917 resultados para Det Nye Theater
Quantum effects are often of key importance for the function of biological systems at molecular level. Cellular respiration, where energy is extracted from the reduction of molecular oxygen to water, is no exception. In this work, the end station of the electron transport chain in mitochondria, cytochrome c oxidase, is investigated using quantum chemical methodology. Cytochrome c oxidase contains two haems, haem a and haem a3. Haem a3, with its copper companion, CuB, is involved in the final reduction of oxygen into water. This binuclear centre receives the necessary electrons from haem a. Haem a, in turn, receives its electrons from a copper ion pair in the vicinity, called CuA. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to clarify the charge and spin distributions of haem a, as well as changes in these during redox activity. Upon reduction, the added electron is shown to be evenly distributed over the entire haem structure, important for the accommodation of the prosthetic group within the protein. At the same time, the spin distribution of the open-shell oxidised state is more localised to the central iron. The exact spin density distribution has been disputed in the literature, however, different experiments indicating different distributions of the unpaired electron. The apparent contradiction is shown to be due to the false assumption of a unit amount of unpaired electron density; in fact, the oxidised state has about 1.3 unpaired electrons. The validity of the DFT results have been corroborated by wave function based coupled cluster calculations. Point charges, for use in classical force field based simulations, have been parameterised for the four metal centres, using a newly developed methodology. In the procedure, the subsystem for which point charges are to be obtained, is surrounded by an outer region, with the purpose of stabilising the inner region, both electronically and structurally. Finally, the possibility of vibrational promotion of the electron transfer step between haem a and a3 has been investigated. Calculating the full vibrational spectra, at DFT level, of a combined model of the two haems, revealed several normal modes that do shift electron density between the haems. The magnitude of the shift was found to be moderate, at most. The proposed mechanism could have an assisting role in the electron transfer, which still seems to be dominated by electron tunnelling.
The development of a simple method of coating a semi-permanent phospholipid layer onto a capillary for electrochromatography use was the focus of this study. The work involved finding good coating conditions, stabilizing the phospholipid coating, and examining the effect of adding divalent cations, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-lipids on the stability of the coating. Since a further purpose was to move toward more biological membrane coatings, the capillaries were also coated with cholesterol-containing liposomes and liposomes of red blood cell ghost lipids. Liposomes were prepared by extrusion, and large unilamellar vesicles with a diameter of about 100 nm were obtained. Zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) was used as a basic component, mainly 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) but also eggPC and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC). Different amounts of sphingomyelin, bovine brain phosphatidylserine, and cholesterol were added to the PC. The stability of the coating in 40 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N’-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES) solution at pH 7.4 was studied by measuring the electroosmotic flow and by separating neutral steroids, basic proteins, and low-molar-mass drugs. The presence of PC in the coating solution was found to be essential to achieving a coating. The stability of the coating was improved by the addition of negative phosphatidylserine, cholesterol, divalent cations, or PEGylated lipids, and by working in the gel-state region of the phospholipid. Study of the effect on the PC coating of divalent metal ions calcium, magnesium, and zinc showed a molar ratio of 1:3 PC/Ca2+ or PC/Mg2+ to give increased rigidity to the membrane and the best coating stability. The PEGylated lipids used in the study were sterically stabilized commercial lipids with covalently attached PEG chains. The vesicle size generally decreased when PEGylated lipids of higher molar mass were present in the vesicle. The predominance of discoidal micelles over liposomes increased PEG chain length and the average size of the vesicles thus decreased. In the capillary electrophoresis (CE) measurements a highly stable electroosmotic flow was achieved with 20% PEGylated lipid in the POPC coating dispersion, the best results being obtained for disteroyl PEG (3000) conjugates. The results suggest that smaller particles (discoidal micelles) result in tighter packing and better shielding of silanol groups on the silica wall. The effect of temperature on the coating stability was investigated by using DPPC liposomes at temperatures above (45 C) and below (25 C) the main phase transition temperature. Better results were obtained with DPPC in the more rigid gel state than in the fluid state: the electroosmotic flow was heavily suppressed and the PC coating was stabilized. Also dispersions of DPPC with 0−30 mol% of cholesterol and sphingomyelin in different ratios, which more closely resemble natural membranes, resulted in stable coatings. Finally, the CE measurements revealed that a stable coating is formed when capillaries are coated with liposomes of red blood cell ghost lipids.
