compare the determined values with the recommended daily intake established by WHO. Categories of processed foods that contribute to a higher intake of salt were identified: pastry, bakery, fast-food, snacks, ready-to-eat meals, nuts, seeds, soups, cereals, sauces, patties, among others. Between 2013 and 2015, 267 processed food samples were acquired in food chains and restaurants from Lisbon region (Portugal) and the salt content was quantified using Charpentier-Volhard method. High amounts of salt were quantified in the analysed processed foods, namely snacks, fast-food, patties, meals and bakery products. If we consider one portion of a curd cheese pie (193 g), the intake of salt can reach 45% of the recommended value. For snacks, regular portion size is 35 g. One portion of a salty snack can contribute with 31% of the salt recommended daily intake. Up to now food industry has developed efforts to decrease the salt content of some food products, namely bread. However, there still exist foods with high salt content and from a nutritional point of view this should be a priority area of intervention. The obtained results are an effective assessment of current salt content in foods which will be important for further reformulation strategies and to monitor progress in the next years.


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BACKGROUND: Today, new lifestyles, higher incomes and consumer awareness are creating consumer demand for a year-round supply of high-quality, diverse and innovative food products. However, when it comes to innovation, the food sector is less changeable when compared to other sectors, such as high technology. Still, in the past decades much and important developments have been achieved in several areas related to foods and the food industry. METHODS: A systematic review of scientific literature was conducted on Science Direct. The topics investigated were: aspects related to innovation in food development (such as the transfer of innovation, open innovation, collaborative innovation and consumer perception and its role in the developing process); the innovation in the food industry (particularly regarding the processing technologies and packaging, which are two prominent areas of innovation in this sector nowadays); the innovation in the cooking sector (particularly in regards to the molecular gastronomy and science based cooking). RESULTS: A total of 146 articles were included in the review and the aspects focused allowed confirming that innovation has been recognized as a key driver of economic growth. Within the framework of ‘open innovation’, a number of key issues related to the acquisition of external knowledge in food technology must be taken into consideration. Food product development is highly dependent on the consumer perception and acceptance, and hence it is of utmost importance to include the consumer in the development process to minimize failure probabilities. The sectors of the food industry where important developments and innovation are registered include the processing technologies and the packaging systems, where the latest progresses have produced very significant outcomes. CONCLUSION: The present work allowed verifying the latest improvements and trend towards food product development from two perspectives, the product itself and the industrial processing. This sector is undoubtedly a major key for the success and competitiveness nowadays in the food industry.


