772 resultados para Chamber orchestra music
The development of new statistical and computational methods is increasingly making it possible to bridge the gap between hard sciences and humanities. In this study, we propose an approach based on a quantitative evaluation of attributes of objects in fields of humanities, from which concepts such as dialectics and opposition are formally defined mathematically. As case studies, we analyzed the temporal evolution of classical music and philosophy by obtaining data for 8 features characterizing the corresponding fields for 7 well-known composers and philosophers, which were treated with multivariate statistics and pattern recognition methods. A bootstrap method was applied to avoid statistical bias caused by the small sample data set, with which hundreds of artificial composers and philosophers were generated, influenced by the 7 names originally chosen. Upon defining indices for opposition, skewness and counter-dialectics, we confirmed the intuitive analysis of historians in that classical music evolved according to a master apprentice tradition, while in philosophy changes were driven by opposition. Though these case studies were meant only to show the possibility of treating phenomena in humanities quantitatively, including a quantitative measure of concepts such as dialectics and opposition, the results are encouraging for further application of the approach presented here to many other areas, since it is entirely generic.
Micro-gas turbines are a good alternative for on-site power generation, since their operation is very reliable. The possibility of operating with various fuels increases versatility and, as a result, the usage of these devices. Focusing on a performance improvement of a tri-fuel low-cost micro-gas turbine, this work presents investigations of the inner flow of its combustion chamber. The aim of this analysis was the characterization of the flame structure by the temperature field of the chamber inner flow. The chamber was fuelled with natural gas. In the current chamber, a swirler and a reversed flow configuration were utilized to provide flame stabilization. The inner flow investigations were done with numerical analysis, which were compared to experimental data. The analysis of the inner flow was done with numerical simulations, which used the RSM turbulence model. A β-PDF equilibrium model was adopted to account for the turbulent combustion process. Different models of heat transfer were compared. Thermal radiation and specially heat conduction in the liner walls played significant roles on results.
In this work, metamaterial patterns are applied to a GTEM – Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic Chamber to improve and give flexibility to its frequency response. The main goal is to achieve a better frequency resonance regardless the dimensions of the original chamber. Therefore, a comparison between the CLL – Capacitively Loaded Loop and Fractal metamaterial technology for these purposes, is done. Experimental results are compared to the simulated ones
Understanding the complex relationships between quantities measured by volcanic monitoring network and shallow magma processes is a crucial headway for the comprehension of volcanic processes and a more realistic evaluation of the associated hazard. This question is very relevant at Campi Flegrei, a volcanic quiescent caldera immediately north-west of Napoli (Italy). The system activity shows a high fumarole release and periodic ground slow movement (bradyseism) with high seismicity. This activity, with the high people density and the presence of military and industrial buildings, makes Campi Flegrei one of the areas with higher volcanic hazard in the world. In such a context my thesis has been focused on magma dynamics due to the refilling of shallow magma chambers, and on the geophysical signals detectable by seismic, deformative and gravimetric monitoring networks that are associated with this phenomenologies. Indeed, the refilling of magma chambers is a process frequently occurring just before a volcanic eruption; therefore, the faculty of identifying this dynamics by means of recorded signal analysis is important to evaluate the short term volcanic hazard. The space-time evolution of dynamics due to injection of new magma in the magma chamber has been studied performing numerical simulations with, and implementing additional features in, the code GALES (Longo et al., 2006), recently developed and still on the upgrade at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Pisa (Italy). GALES is a finite element code based on a physico-mathematical two dimensional, transient model able to treat fluids as multiphase homogeneous mixtures, compressible to incompressible. The fundamental equations of mass, momentum and energy balance are discretised both in time and space using the Galerkin Least-Squares and discontinuity-capturing stabilisation technique. The physical properties of the mixture