939 resultados para Cliburn, Van, 1934-2013.
Contents: At a crossroads: England’s small-scale fisheries are being integrated within a national system. Diversionary tactics: Most of Peru’s anchoveta catches meant for human consumption are being diverted. Fair, sustainable? The new EU-Mauritania Fisheries Agreement has been welcomed—and spurned. A weighty responsibility: A fisheries reform process is under way in several parts of Africa. Sri Lanka. Restoring past glory: The Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme focuses on fisheries in the Negombo lagoon. Need for vigilance: Summary of a study on globalization and trade treaties in Atlantic Canadian fisheries. A collective voice: A national workshop on the ILO Work in Fishing Convention was held in Goa, India. Short-term model: Brazil is backing increased production through industrial fisheries and aquaculture. Living the learning. 70 participants from the Honduran Caribbean coast gathered at a conference on SSF. Brazil. Towards synthesis: On the approach of civil society organizations towards the proposed SSF Guidlines.
Sticky issues - An update on the recent SSF guidelines, Forced into slavery- New Zealand, Grabbing oceans- MPAs fail to recognize human-rights issues, Getting rights wrong- GPO ignores the voices of SSF people, Smoking kilns- artisan fishers on the map, Depending on mangroves- Vietnam, Statement made at the GDF on work in fishing convention, fishy partnership- proposed GPO, Champion for fishers - Rolf Willmann
South Africa- Shifting livelihoods, Viet Nam-Strengthening livelihoods, Chile - gains and challenges, Uganda- making changes possible, Maritza Mena from Costa Rica, Ground-breaking gender indicators, You tube resources
Esta Tese examina as implicações políticas da cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento de Moçambique em três momentos: (i) o período referente à solidariedade socialista; (ii) o contexto da cooperação tradicional Norte-Sul; (iii) a experiência (re) emergente da Cooperação Sul-Sul. Nossa incursão analítica mostra que foram cerca de 40 anos de cooperação internacional que permitiram uma série de transformações em nível político, econômico e social, e que construíram um país como um autêntico artefato de intervenção externa. Nesse sentido, analisam-se os efeitos políticos provocados pelas três propostas sugeridas de cooperação na esfera doméstica de Moçambique. Por um lado, constata-se que a cooperação internacional acaba por constituir-se em projeto de poder que afeta a produção de políticas públicas, a construção da autonomia e, mais recentemente, o processo de democratização em curso. Por outro, evidencia-se que os atores internacionais que atuam no campo da cooperação para o desenvolvimento em Moçambique agem imbuídos de seus respectivos interesses e agendas de política externa. Na relação entre os distintos atores e o Estado moçambicano, identificam-se alguns fatores-chave, tais como a fraca capacidade estatal, a existência de enormes assimetrias entre Moçambique e seus parceiros, o vício em receber cooperação que transforma essa relação em uma das principais fontes de manutenção do Estado, bem como a preservação das elites políticas tradicionais fatores que limitam o alcance dos objetivos reais de desenvolvimento que as distintas formas e modalidades de cooperação internacional prometem e buscam promover.
•2012 PICES Science: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-6) ◾2012 PICES Awards (pp. 7-9) ◾GLOBEC/PICES/ICES ECOFOR Workshop (pp. 10-15) ◾ICES/PICES Symposium on “Forage Fish Interactions” (pp. 16-18) ◾The Yeosu Declaration, the Yeosu Declaration Forum and the Yeosu Project (pp. 19-23) ◾2013 PICES Calendar (p. 23) ◾Why Do We Need Human Dimensions for the FUTURE Program? (pp. 24-25) ◾New PICES MAFF-Sponsored Project on “Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Being” (pp. 26-28) ◾The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends (pp. 29-31) ◾Continuing Cool in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 32, 35) ◾The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2012 (pp. 33-35) ◾New Leadership in PICES (pp. 36-39)
•The 2013 Inter-sessional Science Board Meeting: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •ICES/PICES Workshop on Global Assessment of the Implications of Climate Change on the Spatial Distribution of Fish and Fisheries (pp. 5-8) •PICES participates in a Convention on Biological Diversity Regional Workshop (pp. 9-11) •Social and Economic Indicators for Status and Change within North Pacific Ecosystems (pp. 12-13) •The Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium (pp. 14-15) •Workshop on Radionuclide Science and Environmental Quality in the North Pacific (pp. 16-17) •PICES-MAFF Project on Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Being: Indonesia Workshop (pp. 18-19) •Socioeconomic Indicators for United States Fisheries and Fishing Communities (pp. 20-23) •Harmful Algal Blooms in a Changing World (pp. 24-25, 27) •Enhancing Scientific Cooperation between PICES and NPAFC (pp. 26-27) •Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in the Northwest Pacific (pp. 28-29) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2012 (pp. 30-31) •Stuck in Neutral in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 32-33) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends (pp. 34-36) •For your Bookshelf (p. 37) •Howard Freeland takes home Canadian awards (p. 38)
Em uma relação de bilateral,o comérciointra-industrial (CII)acontece quando os dois países exportam e importam produtos pertencentes a uma mesma indústria. Conforme apontam diversas pesquisas relacionadas a esse assunto, o intercâmbio intra-indústriade produtos tem aumentado sua participação nas transações bilaterais. Não obstante, os resultados mensurados para o comércio entre o Brasil e o resto do mundo revelam a predominância do engajamento inter-industrial em detrimento do intra-industrial. Observando dados de comércio que abrangem todos os produtos catalogados com seis dígitos no Sistema Harmonizado, esta dissertação investiga o comércio intra-industrial brasileiro entre o período de 1990 a 2013 sob suas duas formas: o intercâmbio de bens diferenciados horizontalmente e verticalmente. Ademais, a pesquisa de mensuração do CII vertical se dedica a definição dos lados superior e inferior, a fim de verificar se o Brasil é exportador ou importador líquido de bens verticalmente diferenciados de qualidade relativamente superior. Dentre a amostra de 57 países, as relações bilaterais em que o índice de Grubel e Lloyd (GL) se mostrou mais expressivo foram Argentina, Estados Unidos, México, Alemanha, Suécia, Uruguai, França, Itália, Reino Unido e Colômbia. Com relação aos setores que mais contribuíram para o índice que mensura o shareintra-industrial do comércio, destacam-se os ramos produtores de materiais de transporte e máquinas e materiais elétricos, também merecendo menção o setor de produtos químicos.Utilizando técnicas econométricas usuais da abordagem de dados em painel, a investigação dos determinantes do CII nos leva à aceitação da hipótese que relaciona o CII à presença de economias de escala. Além disso, os parâmetros estimados revelam que a distância geográfica que separa o Brasil de seu parceiro comercial prejudica mais o comércio intra-industrial vis-à-vis o inter-industrial. O processo de integração desencadeado pelo MERCOSUL, por sua vez, mostrou efeito positivo sobre o comércio intra-industrialvertical.