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A Spirulina apresenta propriedades antioxidantes o que favorece seu uso como alimento funcional, fato que tem motivado a sua comercialização para a formulação de alimentos diversos e com finalidades terapêuticas. A secagem ganha importância durante produção de Spirulina, uma vez que a umidade necessária, para garantir que não ocorra degradação da biomassa desidratada durante o armazenamento, é alcançada através do conhecimento dos parâmetros que caracterizam a operação. Neste estudo foi utilizada a secagem com bomba de calor, um método alternativo, pois viabiliza a operação com temperaturas inferiores as tradicionalmente utilizadas, além de seu funcionamento ser independente das condições meteorológicas do ambiente. O trabalho experimental da secagem de Spirulina sp. foi iniciado com um estudo comparativo entre a secagem com bomba de calor (SBC) e a secagem tradicional (ST). O efeito dos diferentes métodos utilizados sob a amostra foi comparado em relação à cinética da operação e as características da microalga desidratada (cor, ficocianina, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante total). As temperaturas do ar foram de 50 e 60ºC e a umidade absoluta da SBC foi dez vezes inferior a utilizada durante a ST. Os parâmetros que caracterizam a secagem foram influenciados pela temperatura do ar, bem como, pela baixa umidade absoluta na SBC. Os valores do tempo total da SBC foram 40% inferiores aos encontrados para a secagem ST, em ambas as temperaturas do ar. A maior preservação das características da Spirulina foi obtida na SBC e temperatura do ar de 50°C, e nesta condição os valores foram 14% (ficocianina), 60% (compostos fenólicos) e 10% (atividade antioxidante) superiores aos encontrados na mesma condição para a ST. Isto evidencia que o método de secagem é determinante na qualidade do produto desidratado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o estudo da cinética da SBC, bem como a otimização da operação de secagem e a reidratação das amostras desidratadas nas diferentes condições de secagem. O estudo foi realizado através de um planejamento fatorial 32, tendo como fatores de estudo a temperatura do ar (30, 40 e 50ºC) e a espessura da bandeja (1, 3 e 5 mm). As respostas utilizadas foram ficocianina, compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante total e cor da microalga desidratadas. Também foram realizadas a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e as curvas termogravimétricas (DSC) das amostras desidratadas. A secagem apresentou um curto período de taxa constante, delimitado pela umidade crítica, sendo que, seus valores foram influenciados apenas pela temperatura do ar de secagem. O modelo Logarítmico forneceu elevados valores de R2ajust e os menores valores de soma dos erros quadráticos (SSE) e de critério informativo de Akaike (AIC). Os valores das energias de ativação para as espessuras de 1, 3 e 5 mm, foram na faixa de 20-23 kJ mol-1. A condição de operação mais adequada, para a secagem de Spirulina sp. com bomba de calor, foi obtida na temperatura do ar de 50°C e espessura da bandeja de 5 mm, com valores de ficocianina, compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante total e diferença de cor de 19,60 mg g-1, 1508 µgEAG g-1, 52,6% e 5,71, respectivamente. Os termogramas (DSC) evidenciaram que em 50 ºC e espessura de 5 mm, o produto apresentou maior estabilidade térmica. As amostras de Spirulina sp. desidratadas apresentaram estrutura morfológica (MEV), aparentemente, rígida e heterogênea, e os seus percentuais de reidratação corresponderam a 85-91% da umidade da microalga in natura.


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This sheet encourages children to eat vegetables and fruits by making it fun. Provide healthy ingredients and let kids help with preparation, based on their age and skills. Kids may try foods they avoided in the past if they helped make them. Recipes are included.


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This sheet printed in English and Spanish shows how you can eat healthy by eating colorful foods.


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The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soymilk. They provide calcium, vitamin D, potassium, protein, and other nutrients needed for good health throughout life. Choices should be lowfat or fat-free—to cut calories and saturated fat. How much is needed? Older children, teens, and adults need 3 cups* a day, while children 4 to 8 years old need 2½ cups, and children 2 to 3 years old need 2 cups.


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The corn cob is an agricultural by-product still little used, this in part due to the low knowledge of the biotechnological potential of their molecules. Xylan from corn cobs (XSM) is a polysaccharide present in greater quantity in the structure of plant and its biotechnology potential is little known. This study aimed to the extraction, chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activities of xylan from corn cobs. To this end, corncobs were cleaned, cut, dried and crushed, resulting in flour. This was subjected to a methodology that combines the use of alkaline conditions with waves of ultrasound. After methanol precipitation, centrifugation and drying was obtained a yield of 40% (g/g flour). Chemical analysis indicated a high percentage of polysaccharides in the sample (60%) and low contamination by protein (0.4%) and phenolic compounds (> 0.01%). Analysis of monosaccharide composition indicated the presence of xylose:glucose:arabinose:galactose:mannose:glucuronic acid in a molar ratio 50:20:15:10:2.5:2.5. The presence of xylan in the sample was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H and ¹³C) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Tests were conducted to evaluate the antioxidant potential of XSM. This showed a total antioxidant capacity of 48.45 EAA/g sample. However, did not show scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radical and also reducing power. But, showing a high capacity chelating iron ions with 70% with about 2 mg/mL. The ability to XSM to influence cell proliferation in culture was also evaluated. This polymer did not influence the proliferation of normal fibroblast cells (3T3), however, decreased the rate of proliferation of tumor cells (HeLa) in a dose-dependent, reaching an inhibition of about 50% with a concentration around 2 mg/mL. Analyzing proteins related to cell death, by immunoblotting, XSM increases the amount of Bax, Bcl-2 decrease, increase cytochrome c and AIF, and reduce pro-caspase-3, indicating the induction of cell death induced apoptosis dependent and independent of caspase. XSM did not show anticoagulant activity in the PT test. However, the test of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), XSM increased clotting time at about 5 times with 600 μg of sample compared with the negative control. The presence of sulfate on the XSM was discarded by agarose gel electrophoresis and IR. After carboxyl-reduction of XSM the anticoagulant activity decreased dramatically. The data of this study demonstrate that XSM has potential as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticoagulant compound. Future studies to characterize these activities of XSM will help to increase knowledge about this molecule extracted from corn and allow their use in functional foods, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.


