733 resultados para Dengue


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We developed a stochastic lattice model to describe the vector-borne disease (like yellow fever or dengue). The model is spatially structured and its dynamical rules take into account the diffusion of vectors. We consider a bipartite lattice, forming a sub-lattice of human and another occupied by mosquitoes. At each site of lattice we associate a stochastic variable that describes the occupation and the health state of a single individual (mosquito or human). The process of disease transmission in the human population follows a similar dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model (SIR), while the disease transmission in the mosquito population has an analogous dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model (SIS) with mosquitos diffusion. The occurrence of an epidemic is directly related to the conditional probability of occurrence of infected mosquitoes (human) in the presence of susceptible human (mosquitoes) on neighborhood. The probability of diffusion of mosquitoes can facilitate the formation of pairs Susceptible-Infected enabling an increase in the size of the epidemic. Using an asynchronous dynamic update, we study the disease transmission in a population initially formed by susceptible individuals due to the introduction of a single mosquito (human) infected. We find that this model exhibits a continuous phase transition related to the existence or non-existence of an epidemic. By means of mean field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the epidemic threshold and the phase diagram in terms of the diffusion probability and the infection probability.


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BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the main vectors of dengue viruses. Despite global efforts to reduce the prevalence of dengue using integrated vector management strategies, innovative alternatives are necessary to help prevent virus transmission. Detailed characterizations of Ae. aegypti genes and their products provide information about the biology of mosquitoes and may serve as foundations for the design of new vector control methods. FINDINGS: We studied the Ae. aegypti gene, AAEL010714, that encodes a two-domain odorant-binding protein, AaegOBP45. The predicted gene structure and sequence were validated, although single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed. Transcriptional and translational products accumulate in the ovaries of blood fed females and are not detected or are at low abundance in other tissues. CONCLUSIONS: We validated the Ae. aegypti AAEL010714 gene sequence and characterized the expression profile of a two-domain OBP expressed in ovaries. We propose that AaegOBP45 function as a component of the mosquito eggshell.


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Nel corso degli ultimi anni le problematiche legate al ruolo vettore delle zanzare stanno emergendo sia per quanto riguarda l’uomo che gli animali allevati e selvatici. Diversi arbovirus come West Nile, Chikungunya, Usutu e Dengue, possono facilmente spostarsi a livello planetario ed essere introdotti anche nei nostri territori dove possono dare avvio a episodi epidemici. Le tecniche di monitoraggio e sorveglianza dei Culicidi possono essere convenientemente utilizzate per il rilevamento precoce dell’attività virale sul territorio e per la stima del rischio di epidemie al fine dell’adozione delle opportune azioni di Sanità Pubblica. Io scopo della ricerca del dottorato è inserito nel contesto dei temi di sviluppo del Piano regionale sorveglianza delle malattie trasmesse da vettori in Emilia Romagna. La ricerca condotta è inquadrata prevalentemente sotto l’aspetto entomologico applicativo di utilizzo di dispositivi (trappole) che possano catturare efficacemente possibili insetti vettori. In particolare questa ricerca è stata mirata allo studio comparativo in campo di diversi tipi di trappole per la cattura di adulti di zanzara, cercando di interpretare i dati per capire un potenziale valore di efficacia/efficienza nel rilevamento della circolazione virale e come supporto alla pianificazione della rete di sorveglianza dal punto di vista operativo mediante dispositivi adeguati alle finalità d’indagine. Si è cercato di trovare un dispositivo idoneo, approfondendone gli aspetti operativi/funzionali, ai fini di cattura del vettore principale del West Nile Virus, cioè la zanzara comune, da affiancare all’unica tipologia di trappola usata in precedenza. Le prove saranno svolte sia in campo che presso il laboratorio di Entomologia Medica Veterinaria del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” di Crevalcore, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali della Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università di Bologna.