I de senaste två decennierna har radikalcyklisering, intramolekylär radikaladdition, utvecklats till en viktig syntesmetod för polycykliska indoler och pyrroler. De erhållna produktmolekylerna eller deras derivat är ofta naturliga eller syntetiska alkaloider som väckt biologiskt eller medicinskt intresse. Avhandlingen behandlar både intramolekylära radikaladditioner av pyrrolyl-, indolyl- eller indolylacylradikaler till -bindningar och intramolekylära additioner av flera olika radikaler till indolens eller pyrrolens -system. Också cykliseringar som delreaktioner i radikalkaskader behandlas. Radikalreaktioner kan släckas både oxidativt och reduktivt. För att bibehålla heteroarenens aromaticitet måste cykliseringar till pyrrol- eller indolringen släckas oxidativt. Oxidativa radikaladditioner till aromater benämns homolytiska aromatiska substitutioner. Det finns olika sätt att erhålla en reaktantradikal från en radikalprekursor. I vissa fall har radikalprekursorn en mycket labil bindning som kan brytas fotokemiskt eller med hjälp av en initiator. Till exempel kol-svavelbindningen av en O-etyl-S-alkylxanthat kan brytas på detta sätt. Ofta används dock en radikalmediator för att bilda en reaktantradikal från dess prekursor. Mediatorer är ofta föreningar, som under reaktionsförhållandena själv bildar radikaler med en stor affinitet för en prekursors specifika atom eller atomgrupp vilken abstraheras. Således fungerar mediatorn som mellanhand vid bildning av reaktantradikalen. Exempel på mediatorer av detta slag som använts vid syntes av polycykliska pyrroler och indoler är tributyltennhydrid, hexabutylditenn, tris(trimetylsilyl)silan, tributylgermaniumhydrid, dicumylperoxid, trietylboran, natriumarensulfinater (med ättiksyra) och Se-fenyl-p-toluenselenosulfonat. Också dimetylsulfoxid kan ses som mediator då den bildar metylradikaler vid Fentonreaktion i lösningsmedlet. Övergångsmetallsalter kan även bilda reaktantradikalen från prekursorn genom enelektronoxidationer eller -reduktioner. Vid syntes av polycykliska pyrroler och indoler har reaktantradikalen bildats genom enelektronoxidationer med Mn(OAc)3 eller Ag2+ (Miniscireaktion) och elektronreduktioner med ett Ni(I)-komplex eller SmI2. Avhandlingen är indelad enligt reagenset eller reagensen, som åstadkommer bildning av reaktantradikalen vid syntes av polycykliska indoler och pyrroler. Cirka hälften av avhandlingen behandlar tributyltennhydridmedierade cykliseringar då reagenset trots dess toxicitet är det överlägset mest använda. Avhandlingen diskuterar mekanismen för bildning av reaktantradikalen från prekursorn, cykliseringen och dess möjliga regioselektivitet, andra radikalreaktioner vid radikalkaskader och hur produktradikalen släcks.
Det finns en mätbar entitet i all levande materia, nämligen förhållandet mellan ett atomslags lätta och tunga isotop. Denna entitet divideras med en definierad referens och ett värde erhålls som brukar anges i promille ( ). Värdet är ett mått på isotopfraktionering. Genom att studera ekologi, taxonomi, kretslopp, isotopeffekter, dokumenterad data och metabola effekter kan man skissera över vad isotopfraktionen betyder. Migrationsbeteende, trofinätverk, dieter, miljö- och klimatdata kan rekonstrueras i tid och rum. Vid rekonstruktioner av gången tid har de museala samlingarna en nyckelposition. I litteraturöversikten tas teori, praktik och forskning upp för att påvisa metodens faror och användningsområden.
