958 resultados para Decreto-lei, Brasil
O fortalecimento da democracia passa necessariamente pelo acesso a informação. Esta vem sendo regulada por marcos legais ao longo das últimas décadas. Entretanto sabemos que a prática por vezes não corresponde à teoria. Verificar como os municípios brasileiros vêm implementando suas obrigações em face da LAI passa, além de avaliar seu cumprimento pela investigação das causas de eventuais desníveis em tal atendimento. Mais que isto, tentar identificar variáveis que impactem mais decisivamente tal implementação. A partir desta premissa, buscamos identificar tais fatores e quantificar o impacto de cada um deles no resultado de avaliação de um dos índices de transparência criados recentemente – o Escala Brasil Transparente (EBT). Cumpriu-se essa tarefa por meio das seguintes ações: (i) realização de pesquisa bibliográfica a partir da produção acadêmica; (ii) catalogação e análise dos instrumentos legais para transparência; (iii) levantamento das variáveis determinantes para a transparência; (iv) estabelecimento de relação entre tais variáveis e os índices de transparência encontrados, por meio de técnicas estatísticas, especialmente correlação e regressão. As pesquisas feitas constataram que a produção acadêmica da área de Administração Pública sobre o tema ainda é virtualmente inexistente e que as investigações da causalidade da transparência se faz necessária; que, dada a correlação encontrada entre as variáveis selecionadas e a transparência, as conclusões são por hipóteses promissoras que merecem estudos mais detalhados, com técnicas qualitativas a fim de uma determinação mais precisa de causa-efeito.
A adoção da modelagem institucional de governança do processo de avaliação ambiental norte-americano, centrada na figura da agência líder, deverá demandar a edição de uma lei formal, prevendo o referido arranjo jurídico-institucional, na forma de uma moldura (framework) adaptável às necessidades especificas e peculiaridades de cada setor da Administração. Dessa forma, a referida lei formal funcionaria como uma norma geral, e como tal poderia ser complementada pela legislação infralegal, que viria a estabelecer as disposições especificas para dar efetividade ao instituo da agência líder nos setores em que seja desejável e oportuna a implantação do mesmo, a critério da Administração. Destarte, a atuação do Poder Legislativo estaria restrita à introdução ao sistema jurídico doméstico do instituto estrangeiro, estabelecendo apenas seus contornos básicos, cabendo à Administração a avaliação da oportunidade e conveniência da escolha dos setores específicos, do estabelecimento dos contornos normativos e do momento da efetiva regulamentação concreta do instituto.
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a recente Lei n. 12.846/13, em especial sobre o instituto do acordo de leniência, buscando estabelecer um marco para a celebração desses ajustes tendo em vista os direitos e garantias estabelecidos pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Inicialmente, aborda-se as intensas mudanças promovidas no Estado moderno e no direito sancionador de forma geral, questiona-se, em seguida, a existência de um núcleo comum entre o direito penal e o direito administrativo sancionador. Busca-se, por fim, propor soluções para maximizar a eficácia do sistema de controle e sanção da Lei n. 12.846/13, tendo em vista a necessidade de se harmonizar a Regulação Pública com a segurança jurídica e os direitos constitucionais da pessoa jurídica investigada, em especial quando ela celebra o acordo de leniência.
Esta dissertação pretende examinar a estrutura jurídica (ponto de partida) do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (FUNDEB), que foi adotada com o intuito de promover a melhoria da educação por meio do financiamento entre entes federativos (ponto de chegada). Para tanto, utilizamos como arcabouço teórico a literatura de Direito e Desenvolvimento, que ressalta a relevância de desenhos jurídicos específicos apresentarem-se como instrumentos para assegurar o cumprimento de direitos fundamentais (SCHAPIRO e TRUBEK, 2012), o trabalho de Bucci sobre políticas públicas (BUCCI, 2006a, 2006b, 2013, 2015) e as discussões de Sen sobre desenvolvimento (SEN, 2000). Para aferir como o FUNDEB foi implementado pelo arcabouço institucional, utilizamos como recorte metodológico a análise dos diplomas normativos relativos a essa política e das decisões proferidas pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), afetas ao cálculo e repasse dos recursos de complementação federal, que se destinam aos entes que não possuem condições de atender às determinações da Lei do Fundo. Mais precisamente, selecionamos decisões sobre o prazo para ajustar os valores de complementação federal e acerca da constitucionalidade da Lei do Piso do Magistério, que também exige complementação federal nos termos do FUNDEB. A partir das decisões, constatamos que as interpretações conferidas pelos órgãos judiciais permitiram maior discricionariedade à União para dispor sobre as regras para complementação federal, além de conceder maior prazo para proceder aos ajustes. Concluímos que as questões jurídicas apresentadas nas decisões evidenciam ambiguidades ou lacunas no desenho jurídico da política pública do FUNDEB, o que pode gerar certo grau de imprevisibilidade nas condições para sua implementação prática que podem, por sua vez, frustrar, parcial ou totalmente, os objetivos almejados pela política pública.
