896 resultados para Autobiographical fictional texts


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This Thesis is composed of a collection of works written in the period 2019-2022, whose aim is to find methodologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to detect and classify patterns and rules in argumentative and legal texts. We define our approach “hybrid”, since we aimed at designing hybrid combinations of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, involving both “top-down” structured knowledge and “bottom-up” data-driven knowledge. A first group of works is dedicated to the classification of argumentative patterns. Following the Waltonian model of argument and the related theory of Argumentation Schemes, these works focused on the detection of argumentative support and opposition, showing that argumentative evidences can be classified at fine-grained levels without resorting to highly engineered features. To show this, our methods involved not only traditional approaches such as TFIDF, but also some novel methods based on Tree Kernel algorithms. After the encouraging results of this first phase, we explored the use of a some emerging methodologies promoted by actors like Google, which have deeply changed NLP since 2018-19 — i.e., Transfer Learning and language models. These new methodologies markedly improved our previous results, providing us with best-performing NLP tools. Using Transfer Learning, we also performed a Sequence Labelling task to recognize the exact span of argumentative components (i.e., claims and premises), thus connecting portions of natural language to portions of arguments (i.e., to the logical-inferential dimension). The last part of our work was finally dedicated to the employment of Transfer Learning methods for the detection of rules and deontic modalities. In this case, we explored a hybrid approach which combines structured knowledge coming from two LegalXML formats (i.e., Akoma Ntoso and LegalRuleML) with sub-symbolic knowledge coming from pre-trained (and then fine-tuned) neural architectures.


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La schizofrenia rappresenta uno dei più grandi enigmi per l’impresa conoscitiva umana: non si conosce la sua eziologia, né le sue basi biologiche e cerebrali. Non è neanche chiaro cosa accada nell’esperienza di chi ne soffre, che sembra vivere in un mondo altro. La scarsa conoscenza dell’esperienza schizofrenica e la distanza tra questa e il senso comune hanno portato molti studiosi a inquadrare questo disturbo come illogico, irrazionale, insensato. Il presente lavoro tenta di confutare tale impostazione, mostrando come il mondo di senso dello schizofrenico si altera, non si disgrega; si trasforma, non si annulla. Il campo di studi all’interno del quale si colloca la ricerca è la semiotica, disciplina che studia i sistemi e i processi di significazione e i modi attraverso cui l’essere umano dà senso al mondo. L’intera indagine è inserita in un quadro interdisciplinare in costante dialogo con la psicopatologia fenomenologica e le scienze cognitive contemporanee, e si sviluppa a partire da numerosi testi autobiografici di pazienti schizofrenici, report psichiatrici, articoli di giornale, film e romanzi sul tema. L’ipotesi su cui si muove il lavoro è che sia possibile comprendere la schizofrenia come un problema costitutivamente semiotico, il cui nucleo è da rintracciarsi in una radicale metamorfosi delle modalità di produrre e interpretare il significato. La scommessa sottesa è che la semiotica possa contribuire in modo sostanziale alla comprensione delle modalità attraverso cui la nostra cultura concettualizza la schizofrenia e dei modi in cui gli schizofrenici danno senso al mondo. Il lavoro indaga, quindi, i legami tra schizofrenia e cultura, la storia del concetto nosografico, e le alterazioni dei processi di significazione nei casi di eloquio disorganizzato, nei racconti autobiografici e nei deliri, cercando anche di fornire strumenti utili alla pratica clinica.


