971 resultados para Bridges, Arched.


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Enxerto ósseo homólogo é utilizado independentemente da compatibilidade HLA entre doador e receptor ou uso de drogas imunossupressoras. Considerando o volume de transplantes ósseos realizados no Brasil e o possível efeito deletério da sensibilização HLA para o transplante de órgãos sólidos, este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a alorreatividade do enxerto ósseo homólogo fresco-congelado utilizado na reconstrução alveolar com finalidade de reabilitação oral com prótese sobre implantes. Anticorpos anti-HLA e anti-MICA foram monitorados através do teste Labscreen Mixed, nos intervalos 0, 7, 30, 90 e 180 pós transplante ósseo em 15 pacientes (6 homens e 9 mulheres, idade média 58,1, DP=10,1) que estavam em tratamento no Instituto de Odontologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Caso resultado do teste Mixed fosse positivo (Razão de fundo normatizado, NBG>4,5) o teste Labscreen Single (tecnologia antígeno único por pérola, SABA) era realizado para verificar se os anticorpos anti-HLA eram específicos ao doador. Nenhum paciente relatou transplante prévio, 4 relataram transfusão prévia e todas as mulheres relataram gravidez. Dez pacientes não apresentaram reação positiva no dia 0 sendo considerados não sensibilizados previamente (NSP); destes, 6 pacientes permaneceram sem nenhuma evidência de sensibilização, 2 pacientes apresentaram reação positiva para Classe I e II; 2 para Classe I apenas; e 2 para MICA, sendo considerados sensibilizados pelo enxerto ósseo oral. Dois pacientes apresentaram aumento de Intensidade Média de Fluorescência (ΔMFI>1000) de anticorpos específicos ao doador para Classe I e Classe II, e 2 somente para Classe II, demonstrando uma reação específica ao doador. Os resultados sugerem uma alorreatividade HLA oscilatória ao enxerto ósseo homólogo em reconstruções alveolares, confirmada pela formação de anticorpos anti-HLA específicos ao doador em 4 pacientes (27%) da amostra.


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As pontes rodoviárias metálicas e mistas (aço-concreto) são submetidas a um grande número de carregamentos repetitivos de diferentes magnitudes, ao longo do tempo. Estas ações dinâmicas podem causar a nucleação de fraturas ou mesmo a propagação destas sobre o sistema estrutural. A depender da magnitude, estes efeitos podem comprometer o sistema estrutural e a sua confiabilidade, além de reduzir a vida útil das pontes. Assim sendo, neste trabalho de pesquisa foi investigada a resposta dinâmica de uma ponte mista (aço-concreto), simplesmente apoiada, com vão de 40,0 m, submetida ao tráfego de veículos sobre a superfície irregular do pavimento. Para tal um modelo numérico representativo do sistema estrutural foi desenvolvido com base no emprego do programa ANSYS, por meio do uso de técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos. Um estudo paramétrico foi desenvolvido para identificar, de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, o efeito das irregularidades do pavimento sobre o comportamento dinâmico da ponte mista investigada. Em seguida, a verificação do projeto à fadiga do sistema misto foi realizada, com base no emprego do algoritmo de contagem de ciclos Rainflow e em curvas S-N associadas às principais normas de projeto sobre o tema. As conclusões deste trabalho de pesquisa alertam aos engenheiros estruturais para a possibilidade concreta acerca do aumento do dano por fadiga, relacionado às ações dinâmicas de veículos trafegando sobre o tabuleiro de pontes em aço e mistas (aço-concreto).


