879 resultados para Dominant Set


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La tesi in oggetto propone un algoritmo che viene incontro alla necessità di segmentare in modo regolare immagini di nevi. Si è fatto uso di metodi level set region-based in una formulazione variazionale. Tale metodo ha permesso di ottenere una segmentazione precisa, adattabile a immagini di nevi con caratteristiche molto diverse ed in tempi computazionali molto bassi.


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La standardisation de la langue française a inévitablement eu des conséquences soit dans l’attitude de défense du français, soit dans l’inquiétude de ceux qui parlent une autre langue. Cette étude veut établir une comparaison entre le rapport langue du pouvoir/langues non officielles et le rapport professeur/élève en milieu scolaire. La distinction entre langue officielle et dites « langues minoritaires » sera mis en relation avec la langue des jeunes, qui, à l’école, se confrontent et entrent en collision avec la langue de leur professeur. En effet, les classes hétérogènes et l’influence de la langue maternelle auprès des élèves, fils d’immigrés, exposent les enseignants à toute une série de difficultés liées aux différences culturelles. Les dénonciations et les cas de violence dans les écoles mettront l’accent également sur l’opinion publique et sur le type de mesures mises en relief par les Institutions publiques. L’aire géographique prise en considération inclut Paris et ses environs même si quelques exemples d’enquêtes menées dans d’autres parties de la France et à l’étranger seront cités.


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Small molecules affecting biological processes in plants are widely used in agricultural practice as herbicides or plant growth regulators and in basic plant sciences as probes to study the physiology of plants. Most of the compounds were identified in large screens by the agrochemical industry, as phytoactive natural products and more recently, novel phytoactive compounds originated from academic research by chemical screens performed to induce specific phenotypes of interest. The aim of the present PhD thesis is to evaluate different approaches used for the identification of the primary mode of action (MoA) of a phytoactive compound. Based on the methodologies used for MoA identification, three approaches are discerned: a phenotyping approach, an approach based on a genetic screen and a biochemical screening approach.rnFour scientific publications resulting from my work are presented as examples of how a phenotyping approach can successfully be applied to describe the plant MoA of different compounds in detail.rnI. A subgroup of cyanoacrylates has been discovered as plant growth inhibitors. A set of bioassays indicated a specific effect on cell division. Cytological investigations of the cell division process in plant cell cultures, studies of microtubule assembly with green fluorescent protein marker lines in vivo and cross resistant studies with Eleusine indica plants harbouring a mutation in alpha-tubulin, led to the description of alpha-tubulin as a target site of cyanoacrylates (Tresch et al., 2005).rnII. The MoA of the herbicide flamprop-m-methyl was not known so far. The studies described in Tresch et al. (2008) indicate a primary effect on cell division. Detailed studies unravelled a specific effect on mitotic microtubule figures, causing a block in cell division. In contrast to other inhibitors of microtubule rearrangement such as dinitroanilines, flamprop-m-methyl did not influence microtubule assembly in vitro. An influence of flamprop-m-methyl on a target within the cytoskeleton signalling network could be proposed (Tresch et al., 2008).rnIII. The herbicide endothall is a protein phosphatase inhibitor structurally related to the natural product cantharidin. Bioassay studies indicated a dominant effect on dark-growing cells that was unrelated to effects observed in the light. Cytological characterisation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in corn tissue and heterotrophic tobacco cells showed a specific effect of endothall on mitotic spindle formation and ultrastructure of the nucleus in combination with a decrease of the proliferation index. The observed effects are similar to those of other protein phosphatase inhibitors such as cantharidin and the structurally different okadaic acid. Additionally, the observed effects show similarities to knock-out lines of the TON1 pathway, a protein phosphatase-regulated