981 resultados para Carboxylic Ester Hydrolases


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Pyrazinoic acid, the active form of the antitubercular pro-drug Pyrazinamide, is an amphiprotic molecule containing carboxylic acid and pyridine groups and therefore can form both salts and cocrystals with relevant partner molecules. Cocrystallization of pyrazinoic acid with isomeric pyridine carboxamide series resulted in a dimorphic mixed-ionic complex with isonicotinamide and in eutectics with nicotinamide and picolinamide, respectively. It is observed that with alteration of the carboxamide position, steric and electrostatic compatibility issues between molecules of the combination emerge and affect intermolecular interactions and supramolecular growth, thus leading to either cocrystal or eutectic for different pyrazinoic acid-pyridine carboxamide combinations. Intermolecular interaction energy calculations have been performed to understand the role of underlying energetics on the formation of cocrystal/eutectic in different combinations. On the other hand, two molecular salts with piperazine and cytosine and a gallic acid cocrystal of the drug were obtained, and their X-ray crystal structures were also determined in this work.


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Synthesis and structural characterization of two novel symmetrical banana mesogens built from resorcinol with seven phenyl rings linked by ester and imine with a terminal dodecyl/dodecyloxy chain has been carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed for obtaining the geometry optimized structures, the dipole moments and C-13 NMR chemical shifts. The HOPM and DSC studies revealed enantiotropic B-2 and B-7 phases for the dodecyl and dodecyloxy homologs respectively. The powder X-ray studies of both the mesogens indicate the presence of layer ordering. The polarization measurements reveal an anti-ferroelectric switching for the B-2 phase of the dodecyl homolog whose structure has been identified as SmCSPA. The B-7 phase of the dodecyloxy homolog was found to be non-switchable. High resolution C-13 NMR study of the dodecyl homolog in its mesophase has been carried out. C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings obtained from the 2-dimensional separated local field spectroscopy experiment were used to obtain the orientational order parameters of the different segments of the mesogen. Very large C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings observed for the carbons of the central phenyl ring (9.7-12.3 kHz) in comparison to the dipolar couplings of those of the side arm phenyl rings (less than 3 kHz) are a direct consequence of the ordering in the banana phase and the shape of the molecule. From the ratio of the local order parameter values, the bent-angle of the mesogen could be determined in a straight forward manner to be 120.5 degrees.


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Itaconic acid is a bio-sourced dicarboxylic acid that carries a double bond; although several reports have dealt with the radical-initiated chain polymerization of dialkyl itaconates, only a few studies have utilized it as a di-acid monomer to prepare polyesters. In this study, we demonstrate that dibutyl itaconate can be melt-condensed with aliphatic diols to generate unsaturated polyesters; importantly, we show that the double bonds remain unaffected during the melt polymerization. A particularly useful attribute of these polyesters is that the exo-chain double bonds are conjugated to the ester carbonyl and, therefore, can serve as excellent Michael acceptors. A variety of organic thiols, such as alkane thiols, MPEG thiol, thioglycerol, derivatized cysteine etc., were shown to quantitatively Michael-add to the exo-chain double bonds and generate interesting functionalized polyesters. Similarly, organic amines, such as N-methyl-benzylamine, diallyl amine and proline, also add across the double bond; thus, these poly(alkylene itaconate)s could serve as potentially bio-benign polyesters that could be quantitatively transformed into a variety of interesting and potentially useful functionalized polymers.


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Estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a central goal in theoretical chemistry. Here we show that ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free energy profile of the dissociation reaction can provide reasonable estimates of the successive pK(a) values of polyprotic acids. We use the distance-dependent coordination number of the protons bound to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic group as the collective variable to explore the free energy profile of the dissociation process. Water molecules, sufficient to complete three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. Two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and un-dissociated states of the acid are observed and the difference in their free energy values provides the estimate for pK(a), the acid dissociation constant. We show that the method predicts the pK(a) value of benzoic acid in good agreement with experiment and then show using phthalic acid (benzene dicarboxylic acid) as a test system that both the first and second pK(a) values as well, as the subtle difference in their values for different isomers can be predicted in reasonable agreement with experimental data.