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Considerando-se os diversos carregamentos que solicitam a estrutura de uma ponte rodoviária, ao longo de sua vida útil, alguns possuem um comportamento essencialmente dinâmico, ou seja, variam com o tempo, diferentemente do que é considerado na prática corrente de projeto desse tipo de obra de arte. Em geral, os projetistas desse tipo de estrutura têm tratado carregamentos como o de vento, tráfego de veículos e de pedestres como ações de natureza estática, ignorando seu perfil cíclico. Tal consideração, em diversas situações de projeto, tende a minorar os efeitos das ações dinâmicas sobre o sistema estrutural. Além disso, estruturas submetidas a solicitações cíclicas, sob uma carga inferior à caga máxima suportada pelo material, estão sujeitas ao fenômeno da fadiga. A consideração adequada de todos estes aspectos mostra-se fundamentalmente importante para correta avaliação dos níveis de esforços solicitantes do sistema estrutural e, bem como, para a identificação de fenômenos importantes como o da fadiga que pode vir a provocar, por exemplo, a ruptura de componentes estruturais sem aviso prévio ou motivo aparente. Para tal, nesta dissertação as técnicas para a contagem de ciclos de tensão e a aplicação das regras de dano acumulado foram analisadas através de curvas do tipo S-N, associadas a diversas normas de projeto. A ponte rodoviária mista (aço-concreto) investigada neste estudo é constituída por seis vigas de aço longitudinais com enrijecedores transversais, oito transversinas e por um tabuleiro de concreto armado. O modelo numérico-computacional, desenvolvido para a análise dinâmica da ponte, foi elaborado com base em técnicas usuais de discretização através do método dos elementos finitos. As mesas e almas das vigas, assim como os enrijecedores , foram modelados por elementos de casca e laje de concreto armado, por elementos sólidos. O carregamento dinâmico avaliado no presente estudo diz respeito ao tráfego de veículos, cuja representação se dá a partir de sistemas "massa-mola-amortecedor". Os comboios formados são adotados como sendo semi-infinitos, deslocando-se com velocidade constante sobre a ponte. As conclusões da presente investigação versam acerca da vida útil de serviço dos elementos estruturais de pontes mistas (aço-concreto).


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This research focuses on the social dimensions of marine conservation, and makes an assessment of the experiences of coastal and fi shing communities with regard to the governance of MPAs in Central America, based on case studies from Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. It examines the national contexts of the above countries in relation to the governance of MPAs. Furthermore, it analyzes the social impacts of MPAs on coastal communities by gathering the experiences and the voices of the communities and institutions involved, and reflects on how to build bridges in the search for forms and models of conservation that respect human rights and which are able to successfully integrate into local development efforts without affecting cultural and/or social patterns. To this end, this monograph looks at nine case studies across the region: in Honduras, the Islas de la Bahia-Guanaja Marine National Park, the Cayos Cochinos Marine Archipelago Natural Monument, and the Cuero and Salado Wildlife Refuge; in Nicaragua, the Chacocente Wildlife Refuge; in Costa Rica, the Guanacaste Conservation Area, the Ballena Marine National Park and the Golfo Dulce Responsible Fishing Area; and, in Panama, the Nargana Protected Area, in the Comarca de la Biosfera Guna-Yala, the Bastimentos Island Marine National Park, and Bocas del Toro.


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A indústria de petróleo e gás apresenta sérios problemas relacionados à corrosão. Nas petroquímicas e nas instalações de refino de petróleo, as falhas em materiais estão relacionadas com a corrosão, além disso, os processos de corrosão de metais são problemas no mundo, causando ônus em processos industriais e gerando situações de risco como a corrosão de pilares metálicos em pontes ou em fuselagens de aviões. Dentre os meios corrosivos, um muito comum é o meio ácido, que será o meio estudado neste trabalho. Com todos os problemas citados, se faz necessário o estudo de inibidores de corrosão com alta eficiência, estabilidade e que, preferencialmente, não agridam o meio ambiente. Alguns inibidores de corrosão apresentam solubilidade limitada em água, sendo necessária a utilização de alguns solventes não tão amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Então, propôs-se formar um complexo de inclusão para tornar possível a solubilização de inibidores convencionais em solução aquosa, como algumas tioureias, que apresentam solubilidade limitada em água. Essa completa solubilização do inibidor de corrosão orgânico em meio aquoso é possível com a utilização de um aditivo (hospedeiro) capaz de encapsular tais moléculas (convidados) via interações não covalentes, de modo a alcançar o máximo desempenho de inibição. Para a formação do complexo de inclusão foi usado como molécula hospedeira, a α e a β hidroxipropilciclodextrina e como molécula convidada a dibenziltioureia. A intenção foi testar a melhora da ação inibidora da corrosão do aço carbono em meio de HCl 1mol.L-1 com ensaios de perda de massa, de impedância, polarização e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), além de evidenciar a formação destes complexos de inclusão através da espectroscopia de absorção vibracional no infravermelho, espectroscopia de RMN de 1H, espectroscopia de absorção no Ultra-violeta e análise térmica diferencial (DTA)