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Ma thèse interroge les formes, les modes et les enjeux liés à la notion d’« enquête » dans les discours et les poétiques d’Émile Zola, Luigi Capuana et Emilia Pardo Bazán. Il s'agit d’abord de prendre au sérieux l’ambition à l’« enquête totale » du roman naturaliste européen vers 1880, envisagée par le credo zolien du « tout dire », par l'idée de la forme « ancha, completa y perfecta » de Pardo Bazán et par l'éclectisme boulimique de Capuana. Corollairement, le lecteur de l’époque, demandeur de « récit », expérimente une pratique esthétique marquée par la porosité disciplinaire et la diversité de formats et de supports. Par l’épistémocritique, la sociocritique et la « sémiologie historicisée », il s’agit donc de questionner les relations entre scientifique et littéraire, fictionnel et factuel, vrai et faux, et leurs présupposés épistémologiques et idéologiques, qui sont définis et redéfinis par les trois auteurs à l’aune de leurs postures et de leurs stratégies d’affirmation spécifiques. En accord avec le « décloisonnement » disciplinaire à l’œuvre à l’époque, d’un point de vue de la réception ainsi que de la production, le corpus mobilisé rapproche des romans, des chroniques, des textes théoriques et critiques, mais aussi des textes « savants » produits ou consultés par les auteurs. À travers l’ensemble de ces perspectives, cette thèse tente d’éclairer, par une démarche comparée, la singularité historique d’une enquête « inquiète » dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle.


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Through the analysis of the prose of two nineteenth-century women writers: the English Mary Leman Grimstone and the Cuban-Spanish Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, the present dissertation aims at unveiling the relationship between women’s writings and the struggle for the recognition of women’s rights in two different geopolitical locations. To do so, it weaves a Feminist Planetary Web between each writer and her context, as well as among both writers, finding points of connection and disconnection. It shows how women appropriated the pen in different geographical locations, exposing a particular female voice that denounced not only the oppression suffered by women, but also by other marginalized subjects. For each writer this dissertation exposes several macro-arguments present transversally in their work, like their critiques to the institution of marriage, the importance of proper education for women, the advocacy for religious tolerance, and the narrative construction of different male and female paradigms. The critiques to the institution of marriage is a point of connection between both authors. They also coincided in highlighting the importance of women’s right to access a proper education. Aside from these commonalities, this dissertation also analyses how Grimstone and Gómez de Avellaneda negotiated their position in the literary public realm, showing how it was precisely in this point that readers and critics can find noteworthy differences between them.


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La riflessione sulle competenze democratiche è viva negli ultimi anni (Consiglio d’Europa, 2018; Legge 92/2019; Unesco, 2015) e il ruolo dell’educazione nel promuoverle è considerato cruciale. Lo studio qui presentato si è proposto di indagare empiricamente se e come una specifica competenza democratica – quella empatica – possa essere promossa nei contesti educativi formali grazie a esperienze di lettura di narrativa letteraria. A partire dalla lettura in chiave fenomenologica del concetto di empatia (Boella, 2006, 2018; Stein 1917/2014; Zahavi, 2011, 2014) e dalle evidenze della ricerca – che mettono in evidenza alcuni elementi della lettura di narrativa letteraria in grado di sostenere il processo empatico (Cohen, 2001; Hakemulder, 2000, 2004; Keen, 2006; Kidd & Castano, 2013, 2017) – è stato elaborato un disegno di ricerca empirica avente l’obiettivo di comprendere se le esperienze di lettura in ambito scolastico possano configurarsi come “palestre di empatia” e se vi siano fattori in grado di facilitare (oppure ostacolare) tale processo. È stato utilizzato un approccio qualitativo fenomenologico. Sono stati analizzati (con l’ausilio di un code-book) i testi scritti di studenti (N=356), raccolti in 3 scuole (secondarie di I e II grado) del Nord/Centro Italia, durante gli anni scolastici 20-21 e 21-22. I testi riguardano la relazione instaurata con i personaggi narrativi. I dati mostrano che le esperienze di lettura di narrativa letteraria possono essere occasioni di allenamento delle competenze empatiche, ma sottolineano anche come ciò non sia scontato, lineare o automatico. Il manifestarsi dell’empatia narrativa richiede impegno, tempo, testi capaci di far incontrare la ricchezza e la complessità dell’esperienza umana e spazi di confronto (intimo e con gli altri) critico e riflessivo. La mediazione dell’insegnante è chiamata in causa a più riprese ed emerge l’importanza di specifiche competenze disciplinari, pedagogiche e riflessive, da sviluppare e coltivare incessantemente.


