943 resultados para Bioclimatic horizons


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La ricerca nasce da un lavoro di campo condotto nella provincia turca di Iğdır, un altopiano al confine con l'Armenia e il Nakhichevan, vicino alla Georgia e all'Iran, ma morfologicamente isolato dal resto della Turchia. Dopo due secoli alquanto turbolenti, la società locale è oggi caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’ampia componente turco-azera (sciita) e di un’altrettanto ampia componente turco-curda (sunnita shafiita). Inizialmente, la ricerca propone un’analisi diacronica di alcune rappresentazioni europee dell’altopiano, con particolare attenzione alle migrazioni (James Clifford, 1997, Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century), ai confini, ai limiti e alle frontiere, quest’ultime intese come orizzonti dell’immaginario (Vincent Crapanzano, 2003, Imaginative Horizons: An Essay in Literary-Philosophical Anthropology). Quindi, prendendo spunto dall’inserimento nella società di Iğdır di un insegnante originario della Turchia centrale, analizzo la pratica dello spazio pubblico come fenomenologia delle forme di appartenenza e di resistenza ai gruppi locali. In questa sezione, dopo un capitolo di disamina dell’etnia azera, lo studio affronta i modi di abitare il territorio, con una prospettiva che unisce il centro urbano di Iğdır e, attraverso una fitta rete stradale e sociale, il paese di Ortaköy — alla cui analisi dell'organizzazione sociale dello spazio, delle forme di appartenenza e di resistenza, dedico l’ultima riflessione.


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English: The assessment of safety in existing bridges and viaducts led the Ministry of Public Works of the Netherlands to finance a specific campaing aimed at the study of the response of the elements of these infrastructures. Therefore, this activity is focused on the investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs under concentrated loads, adopting finite element modeling and comparison with experimental results. These elements are characterized by shear behaviour and crisi, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challeng, due to the brittle behavior combined with three-dimensional effects. The numerical modeling of the failure is studied through Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative Finite Element method, with respect to traditional incremental and iterative approaches. The comparison between the two different numerical techniques represents one of the first works and comparisons in a three-dimensional environment. It's carried out adopting one of the experimental test executed on reinforced concrete slabs as well. The advantage of the SLA is to avoid the well known problems of convergence of typical non-linear analysis, by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of reduction of stiffness and resistance in particular finite element, instead of load or displacement increasing on the whole structure . For the first time, particular attention has been paid to specific aspects of the slabs, like an accurate constraints modeling and sensitivity of the solution with respect to the mesh density. This detailed analysis with respect to the main parameters proofed a strong influence of the tensile fracture energy, mesh density and chosen model on the solution in terms of force-displacement diagram, distribution of the crack patterns and shear failure mode. The SLA showed a great potential, but it requires a further developments for what regards two aspects of modeling: load conditions (constant and proportional loads) and softening behaviour of brittle materials (like concrete) in the three-dimensional field, in order to widen its horizons in these new contexts of study.