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O presente trabalho aborda o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas em estacas, através do estudo de caso de encontros da Ponte do Rio Capivari nas obras do Arco Metropolitano. Neste caso específico as estacas foram construídas previamente a execução de aterros em terra armada e para minimizar o efeito de Tschebotarioff o solo foi reforçado com colunas de brita. Com embasamento na revisão bibliográfica apresentada foi realizada a análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. Esta análise, realizada pelo programa computacional Plaxis, teve como foco principal a obtenção dos deslocamentos e momentos fletores nas estacas para os dois casos analisados: sem colunas de brita e com solo homogêneo equivalente (com colunas de brita). Foi possível verificar a influência da introdução das colunas de brita na redução dos momentos fletores e deslocamentos horizontais nas estacas dos encontros. Realizou-se ainda uma simulação em que as estacas seriam construídas após a realização dos aterros em terra armada onde pode-se constatar que o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas seria mitigado. Foi efetuada também a comparação entre os deslocamentos provenientes de dados coletados da instrumentação de campo (inclinômetros) e os obtidos pelas análises numéricas, estando os mesmos compatíveis entre si, demonstrando que a metodologia adotada para simulação das colunas de brita no Método dos Elementos finitos foi adequada.


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The development of an expert system, BRIDEX, for the design of prestressed concrete bridges is discussed in this paper. Design of multi-span continuous pre-stressed concrete bridges pose considerable difficulties to designers because of the large number of parameters involved and their complex interactions. The design is often perceived as an iterative process of generation, evaluation and modification of trial designs. It takes years of experience to develop an understanding of the design process. BRIDEX is aimed at providing guidance to the designers by suggesting appropriate range of values for the design parameters. The knowledge within BRIDEX is mainly based on fundamental principles developed by a careful study of the intricacies involved in the design process, while heuristics are used only to supplement this knowledge. The BRIDEX approach ensures that the whole design evolves sequentially as the design proceeds, module after module.


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Two serine protease inhibitors (named BMSI 1 and BMSI 2, respectively) were identified from the skin secretions of the toad, Bombina microdeladigitora. The cDNAs encoding BMSIs were cloned from a cDNA library prepared from the toad skin. The deduced complete amino acid sequences of BMSIs indicate that mature BMSI1 and BMSI2 are composed of 60 amino acids including 10 half-cystines to form 5 disulfide bridges. A FASTA search in the databanks revealed that BMSIs exhibit sequence similarity with other serine protease inhibitors from amphibians of the genus Bombina. BMSI1 potently inhibited trypsin and thrombin with a K(i) value of 0.02 mu M and 0.15 mu M, respectively. Sequence analysis revealed that all serine protease inhibitors from five amphibians of the genus Bombina share highly conserved primary structures. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Sea cucumbers belong to phylum Echinodermata, order Holothuroidea are an abundant and diverse group of Invertebrates, with over 1400 species occuring from the intertidal to the deepest oceanic trenches. Sea cucumbers are important components of the food chain in temperate and coral reef ecosystems and they play an important role as deposite feeders and suspension feeders. Rapid decline in populations may have serious consequences for the survival of other species that are part of the same complex food web,as the eggs, larve and juveniles constitute an important food source for the other marine species including crustaceans, fish and mollusks. In addition sea cucumbers are often called the earthworms of the sea, because they are responsible for the extensive shifting and mixing of the substrate, and recycling of detrital matter. Sea cucumbers consume and grind sediment and organic material into finer particles , turning over the top layers of sediment in lagoons , reefs and other habitats and allowing the penetration of oxygen. While the taxonomy of the holothurian families is generally well known , the distinction of similar species is difficult. There are relatively few holothurian taxonomist.Most sea cucumber species can be identified by Holothurin taxonomists by using the calcareous skeletal ossicles found in the body wall. In this study , at first a sea cucumber from Kish island in Persian gulf has recognized. Individuals collected from west and east extend far away into north and south of coral reefs by diving. I have checked them morphologically and anatomically.Then with key to the orders of the Holothuroidea, They belong to the Aspidochirotida with key to the families of Aspidochirotida, they were in Stichopodidae families and with key to the genus of Stchopodidae, they were Stichopus. Then ossicles were extracted at National Museum of Natural History, by Dr David Pawson. The ossicles were measured on a transect across a slide prepared from the mid-dorsal region of each specimen.The one we have in the shallow waters of Kish island, is Stichopus hermanni, a massive holothurian, body broad, considerably flattened ventraly ,the dorsal side slightly arched and the lateral sides almost vertical; body wall fairy thick and soft ; mouth subterminal; anus central; tentacles usually 20 in number of length and leaf shaped. Numerous ossicles consisting of table with large discs having usually 7 to 15 peripheral holes, but often irregular or incomplete and spire of moderate height ending in a group of spinelets, rosettes of variable development, and c-shaped rods. Color (exept papillae)partly remained after preservation in alcohol which is found at the depth of 4 to 8 meters, on coral reef. Furthermore, the sexual reproductive cycle was described using standard methods. Gonads were removed and transferred to Bouin's fixative for four weeks and then processed according to standard embedding technique. To prevent the loss of tubule contents during embedding, the tubule sections, were cut well beyond the segment selected for sectioning. For each individual, six sections, each section with 5µm diameter by microtome were cut from tubules. These sections were first placed on gelatin coated slides (the gelatin was heated to 42°c) and then transferred to the oven at 37°c for one hour. This technique usually prevents the fragil tubules from breaking and the loss of gametes. The slides were stained with Eosin and Hematoxylin, and good resolution of the various cell types achieved.A second series of slides was stained with the Periodic Acid Schiff(PAS) to identify polysaccharides(glycogen). Monthly sampling was occurred.The sexual reproductive cycle was defined through the combined use of these criteria: Monthly percentages of the gonad stages for each sex, the monthly gonad index (GI) , given as the ratio of the wet gonad weight (G) to the dray weight (DW)and the monthly percentage of individuals that undetermined sex. The gonad consists of two tufts of tubules on which saccules develop. Gonadal development was classified into five stages: post spawning, recovery, growth, advanced growth, and mature stage that were adapted from the earlier studies of holothurians. Histological preparations showed that the sex of larger individuals could be identified by the presence of oogonia and young oocytes in females, and spermatogonic stages in males.The mean diameter of the tubules and gonadal mass follow annual cycles, increasing from late winter through spring, and dropping abruptly after spawning in the summer. Gametogenesis is generally a prolongate process and begins in March. By summer the ovarian tubules contain oocytes with diameter of 120-240 pm and the testicular tubules contain an abundance of spermatozoa (diameter 5-6 gm ).Following spawning the predominant activity within the spent tubules is phagocytosis of the residual gamets.The active phase of gametogenesis (March to July), coincides with an increasing photoperiod regim, and an accelerated gametogenesis occurs in July when temperature is high. Throughout the year, the gonad of Stichopus hermanni is larger in males than in females, and this is due to the number of tubules in the testis rather than to tubules length or diameter.