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Currently, many consumers search for food with functional characteristics beyond their nutritional properties. Thus, the concept of functional food becomes a hot topic, allowing the obtaining of health benefits, including disease prevention. In this context, plants are recognized as sources of a wide range of bioactives, mainly phenolic compounds. In particular, the Rosmarinus officina/is L., commonly referred as rosemary, has several phenolic compounds with different bioactive properties such as antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial activities, among others [!]. Hence, this plant has great potential for incorporation into foods in order to confer bioactivity to the final products. However, it should be highlighted that the bioactive compounds if exposed to adverse environments, for example: light, moisture, extreme pH, storage, food processing conditions, can be degraded leading to the consequent loss of bioactivity [2]. The microencapsulation is an alternative to overcome this problematic of bioactive compounds, as also to ensure controlled release, or target deliver to a specific site [3]. In this work, lyophilized rosemary aqueous extract prepared by in:'usion was used as a functional ingredient for cottage cheeses, after proving that it possesses, both higher content in phenolic compounds and higher antioxidant activity, comparatively with the corresponding hydroethanolic extract. The rosemary aqueous extract revealed, for example, a DPPH scavenging activity with an EC50 value of 73.44±0.54j!g/mL and presented as main phenolic compound the caffeic acid dimer, commonly named as rosmarinic acid. For the functionalized cottage cheeses, a decrease of bioactivity was observed after seven days under storage in fridge, when the extracts were incorporated in its free form. Therefore, to preserve the antioxidant activity, the rosemary aqueous extract was efficiently microencapsulated by using an atomization/coagulation technique and alginate as the matrix material and thereafter incorporated into the cottage cheeses. The final microspheres showed a size, estimated by OM using a magnification of I OOx, ranging between 51.1 and 122.6 J!m and an encapsulation efficiency, estimated through an indirect method, approaching 100%. Overall, the introduction of both free and microencapsulated extracts did not change the nutritional value of cottage cheeses, providing bioactivity that was more preserved with microencapsulated extracts putting in evidence the importance of using microencapsulation to develop effective functional foods.