signalling pathway. The data presented in Tresch et al. (2011) associate endothall’s known in vitro inhibition of protein phosphatases with in vivo-effects and suggest an interaction between endothall and the TON1 pathway.rnIV. Mefluidide as a plant growth regulator induces growth retardation and a specific phenotype indicating an inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis. A test of the cuticle functionality suggested a defect in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) or waxes. Metabolic profiling studies showed similarities with different groups of VLCFA synthesis inhibitors. Detailed analyses of VLCFA composition in tissues of duckweed (Lemna paucicostata) indicated a specific inhibition of the known herbicide target 3 ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS). Inhibitor studies using a yeast expression system established for plant KCS proteins verified the potency of mefluidide as an inhibitor of plant KCS enzymes. It could be shown that the strength of inhibition varied for different KCS homologues. The Arabidopsis Cer6 protein, which induces a plant growth phenotype similar to mefluidide when knocked out, was one of the most sensitive KCS enzymes (Tresch et al., 2012).rnThe findings of my own work were combined with other publications reporting a successful identification of the MoA and primary target proteins of different compounds or compound classes.rnA revised three-tier approach for the MoA identification of phytoactive compounds is proposed. The approach consists of a 1st level aiming to address compound stability, uniformity of effects in different species, general cytotoxicity and the effect on common processes like transcription and translation. Based on these findings advanced studies can be defined to start the 2nd level of MoA characterisation, either with further phenotypic characterisation, starting a genetic screen or establishing a biochemical screen. At the 3rd level, enzyme assays or protein affinity studies should show the activity of the compound on the hypothesized target and should associate the in vitro effects with the in vivo profile of the compound.


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Seit Anbeginn der Menschheitsgeschichte beeinflussen die Menschen ihre Umwelt. Durch anthropogene Emissionen ändert sich die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre, was einen zunehmenden Einfluss unter anderem auf die Atmosphärenchemie, die Gesundheit von Mensch, Flora und Fauna und das Klima hat. Die steigende Anzahl riesiger, wachsender Metropolen geht einher mit einer räumlichen Konzentration der Emission von Luftschadstoffen, was vor allem einen Einfluss auf die Luftqualität der windabwärts gelegenen ruralen Regionen hat. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde im Rahmen des MEGAPOLI-Projektes die Abluftfahne der Megastadt Paris unter Anwendung des mobilen Aerosolforschungslabors MoLa untersucht. Dieses ist mit modernen, zeitlich hochauflösenden Instrumenten zur Messung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und Größenverteilung der Aerosolpartikel sowie einiger Spurengase ausgestattet. Es wurden mobile Messstrategien entwickelt und angewendet, die besonders geeignet zur Charakterisierung urbaner Emissionen sind. Querschnittsmessfahrten durch die Abluftfahne und atmosphärische Hintergrundluftmassen erlaubten sowohl die Bestimmung der Struktur und Homogenität der Abluftfahne als auch die Berechnung des Beitrags der urbanen Emissionen zur Gesamtbelastung der Atmosphäre. Quasi-Lagrange’sche Radialmessfahrten dienten der Erkundung der räumlichen Erstreckung der Abluftfahne sowie auftretender Transformationsprozesse der advehierten Luftschadstoffe. In Kombination mit Modellierungen konnte die Struktur der Abluftfahne vertieft untersucht werden. Flexible stationäre Messungen ergänzten den Datensatz und ließen zudem Vergleichsmessungen mit anderen Messstationen zu. Die Daten einer ortsfesten Messstation wurden zusätzlich verwendet, um die Alterung des organischen Partikelanteils zu beschreiben. Die Analyse der mobilen Messdaten erforderte die Entwicklung einer neuen Methode zur Bereinigung des Datensatzes von lokalen Störeinflüssen. Des Weiteren wurden die Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Fehler bei der Anwendung komplexer Analyseprogramme zur Berechnung des O/C-Verhältnisses der Partikel sowie der Klassifizierung der Aerosolorganik untersucht. Eine Validierung verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung der Luftmassenherkunft war für die Auswertung ebenfalls notwendig. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der Abluftfahne von Paris ergab, dass diese sich anhand der Erhöhung der Konzentrationen von Indikatoren für unprozessierte Luftverschmutzung im Vergleich zu Hintergrundwerten identifizieren lässt. Ihre eher homogene Struktur kann zumeist durch eine Gauß-Form im Querschnitt mit einem exponentiellen Abfall der unprozessierten Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit zunehmender Distanz zur Stadt beschrieben werden. Hierfür ist hauptsächlich die turbulente Vermischung mit Umgebungsluftmassen verantwortlich. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in der advehierten Abluftfahne eine deutliche Oxidation der Aerosolorganik im Sommer stattfindet; im Winter hingegen ließ sich dieser Prozess während der durchgeführten Messungen nicht beobachten. In beiden Jahreszeiten setzt sich die Abluftfahne hauptsächlich aus Ruß und organischen Partikelkomponenten im PM1-Größenbereich zusammen, wobei die Quellen Verkehr und Kochen sowie zusätzlich Heizen in der kalten Jahreszeit dominieren. Die PM1-Partikelmasse erhöhte sich durch die urbanen Emissionen im Vergleich zum Hintergrundwert im Sommer in der Abluftfahne im Mittel um 30% und im Winter um 10%. Besonders starke Erhöhungen ließen sich für Polyaromaten beobachten, wo im Sommer eine mittlere Zunahme von 194% und im Winter von 131% vorlag. Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede waren ebenso in der Größenverteilung der Partikel der Abluftfahne zu finden, wo im Winter im Gegensatz zum Sommer keine zusätzlichen nukleierten kleinen Partikel, sondern nur durch Kondensation und Koagulation angewachsene Partikel zwischen etwa 10nm und 200nm auftraten. Die Spurengaskonzentrationen unterschieden sich ebenfalls, da chemische Reaktionen temperatur- und mitunter strahlungsabhängig sind. Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des MoLa wurden bei einer Überführungsfahrt von Deutschland an die spanische Atlantikküste demonstriert, woraus eine Kartierung der Luftqualität entlang der Fahrtroute resultierte. Es zeigte sich, dass hauptsächlich urbane Ballungszentren von unprozessierten Luftschadstoffen betroffen sind, advehierte gealterte Substanzen jedoch jede Region beeinflussen können. Die Untersuchung der Luftqualität an Standorten mit unterschiedlicher Exposition bezüglich anthropogener Quellen erweiterte diese Aussage um einen Einblick in die Variation der Luftqualität, abhängig unter anderem von der Wetterlage und der Nähe zu Emissionsquellen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die entwickelten Messstrategien und Analysemethoden nicht nur zur Untersuchung der Abluftfahne einer Großstadt, sondern auch auf verschiedene andere wissenschaftliche und umweltmesstechnische Fragestellungen anwenden lassen.


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One of the main goals of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva is the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. In 2011, proton-proton collisions were performed at the LHC at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb^{-1} was recorded. This dataset can be tested for one of the most promising theories beyond limits achieved thus far: supersymmetry. Final states in supersymmetry events at the LHC contain highly energetic jets and sizeable missing transverse energy. The additional requirement of events with highly energetic leptons simplifies the control of the backgrounds. This work presents results of a search for supersymmetry in the inclusive dilepton channel. Special emphasis is put on the search within the Gauge-Mediated Symmetry Breaking (GMSB) scenario in which the supersymmetry breaking is mediated via gauge fields. Statistically independent Control Regionsrnfor the dominant Standard Model backgrounds as well as Signal Regions for a discovery of a possible supersymmetry signal are defined and optimized. A simultaneous fit of the background normalizations in the Control Regions via the profile likelihood method allows for a precise prediction of the backgrounds in the Signal Regions and thus increases the sensitivity to several supersymmetry models. Systematic uncertainties on the background prediction are constrained via the jet multiplicity distribution in the Control Regions driven by data. The observed data are consistent with the Standard Model expectation. New limits within the GMSB and the minimal Supergravity (mSUGRA) scenario as well as for several simplified supersymmetry models are set or extended.