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A critical limitation that has hampered widespread application of the electrically conducting reduced graphene oxide (r-GO) is its poor aqueous dispersibility. Here we outline a strategy to obtain water-dispersible conducting r-GO sheets, free of any stabilizing agents, by exploiting the fact that the kinetics of the photoreduction of the insulating GO is heterogeneous. We show that by controlling UV exposure times and pH, we can obtain r-GO sheets with the conducting sp(2)-graphitic domains restored but with the more acidic carboxylic groups, responsible for aqueous dispersibility, intact. The resultant photoreduced r-GO sheets are both conducting and water-dispersible.


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The peptide N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-valyl-L-tyrosine methyl ester or NCbz-Val-Tyr-OMe (where NCbz is N-benzyloxycarbonyl and OMe indicates the methyl ester), C23H28N2O6, has an extended backbone conformation. The aromatic rings of the Tyr residue and the NCbz group are involved in various attractive intra- and intermolecular aromatic - interactions which stabilize the conformation and packing in the crystal structure, in addition to NH...O and OH...O hydrogen bonds. The aromatic - interactions include parallel-displaced, perpendicular T-shaped, perpendicular L-shaped and inclined orientations.


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In this study, branched poly(ethyleneimine), BPEI, was synthesized from carboxylic acid terminated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (c-MWNTs) and characterized using FTIR, TEM and TGA. The BPEI was then chemically grafted onto MWNTs to enhance the interfacial adhesion with the epoxy matrix. The epoxy composites with c-MWNTs and the BPEI-g-MWNTs were prepared using a sonication and mechanical stirring method, followed by curing at 100 degrees C and post-curing at 120 degrees C. The dynamic mechanical thermal analysis showed an impressive 49% increment in the storage elastic modulus in the composites. In addition, the nanoindentation on the composites exhibited significant improvement in the hardness and decrease in the plasticity index in the presence of the BPEI-g-MWNTs. Thus, epoxy composites with BPEI-g-MWNTs can be further explored as self-healing materials.


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This paper demonstrates the role of solvent in selectivity and sensitivity of a series of electron-rich compounds for the detection of trace amounts of picric acid. Two new electron-rich fluorescent esters (6, 7) containing a triphenylamine backbone as well as their analogous carboxylic acids (8, 9) have been synthesized and characterized. Fluorescent triphenylamine coupled with an ethynyl moiety constitutes p-electron-rich selective and sensitive probes for electron-deficient picric acid (PA). In solution, the high sensitivity of all the sensors toward PA can be attributed to a combined effect of the ground-state charge-transfer complex formation and resonance energy transfer between the sensor and analyte. The acids 8 and 9 also showed enhanced sensitivity for nitroaromatics in the solid state, and their enhanced sensitivity could be attributed to exciton migration due to close proximity of the neighboring acid molecules, as evident from the X-ray diffraction study. The compounds were found to be quite sensitive for the detection of trace amount of nitroaromatics in solution, solid, and contact mode.


