726 resultados para Deutsches Kaiserreich
Band 5 : Funde aus Milet. T. 1. Die megarischen Becher / von Anne-Ulrike Kossatz -- T. 2. Marmorskulpturen der römischen Kaiserzeit aus Milet / von Renate Bol.
Dieser Beitrag versteht sich als Gegendarstellung zur verbreiteten Einschätzung von Judith Hermann als einer oberflächlichen Lifestyle-Autorin, die eine Auseinandersetzung mit sozio-historischen Zusammenhängen scheut. Es wird gezeigt, wie Hermann sich in deutsche Vergangenheitsdiskurse einschreibt und mithilfe einer komplexen Intertextualität eine deutsche Traditionslinie männlich-hegemonialer und antisemitischer Strukturen vom Kaiserreich über die NS-Zeit zur Berliner Republik nachzeichnet. Hermann demonstriert die Schwierigkeit einer sinnstiftenden Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Vergangenheit angesichts der selektiven Tradierung von Erinnerung und des andauernden privaten Schweigens auf Täterseite. Die daraus resultierenden Prozesse der diffizilen Identitätssuche im Nachwende-Deutschland umschreibt die Autorin durch den Einsatz einer polyvalenten Wassermetaphorik, welche die von der Fiktionalisierung der Vergangenheit geprägte Berliner Republik als ein terrain vague historischer und textueller Entwurzelung charakterisiert, das von der Abwesenheit gültiger Deutungsangebote geprägt ist. Durch diese Bewertung der deutschen Historizität heben sich Hermanns Erzählungen sowohl von der Nachkriegsliteratur als auch von den Werken anderer Gegenwartsautoren ab und nehmen im Kontext literarischer Vergangenheitsbewältigung eine noch unerforschte Sonderstellung ein.
The DTRF2014 is a realization of the the fundamental Earth-fixed coordinate system, the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). It has been computed by the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut der Technischen Universität München (DGFI-TUM). The DTRF2014 consists of station positions and velocities of 1712 globally distributed geodetic observing stations of the observation techniques VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS. Additionally, for the first time, non-tidal atmospheric and hydrological loading is considered in the solution. The DTRF2014 was released in August 2016 and incorporates observation data of the four techniques up 2014. The observation data were processed and submitted by the corresponding technique services: IGS (International GNSS Service, http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov) IVS (International VLBI Service, http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov) ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov) IDS (International DORIS Service, http://ids-doris.org). The DTRF2014 is an independent ITRS realization. It is computed on the basis of the same input data as the realizations JTRF2014 (JPL, Pasadena) and ITRF2014 (IGN, Paris). The three realizations of the ITRS differ conceptually. While DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 are based on station positions at a reference epoch and velocities, the JTRF2014 is based on time series of station positions. DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 result from different combination strategies: The ITRF2014 is based on the combination of solutions, the DTRF2014 is computed by the combination of normal equations. The DTRF2014 comprises 3D coordinates and coordinate changes of 1347 GNSS-, 113 VLBI-, 99 SLR- and 153 DORIS-stations. The reference epoch is 1.1.2005, 0h UTC. The Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - that means the coordinates of the terrestrial and the celestial pole, UT1-UTC and the Length of Day (LOD) - were simultaneously estimated with the station coordinates. The EOP time series cover the period from 1979.7 to 2015.0. The station names are the official IERS identifiers: CDP numbers or 4-character IDs and DOMES numbers (http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/iers_sta_list.txt). The DTRF2014 solution is available in one comprehensive SINEX file and four technique-specific SINEX files, see below. A detailed description of the solution is given on the website of DGFI-TUM (http://www.dgfi.tum.de/en/science-data-products/dtrf2014/). More information can be made available by request.
L'RCMT (Regional Centroid Moment Tensor), realizzato e gestito dai ricercatori dell'INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), è dal 1997 il catalogo di riferimento per gli eventi sismici avvenuti nell'area Europea-Mediterranea, ossia nella regione avente longitudine compresa tra 10° W e 40° E e latitudine compresa tra 25° N e 60° N. Tale regione è caratterizzata da un'attività tettonica complessa, legata non soltanto alla convergenza delle placche Euroasiatica ed Africana, ma anche al movimento di altre placche minori (ad esempio, la placca Arabica), che tutte insieme danno origine ad una vasta gamma di regimi tettonici. Col termine RCMT si indica un particolare tipo di tensore momento sismico, la cui determinazione avviene su scala regionale, per eventi sismici aventi M_w >= 4.5 (M_w >= 4.0 per gli eventi che avvengono nella penisola italica). Il tensore momento sismico è uno strumento fondamentale per caratterizzare natura ed entità di un terremoto. Da esso, infatti, oltre alla magnitudo momento M_w, si ricava anche il meccanismo focale. Comunemente rappresentato sotto forma di beach ball, consente di individuare il tipo di movimento (distensivo, compressivo o trascorrente, o anche una combinazione del primo o del secondo con il terzo) avvenuto sulla faglia che ha provocato il terremoto. I tensori momento sismico permettono, quindi, di identificare le faglie che si attivano durante una sequenza sismica, di comprendere la loro cinematica e di ipotizzare la successiva evoluzione a breve termine. Scopo di questa relazione di laurea è stato derivare le relazioni che intercorrono fra le M_w dell'RCMT e le M_w del CMT (Centroid Moment Tensor della Columbia University), del GFZ (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum di Postdam) e del TDMT (Time Domain Moment Tensor). Le relazioni sono state ottenute applicando il metodo dei minimi quadrati agli eventi comuni, che sono stati selezionati utilizzando alcuni semplici programmi scritti in Fortran.