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Das humane Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) ist ein opportunistischer Krankheitserreger, der insbesondere bei Patienten mit unreifem oder geschwächtem Immunsystem schwere, teilweise lebensbedrohliche Erkrankungen verursacht. Aufgrund der klinischen Relevanz wird die Entwicklung einer Impfung gegen HCMV mit großem Nachdruck verfolgt. Subvirale Partikel des HCMV, sogenannte Dense Bodies (DB), stellen eine vielversprechende Impfstoff-Grundlage dar. Die innere Struktur der Partikel besteht aus viralen Proteinen, die als dominante Antigene der zellulären Immunantwort gegen HCMV identifiziert wurden. Die äußere Hülle der Partikel entspricht der Virushülle, sie enthält die viralen Oberflächenproteine als Zielantigene der neutralisierenden Antikörper (NTAk)-Antwort in ihrer natürlichen Konformation. Die für ein Totantigen außergewöhnlich hohe Immunogenität der Partikel wurde bereits in Vorarbeiten dokumentiert. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den molekularen Hintergrund für die herausragenden, immunogenen Eigenschaften von DB aufzuklären. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde daher die Hypothese geprüft, dass DB geeignet sind, die Ausreifung und Aktivierung von dendritischen Zellen (DC) zu vermitteln und damit deren Fähigkeit zur Antigenpräsentation zu stimulieren. Derart aktivierten DC kommt eine wichtige Rolle beim Priming der T-lymphozytären Immunantwort zu. In der Tat konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Behandlung von unreifen dendritischen Zellen (iDC) mit DB zu verstärkter Expression von solchen Molekülen auf der DC-Oberfläche führt, die mit Ausreifung der Zellen verknüpft sind. Der Nachweis der verstärkten Freisetzung proinflammatorischer Zytokine belegte die Aktivierung der Zellen im Sinne einer entzündlichen Reaktion. Die erfolgreiche Stimulation von CD4 und CD8 T-Lymphozyten durch DB-behandelte DC belegte schließlich die funktionelle Relevanz der Ergebnisse. Zusammengefasst konnten in diesem Abschnitt der Arbeit die molekularen Grundlagen der adjuvanten Wirkung von DB aufgeklärt werden. rnIn einem zweiten Abschnitt wurde die NTAk-Antwort nach DB-Immunisierung näher untersucht. Der humoralen Immunantwort kommt eine entscheidende Bedeutung bei der Prävention der HCMV-Übertragung zu. Hier galt es zu prüfen, welchen Einfluss stammspezifische Unterschiede in der Expression viraler Oberflächenproteine auf die Induktion der NTAk-Antwort nach DB-Immunisierung nehmen. Im Fokus stand dabei die variable Expression des pentameren Proteinkomplexes aus den viralen Proteinen gH/gL/pUL128-UL131A. Dieser Komplex wird nur von kliniknahen HCMV-Stämmen (HCMVKlin) exprimiert und ist für deren breiten Zelltropismus verantwortlich. Der pentamere Komplex fehlte in allen bisherigen Analysen der DB-Immunogenität, die auf der Grundlage von Laborstämmen des HCMV (HCMVLab) durchgeführt worden waren. Ein erster Versuchsansatz zeigte, dass die NTAk-Antwort, die durch DB von HCMVLab (DBLab) induziert wird, auch gegen die Infektion mit HCMVKlin einen gewissen Schutz vermittelt. Dies war ein überraschender Befund, da Antikörpern gegen den pentameren Komplex eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Neutralisation von HCMVKlin zugeschrieben wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten jedoch, dass Antikörper gegen andere Zielstrukturen zur Neutralisation von HCMVKlin beitragen. Hieraus resultierte unmittelbar die Frage, inwieweit eine Aufnahme des pentameren Komplexes in einen DB-basierten Impfstoff überhaupt notwendig war. Um dies zu beantworten war es notwendig, DB herzustellen, die den pentameren Komplex enthielten. Hierzu wurde ein HCMVLab durch Mutagenese des 235 kpb Genoms so modifiziert, dass von dem resultierenden Stamm der pentamere Komplex exprimiert wurde. In gereinigten DB dieses Stammes konnten die Komponenten des pentameren Komplexes nachgewiesen werden. Die Seren von Tieren, die mit DB dieses neuen Stammes immunisiert wurden, zeigten in der Tat eine deutlich gesteigerte Kapazität zur Neutralisation von HCMVKlin auf verschiedenen Zielzellen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen schlussendlich, dass die Expression des pentameren Komplexes einen Vorteil bei der Induktion der antiviralen NTAk-Antwort erbringt. Zusammengefasst liefern die Erkenntnisse aus dieser Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der immunogenen Wirkung von DB. Auf dieser Grundlage war es nunmehr möglich, ein Projekt zur Austestung der DB-Vakzine in einer ersten klinischen Studie zu initiieren.