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Opportunistic diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an omnipresent global challenge. In order to manage these epidemics, we need to have low cost and easily deployable platforms at the point-of-care in high congestions regions like airports and public transit systems. In this dissertation we present our findings in using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)-based detection of pathogens and other clinically relevant applications using microfluidic platforms at the point-of-care setting in resource constrained environment. The work presented here adopts the novel technique of LSPR to multiplex a lab-on-a-chip device capable of quantitatively detecting various types of intact viruses and its various subtypes, based on the principle of a change in wavelength occurring when metal nano-particle surface is modified with a specific surface chemistry allowing the binding of a desired pathogen to a specific antibody. We demonstrate the ability to detect and quantify subtype A, B, C, D, E, G and panel HIV with a specificity of down to 100 copies/mL using both whole blood sample and HIV-patient blood sample discarded from clinics. These results were compared against the gold standard Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). This microfluidic device has a total evaluation time for the assays of about 70 minutes, where 60 minutes is needed for the capture and 10 minutes for data acquisition and processing. This LOC platform eliminates the need for any sample preparation before processing. This platform is highly multiplexable as the same surface chemistry can be adapted to capture and detect several other pathogens like dengue virus, E. coli, M. Tuberculosis, etc.


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PURPOSE: To describe novel underlying associations of classic acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN). METHODS: Multimodal imaging case series evaluating patients with classic AMN lesions and previously unreported underlying aetiologies. RESULTS: Six patients were included (five women, one man, mean age 30±7 years). Mean distance best corrected visual acuity at initial presentation was 0.21±0.3 logMAR (mean Snellen acuity: 20/30, range 20/15-20/100) and at last follow-up visit 0.09±0.17 logMAR (Snellen acuity: 20/20, range 20/15-20/60). All cases but one had bilateral lesions and showed typical parafoveal hyporeflective lesions on infrared imaging, which corresponded to the hyper-reflectivity in the Henle's layer with attenuation of the external limiting membrane, the ellipsoid zone and interdigitation zone. Underlying diseases included thrombocytopenia and anaemia associated with dengue fever, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, chronic kidney disease and ulcerative colitis, while Valsalva-like manoeuvre was found to be a potential trigger. Other novel associations included the use of lisdexamphetamine. CONCLUSIONS: Classic AMN may be associated with leukaemia, dengue fever, ulcerative colitis and chronic kidney disease, probably as a result of chorioretinal hypoxia in the setting of thrombocytopenia and anaemia. Adrenergic agonists such as lisdexamphetamine may also contribute to the manifestation of AMN.


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Harris County, which includes Houston, Texas, is an endemic and epidemic area for two viruses transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses). These viruses are maintained in cycles involving mosquitoes and wild birds, and transmission to humans is accidental. The majority of human infections is asymptomatic or may result in a flu-like syndrome. However, some infections can result in meningitis or encephalitis. These neuroinvasive infections may cause death, and those who survive may experience serious neurological complications requiring costly and lengthy medical care. The most important arboviruses in terms of morbidity are St. Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses. In fact, Harris County reports more SLEV encephalitis cases than any other county in the U.S. Most arboviral human cases occur from July through September, when mosquitoes are most active. Those at risk for encephalitis and death are the elderly and those with a history of hypertension or immunosuppresion. There is no specific treatment and no human vaccines are commercially available in the U.S. The approach for control of arboviruses in Harris County during epidemics is multidisciplinary and executed by several agencies. It includes surveillance, vector control, and educational messages for the population. Prevention of outbreaks consists of elimination of the vector and its breeding grounds, and practicing personal protective measures to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. ^ Current findings indicate that mosquito-borne viruses other than SLEV and WNV could pose an additional threat for the population. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) activity has been detected in dogs and sentinel chickens in Houston and surrounding areas. Several serotypes of dengue virus have caused recent outbreaks in south Texas, and some locally-acquired cases have been detected in Houston. Since the clinical presentation of all arboviruses that cause encephalitis is very similar, and current surveillance is focused on detecting SLEV and WNV, there is a possibility that other arboviruses could be present in the area but are not being detected. Additionally, Harris County's ample annual rainfall and flooding problems, warm weather, multiple mosquito species, local and migrating birds that are susceptible to arboviral infection, and a constant flow of goods and travelers from many parts of the world could favor the emergence or re-emergence of other arboviruses. ^ The aims of this project were to determine if other arboviruses were circulating in the county, to assess the knowledge and attitudes about mosquito-borne viruses in a sample of the population, and to conduct an analysis of the initial WNV epidemic in Harris County. Through the retrospective analysis of clinical specimens collected during the 2002-2005 epidemic seasons, serologic evidence of dengue infection was detected suggesting the possibility that this virus may be co-circulating with SLEV and WNV. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness about arboviruses but not a consistent use of protective measures to avoid mosquitoes. The third component for this project included a retrospective review and geographical analysis of the 2002 WNV epidemic. ^ Overall, this study documented valuable information about the dengue virus, a potentially emerging arbovirus in Texas, revealed the need for more educational preventative programs, reinforced the value of mosquito and avian surveillance, and indicated the importance of continuing to investigate the factors that contribute to the development of outbreaks. ^