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Two new species and a new record of Sinogastromyzon are described from Lixianjiang River of Yunnan province, China. Sinogastromyzon lixianjiangensis, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: pectoral fin with XIII-XIV, 15-17 rays; pelvic fin with X-XI, 10-12 rays; 60-65 lateral-line scales; no scales on the dorsum of paired fins or the region between axilla of pectoral fin and pelvic-fin origin; tip of pelvic fin close to anus; tip of anal fin close to caudal-fin base; anal-fin origin nearer to the caudal-fin base than to the posterior pelvic-fin base; anus nearer to anal-fin origin than to the posterior pelvic-fin base; dorsal side of the body with 9-11 black blotches. Sinogastromyzon macrostoma, new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: pectoral fin with XII-XIV, 12-15 rays; pelvic fin with VII-IX, 11-13 rays; 48-56 lateral-line scales; mouth extremely big, slightly arched; no scales on the dorsum of paired fins or the region between axilla of pectoral fin and pelvic-fin origin; tip of pelvic fin far beyond anus; tip of anal fin far from caudal-fin base; anal-fin origin about midway between the posterior pelvic-fin base and caudal-fin base; anus nearer to posterior pelvic-fin base than to anal-fin origin; dorsal side of the body uniformly gray, without regular blotches in formalin preserved specimen. Sinogastromyzon cf. multiocellum is firstly recorded in China.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the key influential factors and their implications on food supply chain (FSC) location decisions from a Thailand-based manufacturer's view. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 21 case studies were conducted with eight Thailand-based food manufacturers. In each case, key influential factors were observed along with their implications on upstream and downstream FSC location decisions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentations. Data reduction and data display in tables were used to help data analysis of the case studies. Findings: This exploratory research found that, in the food industry, FSC geographical dispersion pattern could be determined by four factors: perishability, value density, economic-political forces, and technological forces. Technological forces were found as an enabler for FSC geographical dispersion whereas the other three factors could be both barriers and enablers. The implications of these four influential factors drive FSC towards four key patterns of FSC geographical dispersion: local supply chain (SC), supply-proximity SC, market-proximity SC, and international SC. Additionally, the strategy of the firm was found to also be an influential factor in determining FSC geographical dispersion. Research limitations/implications: Despite conducting 21 cases, the findings in this research are based on a relatively small sample, given the large size of the industry. More case evidence from a broader range of food product market and supply items, particularly ones that have significantly different patterns of FSC geographical dispersions would have been insightful. The consideration of additional influential factors such as labour movement between developing countries, currency fluctuations and labour costs, would also enrich the framework as well as improve the quality and validity of the research findings. The different strategies employed by the case companies and their implications on FSC location decisions should also be further investigated along with cases outside Thailand, to provide a more comprehensive view of FSC geographical location decisions. Practical implications: This paper provides insights how FSC is geographically located in both supply-side and demand-side from a manufacturing firm's view. The findings can also provide SC managers and researchers a better understanding of their FSCs. Originality/value: This research bridges the existing gap in the literature, explaining the geographical dispersion of SC particularly in the food industry where the characteristics are very specific, by exploring the internationalization ability of Thailand-based FSC and generalizing the key influential factors - perishability (lead time), value density, economic-political forces, market opportunities, and technological advancements. Four key patterns of FSC internationalization emerged from the case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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In this paper, we present experimental results describing enhanced readout of the vibratory response of a doubly clamped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire employing a purely electrical actuation and detection scheme. The measured response suggests that the piezoelectric and semiconducting properties of ZnO effectively enhance the motional current for electromechanical transduction. For a doubly clamped ZnO nanowire resonator with radius ~10 nm and length ~1.91 µm, a resonant frequency around 21.4 MHz is observed with a quality factor (Q) of ~358 in vacuum. A comparison with the Q obtained in air (~242) shows that these nano-scale devices may be operated in fluid as viscous damping is less significant at these length scales. Additionally, the suspended nanowire bridges show field effect transistor (FET) characteristics when the underlying silicon substrate is used as a gate electrode or using a lithographically patterned in-plane gate electrode. Moreover, the Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires is extracted from a static bending test performed on a nanowire cantilever using an AFM and the value is compared to that obtained from resonant frequency measurements of electrically addressed clamped–clamped beam nanowire resonators.