In the frame of the transnational ALPS-GPSQUAKENET project, a component of the Alpine Space Programme of the European Community Initiative Programme (CIP) INTERREG III B, the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) in Munich, Germany, installed in 2005 five continuously operating permanent GPS stations located along the northern Alps boundary in Bavaria. The main objective of the ALPS-GPSQUAKENET project was to build-up a high-performance transnational space geodetic network of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers in the Alpine region (the so-called Geodetic Alpine Integrated Network, GAIN). Data from this network allows for studying crustal deformations in near real-time to monitor Earthquake hazard and improve natural disaster prevention. The five GPS stations operatied by DGFI are mounted on concrete pillars attached to solid rock. The names of the stations are (from west to east) Hochgrat (HGRA), Breitenberg (BREI), Fahrenberg (FAHR), Hochries (HRIE) and Wartsteinkopf (WART). The provided data series start from October 7, 2005. Data are stored with a temporal spacing of 15 seconds in daily RINEX files.
Stable oxygen isotope analyses at annual, 2-, 5-, 10- and 20-varve sample resolutions were carried out on two selected varve intervals from the interglacial sediment record of the Piànico palaeolake. These sediments are particularly suitable for ultra-high-resolution isotope analyses on lacustrine endogenic calcite because of the exceptionally well-preserved varve structure. A bias through detrital contamination can be excluded because microscopically controlled sampling enabled selecting detritus-free samples. The studied sediment intervals comprise 352 and 88 continuous varve series formed during periods of rapid climate change at the onset and end of a marked millennial-scale cool interval during the Piànico Interglacial. The most intriguing result is a pronounced short-term oscillation in the bi-annually resolved isotope record superimposed on the general decreasing and increasing d18O trends at the climatic transitions that is recorded at lower sample resolution. Spectral analyses of the bi-annual time series reveal periodicities indicating solar and NAO controls on the d18O record. Multiple d18O measurements from endogenic calcite of individual varves showed variations of up to 0.6 per mil, thus larger than the observed inter-annual variability and most likely explained by seasonal effects.
During the period in question, large ice drifts transported incalculable numbers of icebergs, ice fields and ice floes from the Antarctica into the South Atlantic, confronting long-journeying sailing ships on the Cape Horn route with considerable danger. As is still the case today, the ice drifts generally tended in a northeasterly direction. Thus it can be assumed that the ice masses occuring near Cape Horn and in the South Atlantic originated in Graham Land and the South Shetland Islands, while those found in the Pacific will have come from Victoria Land. The masses drifting to Cape Horn, Isla de los Estados, the Falkland Islands and occasionally as far as the Tristan da Cunha Group are transported by the West Wind Drift and Falkland Current, diverted by the Brazil Current. The Bouvet and Agulhas Currents have little influence here. The great ice masses repeatedly reached points beyond the "outermost drift ice boundery" calculated in the course of the years, to continue on in the direction of the equator. The number of sailing ships which fell victim to the ice drifts while rounding Cape Horn can only be surmised; they simply disappeared without a trace in the expanses of the South Atlantic. Until the end of the 1900s the dangers presented by ice were less serious for westward-bound ships than for the "homeward-bounders" travelling from West to East. Following the turn of the century, however, the risk for "onwardbounders" increased significantly. Whether the ice drifts actually grew in might or whether the more frequent and more detailed reports led to this impression, could never be ascertained by the German Hydrographie Office. In the forty-one years between 1868 and 1908, ten light, ten medium and nine heavy ice years were counted, and only twelve years in which no reports of ice were submitted to the German Hydrographie Office. "One of the most terrible dangers threatening ships on their return from the Pacific Ocean," the pilot book for the Atlantic Ocean warns, "is the encounter with ice, to be expected south of the 50th parallel (approx.) in the Pacific and south of the 40th parallel (approx.) in the South Atlantic." Following the ice drift of 1854-55, thought to be the first ever recorded, the increasing numbers of sailing ships rounding Cape Horn were frequently confronted with drifts of varying sizes or with single icebergs. Then from 1892-94, a colossal ice drift crossed the path of the sailships in three stages. Several sailing ships collided with the icebergs and could be counted lucky if they survived with heavy damage to the bow and the fo regear. The reports on those which vanished for ever in the ice masses are hardly of investigative value. The English suffered particularly badly in the ice-plagued waters; their captains apparently sailed courses that led more freqently through drifts than did the sailing instructions of the German Hydrographic Office. Thus, among others, Capt. Jarvis' DUNTRUNE, also the STANMORE, ARTHURSTONE and LORD RANOCH as well as the French GALATHEE and CASHMERE all collided with icebergs. The crew of the AETHELBERTH panicked after a collision and took to their lifeboats. It was only after the ship detached itself from the iceberg it had rammed that the men returned to it and continued their journey. The TEMPLEMORE, on the other hand, had to be abandoned for good. Of the German sailing ships, the FLOTOW is to be mentioned here, and in the third phase of the drift the American SAN JOAQUIN lost a large proportion of its rigging. In the 20th century ice drifts continued to cross the courses of the Cape Horn ships. 