Vídeo exibido no Jornal da Globo
The present study aims to provide a wide panorama of the endowment funds in Brazil, addressing not only the concept of this kind of fund and its role in the development context of the Brazilian third sector, but also the current legal barriers that hinder the full consolidation of the endowment as an important tool for the sustainable management of nonprofit organizations’ assets. The methodology adopted for this purpose relies on a course that goes from a more abstract approach – the gathering and analysis of the (actual and expected) legislation concerning the endowment funds – and ends with a more concrete one – the study of the demands and challenges faced by a few endowments funds based in the state of São Paulo that were interviewed by the author.
We had as the problem of analysis in this research: what are the assumptions, principles and general content that based the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES). We started from the hypothesis that the general content of SINAES is essentially based on the assumptions and principles of a control/regulatory perspective of evaluation and a summative epistemology, objectivist and quantitativist, constituted by members who prioritize testing and classification of courses and institutions based on market values. The overall goal was to make a political evaluation of SINAES and the specific objectives were: a) apply the concepts of politics evaluation and meta-evaluation, b) identify the role of international organizations in education reform in the 1990s and its impact on superior education in Brazil c) redeem the concept of evaluation, especially in the field of studies in education; and d) investigate the evaluation policies of Brazilian superior education leading to SINAES. As for the technical procedures for collecting and analyzing data, the research was made with bibliography and documents, considering that it was developed by bibliographic sources and official publications. It was developed by crossing sources: texts or documents remitted to others; it was also concentrated: on the role of international organizations in educational and State reforms (in the 1990s); on the policies of evaluation of the Brazilian superior education (1980s and 1990s); on the proposal of the Comissão Especial de Avaliação (CEA); on the Law No. 10.861/2004; on the documents of CONAES; on the Decree No. 5.773/2006, and the MEC Regulatory Ordinances No. 4/2008 and No. 12/2008. It did not stop in the so called purely technical aspects, but in the ideological field itself. The research found that international organizations, notably the World Bank, played a political, intellectual and financial role determinant to the field of education, a fact that reflects in the legal framework. It was also found that the politics of evaluation of the superior education is historically marked by conflict, represented by two distinct perspectives of different natures and emphases. On one hand, the focus is on control / regulation, favoring efficiency, productivity and competitiveness benchmarking and prioritizing the punctual performance and measurement. On the other, it seeks to transform academic perspective in primarily formative / emancipatory, in order to support more institutional improvement. It was concluded that the CEA presented a conception evaluation predominantly formative and emancipatory, which emphasized the idea of system, centered around the institution and repudiated the rankings practices. In the post-formulation period, however, some of its principles were fragmenting and, gradually, the institution was giving way to the courses and the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) grew in prominence. With the creation of the Conceito Preliminar de Cursos superiores (CPC) and of the Índice Geral de Cursos da Instituição de Educação Superior (IGC), it was redemeed the practice of evaluation as measurement and control, under the principles of efficiency and productivity. So, SINAES that seemed like a progressive evaluation method has assumed a setting that close resembles the Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC-Provão). Nevertheless, the survival of institutional formative evaluation, in the superior education evaluation policies, still an issue in dispute
According to the Public National Security Plan, the security is "[ ] a right by democratic excellence legitimately desired by all sectors of society, which is the fundamental right of citizenship, obligation of the constitutional state and responsibility of each one of us." The 1988 Constitution recognized the rights of life, liberty and personal integrity, considered torture and racial discrimination as crimes. The prime directive of the National Security and Citizenship (Law No. 11,707 of June 19, 2008 - PRONASCI-Brazil) expresses the commitment of the Brazilian state with the promotion of human rights. But despite this formal recognition, official violence continues to be used as a means of maintaining social order, consolidating a police action violating human rights (Amnesty International report "They go in shooting" - AI Index: AMR 19/025/2005) . This thesis analyzes the police work combined with the extension of citizenship rights, the spaces of freedom and democracy as a measure for the degree of affirmation or denial of the Human Rights in Brazil, and proposes the construction of a human friendly Police Force (Post - Colonial, Post-Abyss, Intercultural and Democratic)
The study of public policy typologies is still a knowledge field which lacks more embracing and applicable studies to different sectors. On that perspective, this work, Social Assistance Policy in Brazil: an analysis from the typologies on public policy, pursues to add the relevant literature to social assistance what focus on the public policy ratings. Moreover, it concerns about a study on the the national policy of social assistance implemented by the Brazilian government from the theoretical referrence of the public policy typologies. For that reason, the referential framework of the public policies as well as the analisys of its fundamentals/principles that are indispensable for achieving a bigger goal, that is to tipify the social assistance policy based on the different public policy typologies and characterize it through the main elements which are intrinsec to the social political and economic reality of Brazil. Thus, the issue suggested for the work is: what is the profile and the political trajectory of the social assistance implemented by the Brazilian Government? How it presents, above all, the features of a distributive, focused and lawful policy, the work has been done througho the following hypothesis: the social assistance policy in Brazil has been of universal, assistance, and focusing aspects. For each of those features granted to the social assistance policy, there is a gathering of changes according to the social, political and economic moment of the country and that stands out due to the different institutions within every cyclical period. The work showed that besides the social policy has gone through meaningful changes during the last decades, even though the adoption of the Organic Law of Social Assistance and its rules, some of the mentioned characteristics still remain, as long as the State s primacy goes on being the economic policies over the dubbed social policies. Notwithstanding, the social assistance will build up itself from the materialization of the growing of the social rights related to the State, but also assuming an important role on the amplified reproducing process regarding the capitalist social relations