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Innerhalb der vorliegenden Untersuchung geht es um die Verknüpfung von Medienbildung, homosexueller Sozialität und der Methodik der Biografieanalyse. Ausgangsbasis ist eine sozialkonstruktivistische Sichtweise auf Geschlecht und (Homo-) Sexualität, wobei eine sozio-historische Kontextualisierung von Homosexualität unter Berücksichtigung von Diskriminierung erfolgt. Im Fokus steht der Coming-out-Prozess, der zwischen Zeigen und Verstecken changiert und mittels des Mediums Internet einen Raum findet, indem neue Bestimmungen homosexueller Identitäten und Formen homosexueller Sozialität möglich werden. Kommunikative Aspekte des Internets werden ausführlich expliziert und durch die strukturelle Medienbildungstheorie nach Marotzki (2009) ergänzt, um mögliche verbundene Bildungsprozesse zu beschreiben. Innerhalb dieser Theorie werden vier kritische Reflexionshorizonte (Wissensbezug, Handlungsbezug, Grenzbezug, Biografiebezug) entfaltet und auf die Artikulations- und Präsentationsmöglichkeiten des Internets bezogen. Deutlich wird, dass das Internet Spielräume für Identitäten bietet, denen Potenziale für reale Identitätskonstruktionen inneliegen. Fassbar werden diese Potenziale durch das medienpädagogische Konstrukt der Medienbiografie, sowie Konzepte der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Biografieforschung (Konstrukt Bildung nach Marotzki, 1990a; Konstrukt Sexualbiografie nach Scheuermann, 1999; 1995). Empirisch orientiert sich die Studie an Methodologie und Methodik der Biografieforschung, Grounded Theory (Glaser/Strauss, 1967) und dem narrationsstrukturellen Verfahren nach Schütze (1984, 1983). Konkret wird auf folgende Forschungsfragen referiert: Wie gestalten sich Lern- und Bildungsprozesse für männliche Homosexuelle in digitalen Medienwelten? Welche Möglichkeiten und Gestaltungschancen gibt es für die Repräsentation des (sexuellen) Selbst im Medium Internet? Welche Auswirkungen haben diese virtuellen Prozesse auf die real gelebte Biografie und das Selbst- und Weltverhältnis der einzelnen Homosexuellen? Durch Rekonstruktion von vier Fallbeispielen werden Möglichkeiten des Internets für die Repräsentation und Identitätsgestaltung von männlichen Homosexuellen präsentiert, bei denen die Gestaltbarkeit von Konstruktionen sexueller Identität und die Problematik der Subjekt-Umwelt-Relation deutlich werden. Im weiteren erfolgt ein kontrastierender Vergleich der Einzelfälle (Dimensionen: Familie, Peer Group, sexualbiografische Entwicklung, Medienbildungsprozesse, biografische Fallstruktur), die einer anschließenden Konstruktion von vier idealtypischen Prozessvarianten der sexualbiografischen Identitätsentwicklung zugeführt werden. Vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten des Internets als Präsentationstraum der eigenen Sexualität und Konstruktionen homosexueller Identität lassen sich somit skizzieren (Virtualitätslagerung, Zweckorientierung, reflexive Balancierung, periodische Selbstaktualisierung). Tentative Bildungs- und Identitätsprozesse sind also in der Virtualität des Internets möglich und können rekursiv-zirkulär auf reale Identitätsentwicklungen und reale Zugänge zu spezifischen sozialen Gruppen einwirken.


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Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn


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Stratigraphic studies carried out over the last decades in Italy and elsewhere testify a growing interest in Quaternary deposits and in the influence of climate change on their architecture. The subsurface of the Po Plain, in its topmost portion, is made up of alluvial deposits organized in depositional cycles at different scales. This PhD thesis provides millennial-scale stratigraphic reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene deposits beneath the southern Po Plain, based on basin-scale correlation of laterally-extensive buried soil horizons. Far from the aim of characterizing palaeosols from a mineralogical and geochemical point of view, we focused on the physical and stratigraphic significance of these horizons. In the Bologna urban area, which hosts an abundance of stratigraphic data, the correlation between seventeen continuously-cored boreholes led to the identification of five vertically-stacked palaeosol-bounded sequences within the 14C time window. In a wide portion of the alluvial plain north of Bologna, far away from the Apenninic margin and from the Po River, where subsurface stratigraphic architecture is dominated by markedly lenticular sediment bodies, palaeosols revealed to be the only stratigraphic marker of remarkable lateral continuity. These horizons are characterized by peculiar resistance values, which make them easily identifiable via pocket penetration tests. Palaeosols reveal specific geometric relationships with the associated alluvial facies associations, allowing reliable estimates of soil development as a function of alluvial dynamics. With the aid of sixty new radiocarbon dates, a reliable age attribution and likely time intervals of exposure were assigned to each palaeosol. Vertically-stacked palaeosols delimitate short-term depositional cycles, likely related to the major episodes of climatic change of the last 40 ky. Through integration of stratigraphic data with 750 archaeological reports from the Bologna area, the impact of human settlements on depositional and pedogenic processes during the late Holocene was investigated.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi mira a ricostruire lo scenario evolutivo della responsabilità patrimoniale del debitore, a partire dai principi generali sanciti dall'art. 2740 c.c. sino al diffondersi, sempre più dilagante negli anni più recenti, del fenomeno dei patrimoni separati, il quale ha contribuito a quella che è stata definita da autorevole dottrina l’“erosione” del carattere universale della responsabilità patrimoniale. In questa prospettiva, la ricerca condotta dall'autore si propone il duplice obiettivo di dimostrare, da un lato, l’ormai sostanziale ribaltamento del rapporto regola(garanzia generica)–eccezione(separazione patrimoniale) previsto dalla norma succitata, e, dall’altro, il ridimensionamento del valore della riserva di legge imposta dal secondo comma dell’art. 2740 c.c. con riguardo all’individuazione e alla disciplina dei patrimoni separati, dovuto all’affermarsi di forme di segregazione di carattere generale e flessibile ed al conseguente potenziamento del ruolo assunto dall’autonomia privata nel campo della separazione patrimoniale. Al perseguimento di tale obiettivo si aggiunge, inoltre, una valutazione dei nuovi orizzonti del fenomeno della separazione patrimoniale e, in particolare, dei segnali di apertura del nostro ordinamento all’adozione di una regolamentazione interna del trust, i cui vantaggi e la cui compatibilità con il nostro sistema giuridico vengono dimostrati attraverso il confronto con la disciplina dell'istituto in esame nell’ordinamento inglese.