1906 and 1908 were recorded as particularly heavy ice years. In 1908-09 both the FALKLANDBANK and the TOXTETH fell prey to ice, or so it was assumed during the subsequent Maritime Board proceedings. For the most part the German sailing ships were spared greater damages by sea. Their captains sent detailed ice reports to the German Hydrographic Office, which gratefully welcomed the information and partially incorporated it in the third and final edition of the "Pilot Book for the Atlantic Ocean." From the end of 1926 until the beginning of 1928, the last of the large sailing ships were once again confronted with "tremendous masses of icebergs and ice drifts." Reports of this period originated above all on the P-Liners PADUA, PAMIR, PASSAT, PEKING, PINNAS, PRIWALL and the ships of Gustav Erikson's fleet. The fate of the training sailship ADMIRAL KARPFANGER in connection with the ice in early 1938 was never clearly determined by the Maritime Board proceedings. Collision with an iceberg, however, is thought to be the most likely cause of accident. Today freight sailing ships no longer cross the oceans. The Cape Horn route is relatively insignificant for engine-powered ships and icebergs can be spotted in plenty of time by modern navigation technology ... The large ice drifts are no longer a menace, but only a marginal note in the final chapter of the history of transoceanic sailing.
This research presents Ludwig II of Baviera (1845-1886) as a historical figure and the vision of his reign theItalian director Luchino Visconti showed in his movies. This research states in an analytic and scrupulousway the relations between the historical figure, its filmic representation and the director himself. In addition,through an exhaustive research, this paper shows the aesthetics generated by directors like Visconti who reacheda remarkable peak in history of European film. Finally, this paper goes through the making of this film,which went from a transitional film within the Visconti oeuvre to one of his most troublesome and health-riskingprojects causing afterwards Visconti´s death.
This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.
The German philosopher Hans Blumenberg [1920-1996] was interested in feminist issues during the last two decades of his life as shown their dedication and effort in compiling selected cuts in the media related to the topic of women and their development of multiple short essays inspired by the latter and countless curious anecdotes. Hans Blumenberg and feminism seeks to inform the reader about the existence of a blumenberguian thought line of research totally unexplored so far. It can only be revealed through the study of the philosopher ‘Nachlaβ’ found in the Deutsches literaturarchiv Marbach (Stuttgart) which I personally had a chance to dig through the award of a research grant from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Dienst Austage).
The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
El trabajo se centra en el análisis de los pecados relacionados con el dinero en el Inferno de Dante y en la primera traducción castellana de la primera cantiga de la Commedia, obra del arcediano de Burgos Pedro Fernández de Villegas. La traducción, compuesta en coplas de arte mayor y acompañada de un enciclopédico comentario, se publicó en 1515. Particular atención se dedica a la reflexión sobre el problema del mal uso del dinero que Villegas desarrolla en la glosa de los cantos en que con más vigor se levanta la voz de Dante para denunciar la gravedad del pecado de la sed de riquezas. Se analiza la postura del traductor español ante el tema comparándola no sólo con la de Dante sino también con la de Cristoforo Landino, autor del Comento sopra la Comedia, obra exégetica que se publicó por primera vez en Florencia en 1481 y que representó el punto de referencia privilegiado de Villegas.
Adolf Hitler suscitó desde su entrada en la escena política alemana una fascinación perversa, un sentimiento que, con el tiempo, ha dado lugar a numerosas representaciones culturales sobre el Führer. La muestra, rica y variada tanto en el fondo como en la forma, nos permitirá trazar tres estadios en lo referente al proceso de construcción historiográfica del hitlerismo, iniciado con la caída del Tercer Reich. Estos responden en buena medida al devenir sociopolítico y cultural de la sociedad a escala global desde el final de la guerra y hasta nuestros días y pueden resumirse en tres: primero, la satanización; segundo, la humanización; tercero, el retrato caricaturesco. Proponemos un recorrido histórico por diversos productos culturales del dictador alemán cuyo propósito es desentrañar el retrato psicológico poliédrico que se ha construido en torno a la figura de Hitler.