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La muqueuse intestinale est exposée à des agents oxydants provenant de l’ingestion d’aliments modifiés, de cellules immuno-inflammatoires et de la flore intestinale. Une diète élevée en fruits et légumes peut diminuer le stress oxydant (SOx) ainsi que l’inflammation via plusieurs mécanismes. Ces effets bénéfiques peuvent être attribuables à leur contenu élevé en polyphénols. La première étude de mon doctorat consistait à tester l’hypothèse que les polyphénols extraits de pelures de pomme (DAPP) pouvaient diminuer le stress oxydant et l'inflammation impliqués dans les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII). Nous avons caractérisé les polyphénols des DAPP par spectrométrie de masse (LC-MS) et examiné leur potentiel antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau des cellules intestinales. L’identification des structures chimiques des polyphénols a été effectuée par LC-MS. Le SOx a été induit par l’ajout du complexe fer/ascorbate (Fe/Asc, 200 µM/2 mM) et l’inflammation par la lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 200µg/mL) à des cellules intestinales Caco-2/15 pré-incubées avec les DAPP (250 µg/mL). L’effet du SOx est déterminé par le dosage du malondialdéhyde (MDA), de la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés et de l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes endogènes (SOD et GPx). L’impact des DAPP sur l’inflammation a été testé par l’analyse de l’expression des marqueurs inflammatoires: cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2), le facteur de nécrose tumorale alpha (TNF-a et l’interleukine-6 (IL-6) et les facteurs de transcription NF-KB, Nrf-2 et PGC1α par immunobuvardage. Nos données ont montré que les flavonols et les flavan-3-ols constituent les composés polyphénoliques majoritaires des DAPP. L’ajout de Fer2+/Asc a provoqué une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique comparativement aux cellules contrôles, un appauvrissement des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, et une modulation des enzymes antioxydantes, se traduisant par une augmentation de l’activité de la SOD et une diminution de la GPx. En contrepartie, les DAPP ont exhibé leur potentiel à corriger la plupart des perturbations, y compris l’expression protéique anormalement élevée du COX-2 et la production de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), ainsi que l’inflammation telle que réflétée par les facteurs NF-κB, TNF-α et IL-6. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces changements bénéfiques des DAPP ont fait intervenir les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Vraisemblablement, cette première étude a permis de démontrer la capacité des DAPP à amoindrir le SOx et à réduire l’inflammation, deux processus étroitement impliqués dans les MII. Dans la deuxième étape de mon doctorat, nous avons voulu comparer les résultats de DAPP à ceux des polyphénols dérivant de la canneberge qui est considérée par la communauté scientifique comme le fruit ayant le plus fort potentiel antioxydant. À cette fin, nous avons caractérisé l’effet des composés polyphénoliques de la canneberge (CPC) sur le SOx, la défense antioxydante et l’inflammation au niveau intestinal tout en définissant leur métabolisme intraluminal. Les différents CPC ont été séparés selon leur poids moléculaire par chromatographie et leurs structures chimiques ont été identifiées par LC-MS. Suite à une pré-incubation des cellules Caco-2/15 avec les extraits CPC (250 µg/mL), le Fe/Asc et la LPS ont été administrés comme inducteurs du SOx et de l’inflammation, respectivement. La caractérisation globale des CPC a révélé que les acides phénoliques composaient majoritairement l’extrait de canneberge de petit poids moléculaire (LC) alors que les flavonoïdes et les procyanidines dimériques/trimériques représentaient l’extrait de poids moléculaire moyen (MC) tout en laissant les procyanidines oligo et polymériques à l’extrait de haut poids moléculaire (HC). Les CPC ont permis de restaurer la plupart des perturbations engendrées dans les Caco-2/15 par le Fe/Asc et le LPS. Les CPC exhibaient le potentiel d’abaisser les niveaux de MDA, de corriger la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, d’augmenter l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes (SOD, GPx et CAT) et d’élever l’expression de Nrf2 et PGC1α. En outre, les CPC pouvaient aussi réduire les niveaux élevés des protéines inflammatoires COX-2, TNF-α et IL-6 ainsi que la production des PGE2 par un mécanisme impliquant le NF-κB. Au niveau mitochondrial, les procyanidines oligomériques ont réussi à corriger les dysfonctions reliées à la production d’énergie (ATP), l’apoptose (Bcl-2, Cyt C et AIF) et le statut des facteurs de transcription mitochondriaux (mtTFA, mtTFB1, mtTFB2). Dans le but de bien comprendre les mécanismes d’action des CPC, nous avons défini par LC-MS les composés polyphénoliques qui ont été transportés ou absorbés par l’entérocyte. Nos analyses soulignent le transport (i) des acides cinnamiques et benzoïques (LC); (ii) la quercétine glycosylée et conjuguée et les procyanidines dimériques de type A (MC); et (iii) l’épicatéchine et les procyanidines oligomériques (HC). Les processus de métabolisation (méthylation, glucuronidation et sulfatation) au niveau de l’entérocyte ont probablement permis le transport de ces CPC surtout sous leur forme conjuguée. Les procyanidines oligomériques ayant un degré de polymérisation supérieur à 2 (HC) ont semblé adhérer aux cellules Caco-2/15. L’épicatéchine suivi par les procyanidines dimériques de type A ont été trouvés majoritaires au niveau des mitochondries. Même si nous ignorons encore l’action biologique de chaque composé polyphénolique, nous pouvons suggérer que leurs effets combinatoires exercent des fonctions antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires et mitochondriales dans le modèle intestinal Caco-2/15. Dans une troisième étape, nous avons procédé à l’évaluation des aspects préventifs et thérapeutique des DAPP tout en sondant les mécanismes sous-jacents dans une étude préclinique. À cette fin, nous avons exploité le modèle de souris avec colite expérimentale provoquée par le Dextran Sulfate de Sodium (DSS). L’induction de l’inflammation intestinale chez la souris C57BL6 a été effectuée par l’administration orale de DSS à 2.5% pendant 10 jours. Des doses physiologiques et supra-physiologiques de DAPP (200 et 400 mg/kg/j, respectivement) ont été administrées par gavage pendant 10 jours pré- et post-DSS. L’inflammation par le DSS a provoqué une perte de poids, un raccourcissement du côlon, le décollement dystrophique de l’épithélium, l’exulcération et les infiltrations de cellules mono et polynucléaires au niveau du côlon. De plus, le DSS a induit une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique, une régulation à la baisse des enzymes antioxydantes, une expression protéique à la hausse de la myéloperoxidase (MPO), du COX-2 et de la production des PGE2. Par ailleurs, les DAPP ont permis de corriger ou du moins d’alléger la plupart de ces anomalies en situation préventive ou thérapeutique, en plus d’abaisser l’expression protéique de NF-κB et des cytokines inflammatoires (TNF-a et l’IL-6) tout en stimulant les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Conséquemment, les polyphénols des DAPP ont exhibé leur puissant pouvoir antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau intestinal dans un modèle in vivo. Leurs actions sont associées à la régulation des voies de signalisation cellulaire et des changements dans la composition du microbiote. Ces trois projets de recherche permettent d’envisager l’évaluation des effets préventifs et thérapeutiques des DAPP cliniquement chez les patients avec des désordres inflammatoires de l’intestin.