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This study aims at a comprehensive understanding of the effects of aerosol-cloud interactions and their effects on cloud properties and climate using the chemistry-climate model EMAC. In this study, CCN activation is regarded as the dominant driver in aerosol-cloud feedback loops in warm clouds. The CCN activation is calculated prognostically using two different cloud droplet nucleation parameterizations, the STN and HYB CDN schemes. Both CDN schemes account for size and chemistry effects on the droplet formation based on the same aerosol properties. The calculation of the solute effect (hygroscopicity) is the main difference between the CDN schemes. The kappa-method is for the first time incorporated into Abdul-Razzak and Ghan activation scheme (ARG) to calculate hygroscopicity and critical supersaturation of aerosols (HYB), and the performance of the modied scheme is compared with the osmotic coefficient model (STN), which is the standard in the ARG scheme. Reference simulations (REF) with the prescribed cloud droplet number concentration have also been carried out in order to understand the effects of aerosol-cloud feedbacks. In addition, since the calculated cloud coverage is an important determinant of cloud radiative effects and is influencing the nucleation process two cloud cover parameterizations (i.e., a relative humidity threshold; RH-CLC and a statistical cloud cover scheme; ST-CLC) have been examined together with the CDN schemes, and their effects on the simulated cloud properties and relevant climate parameters have been investigated. The distinct cloud droplet spectra show strong sensitivity to aerosol composition effects on cloud droplet formation in all particle sizes, especially for the Aitken mode. As Aitken particles are the major component of the total aerosol number concentration and CCN, and are most sensitive to aerosol chemical composition effect (solute effect) on droplet formation, the activation of Aitken particles strongly contribute to total cloud droplet formation and thereby providing different cloud droplet spectra. These different spectra influence cloud structure, cloud properties, and climate, and show regionally varying sensitivity to meteorological and geographical condition as well as the spatiotemporal aerosol properties (i.e., particle size, number, and composition). The changes responding to different CDN schemes are more pronounced at lower altitudes than higher altitudes. Among regions, the subarctic regions show the strongest changes, as the lower surface temperature amplifies the effects of the activated aerosols; in contrast, the Sahara desert, where is an extremely dry area, is less influenced by changes in CCN number concentration. The aerosol-cloud coupling effects have been examined by comparing the prognostic CDN simulations (STN, HYB) with the reference simulation (REF). Most pronounced effects are found in the cloud droplet number concentration, cloud water distribution, and cloud radiative effect. The aerosol-cloud coupling generally increases cloud droplet number concentration; this decreases the efficiency of the formation of weak stratiform precipitation, and increases the cloud water loading. These large-scale changes lead to larger cloud cover and longer cloud lifetime, and contribute to high optical thickness and strong cloud cooling effects. This cools the Earth's surface, increases atmospheric stability, and reduces convective activity. These changes corresponding to aerosol-cloud feedbacks are also differently simulated depending on the cloud cover scheme. The ST-CLC scheme is more sensitive to aerosol-cloud coupling, since this scheme uses a tighter linkage of local dynamics and cloud water distributions in cloud formation process than the RH-CLC scheme. For the calculated total cloud cover, the RH-CLC scheme simulates relatively similar pattern to observations than the ST-CLC scheme does, but the overall properties (e.g., total cloud cover, cloud water content) in the RH simulations are overestimated, particularly over ocean. This is mainly originated from the difference in simulated skewness in each scheme: the RH simulations calculate negatively skewed distributions of cloud cover and relevant cloud water, which is similar to that of the observations, while the ST simulations yield positively skewed distributions resulting in lower mean values than the RH-CLC scheme does. The underestimation of total cloud cover over ocean, particularly over the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) relates to systematic defficiency of the prognostic calculation of skewness in the current set-ups of the ST-CLC scheme.rnOverall, the current EMAC model set-ups perform better over continents for all combinations of the cloud droplet nucleation and cloud cover schemes. To consider aerosol-cloud feedbacks, the HYB scheme is a better method for predicting cloud and climate parameters for both cloud cover schemes than the STN scheme. The RH-CLC scheme offers a better simulation of total cloud cover and the relevant parameters with the HYB scheme and single-moment microphysics (REF) than the ST-CLC does, but is not very sensitive to aerosol-cloud interactions.


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Dati climatici ad alta risoluzione sono attualmente molto richiesti essendo indispensabili per la valutazione degli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici alla scala locale in svariati campi d'applicazione. Per aumentare l'offerta di tali dati per il territorio italiano viene presentata in questo studio la realizzazione di un data-set con risoluzione di trenta secondi d'arco, per le temperature massime e minime giornaliere per il Trentino Alto Adige, per il periodo che va dal 1951 al 2014. La metodologia utilizzata per proiettare i dati meteorologici di un set di stazioni su di un grigliato ad alta risoluzione si basa sull'assunzione che la struttura spazio-temporale del campo di una variabile meteorologica su una determinata area possa essere descritta dalla sovrapposizione di due campi:i valori normali relativi e un periodo standard, ovvero la climatologia,e le deviazioni da questi, ovvero le anomalie. La climatologia mensile verrà interpolata sull'intero dominio tramite una regressione lineare pesata della temperatura rispetto alla quota,stimata separatamente per ogni nodo del grigliato,con pesi legati alla topografia del territorio,in modo da attribuire di volta in volta la massima importanza alle stazioni con caratteristiche più simili a quella del punto di griglia considerato. Da questa sarà possibile tramite la sovrapposizione con le anomalie mensili ricostruite sul medesimo grigliato, ottenute mediante un'interpolazione basata su una media pesata,ottenere un grigliato a 30 secondi d'arco, di serie temporali mensili in valori assoluti. Combinando poi l'interpolazione dei rapporti delle anomalie giornaliere relative alla media mensile per un set di stazioni con i campi mensili precedentemente stimati,sarà possibile costruire il data-set a risoluzione giornaliera. Prima di quest'ultima fase sarà necessario effettuare un'operazione di sincronizzazione dei dati giornalieri per assicurarsi che non vi siano sfasamenti nelle serie utilizzate. I risultati confermano l'efficacia nell'utilizzo di tale metodo su regioni orograficamente complesse, sia nel confronto diretto con i casi di studio,nei quali si nota bene la discriminazione spaziale effettuata dal modello, che nella valutazione dell'accuratezza e della precisione dei risultati. I dati ottenuti non sono affetti da errori sistematici,mentre l'errore medio assoluto risulta pari od inferiore ai $2^{\circ}$C, in linea con precedenti studi realizzati su altre aree alpine. Il metodo e i risultati risultano soddisfacenti ma ulteriormente migliorabili, sia tramite un ulteriore ottimizzazione del modello usato, che con un aumento nella qualità dei dati sui quali è stato svolto lo studio.


