998 resultados para Band characteristics
The Murcott tangor represent 20% of the tangerines trees in São Paulo State being the second more grown. Their fruits have good acceptance in the market cause of the good characteristics presented as: size, attractive internal and external color, transport resistance, high juice rate and industry potential. It is necessary to study the behavior of others varieties, in order to amplify the diversity of tangerine industry, which show suitable characteristics to the fresh fruit market and that make possible different harvest season. Many tangerine varieties, selected from the Citrus Germplasm Bank of the do Centro Avançado de Pesquisa Tecnológica do Agronegócio de Citros "Sylvio Moreira"/IAC, belong to trials carried out in 15 places in São Paulo State. The Capão Bonito area, south-west of the state, is one of this places where the Nova tangelo, the Ortanique and the Murcott tangors are showing quite good results about their fruit qualities. This paper had as an objective to compare the fruit characteristics of the Nova tangelo, the Murcott and the Ortanique tangors grafted on two rootstocks: Rangpur lime and Cleopatra mandarin. Accordingly to the gotten results, is possible to conclude that Nova and Ortanique had shown weight, width, fruit shape and juice percent, similar to the Murcott. In compliance with the harvest season, the Nova present suitable conditions to fresh fruit market in May and June. By the other hand the Murcott fruits can be harvested in July to August and the Ortanique in August to September. For this reason, is possible extend the harvest season of this mandarin-like, from two to five month, occurring inclusive in a period out of the crop at the north hemisphere.
(1) Surpoids chez les enfants suisses et associations avec certaines caractéristiques chez les enfants et leurs parents Le but de cette étude était de mesurer la prévalence du surpoids et de l?obésité chez les enfants de sixième année du canton de Vaud (âge moyen de 12 ans) et les facteurs associés au surpoids. Les données ont été récoltées lors d?une étude menée par l?Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. Tous les enfants scolarisés en 6ème année à l?école publique du canton de Vaud entre septembre 2005 et mai 2006 étaient éligibles à participer à cette étude. Le taux de participation a atteint 76% (soit 5207 enfants de 12,3 ans en moyenne). Le poids et la taille des enfants ont été mesurés à l?école par des assistants de recherche et les enfants ont rempli, en classe, un questionnaire structuré sur leur mode de vie (notamment : temps quotidien passé à regarder la télévision, à jouer à des jeux sur écran; fréquence de la pratique de diverses activités physiques; fréquence de la consommation de fruits ou de légumes). Des informations sur les parents (niveau d?éducation, nationalité, poids et taille) ont été récoltées au moyen d?un questionnaire structuré envoyé par courrier à ceux-ci. Nous avons utilisé les critères de l?International Obesity Task Force, qui définit les valeurs-seuils de l'indice de masse corporelle pour le surpoids et pour l?obésité, par age et par sexe. La prévalence du surpoids (obésité incluse) dans la population était de 15% chez les garçons et de 12% chez les filles, et la prévalence de l?obésité était de 2% dans les deux sexes. Nous avons trouvé que le surpoids était associé de façon indépendante avec le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi qu?avec certaines caractéristiques des parents, comme le surpoids, un bas niveau d?éducation et une nationalité étrangère. En conclusion, un enfant sur sept est en surpoids ou obèse dans le canton de Vaud. Ces chiffres indiquent un important défi de santé publique, même si cette prévalence dans le canton de Vaud est, actuellement, moindre que dans beaucoup d?autres pays d?Europe, et bien moindre qu?en Amérique du Nord. Les associations entre le surpoids infantile et le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi que les associations avec des variables liées au milieu socio-culturel des parents indiquent plusieurs pistes d?intervention pour prévenir le surpoids chez les enfants. Il est probable que les mesures de prévention ne devraient pas se limiter aux approches individuelles, mais devraient aussi inclure des mesures structurelles sur l?environnement social, physique et économique visant à réduire les facteurs obésogènes dans la société.<br/><br/>Objective: The objective was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in a canton of Switzerland and the association with various characteristics of the parents and the children. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in all children of the sixth school grade of the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Weight and height were measured, and selected lifestyle variables were assessed with a self-administered semiquantitative questionnaire. Information on children?s parents was gathered through a mailed structured questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were based on the International Obesity Task Force criteria. Results: Of 6873 eligible children, 5207 (76%) participated (2621 boys, 2586 girls; mean age, 12.3 years; standard deviation, 0.5 year). The prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was 15.0% (95% confidence interval, 13.7% to 16.4%) in boys and 12.4% (11.1% to 13.7%) in girls, and the prevalence of obesity was 1.8% (1.3% to 2.3%) and 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), respectively. In both univariate and multivariate analyses, overweight was strongly associated with high television viewing time and selected characteristics of the parents (overweight, low educational level, and foreign nationality). Discussion: The prevalence of pediatric overweight and obesity was lower in this region of Switzerland than in several European countries. The correlates of overweight found in this region suggest areas for potential interventions.
The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.