Denna pro gradu avhandling är en litteraturstudie av intramolekylära aza-Wittigringslutningar vid syntes av sammansmälta kväveheterocykler. I arbetet behandlas material huvudsakligen från 1980 och framöver. Aza-Wittigreaktionen påminner om den analoga Wittigreaktionen. Aza-Wittigreaktioner har nästan uteslutande gjorts mellan karbonylgrupper och iminofosforaner. Reaktionsmekanismen sker enligt en tvåstegsaddition, som inleds av iminokvävets nukleofila attack till karbonylkolet och avslutas av att en zwitterjonisk betain bildar en azoxafosfetanintermediär. Intermediären sönderfaller spontant till en iminoprodukt och fosfinoxid. Reaktionen görs ofta under milda betingelser d.v.s. vid rumstemperatur och dessutom utan dyr arbetsutrustning Ett vanligt sätt att framställa iminofosforanen är från azid genom Staudingerreaktion och ofta kombineras Staudinger- och aza-Wittigreaktionerna så att iminofosforanen inte isoleras före ringslutningen. Alla andra ringslutningsreaktioner än aza-Wittig, såsom elektrocykliska ringslutningar, har uteslutits ur detta arbete. Materialet i litteraturstudien har indelats enligt vilken typ av karbonylgrupp iminofosforanen reagerar med. På så vis åskådliggörs hurudana typiska produktmolekyler som erhållits med ringslutning till en viss typ av karbonylgrupp. Det har visat sig att det är förmånligt om karbonylkolet har elektronunderskott och iminofosforanens kväve har elektronöverskott. Den ringslutande molekylens entropi och närbelägna substituenters elektroniska och steriska natur samt produktmolekylens termodynamiska fördelaktighet inverkar tillsammans på reaktionens gång. Ifall reaktionen förväntas ske långsamt är det bättre att använda sig av alkyliminofosforaner än aryliminofosforaner. Valet av lösningsmedel har nästan uteslutande lämnats oförklarat i de behandlade publikationerna men i de flesta fall har ortoxylen eller toluen varit goda lösningsmedel. Oönskad tetrazolbildning av aziden kan minimeras genom användning av opolärt lösningsmedel. Likaså kan förmånligt placerade kväveskyddsgrupper hindra intramolekylära vätebindningar. På senare tid har aza-Wittigreaktionen allt mera tillämpats vid framställning av farmakologiska produkter, vilket ökat intresset för att framställa stora mängder närbesläktade produktmolekyler. Dylika molekylbibliotek har med fördel framställts i fastfas varvid reningen av produkten underlättats märkbart. Ett nytt område inom aza-Wittigsyntetiken är asymmetriska reaktioner, vilka säkert kommer att få mera uppmärksamhet i framtiden. I denna litteraturstudie framkom det att många av de utförda synteserna på området kunde upprepas med större variation och systematik gällande reagens och reaktionsbetingelser.
Manuscript: "K. u. K. Landsturm. Erinnerungen aus dem Weltkriege in vier Bildern". Autobiographical play, in four acts, recalling life in the Imperial Austrian Army in a Hungarian village in 1916.
Correspondence with individuals: Jacob Ben-Ami, Ossip Dymow, Ovsei Liubomirskii, Kalman Marmor, Nachman Meisel, Melech Ravitch, Dov Sadan, Michael Weichert and Zalman Zylbercweig. Correspondence with organizations: Hebrew Actors' Union, IKUF, YIVO. Manuscripts of plays collected by Mestel as director, including adaptations by Mestel. Mestel's writings: manuscripts of poems, plays, essays, articles, notes, translations. Theater production materials: scripts with Mestel's direction notes, prop and set design notes. Miscellaneous theater materials, including course notes, theater programs. Clippings: Mestel's writings, biographical articles, reviews of performances. Family correspondence and personal papers including papers of Sara Kindman-Mestel. Photographs relating to Yiddish theater in New York, 1930s-1950s.
The collection relates to life in the ghetto and includes materials on: founding of the ghetto; relief groups such as JDC, ORT, HIAS, and SACRA (Shanghai Ashkenazic Collaborating Relief Association); political organizations such as Zionist groups, the Bund; the rabbinate; the sick and benevolent society; kitchen fund; commercial establishments; religious schools , secular schools; professional associations; art, theater and music activities; Jewish press; emigration from Shanghai after World War II. There are also manuscript histories of the Shanghai Ghetto.
Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, notes, reports, relating to Bernstein's journalistic, literary and diplomatic careers. Correspondence with well-known literary, political and communal, society personalities, 1908-1935. Includes Cyrus Adler, Viscount Allenby, Joseph Barondess, Bernard Baruch, Henri Bergson, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Jacob Billikopf, Vladimir Bourtzeff, Louis Brandeis, Robert Cecil, Fyodor Chaliapin, Jacob de Haas, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert Hoover, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Horace M. Kallen, Peretz Hirschbein, Peter Kropotkin, Herbert Lehman, Louis Lipsky, Judah L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, Henry Morgenthau, Max Nordau, Adolph Simon Ochs, David de Sola Pool, Bernard G. Richards, Theodore Roosevelt, Julius Rosenwald, Jacob Schiff, Harry Schneiderman, Maurice Schwartz, George Bernard Shaw, Sholem Aleichem, Nathan Straus, Henrietta Szold, Chaim Tchernowitz, Leo Tolstoy, Samuel Untermyer, Henry Van Dyke, Lillian Wald, Felix Warburg, Chaim Weizman n, Jefferson Williams, Stephen Wise, Israel Zangwill. Correspondence and other materials relating to Bernstein's post as U.S. ambassador to Albania. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's editorial work at *The Day*, *Jewish Tribune*, *New York Herald*, *Jewish Daily Bulletin*. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's involvement with the American Jewish Committee. Correspondence with organizations including American Jewish Congress, *American Hebrew*, HIAS, *Jewish Chronicle* (London), Jewish Community of New York, *Menorah Journal*, *New York American*, *New York Times*, ORT, U.S. Dept. of State, Yiddish Art Theater, Zionist Organization of America. Articles, clippings, correspondence and court materials relating to the Ford libel suit. Miscellaneous documents and reports relating to the Paris Peace Conference, the Jewish situation in Russia, 1917-1920, Russian revolutionary events of 1917. News dispatches from Russia, 1917-1920s. Translations by Bernstein of Russian wri Andre yev,
Consists of speeches, memoranda, correspondence, publications, clippings and ephemera pertaining to the life and career of a prominent American Zionist.