are computed as a function of local conditions of magma composition, pressure and temperature.The model features enable to study a broad range of phenomenologies characterizing pre and sin-eruptive magma dynamics in a wide domain from the volcanic crater to deep magma feeding zones. The study of displacement field associated with the simulated fluid dynamics has been carried out with a numerical code developed by the Geophysical group at the University College Dublin (O’Brien and Bean, 2004b), with whom we started a very profitable collaboration. In this code, the seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media with free surface (e.g. the Earth’s surface) is simulated using a discrete elastic lattice where particle interactions are controlled by the Hooke’s law. This method allows to consider medium heterogeneities and complex topography. The initial and boundary conditions for the simulations have been defined within a coordinate project (INGV-DPC 2004-06 V3_2 “Research on active volcanoes, precursors, scenarios, hazard and risk - Campi Flegrei”), to which this thesis contributes, and many researchers experienced on Campi Flegrei in volcanological, seismic, petrological, geochemical fields, etc. collaborate. Numerical simulations of magma and rock dynamis have been coupled as described in the thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of a parametric study aimed at understanding the eect of the presence in magma of carbon dioxide in magma in the convection dynamics. Indeed, the presence of this volatile was relevant in many Campi Flegrei eruptions, including some eruptions commonly considered as reference for a future activity of this volcano. A set of simulations considering an elliptical magma chamber, compositionally uniform, refilled from below by a magma with volatile content equal or dierent from that of the resident magma has been performed. To do this, a multicomponent non-ideal magma saturation model (Papale et al., 2006) that considers the simultaneous presence of CO2 and H2O, has been implemented in GALES. Results show that the presence of CO2 in the incoming magma increases its buoyancy force promoting convection ad mixing. The simulated dynamics produce pressure transients with frequency and amplitude in the sensitivity range of modern geophysical monitoring networks such as the one installed at Campi Flegrei . In the second part, simulations more related with the Campi Flegrei volcanic system have been performed. The simulated system has been defined on the basis of conditions consistent with the bulk of knowledge of Campi Flegrei and in particular of the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4100 B.P.), commonly considered as reference for a future high intensity eruption in this area. The magmatic system has been modelled as a long dyke refilling a small shallow magma chamber; magmas with trachytic and phonolitic composition and variable volatile content of H2O and CO2 have been considered. The simulations have been carried out changing the condition of magma injection, the system configuration (magma chamber geometry, dyke size) and the resident and refilling magma composition and volatile content, in order to study the influence of these factors on the simulated dynamics. Simulation results allow to follow each step of the gas-rich magma ascent in the denser magma, highlighting the details of magma convection and mixing. In particular, the presence of more CO2 in the deep magma results in more ecient and faster dynamics. Through this simulations the variation of the gravimetric field has been determined. Afterward, the space-time distribution of stress resulting from numerical simulations have been used as boundary conditions for the simulations of the displacement field imposed by the magmatic dynamics on rocks. The properties of the simulated domain (rock density, P and S wave velocities) have been based on data from literature on active and passive tomographic experiments, obtained through a collaboration with A. Zollo at the Dept. of Physics of the Federici II Univeristy in Napoli. The elasto-dynamics simulations allow to determine the variations of the space-time distribution of deformation and the seismic signal associated with the studied magmatic dynamics. In particular, results show that these dynamics induce deformations similar to those measured at Campi Flegrei and seismic signals with energies concentrated on the typical frequency bands observed in volcanic areas. The present work shows that an approach based on the solution of equations describing the physics of processes within a magmatic fluid and the surrounding rock system is able to recognise and describe the relationships between geophysical signals detectable on the surface and deep magma dynamics. Therefore, the results suggest that the combined study of geophysical data and informations from numerical simulations can allow in a near future a more ecient evaluation of the short term volcanic hazard.