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La presente ricerca si propone di delineare un orizzonte critico e filosofico che permetta di ridefinire il concetto di postmodernismo in America alla fine del XX secolo e, a partire dagli anni Novanta del Novecento, il tentativo di un suo superamento da parte della letteratura contemporanea. L’analisi si focalizza sull’opera dello scrittore David Foster Wallace che esemplifica le contraddizioni interne al postmodernismo e mostra il passaggio cruciale dal postmodernismo a una non-ancora-ben-definita letteratura contemporanea. Muovendosi in un’ottica interdisciplinare e comparata, la tesi si propone di mostrare come Wallace, riprendendo la metariflessività e alcune opere di scrittori postmodernisti, tenti un atto di liberazione dalle convenzioni postmoderne attraverso un «postmodern founders’ patricidal work»: un “parricidio” letterario, prima di accettazione e poi di superamento. Attraverso un percorso tematico, nonché strutturale, si cercherà dunque di porre in rilievo il recupero del realismo da parte di Wallace che, seppur nel suo breve periodo compositivo, rappresenta questa nuova direzione della letteratura americana.


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Die im Rahmen des ELSA-Projekts des Geowissenschaftlichen Instituts der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz erbohrten Kerne im Oberwinkler Maar (OW1) und im Jungferweiher Maar (JW3) wurden auf das Vorkommen des periglazialen Deckschichtensystems und dessen anthropogenen Überprägung untersucht. Es gab bis dato noch keine Unternehmungen diese Formen der Bodenbildung und -entwicklung in einem Trockenmaar zu suchen, geschweige denn zu untersuchen. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen auf, dass sich Deckschichten auch in der Vulkanreliefform eines Trockenmaars ausbilden können und dass die Überprägung je nach Kraterform und anthropogener Flächennutzung unterschiedlich im Bodenprofil in Erscheinung tritt (Mächtigkeit von kolluvialen/alluvialen Lagen oder Anzahl der Holzkohlefunde).rnZur Untersuchung der Deckschichten und deren anthropogenen Überprägung wurden sowohl bodenkundliche Analysen als auch Literatur- und Kartenauswertungen unternommen. Als eine neue Methode zur Identifizierung von den verschiedenen Bodenhorizonten wurde die mikroskopische Analyse eingeführt. Dabei kam es hauptsächlich darauf an, die Minerale der Laacher-See-Tephra (LST) ausfindig zu machen und so die Bodenbildung und -entwicklung nicht nur zeitlich einordnen zu können, sondern auch die verschiedenen Materialeinträge (u.a. Deckschichtenmaterial) an den Profilstandort unterscheiden zu können.rnAls grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit den Beweis, dass sich die periglazialen Deckschichten und deren anthropogenen Überprägung nicht nur in den typischen Zonen der deutschen Mittelgebirge ausbilden, sondern auch in der vulkanischen Reliefform eines Trockenmaars. Hinzukommt die Tatsache, dass statt den typischen vielen Geländeaufschlüssen für einen Standort – Catena – jeweils ein einzelner Bohrkern ausgereicht hat, um zu dieser genauen Erkenntnisgewinnung – maßgeblich bedingt durch die mikroskopische Analyse – zu kommen.