Collection contains material pertaining to Molly Picon's career as an actress as well as some personal material. About half the collection consists of manuscript plays, primarily in Yiddish. Collection also includes manuscript song lyrics; songbooks and sheet music; radio and television scripts; programs and announcements from Picon's performances; Picon's correspondence, largely with her family and Jacob Kalich; photographs; and scrapbooks.
Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.
Individual movement is very versatile and inevitable in ecology. In this thesis, I investigate two kinds of movement body condition dependent dispersal and small-range foraging movements resulting in quasi-local competition and their causes and consequences on the individual, population and metapopulation level. Body condition dependent dispersal is a widely evident but barely understood phenomenon. In nature, diverse relationships between body condition and dispersal are observed. I develop the first models that study the evolution of dispersal strategies that depend on individual body condition. In a patchy environment where patches differ in environmental conditions, individuals born in rich (e.g. nutritious) patches are on average stronger than their conspecifics that are born in poorer patches. Body condition (strength) determines competitive ability such that stronger individuals win competition with higher probability than weak individuals. Individuals compete for patches such that kin competition selects for dispersal. I determine the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for different ecological scenarios. My models offer explanations for both dispersal of strong individuals and dispersal of weak individuals. Moreover, I find that within-family dispersal behaviour is not always reflected on the population level. This supports the fact that no consistent pattern is detected in data on body condition dependent dispersal. It also encourages the refining of empirical investigations. Quasi-local competition defines interactions between adjacent populations where one population negatively affects the growth of the other population. I model a metapopulation in a homogeneous environment where adults of different subpopulations compete for resources by spending part of their foraging time in the neighbouring patches, while their juveniles only feed on the resource in their natal patch. I show that spatial patterns (different population densities in the patches) are stable only if one age class depletes the resource very much but mainly the other age group depends on it.
A smooth map is said to be stable if small perturbations of the map only differ from the original one by a smooth change of coordinates. Smoothly stable maps are generic among the proper maps between given source and target manifolds when the source and target dimensions belong to the so-called nice dimensions, but outside this range of dimensions, smooth maps cannot generally be approximated by stable maps. This leads to the definition of topologically stable maps, where the smooth coordinate changes are replaced with homeomorphisms. The topologically stable maps are generic among proper maps for any dimensions of source and target. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate methods for proving topological stability by constructing extremely tame (E-tame) retractions onto the map in question from one of its smoothly stable unfoldings. In particular, we investigate how to use E-tame retractions from stable unfoldings to find topologically ministable unfoldings for certain weighted homogeneous maps or germs. Our first results are concerned with the construction of E-tame retractions and their relation to topological stability. We study how to construct the E-tame retractions from partial or local information, and these results form our toolbox for the main constructions. In the next chapter we study the group of right-left equivalences leaving a given multigerm f invariant, and show that when the multigerm is finitely determined, the group has a maximal compact subgroup and that the corresponding quotient is contractible. This means, essentially, that the group can be replaced with a compact Lie group of symmetries without much loss of information. We also show how to split the group into a product whose components only depend on the monogerm components of f. In the final chapter we investigate representatives of the E- and Z-series of singularities, discuss their instability and use our tools to construct E-tame retractions for some of them. The construction is based on describing the geometry of the set of points where the map is not smoothly stable, discovering that by using induction and our constructional tools, we already know how to construct local E-tame retractions along the set. The local solutions can then be glued together using our knowledge about the symmetry group of the local germs. We also discuss how to generalize our method to the whole E- and Z- series.
A chapter from Adolph's book, “Die Freiherrin Kaskel in Dresden”, about the Baronesse von Kaskel, née Oppenheim, who was entertaining Saxony’s performing artists in her villa.