Die vorliegende Arbeit über den Komponisten Johannes Driessler besteht aus einer Biographie, Werkanalysen und einem Werkverzeichnis inklusive Verlagsangaben. Johannes Driessler - geboren am 26. Januar 1921 in Friedrichsthal, gestorben am 4. Mai 1998 in Detmold - entfaltet, neben seiner pädagogischen Tätigkeit als Kompositionslehrer an der Nordwestdeutschen Musikakademie in Detmold, zwischen 1946 und 1971 ein reiches kompositorisches Schaffen. Sein Werk umfaßt geistliche und weltliche Chormusik - A-cappella-Werke, Kantaten, Oratorien, Opern, eine Messe - Liedkompositionen, Kammermusik, Klavier- und Orgelmusik, Orchesterwerke und Symphonien. Johannes Driesslers Werk ist in der geistlichen Musik verwurzelt, er entwickelt eine eigene Tonsprache: Die Gestaltung von Werken aus einer Grundidee, der Bogen, der Ostinato, das Kontrapunktische im Kanon, in der Fuge, in der Passacaglia und eine ungebundene Harmonik sind Elemente seines intellektuellen Kompositionsstils. Johannes Driesslers ureigenes Feld liegt im Vokalbereich. Hier gibt es hervorragende Werke wie zum Beispiel das erste Oratorium Dein Reich komme. Die zyklischen geistlichen Werke durch das Kirchenjahr sind wichtige Bausteine in den Gattungen Orgelmusik und Evangelienspruch im 20. Jahrhundert. Die frühe Kammermusik und die Opern des Komponisten sollten neu entdeckt werden. Auch die didaktisch wertvolle Musik in den Lehrwerken für Schüler und Studierende hat Bestand.
Strategy as a matter of beliefs: the recorded music industry reinventing itself by rethinking itself
Managerial and organizational cognition studies the ways cognitions of managers in groups, organizations and industries shape their strategies and actions. Cognitions refer to simplified representations of managers’ internal and external environments, necessary to cope with the rich, ambiguous information requirements that characterize strategy making. Despite the important achievements in the field, many unresolved puzzles remain as to this process, particular as to the cognitive factors that condition actors in framing a response to a discontinuity, how actors can change their models in the face of a discontinuity, and the reciprocal relation between cognition and action. I leverage on the recent case of the recorded music industry in the face of the digital technology to study these issues, through a strategy-oriented study of the way early response to the discontinuity was constructed and of the subsequent evolution of this response. Through a longitudinal historical and cognitive analysis of actions and cognitions at both the industry and firm-level during the period in which the response took place (1999-2010), I gain important insights on the way historical beliefs in the industry shaped early response to the digital disruption, on the role of outsiders in promoting change through renewed vision about important issues, and on the reciprocal relationship between cognitive and strategic change.
In this work, we consider a simple model problem for the electromagnetic exploration of small perfectly conducting objects buried within the lower halfspace of an unbounded two–layered background medium. In possible applications, such as, e.g., humanitarian demining, the two layers would correspond to air and soil. Moving a set of electric devices parallel to the surface of ground to generate a time–harmonic field, the induced field is measured within the same devices. The goal is to retrieve information about buried scatterers from these data. In mathematical terms, we are concerned with the analysis and numerical solution of the inverse scattering problem to reconstruct the number and the positions of a collection of finitely many small perfectly conducting scatterers buried within the lower halfspace of an unbounded two–layered background medium from near field measurements of time–harmonic electromagnetic waves. For this purpose, we first study the corresponding direct scattering problem in detail and derive an asymptotic expansion of the scattered field as the size of the scatterers tends to zero. Then, we use this expansion to justify a noniterative MUSIC–type reconstruction method for the solution of the inverse scattering problem. We propose a numerical implementation of this reconstruction method and provide a series of numerical experiments.
Lo scopo della dissertazione “Formazione e pratica del pensiero orchestrale di Hector Berlioz. Caratteri poetici e strategie del suono” è quello di indagare i tratti essenziali del pensiero di Berlioz in merito all’orchestra riprendendo in considerazione gli elementi della sua educazione giovanile. In particolare, le nozioni ricavate dai suoi insegnanti di composizione Le Sueur e Reicha e dai corsi di medicina brevemente frequentati a Parigi sono indagate con approccio rinnovato, alla luce di nuovi filoni di studio indagati dalla musicologia negli anni più recenti. Sono analizzate anche le recensioni di Berlioz, alla ricerca di elementi che aiutino a comprendere la sua musica con le argomentazioni destinate a quella altrui. È analizzato anche il percorso della trattatistica che da un iniziale approccio di tipo pratico tipico del XVIII secolo, giunge con il trattato di Berlioz a una forte connotazione poetica delle risorse strumentali e orchestrali. Nella seconda parte della dissertazione sono analizzate invece alcune opere di Berlioz e alcune questioni generali concernenti il suo modo di scrivere per l’orchestra, specialmente in relazione ad altri parametri musicali. Nella dissertazione notevole attenzione è data al rapporto fra questioni tecniche e poetiche, proponendo un approccio leggermente rinnovato.