The research of power-line communications has been concentrated on home automation, broadband indoor communications and broadband data transfer in a low voltage distribution network between home andtransformer station. There has not been carried out much research work that is focused on the high frequency characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution networks. The industrial low voltage distribution network may be utilised as a communication channel to data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors. The advantage of using power-line data transfer is that it does not require the installing of new cables. In the first part of this work, the characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution network components and the pilot distribution network are measured and modelled with respect topower-line communications frequencies up to 30 MHz. The distributed inductances, capacitances and attenuation of MCMK type low voltage power cables are measured in the frequency band 100 kHz - 30 MHz and an attenuation formula for the cables is formed based on the measurements. The input impedances of electric motors (15-250 kW) are measured using several signal couplings and measurement based input impedance model for electric motor with a slotted stator is formed. The model is designed for the frequency band 10 kHz - 30 MHz. Next, the effect of DC (direct current) voltage link inverter on power line data transfer is briefly analysed. Finally, a pilot distribution network is formed and signal attenuation in communication channels in the pilot environment is measured. The results are compared with the simulations that are carried out utilising the developed models and measured parameters for cables and motors. In the second part of this work, a narrowband power-line data transfer system is developed for the data transfer ofon-line condition monitoring of electric motors. It is developed using standardintegrated circuits. The system is tested in the pilot environment and the applicability of the system for the data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors is analysed.
The experiment evaluated the agronomic characteristics of 'Prata-anã' and 'Maçã' banana plants, in the São Manuel region of São Paulo state. In the first crop cycle, the number of days from planting to inflorescence and from inflorescence to harvest; the number of shoots until the appearance of inflorescence and during the harvest period; active leaves number at inflorescence appearance and during the harvest period. Were evaluated yield parameters: like average weight of bunch, hand, rachis and fruit; average fruit number per hand and bunch; average fruit diameter and length. Incidences of plague diseases, as well as their severity were also evaluated. Delineation was totally at random, with 2 treatments, 15 replications and 5 useful plants per experimental plot. Both cultivars were characterized by values of descriptive average statistics and standard deviation, for characteristic interests. Number of days from planting to harvest was similar for both 'Prata-anã' and 'Maçã', 574 and 567 days respectively. Banana plants showed good phytosanitary quality throughout the whole cycle.
The present study analysed the meat characteristics of i) improved Castellana Negra chickens slaughtered at 18 weeks (CN-18) and ii) F1 crossbred chickens from improved Castellana Negra hens and improved Penedesenca Negra cocks (CNPN) slaughtered at 12 weeks and 18 weeks of age (young and adult animals, respectively). Purebred and crossbred specimens were compared at similar weights (CN-18 and CNPN-12) and ages (CN-18 and CNPN-18). The protein content of the meat was similar for the three types of animals; heavier animals (CNPN-18) had more fat than those slaughtered at lower weights (CNPN-12 and CN-18). Adults had a higher saturated fatty acid content and the young CNPN chickens had more monounsaturated fatty acids than CN chickens. In the CNPN adults, less water was lost during cooking, which is directly related to the juiciness of the meat. With regard to sensory analysis, a darker colour was observed in the meat as much as the internal fat of adult animals, in addition to greater colour uniformity. The meat of young CNPN birds was juicier, whereas that of the CN chickens was more fibrous. Therefore, we conclude that meat from CNPN chickens presents chemical, physical, and sensorial characteristics that make these animals a genetic base for alternative poultry production.
The sensory, physical and chemical characteristics of 'Douradão' peaches cold stored in different modified atmosphere packaging (LDPE bags of 30, 50, 60, 75µm thickness) were studied. After 14, 21 and 28 days of cold storage (1 ± 1 ºC and 90 ± 5% RH), samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept during 4 days in ambient air for ripening. Descriptive terminology and sensory profile of the peaches were developed by methodology based on the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). The assessors consensually defined the sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. Fourteen individuals were selected as judges based on their discrimination capacity and reproducibility. Seven descriptors were generated showing similarities and differences among the samples. The data were analysed by ANOVA, Tukey test and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The atmospheres that developed inside the different packaging materials during cold storage differed significantly. The PCA showed that MA50 and MA60 treatments were more characterized by the fresh peach flavour, fresh appearance, juiciness and flesh firmness, and were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 d of cold storage. The Control and MA30 treatments were characterized by the mealiness, the MA75 treatment showed lower intensity for all attributes evaluated and they were ineffective to maintain good quality of the fruits during cold storage. Higher correlation coefficients (positive) were found between fresh appearance and flesh firmness (0.95), fresh appearance and juiciness (0.97), ratio and intensity of fresh peach smell (0.81), as well as higher correlation coefficients (negative) between Hue angle and intensity of yellow colour (-0.91), fresh appearance and mealiness (-0.92), juiciness and mealiness (-0.95), firmness and mealiness (-0.94).
Selostus: Taikinaan lisättyjen gluteenin ja transglutaminaasin vaikutus kauraleivän rakenteeseen
Lignite deposits in the Cenozoic As Pontes strike-slip basin (northwestern Spain)were formed as a function of specific paleoclimatic conditions and tectonic evolution of the basin.