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit hat das von 1969 – 1972 ergrabene Inventar der Magdalenahöhle bei Gerolstein unter kritischer Berücksichtigung der Originaldokumentation sowie der stratigraphischen und sedimentologischen Beschreibungen erneut untersucht und v.a. hinsichtlich zweier Arbeitshypothesen überprüft. Daneben fanden jedoch auch die Schmuckobjekte und in kursorischer Weise die Tierknochen Betrachtung. Die Elfenbeinobjekte setzen sich aus elf Fragmenten zusammen, die bereits in zerbrochenem Zustand in die Höhle gelangt sein müssen. Sie sind mit mehreren Linienbündeln verziert, die teilweise aus v- oder zickzack-förmigen Motiven bestehen. Auch gestanzte Punktreihen treten auf. In ihrer Größe und Form sind die Elfenbeinobjekte einzigartig. Lediglich aus der Csákvár-Höhle in Ungarn gibt es vergleichbare Stücke, deren genaue Altersstellung jedoch unklar ist. Daneben kommen in der Magdalenahöhle zwei vollständige durchlochte Hirschgrandeln sowie die Fragmente einer durchlochten Grandel sowie eines durchlochten Wolfzahns vor. Diese tragen teilweise Spuren einer Aufhängung bzw. Befestigung. Der Grund für ihre Niederlegung vor Ort ist indes nicht endgültig zu klären. Die überlieferten Tierknochen besitzen verschiedene Grade von Verfärbung und Erhaltung, lassen sich dadurch jedoch nicht verschiedenen Schichten zuordnen. Neben Modifikationen von Carnivoren, darunter v.a. durch Verdauungsprozesse, sind auch an einigen Exemplaren Schnittspuren festgestellt worden. Eine Bärenphalange aus der Fundschicht b1 eröffnet so die Perspektive, die menschliche Belegung erneut mit der Radiokohlenstoffmethode direkt zu datieren. Der Untere paläolithische Fundhorizont besteht aus relativ unspezifischen Quarzartefakten, die von einer opportunistischen Abschlags- und Werkzeugsgewinnung aus lokalen Schottern zeugen. Für den Oberen paläolithischen Fundhorizont zeigt die Steinartefaktanalyse, dass die Abschläge als Herstellungsreste dünner bifazieller Geräte angesprochen werden können. Während dieser Befund alleine auch im Zusammenhang mit den spätmittelpaläolithischen Blattspitzengruppen gesehen werden kann, sprechen die bereits erwähnten vergesellschafteten Schmuckobjekte, der Nachweis eines Klingenabbaus sowie die fast ausschließliche Verwendung exogenen Rohmaterials für einen jungpaläolithischen Kontext, d.h. für eine Affinität zum Solutréen. Die Steinartefakte der Magdalenahöhle zeugen gleichzeitig von einer sehr mobilen Lebensweise, da lediglich eine Phase des Herstellungsprozesses des bifaziellen Geräts vor Ort stattgefunden hat. Gleichzeitig wurden früher an anderem Ort gewonnene Abschläge mitgebracht und als Werkzeug verwendet. Ebenso wie der Kern selbst wurden Abschläge auch wieder abtransportiert. Insgesamt kann daher eine Rohmaterial konservierende Strategie rekonstruiert werden, in der neben dem Kern als Gerät selbst auch die Abschläge Verwendung finden. Da die Magdalenahöhle als östlicher Niederschlag des Solutréen und als Beleg für das maximale Verbreitungsgebiet dieses Technokomplexes gewertet werden muss, reiht sie sich in eine Reihe von Fundstellen und Argumenten ein, wonach das zentrale Mitteleuropa während des LGM s.l. nicht menschenleer war, sondern in sporadischen Exkursionen begangen wurde. Obwohl sich daran noch keine dauerhafte Wiederbesiedlung anschloss, muss vom Bild einer absoluten Siedlungsleere Abstand genommen werden. Weitere Fundstellen und absolutchronologische Datierungen, u.a. der Magdalenahöhle, könnten in Zukunft zu einem noch besseren Verständnis der menschlichen Anpassungsstragien an kaltzeitliche Umwelten beitragen.