The oil activities in Brazil had been started in an intensive way in the end of the 30 s and in the beginning of the 40 s. Many of the brazilians fields discovered in the past are nowadays in decline. They are called ―mature fields‖. These fields, because of the decline situation that characterizes them, are not interesting for the majors. The majors want the big fields and big productions. On the other hand, they could be interesting for the small and medium enterprises. The mature oil fields are instruments of development, they have oil and the oil production is an activity connected with many social and economics benefits: jobs, taxes, royalties, etc. The Brazilian State, in this context, needs to realize actions to promote the activities in the mature oil fields, especially with the work of the small and mediums enterprises. Many of the onshore brazilian mature fields are located at the Northeast, a region matched by many social and economic problems. The activities in the mature fields of the Northeast Region could solve some of its problems. The present research analyses the mature oil fields and its situations in Brazil, making criticisms and suggestions. The methodology adopted is theoretical and descriptive, with literature review, case law and legislation (Constituição Federal de 1988, ―Law of the Oil‖). This research examines the following points: mature fields rounds and its documents, name and definition of the mature fields, definition of small and medium enterprises, environmental aspects, concentration of certain activities of the sector and the royalties
The recent insertion of biodiesel derived from oily vegetables in the Brazilian energetic matrix calls for the study of some aspects that belong to it. The analysis of the carbonized energetic pattern concerns the paradigm of economic development that is constitutionally enshrined sustainable development which make environmental protection compatible with the needs of the economic rationality. This text is structured according to the ideas of modern hermeneutic that sees substantial value in the principles capable of create a harmonious relationship between law and society. The study of the constitutional principles to conduct a legal analysis about the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel - PNPB. The aim of the research is the study of PNPB ahead with the constitutional principles governing the economic order. To achieve this end we studied the sustainable development as a constitutional principle. We start with the notion that the thematic principles, and fundamental to understanding the dimension of sustainable development institute, since its concept is closely related to the applications of the principles enshrined in virtually all the constitutional order of the Western world. Then this was the National Energy Policy, initiating the approach by guiding principles of the National Energy Policy to develop the theme of public policy in the energy sector. Therefore, we studied the National Program of Biodiesel Production and Use - PNPB. From a technical introduction to the concept of biodiesel and a brief historical background, analyzing their advantages compared to fossil fuels predominantly used. Then it became a regulatory overview of the Brazilian legislation on the subject, central to understanding the plans and objectives pursued by the Brazilian government with encouraging the production of biodiesel. Finally discussed the tax incentives for production and use of biodiesel in Brazil. From the idea of federalism, characterized the tax as an instrument of state intervention in the economy. And finally it brought the tax incentives of Law No. 11.116/2005 in the face of the constitutional principles of economy and tax, and tax incentives from projects related to the Kyoto Protocol
The Oil industry in Brazil has gone through several stages during the economical, political and social historical process. However, the significative changes have happened in the last fifteen years, due to market opening arising from the relaxation of the state monopoly over the Oil deposits and its derivatives. The edition of the Constitutional Amendment #9, changing the first paragraph of the 177th item of the Federal Constitution, marked the end of a stiffness about the monopoly that the Brazilian state kept in relation to the exploration and research of Oil and Gas. The economical order was fundamental to actualize the idea contained in the #9 Amendment, since its contents has the power to set up measures to be adopted by public power in order to organize the economical relations from a social viewpoint. The new brazilian Oil scenery, called pre-salt, presents itself in a way to amaze the economical markets, in addition to creating a new perspective to the social sector. This work will identify, in this new scenario, the need for change in the legal system. Nevertheless, this subject must not be treated in a thoughtless way: being an exhaustible good, we shall not forget that the future generations also must benefit from the exploration of natural resources recently discovered. The settlement of a new regulatory mark, including the change in the concession contract model to production and sharing is one of the suggested solutions as a bill in the National Congress, in an attempt to ensure the sovereignty of the nation. The constitutionality of a new regulatory mark is questioned, starting from an analysis of the state monopoly, grounding the comprehnsions in the brazilian constitutions, the relevance of the creation of Petrobras for self-assertion of the state about the monopoly of Oil and derivatives, and its posture after the Constitutional Amendment nº 9 (1995), when a company stops having control of the state monopoly, beginning to compete in a fairly way with other companies. The market opening and private initiative are emphasized from the viewpoint of the Constitutional Principles of the Economical and Social Order. The relaxation of the monopoly regarding the exploratory activity in the Federal Constitution doesn't deprive from the Union the ownerships of underground goods, enabling to this federal entity to contract, directly or by concession of exploration of goods, to state-owned or private companies. The existing oil in the pre-salt layer transforms the scenario from very high risk to low risk, which gives the Union the possibility of defining another way of exploring this resources in the best interests of the Public Administration