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Background: This article examines the concepts of low glycemic indices (GIs) and glycemic load (GL) foods as key drivers in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes as well as their shortcomings. The controversies arising from the analysis of glycemic index (GI) and GL of foods such as their reproducibility as well as their relevance to the dietary management of type 2 diabetes are also discussed. Methods: Search was conducted in relevant electronic databases such as: Pubmed, Google Scholar, HINARI, the Cochrane library, Popline, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, etc to identify the current status of knowledge regarding the controversies surrounding management of diabetes with low GI and GL foods. Conclusion: This article suggests that in view of discrepancies that surround the results of GI versus GL of foods, any assay on the GI and GL of a food with the aim of recommending the food for the dietary management of type 2 diabetes, could be balanced with glycated hemoglobin assays before they are adopted as useful antidiabetic foods.


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Vitamins and mineral elements are among the most important phytochemicals due to their important role in the maintenance of human health. Despite these components had already been studied in different plant species, their full characterization in several wild species is still scarce. In addition, the knowledge regarding the in vivo effects of phytochemicals, particularly their bioaccessibility, is still scarce. Accordingly, a membrane dialysis process was used to simulate gastrointestinal conditions in order to assess the potential bioaccessibility of mineral elements in different preparations of Achillea millefolium (yarrow), Laurus nobilis (laurel) and Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia (dandelion). The retention/passage dynamics was evaluated using a cellulose membrane with 34 mm pore. Dandelion showed the highest levels of all studied mineral elements (except zinc) independently of the used formulations (dried plant or infusion), but yarrow was the only species yielding minerals after the dialysis step, either in dried form, or as infusion. In fact, the ability of each evaluated element to cross the dialysis membrane showed significant differences, being also highly dependent on the plant species. Regarding the potential use of these plants as complementary vitamin B9 sources, the detected values were much lower in the infusions, most likely due to the thermolability effect.