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With the support of data collected by CPT tests on-site, in this report, we try to estimate the liquefaction potential in soils at high risk, due to the presence of sandy horizons. We began by acquiring some basic theory about the topic with the help of texts, articles and documents found in the web. The notions found here were consequently applied to two concrete case studies. 
In the first part of the work, the phenomenon of liquefaction is analyzed at a theoretical level. Moreover, we want to find out the trigger factors and the possible side effects whenever this event occurs.
In the second part of the work, we re-elaborated the data concerning tip resistance (qc) and resistance to friction side (fs) obtained by CPT tests taken in proximity of San Carlo (FE) and Isola Serafini (PC). We particularly chose to go through this specific process to estimate the land liquefaction potential. 
The main purpose is finally to compare the results of both tests and to comment on them.


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Despite numerous studies about nitrogen-cycling in forest ecosystems, many uncertainties remain, especially regarding the longer-term nitrogen accumulation. To contribute to filling this gap, the dynamic process-based model TRACE, with the ability to simulate 15N tracer redistribution in forest ecosystems was used to study N cycling processes in a mountain spruce forest of the northern edge of the Alps in Switzerland (Alptal, SZ). Most modeling analyses of N-cycling and C-N interactions have very limited ability to determine whether the process interactions are captured correctly. Because the interactions in such a system are complex, it is possible to get the whole-system C and N cycling right in a model without really knowing if the way the model combines fine-scale interactions to derive whole-system cycling is correct. With the possibility to simulate 15N tracer redistribution in ecosystem compartments, TRACE features a very powerful tool for the validation of fine-scale processes captured by the model. We first adapted the model to the new site (Alptal, Switzerland; long-term low-dose N-amendment experiment) by including a new algorithm for preferential water flow and by parameterizing of differences in drivers such as climate, N deposition and initial site conditions. After the calibration of key rates such as NPP and SOM turnover, we simulated patterns of 15N redistribution to compare against 15N field observations from a large-scale labeling experiment. The comparison of 15N field data with the modeled redistribution of the tracer in the soil horizons and vegetation compartments shows that the majority of fine-scale processes are captured satisfactorily. Particularly, the model is able to reproduce the fact that the largest part of the N deposition is immobilized in the soil. The discrepancies of 15N recovery in the LF and M soil horizon can be explained by the application method of the tracer and by the retention of the applied tracer by the well developed moss layer, which is not considered in the model. Discrepancies in the dynamics of foliage and litterfall 15N recovery were also observed and are related to the longevity of the needles in our mountain forest. As a next step, we will use the final Alptal version of the model to calculate the effects of climate change (temperature, CO2) and N deposition on ecosystem C sequestration in this regionally representative Norway spruce (Picea abies) stand.


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The breadth of material found in surgical pathology services in African countries differs from the common spectrum of "the West". We report our experience of a voluntary work in the pathology departments of Blantyre and Lilongwe, Malawi. During a 6-week period, 405 cases (378 histology and 27 cytology cases) were processed. The vast majority showed significant pathological findings (n = 369; 91.1 %): 175 cases (47.4 %) were non-tumoral conditions with predominance of inflammatory lesions, e.g., schistosomiasis (n = 11) and tuberculosis (n = 11). There were 39 (10.6 %) benign tumors or tumor-like lesions. Intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix uteri dominated among premalignant conditions (n = 15; 4.1 %). The large group of malignancies (n = 140; 37.9 %) comprised 11 pediatric tumors (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma, small blue round cell tumors) and 129 adult tumors. Among women (n = 76), squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the cervix uteri predominated (n = 25; 32.9 %), followed by breast carcinomas (n = 12; 15.8 %) and esophageal SCC (n = 9; 11.8 %). Males (n = 53) most often showed SCC of the esophagus (n = 9; 17.0 %) and of the urinary bladder (n = 7; 13.2 %). Lymphomas (n = 7) and Kaposi's sarcomas (n = 6) were less frequent. Differences compared to the western world include the character of the conditions in general, the spectrum of inflammatory lesions, and the young age of adult tumor patients (median 45 years; range 18-87 years). Providing pathology service in a low-resource country may be handicapped by lack of personnel, inadequate material resources, or insufficient infrastructure. Rotating volunteers offer a bridge for capacity building of both personnel and the local medical service; in addition, the volunteer's horizons are broadened professionally and personally.