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The synthesis of high molecular weight esters such as bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate is of significance for its use as a lubricant. This ester is synthesized by the transesterification of dimethyl sebacate with 2-ethylhexanol. Therefore, the solubilities of bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate and dimethyl sebacate were determined at 308-328 K at pressures of 10-18 MPa in supercritical carbon dioxide. The solubility of dimethyl sebacate was always higher than bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate at a given temperature and pressure. The Mendez-Teja model was used to verify the self-consistency of data. Further, a new semi-empirical model with three parameters was developed using the solution theory coupled with Wilson activity coefficient. This model was used to correlate the experimental data of this work and solubilities of many high molecular weight esters reported in the literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed study of tetrathiomolybdate mediated tandem regio- and stereoselective ring opening of aziridine, disulfide formation, reduction of disulfide bond and Michael reaction in a one-pot operation is reported. This constitutes four reactions that take place in one-pot operation. In the reaction of BnEt3N](4)MoS4 with an aziridine derived from cyclohexene and in the absence of Michael acceptor intermediates sulfonamidodisulfide and sulfonamidothiol were isolated and fully characterized. It has also been shown that it is possible to carry out selective opening of the aziridine ring in the presence of an epoxide. By incorporating a suitable Michael acceptor as part of the substrate, intramolecular 1,4-addition could be performed, to achieve the synthesis of sulfur containing acyclic, cyclic amino acid ester derivatives and thia-bicyclo3.3.1]nonane derivatives in good yields. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Changes in the protonation and deprotonation of amino acid residues in proteins play a key role in many biological processes and pathways. Here, we report calculations of the free-energy profile for the protonation deprotonation reaction of the 20 canonical alpha amino acids in aqueous solutions using ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations coupled with metad-ynamics sampling. We show here that the calculated change in free energy of the dissociation reaction provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values of the amino acids that are in good agreement with experiment. We use the bond-length-dependent number of the protons coordinated to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic and the amine groups as the collective variables to explore the free-energy profiles of the Bronsted acid-base chemistry of amino acids in aqueous solutions. We ensure that the amino acid undergoing dissociation is solvated by at least three hydrations shells with all water molecules included in the simulations. The method works equally well for amino acids with neutral, acidic and basic side chains and provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values with a mean relative error, with respect to experimental results, of 0.2 pK(a) units.


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Formic acid, the simplest carboxylic acid, is found in nature or can be easily synthesized in the laboratory (major by-product of some second generation biorefinery processes); it is also an important chemical due to its myriad applications in pharmaceuticals and industry. In recent years, formic acid has been used as an important fuel either without reformation (in direct formic acid fuel cells, DFAFCs) or with reformation (as a potential chemical hydrogen storage material). Owing to the better efficiency of DFAFCs compared to several other PEMFCs and reversible hydrogen storage systems, formic acid could serve as one of the better fuels for portable devices, vehicles and other energy-related applications in the future. This perspective is focused on recent developments in the use of formic acid as a reversible source for hydrogen storage. Recent developments in this direction will likely give access to a variety of low-cost and highly efficient rechargeable hydrogen fuel cells within the next few years by the use of suitable homogeneous metal complex/heterogeneous metal nanoparticle-based catalysts under ambient reaction conditions. The production of formic acid from atmospheric CO2 (a greenhouse gas) will decrease the CO2 content and may be helpful in reducing global warming.


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In order to assess the safety of high-energy solid propellants, the effects of damage on deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in a nitrate ester plasticized polyether (NEPE) propellant, is investigated. A comparison of DDT in the original and impacted propellants was studied in steel tubes with synchronous optoelectronic triodes and strain gauges. The experimental results indicate that the microstructural damage in the propellant enhances its transition rate from deflagration to detonation and causes its danger increase. It is suggested that the mechanical properties of the propellant should be improved to restrain its damage so that the likelihood of DDT might be reduced.


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This paper reports on the synthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures and examines the performance of nanocomposite thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated using ZnO dispersed in both n- and p-type polymer host matrices. The ZnO nanostructures considered here comprise nanowires and tetrapods and were synthesized using vapor phase deposition techniques involving the carbothermal reduction of solid-phase zinc-containing compounds. Measurement results of nanocomposite TFTs based on dispersion of ZnO nanorods in an n-type organic semiconductor ([6, 6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) show electron field-effect mobilities in the range 0.3-0.6 cm2V-1 s-1. representing an approximate enhancement by as much as a factor of 40 from the pristine state. The on/off current ratio of the nanocomposite TFTs approach 106 at saturation with off-currents on the order of 10 pA. The results presented here, although preliminary, show a highly promising enhancement for realization of high-performance solution-processable n-type organic TFTs. © 2008 IEEE.