Selostus: Typpilannoituksen ja nostoajankohdan vaikutus varhaisperunan satoon
High resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to determine the valence band alignment at ultrathin SiO2/Si interfaces. In the oxide thickness range 1.6-4.4 nm the constant band-offset values of 4.49 and 4.43 eV have been obtained for the dry SiO2/Si(100) and the wet SiO2/Si(100) interfaces, respectively. The valence band alignment of dry SiO2/Si(111) (4.36 eV) is slightly smaller than the case of the dry SiO2/Si(100) interface.
Työssä tutkittiin uutta teknologiaa pigmenttipäällystykseen. Tämä tekniikka on yleisesti tunnettua eräillä muilla teollisuudenaloilla. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa on esitelty prosessia ja sen eri osatekijöitä sekä muilla aloilla tunnettuja prosessimuuttujia. Päällystyspastojen ja päällystettävien pintojen teoriaa on selvitetty uuden tekniikan ja pigmenttipäällystyksen valossa. Uuden tekniikan perusmekanismeja tutkittiin kokeellisessa osassa. Valuvan nestefilmin stabiilisuutta tutkittiin minimivirtauksen avulla. Stabiilisuustutkimuksen suorittamiseen käytettiin apuna Taguchi-matriisia DOE-ohjelmalla (Design of Experiments). Kokeiden perusteella minimivirtauksen kannalta päällystyspastalle edullisempi koostumus on kalsiumkarbonaatti- kuin kaoliinipasta. Sideaineella on pienempi osuus lateksia ja polyvinyylialkoholia parempi. Suurempi osuus pinta-aktiivista ainetta ja matala pastan kuiva-ainepitoisuus ovat suositeltuja. Tehokas ilmanpoisto päällystyspastasta on myös tärkeää lopullisen tuloksen kannalta. Koekoneella ajetuissa päällystyskokeissa havaittiin valuvan filmin ominaisuuksien tärkeys. Pienetkin kaasumäärät päällystyspastassa häiritsivät lopullisen päällysteen laatua. Päällystyspastan ilmanpoisto on avainasemassa erityisesti kun päällystetään suurella nopeudella pieniä päällystemääriä. Koeajoissa havaittiin kaikki kirjallisuudessa esitellyt rajoittavat tekijät. Kokeissa päällystettiin 400-1600 m/min nopeudella 5-20 g/m² päällystemääriä. Olosuhteet stabiilille nestefilmille vaativat edelleen kehitystä suurella nopeudella päällystettäessä. Päällysteen eroavaisuuksia verrattiin teräpäällystysmenetelmiin. Terä-päällystyksellä saadaan sileä mutta epätasaisesti peittävä pinta kun taas uuden tekniikan päällyste mukailee päällystettävän alustan topografiaa. Tasapaksun päällysteen etuna on hyvä peittävyys jo pienellä päällystemäärällä.
In the last 30 years world population has increased 70% but per capita global fruit consumption is only 20% higher. Even though tropical and temperate fruit have similar contributions to the 50 kg/person/year of US consumption of fresh fruit, in the last 30 years this has been slightly greater for temperate fruit. Within fruit consumption, the largest expansion has been for organic fruit which increased more than 50% in the 2002-2006 period. The largest expansion of area planted in the 1996-2006 has been for kiwi (29%) and blueberries (20%), while apples (-24%) and sour cherries (-13%) have had the largest reductions. Nearly 50% of the total global volume of fruit is produced by 5 countries: China, USA, Brazil, Italy and Spain. The main producer (China) accounts for 23% of the total. While the main exporters are Spain, USA and Italy, the main importers are Germany, Russia and UK. Demands for the industry have evolved towards quality, food safety and traceability. The industry faces higher productions costs (labor, energy, agrichemicals). The retailers are moving towards consolidation while the customers are changing preferences (food for health). In this context there is greater pressure on growers, processors and retailers. Emerging issues are labor supply, climate change, water availability and sustainability. Recent developments in precision agriculture, molecular biology, phenomics, crop modelling and post harvest physiology should increase yields and quality, and reduce costs for temperate fruit production around the world.
BACKGROUND: According to Swiss legislation, do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) order can be made at any time by patients only, unless the resuscitation is considered as futile, based on the doctors' evaluation. Little is known about how this decision is made, and which are the factors influencing this decision. METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional study was conducted between March and May 2013 on 194 patients hospitalized in the general internal medicine ward of a Swiss hospital. The associations between patients' DNACPR orders and gender, age, marital status, nationality, religion, number and type of comorbidities were assessed. RESULTS: 102 patients (53%) had a DNACPR order: 27% issued by the patient him/herself, 12% by his/her relatives and 61% by the medical team. Patients with a DNACPR order were significantly older: 80.7±10.8 vs. 67.5±15.1years in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively, p<0.001. Oncologic disease was associated with a DNACPR order issued by the medical team (37.5% vs. 16.9% in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively, p<0.05). Being protestant was associated with a DNACPR order issued by the patient (57.9% vs. 25.9% in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Over half of the patients admitted to a general internal medicine ward had a DNACPR order issued within the first 72h of hospitalization. Older age and oncologic disease were associated with a DNACPR decision by the medical team, while protestant religion was associated with a DNACPR decision by the patient.