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This thesis work aims to find a procedure for isolating specific features of the current signal from a plasma focus for medical applications. The structure of the current signal inside a plasma focus is exclusive of this class of machines and a specific analysis procedure has to be developed. The hope is to find one or more features that shows a correlation with the dose erogated. The study of the correlation between the current discharge signal and the dose delivered by a plasma focus could be of some importance not only for the practical application of dose prediction but also for expanding the knowledge anbout the plasma focus physics. Vatious classes of time-frequency analysis tecniques are implemented in order to solve the problem.


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In questa tesi si presenta la realizzazione di un data-set ad alta risoluzione (30 secondi d'arco) di precipitazioni mensili (per il periodo 1921-2014), per la regione del Trentino-Alto Adige. Esso è basato su una densa rete di stazioni con osservazioni di lunga durata, sottoposte ai necessari controlli di qualità. La tecnica di interpolazione si basa sull'assunzione che la configurazione spazio-temporale del campo di una variabile meteorologica su una certa area possa essere descritta con la sovrapposizione di due campi: i valori normali relativi a un periodo standard (1961-1990), ossia le climatologie, e le deviazioni da questi, ossia le anomalie. Le due componenti possono venire ricostruite tramite metodologie diverse e si possono basare su data-set indipendenti. Per le climatologie bisogna avere un elevato numero di stazioni (anche se disponibili per un lasso temporale limitato); per le anomalie viceversa la densità spaziale ha un rilievo minore a causa della buona coerenza spaziale della variabilità temporale, mentre è importante la qualità dei dati e la loro estensione temporale. L'approccio utilizzato per le climatologie mensili è la regressione lineare pesata locale. Per ciascuna cella della griglia si stima una regressione lineare pesata della precipitazione in funzione dell'altitudine; si pesano di più le stazioni aventi caratteristiche simili a quelle della cella stessa. Invece le anomalie mensili si ricavano, per ogni cella di griglia, grazie a una media pesata delle anomalie delle vicine stazioni. Infine la sovrapposizione delle componenti spaziale (climatologie) e temporale (anomalie) consente di ottenere per ogni nodo del grigliato una serie temporale di precipitazioni mensili in valori assoluti. La bontà dei risultati viene poi valutata con gli errori quadratici medi (RMSE) e i coefficienti di correlazione di Pearson delle singole componenti ricostruite. Per mostrare le potenziali applicazioni del prodotto si esaminano alcuni casi studio.


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Nella presente tesi è stato sviluppato un sistema di acquisizione automatico finalizzato allo studio del breast microwave imaging. Le misure sono state eseguite in configurazione monostatica, in cui viene acquisito un segnale da diverse posizioni lungo il perimetro dell’area di indagine. A questo scopo, è stato installato un motore ad alta precisione che permette la rotazione del fantoccio e l’esecuzione automatica delle misure da un numero di posizioni fissato. Per automatizzare il processo di acquisizione, è stato inoltre sviluppato appositamente un software in ambiente LabView. Successivamente, è stata eseguita una intensa sessione di misure finalizzate alla caratterizzazione del sistema sviluppato al variare delle condizioni di misura. Abbiamo quindi utilizzato dei fantocci di tumore di diverse dimensioni e permittività elettrica per studiare la sensibilità della strumentazione in condizione di mezzo omogeneo. Dall’analisi delle ricostruzioni multifrequenza effettuate tramite diversi algoritmi di tipo TR-MUSIC sul range di frequenze selezionato, abbiamo notato che il tumore è ricostruito correttamente in tutti gli scenari testati. Inoltre, abbiamo creato un ulteriore fantoccio per simulare la presenza di una disomogeneità nel dominio di imaging. In questo caso, abbiamo studiato le performances del sistema di acquisizione al variare della posizione del tumore, le cui caratteristiche sono state fissate, e della permittività associata al fantoccio. Dall’analisi dei risultati appare che le performances di ricostruzione sono condizionate dalla presenza della disomogeneità, in modo particolare se il tumore è posizionato all’interno di essa. Infine, abbiamo studiato delle performance di due algoritmi di ricostruzione 3D: uno di essi è basato sulla sovrappo- sizione tomografica e sfrutta metodi di interpolazione, l’altro si basa sull’utilizzo di un propagatore 3D per il dipolo Hertziano in approssimazione scalare.