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This study is designed to be a cross-sectional, retrospective analysis of the seroprevalence of anti-WNV antibodies in 1,006 plasma samples collected from February 2, 2006 to June 18, 2007 originally for The Cameron County Hispanic Cohort: Extreme obesity and uncontrolled diabetes on the U.S.-Mexico border, major concerns for populations with health disparities. The aim of this thesis research is to give a more up-to-date picture of Flavivirus activity in south Texas, which can potentially contribute to the surveillance objective of arboviral control in this area. A West Nile virus (WNV) seroprevalence study in humans in this particular area has never before been completed. Plasma samples were tested using immunoglobulin-G (IgG) and immunoglobulin-M (IgM) WNV enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Estimated seroprevalence for this particular population was 0.98% or 9.8 cases of West Nile disease per 1,000 citizens. After IgG testing, seroprevalence in the study population was found to be 15.4%. Specimens tested for WNV IgG were compared with a subset of specimens (N=803) tested for history of primary dengue virus (DENV) infection. Of the 803 specimens tested for IgG to DENV, 308 were positive. Of the 132 positive WNV IgG specimens in the subset, 131 (99.2%) tested also tested positive for DENV IgG. It would be helpful to use standard plaque reduction neutralization testing to determine if the seroprevalence is in fact lower because of cross-reaction to DENV on testing. Regardless of the possibility of other Flavivirus activity occurring prior to the introduction of WNV into the United States and the potential for cross-reactivity, Texas has ranked in the top 5 states with the highest, laboratory confirmed incidence of infection with WNV since 2003. Indicating that climate factors and the presence of suitable vectors makes Texas a hotspot for WNV activity. ^ A description of the study population by age, gender, and income was done indicating a statistically significant income difference with a mean household income per year being $13,413.55 for a case and $20,268.80 for non-cases (p=0.001). Lower income neighborhoods should be targeted for education and prevention of vector-borne diseases during the summer months in Cameron County. With respect to gender, being male has been noted in the literature to be a risk factor for infection with WNV (25). In this study, females comprised approximately 68% of the study population, they also made up 66.5% of the positive IgG specimens. An odds ratio of 0.91 indicates that women are less likely to be IgG positive for WNV as compared to men; however, this was not found to be significant based on the 95% confidence interval, but is consistent with the literature. When looking at age difference between positive and negative/equivocal cases, there was no statistical difference found between the two groups. ^ We concluded that this study will enable us to understand the epidemiology of WNV transmission since its introduction into the United States and hopefully to maintain or improve the current measures we have in place to prevent infections that are seen annually with WNV.^


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La idea primaria de esta revista fue dar un canal nuevo de comunicación desde la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, a las actividades de los investigadores de ciencias básicas y clínicas, e invitar a colaboradores de otras universidades a intercambiar experiencias. El sentido final de las publicaciones es conectar a la universidad con el mundo científico, y reflejar a los investigadores y profesionales de la salud insertados e interactuando con la Sociedad. El presente número contiene artículos relacionados a diversas temáticas de la Medicina, entre ellas, un estudio sobre el Dengue, la influenza Tipo A, las imágenes en medicina, Dermatología, entre otros.