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AIM: To study the interaction between human interleukin-16 (IL-16) and the receptor CD4 (T-lymphocyte differentiation antigen) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). METHODS: Two structurally con served regions (SCRs) of human IL-16 were built by the SYBYL/Biopolymer module using the corresponding transmembrane (TM) domain of human interleukin-1 (HIL-4) and HIL-2 as the templates. The coordinates for amino-terminal residue sequence, carboxyl-terminal residue sequences, and cytoplasm loops were generated using Biopolymer's LOOP SEARCH algorithm. RESULTS: HIL-16 first formed a homodimer, then contacted with CD4 dimer further forming a dimeric complex. Subsequently, the dimeric complex constructed the tetrameric complex by two disulfide bridges between the cysteines of HIL-16 (Cys31-Cys31). CONCLUSION: The interaction model is useful to propose the action mechanism of HIL-16 and is beneficial for rational designing of novel anti-HIV drugs.


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The entry of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into cells depends on a sequential interaction of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein with the cellular receptors CD4 and members of the chemokine receptor family. The CC chemokine receptor CCR5 is such a receptor for several chemokines and a major coreceptor for the entry of R5 HIV type-1 (HIV-1) into cells. Although many studies focus on the interaction of CCR5 with HIV-1, the corresponding interaction sites in CCR5 and gp120 have not been matched. Here we used an approach combining protein structure modeling, docking and molecular dynamics simulation to build a series of structural models of the CCR5 in complexes with gp120 and CD4. Interactions such as hydrogen bonds, salt bridges and van der Waals contacts between CCR5 and gp120 were investigated. Three snapshots of CCR5-gp120-CD4 models revealed that the initial interactions of CCR5 with gp120 are involved in the negatively charged N-terminus (Nt) region of CCR5 and positively charged bridging sheet region of gp120. Further interactions occurred between extracellular loop2 (ECL2) of CCR5 and the base of V3 loop regions of gp120. These interactions may induce the conformational changes in gp120 and lead to the final entry of HIV into the cell. These results not only strongly support the two-step gp120-CCR5 binding mechanism, but also rationalize extensive biological data about the role of CCR5 in HIV-1 gp120 binding and entry, and may guide efforts to design novel inhibitors.


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Soil liquefaction following strong earthquakes causes extensive damage to civil engineering structures. Foundations of buildings, bridges etc can suffer excessive rotation/settlement due to liquefaction. Many of the recent earthquakes bear testimony for such damage. In this article a hypothesis that "Superstructure stiffness can determine the type of liquefaction-induced failure mechanism suffered by the foundations" is proposed. As a rider to this hypothesis, it will be argued that liquefaction will cause failure of a foundation system in a mode of failure that offers least resistance. Evidence will be offered in terms of field observations during the 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in 1999 in Taiwan and Bhuj earthquake of 2001 in India. Dynamic centrifuge test data and finite element analyses results are presented to illustrate the traditional failure mechanisms. Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.