La definizione di «scrittura dell’interpretazione» comprime in una sola locuzione la descrizione dell’oggetto principale del nostro studio, ovvero il problema della trascrizione musicale, descritta, non tanto come un determinato genere musicale, quanto come una ragione di osmosi e interferenze tra il fatto compositivo e quello interpretativo. Ad una traversata di quel territorio ci si appresta incentrando la trattazione intorno alla figura e all’opera del giovane compositore e direttore Bruno Maderna, autore di diverse trascrizioni della cosiddetta musica antica (dall’Odhecaton A, Monteverdi, Viadana, Frescobaldi, Legrenzi, ed altri ancora). Attraverso gli esempi presentati si intende mostrare come l’approccio maderniano alla trascrizione musicale si giustifichi a partire dalla sua stessa teoria e pratica dell’interpretazione musicale, più che in base a concetti forti definiti sul versante della scrittura, quali ad esempio quelli di analisi e parodia. Pari attenzione si offre al contesto storico degli anni in cui egli gravita, opera e si afferma come musicista (1946-1952 circa), dedicando ampio spazio alle figure di Gian Francesco Malipiero, Angelo Ephrikian e Luigi Nono, autori a loro volta di trascrizioni e revisioni di opere del Cinquecento, del Seicento e del Settecento. Intorno ai loro rapporti viene fornita una documentazione significativa, in buona parte inedita o poco conosciuta dagli studiosi, resa disponibile grazie alle ricerche d’archivio di cui si avvantaggia la nostra trattazione.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è di esplorare l'importanza del concetto giapponese del "ma" nella musica tradizionale, in particolare in quella del compositore Tōru Takemitsu, tramite la traduzione del saggio "The concept of 'ma' and the music of Tōru Takemitsu" (Jonathan L. Chenette, 1982) dall'inglese all'italiano. L'elaborato partirà da un'introduzione generale sul concetto del "ma" nella mentalità giapponese, per proseguire con la biografia di Tōru Takemitsu e una panoramica dei motivi che hanno portato a scegliere la traduzione del saggio di Chenette. Dopo la traduzione in sé e per sé e il commento della stessa, sarà anche fornito in appendice un glossario inglese-italiano della terminologia musicale utilizzata dall'autore all'interno del saggio.
La presente tesi si concentra sulla traduzione musicale, focalizzandosi in particolare sulla traduzione di canzoni popular. L’obiettivo è creare dei testi di arrivo cantabili in lingua inglese a partire da originali del gruppo musicale italiano Ministri, così da rendere esportabile il loro prodotto oltre i confini del mercato discografico nazionale. La struttura della tesi è composta da quattro capitoli e due appendici. Nel primo capitolo si individua la cornice all’interno del quale si muove il caso di studio selezionato e si inserisce l’attività di traduzione. Si analizzano nello specifico alcune caratteristiche essenziali della popular music, i suoi testi, gli attori e gli intermediari coinvolti. Nel secondo capitolo si analizza il caso di studio, passando in rassegna rapidamente la biografia, l’estetica e la modalità di comunicazione del gruppo, per poi approfondirne in maniera particolare una parte della produzione, con speciale enfasi sui testi verbali che vanno a costituire il materiale oggetto di traduzione. Nel terzo capitolo si individua nella teoria dello scopo la base teorica per la metodologia specifica della traduzione di canzoni. Quest’ultima rientra nella traduzione musicale, appartenente alle categorie di traduzione vincolata e multimediale. Nel quarto capitolo viene esposto l’obiettivo della traduzione e la metodologia specifica utilizzata per portarlo a termine, passando poi a un esteso commento delle problematiche traduttive individuate e delle strategie utilizzate per risolverle, apportando alcuni esempi per ogni caso. Infine, nella prima appendice vengono riportati integralmente i testi originali con le relative proposte di traduzione, mentre la seconda contiene un piccolo contributo di Federico Dragogna, chitarrista e principale autore dei Ministri, sotto forma di breve intervista.