The Feed the Future Aquaculture project is a five year transformative investment in aquaculture focused on 20 southern districts in Barisal, Khulna and Dhaka divisions, Bangladesh, which started in October 2011. This report describes the achievements of FtF-Aquaculture project activities implemented during the 6th quarter (January to March 2013) along with cumulative progress on FtF indicators. Due to the seasonality of fish and shrimp production, which is out of sync with the project year, final harvesting of aquaculture production was completed in this quarter. The achievements summarized below relate to progress of project activities. Progress against the FtF indicators that were not reported on previously are now included in this report.
Issues January - November/December 2013. (PDF contains 96 pages)
Dinoflagellates possess many physiological processes that appear to be under post-transcriptional control. However, the extent to which their genes are regulated post-transcriptionally remains unresolved. To gain insight into the roles of differential mRNA stability and de novo transcription in dinoflagellates, we biosynthetically labeled RNA with 4-thiouracil to isolate newly transcribed and pre-existing RNA pools in Karenia brevis. These isolated fractions were then used for analysis of global mRNA stability and de novo transcription by hybridization to a K. brevis microarray. Global K. brevis mRNA half-lives were calculated from the ratio of newly transcribed to pre-existing RNA for 7086 array features using the online software HALO (Half-life Organizer). Overall, mRNA half-lives were substantially longer than reported in other organisms studied at the global level, ranging from 42 minutes to greater than 144 h, with a median of 33 hours. Consistent with well-documented trends observed in other organisms, housekeeping processes, including energy metabolism and transport, were significantly enriched in the most highly stable messages. Shorter-lived transcripts included a higher proportion of transcriptional regulation, stress response, and other response/regulatory processes. One such family of proteins involved in post-transcriptional regulation in chloroplasts and mitochondria, the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins, had dramatically shorter half-lives when compared to the arrayed transcriptome. As transcript abundances for PPR proteins were previously observed to rapidly increase in response to nutrient addition, we queried the newly synthesized RNA pools at 1 and 4 h following nitrate addition to N-depleted cultures. Transcriptome-wide there was little evidence of increases in the rate of de novo transcription during the first 4 h, relative to that in N-depleted cells, and no evidence for increased PPR protein transcription. These results lend support to the growing consensus of post-transcriptional control of gene expression in dinoflagellates.
With the global proliferation of toxic Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) species, there is a need to identify the environmental and biological factors that regulate toxin production. One such species, Karenia brevis, forms nearly annual blooms that threaten coastal regions throughout the Gulf of Mexico. This dinoflagellate produces brevetoxins, potent neurotoxins that cause neurotoxic shellfish poisoning and respiratory illness in humans, as well as massive fish kills. A recent publication reported that a rapid decrease in salinity increased cellular toxin quotas in K. brevis and hypothesized that brevetoxins serve a role in osmoregulation. This finding implied that salinity shifts could significantly alter the toxic impacts of blooms. We repeated the original experiments separately in three different laboratories and found no evidence for increased brevetoxin production in response to low-salinity stress in any of the eight K. brevis strains we tested, including three used in the original study. Thus, we find no support for an osmoregulatory function of brevetoxins. The original publication also stated that there was no known cellular function for brevetoxins. However, there is increasing evidence that brevetoxins promote survival of the dinoflagellates by deterring grazing by zooplankton. Whether they have other as yet unidentified cellular functions is currently unknown.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) Fisheries Sampling Branch (FSB) collects, maintains, and distributes data for scientific and management purposes in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. FSB manages three separate but related observer programs: the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP), the Industry Funded Scallop (IFS) Observer Program, and the At Sea Monitoring (ASM) Program. For the purposes of this manual, “observers” refers to any observer/monitor working for the FSB. In 2011, FSB trained and deployed over 200 observers, provided coverage on a variety of fisheries, and completed over 15,000 sea days. Observed trips are required under many of the region's fishery management plans, and for some fisheries by other federal laws and authorities such as Amendment 16 and Framework 44, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the and the Sustainable Fisheries Act. The purpose of this guide is to provide FSB observers, as well as end users of NEFSC Observer Program data, with a detailed description of each data field collected. In addition to this manual, the NEFSC Observer Program Biological Sampling and Catch Estimation Manual provides summaries and tables intended to enable observers to quickly determine the correct sampling protocols and methods while at sea. This manual represents a revision of the data forms, collection procedures, and protocols described in the 1996 NEFSC Observer Program Manual. For documentation of other changes see Documentation of changes made to the NEFSC Fisheries Observer Program Manual, 2013.