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Among the various ways of adopting the biographical approach, we used the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of Brazilian researchers who work as social scientists in health as our research material. These CVs are part of the Lattes Platform of CNPq - the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, which includes Research and Institutional Directories. We analyzed 238 CVs for this study. The CVs contain, among other things, the following information: professional qualifications, activities and projects, academic production, participation in panels for the evaluation of theses and dissertations, research centers and laboratories and a summarized autobiography. In this work there is a brief review of the importance of autobiography for the social sciences, emphasizing the CV as a form of autobiographical practice. We highlight some results, such as it being a group consisting predominantly of women, graduates in social sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science, with postgraduate degrees. The highest concentration of social scientists is located in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions. In some institutions the main activities of social scientists are as teachers and researchers with great thematic diversity in research.


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This text offers some contributions to the debate on the changes proposed to the National Curricular Directives to reform secondary education in Brazil. In the first part, the political and economic scene is evaluated as the context which generated the last stage of reforms in the educational field in the 90s. It questions the option for a model of structural reform (in the Brazilian case more restricted to the Program for Reform of Professional Education - PROEP) and of the curriculum, whose themes find their justification in the contemporary economic, social cultural and political context. It discusses the use of a model that bases itself on experiences developed in other countries and takes the international orientation of the multilateral organizations as its theoretical methodological reference, leaving out the peculiarities and injunctions of the Brazilian political administrative system. Such a policy measure can increase the tension and distance normally existing between government programs and the possibility of their real implementation in the school network. In the second part, it discusses the Resolution of the National Education Council, the Congress on Basic Education, no.3, of 16.698 that instituted the National Curricular Directives for secondary education, as well as the Legal Bases - Part I - of the National Curricular Parameters for secondary education. The analysis of official discourse takes Bardin's (1977, p. 209) proposals as its methodological reference for the models of structural analysis, seeking to make the implicit values and the connotations of the legal texts explicit


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This reaserch analysed the developmental stage of fourth grade (primary school) children in ability of writting argumentative texts joint with their context. The reason of this reaserch is the lack of new studies in linguistical area and high ratio of unable students to make this kind of text. It will be showed the analysis of making text by public schools children for three months. These data were analysed trying identify argumentative operators, the kinds of arguments used and the stage of the argumentative ability of these children. The study showed that the introduction of argumentative text in first grades give them more chances of succeed, preparing these pupils in their finishing high school. This fact obviously will make easier the development of their critical point of view, helping the students to think about their living social reality.


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This study focus on the reconfiguration of educational management in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, which was promoted by the new logic of social regulation and the new role attributed to the State, considering each country's own historicity. So, the cultural factors that interfere on the dynamics of the 90' school reform are analyzed. Aspects that show the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these reforms in the region, as well as local specificities that block out the concretization of the reform are underlined. It is shown that the historicity that characterizes the educational reform has taken, in each country, a form that can be called, in Mexico, conservative rupture; in Chile, conservative continuity; in Brazil, conservative renovation; and, in Argentina, interrupted rupture. Some conclusions about the impact of educational reform in the selected countries are recuperated through the analysis of 186 academic texts on the subject.


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The main purpose of this paper is to question the relationship between theory and practice or basic and applied research in the domain of Applied Linguistics and classroom discourse. In order to achieve our aim, some theoretical texts, some recorded and transcribed classes as well as some teachers and students opinions about reading and writing were analysed. Results have shown that 1) practice is not the direct application of theoretical data: the relationship between them is not as simple as some applied linguists seem to believe because of the action of the unconscious in the constitution of subjectivity; 2) the conceptualization of the theoretical issues takes place in a confused and disorderly manner mixed up with personal experiences and previous knowledge (practice). We intend to question the fact that practice comes as secondary to theory.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the level of text comprehension (reading and translation) in Portuguese, by native speakers of Spanish and vice-versa. The subjects are freshmen, from different fields (300 native speakers of Portuguese and 300 of Spanish), who have never studied the other language neither as a second (L2) nor as a foreign language (FL). The results show that, in each group of subjects, there is a high level of comprehension of the foreign language, which varies from 58% to 94%, depending on the context and on the lexical/semantic similarity (or difference) between the key-words in the texts used in this research.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física