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La idea primaria de esta revista fue dar un canal nuevo de comunicación desde la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, a las actividades de los investigadores de ciencias básicas y clínicas, e invitar a colaboradores de otras universidades a intercambiar experiencias. El sentido final de las publicaciones es conectar a la universidad con el mundo científico, y reflejar a los investigadores y profesionales de la salud insertados e interactuando con la Sociedad. El presente número de la Revista Médica Universitaria incluye artículos relacionados con temáticas de la Biología Molecular, además de informes acerca del dengue, de psiquiatría entre otros.


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El núcleo fundamental de esta tesis doctoral es un modelo teórico de la interacción de la luz con un tipo particular de biosensor óptico. Este biosensor se compone de dos regiones: en la región inferior puede haber capas de materiales con diferentes espesores y propiedades ópticas, apiladas horizontalmente; en la zona superior, sobre la que incide directamente el haz de luz, puede haber estructuras que hacen que las propiedades ópticas cambien tanto en el plano horizontal como en la dirección vertical. Estos biosensores responden ópticamente de forma diferente al ser iluminados dependiendo de que su superficie externa esté, en mayor o menor medida, recubierta con diferentes tipos de material biológico. En esta tesis se define un modelo analítico aproximado que permite simular la respuesta óptica de biosensores con estructuras en su región más externa. Una vez comprobada la validez práctica del modelo mediante comparación con medidas experimentales, éste se utiliza en el diseño de biosensores de rendimiento óptimo y en la definición de nuevas técnicas de interrogación óptica. En particular, el sistema de transducción IROP (Increased Relative Optical Power), basado en el efecto que produce la presencia de material biológico, en la potencia total reflejada por la celda biosensora en determinados intervalos espectrales, es uno de los sistemas que ha sido patentado y es objeto de desarrollo por la empresa de base tecnológica BIOD [www.biod.es/], estando ya disponibles en este momento varios dispositivos de diagnóstico basados en esta idea. Los dispositivos basados en este sistema de transducción han demostrado su eficiencia en la detección de proteínas y agentes infecciosos como los rotavirus y el virus del dengue. Finalmente, el modelo teórico desarrollado se utiliza para caracterizar las propiedades ópticas de algunos de los materiales de los que se fabrican los biosensores, así como las de las capas de material biológico formadas en las diferentes fases de un inmunoensayo. Los parámetros ópticos de las capas mencionadas se obtienen mediante el método general de ajuste por mínimos cuadrados a las curvas experimentales obtenidas en los inmunoensayos. ABSTRACT The core of this thesis is the theoretical modeling of the interaction of light with a particular type of optical biosensor. This biosensor consists of two parts: in the lower region may have layers of materials with different thicknesses and optical properties, stacked horizontally; at the top, on which directly affects the light beam, there may be structures that make optical properties change in both, the horizontal and in the vertical direction. These biosensors optically respond differently when illuminated depending on its external surface is greater or lesser extent, coated with different types of biological material. In this thesis an approximate analytical model to simulate the optical response of biosensors with structures in its outer region is defined. After verifying the practical validity of the model by comparison with experimental measurements, it is used in the design of biosensors with optimal performance and the definition of new optical interrogation techniques. In particular, the transduction system IROP (Increased Relative Optical Power) based on the effect of the presence of biological material in the total power reflected from the biosensor cell in certain spectral ranges, has been patented and is under development by the startup company BIOD [www.biod.es/], being already available at this time, several diagnostic devices based on this idea. Devices based on this transduction system have proven their efficiency in detecting proteins and infectious agents such as rotavirus and virus of dengue. Finally, the developed theoretical model is used to characterize the optical properties of some of the materials from which biosensors are fabricated, as well as the optical properties of the biological material layers formed at different stages of an immunoassay. The optical parameters of the layers above are obtained by the general method of least squares fit to the experimental curves obtained in immunoassays.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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O objetivo deste trabalho é prover um aplicativo de celular e um protocolo para aquisição de imagens para contagem dos ovos de Aedes aegypti com as seguintes características: facilidade de uso, alta acurácia e custo baixo. O mosquito Ae. aegypti, popularmente conhecido como mosquito da dengue, é um importante vetor de arboviroses como a própria dengue, a chikungunya, a zika e a febre amarela em seu ciclo urbano. O monitoramento entomológico é uma maneira de melhorar a capacidade de predição e na detecção precoce de epidemias das doenças mencionadas. Este monitoramento é majoritariamente baseado no índice larvário, o qual lista a quantidade de casas infectadas, ou a quantidade de ovos de Aedes coletados em palhetas em ovitrampas. Estas palhetas são normalmente de eucatex, mas existem pesquisas atuais testando o algodão.A contagem dos ovos coletados em ovitrampas é feita manualmente, a qual demanda tempo, profissionais qualificados para o manuseio de equipamento laboratorial (lupas e microscópios) e conhecimento entomológico. Buscou-se criar um método para acelerar o trabalho feito pelos profissionais em controle entomológico. A metodologia contou com a criação de um aplicativo e com um processo de contagem dos ovos, o qual consiste em quatro passos: a) Fotografar as palhetas em ovitrampas utilizando de uma câmera de celular; b) Transformar as fotos em uma imagem binarizada, removendo todos os elementos que não são ovos; c) Contar a área de cada elemento; d) A partir do uso de um classificador especialmente desenvolvido, estimar a quantidade de ovos baseado na área de cada elemento. Nos resultados, foi possível notar que houve uma disparidade na contagem de ovos em palhetas de algodão, a qual teve um erro médio próximo a zero, em relação às palhetas de eucatex, as quais tiveram erro médio acima de 5\%. Dos pontos mais importantes das conclusões, destacam-se a possibilidade de melhoria contínua do aplicativo por permanecer na nuvem, com possibilidade de avanços conforme novas descobertas, assim como o excelente custo-benefício obtido, por conseguir operar com baixo custo monetário.