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An autosomal dominant form of isolated GH deficiency (IGHD II) can result from heterozygous splice site mutations that weaken recognition of exon 3 leading to aberrant splicing of GH-1 transcripts and production of a dominant-negative 17.5-kDa GH isoform. Previous studies suggested that the extent of missplicing varies with different mutations and the level of GH expression and/or secretion. To study this, wt-hGH and/or different hGH-splice site mutants (GH-IVS+2, GH-IVS+6, GH-ISE+28) were transfected in rat pituitary cells expressing human GHRH receptor (GC-GHRHR). Upon GHRH stimulation, GC-GHRHR cells coexpressing wt-hGH and each of the mutants displayed reduced hGH secretion and intracellular GH content when compared with cells expressing only wt-hGH, confirming the dominant-negative effect of 17.5-kDa isoform on the secretion of 22-kDa GH. Furthermore, increased amount of 17.5-kDa isoform produced after GHRH stimulation in cells expressing GH-splice site mutants reduced production of endogenous rat GH, which was not observed after GHRH-induced increase in wt-hGH. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that after GHRH stimulation, the severity of IGHD II depends on the position of splice site mutation leading to the production of increasing amounts of 17.5-kDa protein, which reduces the storage and secretion of wt-GH in the most severely affected cases. Due to the absence of GH and IGF-I-negative feedback in IGHD II, a chronic up-regulation of GHRH would lead to an increased stimulatory drive to somatotrophs to produce more 17.5-kDa GH from the severest mutant alleles, thereby accelerating autodestruction of somatotrophs in a vicious cycle.


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HIV virulence, i.e. the time of progression to AIDS, varies greatly among patients. As for other rapidly evolving pathogens of humans, it is difficult to know if this variance is controlled by the genotype of the host or that of the virus because the transmission chain is usually unknown. We apply the phylogenetic comparative approach (PCA) to estimate the heritability of a trait from one infection to the next, which indicates the control of the virus genotype over this trait. The idea is to use viral RNA sequences obtained from patients infected by HIV-1 subtype B to build a phylogeny, which approximately reflects the transmission chain. Heritability is measured statistically as the propensity for patients close in the phylogeny to exhibit similar infection trait values. The approach reveals that up to half of the variance in set-point viral load, a trait associated with virulence, can be heritable. Our estimate is significant and robust to noise in the phylogeny. We also check for the consistency of our approach by showing that a trait related to drug resistance is almost entirely heritable. Finally, we show the importance of taking into account the transmission chain when estimating correlations between infection traits. The fact that HIV virulence is, at least partially, heritable from one infection to the next has clinical and epidemiological implications. The difference between earlier studies and ours comes from the quality of our dataset and from the power of the PCA, which can be applied to large datasets and accounts for within-host evolution. The PCA opens new perspectives for approaches linking clinical data and evolutionary biology because it can be extended to study other traits or other infectious diseases.


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This paper presents a kernel density correlation based nonrigid point set matching method and shows its application in statistical model based 2D/3D reconstruction of a scaled, patient-specific model from an un-calibrated x-ray radiograph. In this method, both the reference point set and the floating point set are first represented using kernel density estimates. A correlation measure between these two kernel density estimates is then optimized to find a displacement field such that the floating point set is moved to the reference point set. Regularizations based on the overall deformation energy and the motion smoothness energy are used to constraint the displacement field for a robust point set matching. Incorporating this non-rigid point set matching method into a statistical model based 2D/3D reconstruction framework, we can reconstruct a scaled, patient-specific model from noisy edge points that are extracted directly from the x-ray radiograph by an edge detector. Our experiment conducted on datasets of two patients and six cadavers demonstrates a mean reconstruction error of 1.9 mm