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We have determined the crystal structure of the core (C) protein from the Kunjin subtype of West Nile virus (WNV), closely related to the NY99 strain of WNV, currently a major health threat in the U.S. WNV is a member of the Flaviviridae family of enveloped RNA viruses that contains many important human pathogens. The C protein is associated with the RNA genome and forms the internal core which is surrounded by the envelope in the virion. The C protein structure contains four a. helices and forms dimers that are organized into tetramers. The tetramers form extended filamentous ribbons resembling the stacked alpha helices seen in HEAT protein structures.


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We have previously developed replicon vectors derived from the Australian flavivirus Kunjin that have a unique noncytopathic nature and have been shown to direct prolonged high-level expression of encoded heterologous genes in vitro and in vivo and to induce strong and long-lasting immune responses to encoded immunogens in mice. To facilitate further applications of these vectors in the form of virus-like particles (VLPs), we have now generated a stable BHK packaging cell line, tetKUNCprME, carrying a Kunjin structural gene cassette under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. Withdrawal of tetracycline from the medium resulted in production of Kunjin structural proteins that were capable of packaging transfected and self-amplified Kunjin replicon RNA into the secreted VLPs at titers of up to 1.6 x 10(9) VLPs per ml. Furthermore, secreted KUN replicon VLPs from tetKUNCprME cells could be harvested continuously for as long as 10 days after RNA transfection, producing a total yield of more than 1010 VLPs per 106 transfected cells. Passaging of VLPs on Vero cells or intracerebral injection into 2- to 4-day-old suckling mice illustrated the complete absence of any infectious Kunjin virus. tetKUNCprME cells were also capable of packaging replicon RNA from closely and distantly related flaviviruses, West Nile virus and dengue virus type 2, respectively. The utility of high-titer KUN replicon VLPs was demonstrated by showing increasing CD8(+)-T-cell responses to encoded foreign protein with increasing doses of KUN VLPs. A single dose of 2.5 x 10(7) VLPs carrying the human respiratory syncytial virus M2 gene induced 1,400 CD8 T cells per 10(6) splenocytes in an ex vivo gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assay. The packaging cell line thus represents a significant advance in the development of the noncytopathic Kunjin virus replicon-based gene expression system and may be widely applicable to the basic studies of flavivirus RNA packaging and virus assembly as well as to the development of gene expression systems based on replicons from different flaviviruses.