924 resultados para Arsenic tolerance


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Some organ-transplanted patients achieve a state of "operational tolerance" (01) in which graft function is maintained after the complete withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs. We used a gene panel of regulatory/inflammatory molecules (FOXP3, GATA3, 100, TGFB1, TGFBR1/TBX21, TNF and IFNG) to investigate the gene expression profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of renal-transplanted individuals experiencing OT compared to transplanted individuals not displaying OT and healthy individuals (HI). OT subjects showed a predominant regulatory (REG) profile with higher gene expression of GATA3, FOXP3, TGFB1 and TGFB receptor 1 compared to the other groups. This predominant REG gene expression profile displayed stability over time. The significant GATA3 gene and protein expressions in OT individuals suggest that a Th2 deviation may be a relevant pathway to OT. Moreover, the capacity of the REG/INFLAMMA gene panel to discriminate OT by peripheral blood analysis indicates that this state has systemic repercussions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background Thyroid hormone induces cardiac hypertrophy and preconditions the myocardium against Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury. Type 2 Angiotensin II receptors (AT2R) are shown to be upregulated in cardiac hypertrophy observed in hyperthyroidism and this receptor has been reported to mediate cardioprotection against ischemic injury. Methods The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of AT2R in the recovery of myocardium after I/R in isolated hearts from T3 treated rats. MaleWistar rats were treated with triiodothyronine (T3; 7 μg/100 gBW/day, i.p.) in the presence or not of a specific AT2R blocker (PD123,319; 10 mg/Kg) for 14 days, while normal rats served as control. After treatment, isolated hearts were perfused in Langendorff mode; after 30 min of stabilization, hearts were subjected to 20 min of zero-flow global ischemia followed by 25 min, 35 min and 45 min of reperfusion. Results T3 treatment induced cardiac hypertrophy, which was not changed by PD treatment. Post-ischemic recovery of cardiac function was increased in T3-treated hearts after 35 min and 45 min of reperfusion as compared to control and the ischemic contracture was accelerated and intensified. AT2R blockade was able to return the evaluated functional parameters of cardiac performance (LVDP, +dP/dtmáx and −dP/dtmin) to the control condition. Furthermore, AT2R blockade prevented the increase in AMPK expression levels induced by T3, suggesting its possible involvement in this process. Conclusion AT2R plays a significant role in T3-induced cardioprotection.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa (National Council of Research Development) - 476148/2010-3


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Tumor-assoziierte Antigene (TAA) repräsentieren wichtige Zielstrukturen in zytotoxischen T-Zell (ZTL)-basierten Immuntherapien zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen. Die Tatsache, dass TAA nicht spezifisch nur in Tumoren sondern auch in nicht-transformierten Zellen vorhanden sind, kann infolge verschiedener Toleranz-Mechanismen zur Eliminierung von ZTL führen, deren T-Zell-Rezeptoren eine hohe Affinität für TAA besitzen. Entsprechend erfordert die Entwicklung effektiver Immuntherapeutika die genaue Analyse des verfügbaren T-Zell-Repertoires mit Spezifität für ein gegebenes TAA.Die Arbeit fokusierte das Tyrosinase (369-377) ZTL-Epitop, das im Komplex mit HLA-A*0201 (A2.1) auf der Zell-Oberfläche von malignen Melanomen und verschiedenen nicht-transformierten Zellen präsentiert wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass sowohl das humane als auch das murine Tyrosinase (369-377)-spezifische ZTL-Repertoire durch Selbst-Toleranz kompromittiert ist und dass diese Toleranz weder durch Verwendung einer bestimmten Peptid-Variante noch durch Interferenz mit CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen oder CTLA-4 umgangen werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse wurden anschließend auf ein anderes Krankheitsmodell, das Multiple Myelom (MM), adaptiert. Unter Umgehung von Selbst-Toleranz in A2.1-transgenen Mäusen wurde gezeigt, dass Transkriptionsfaktoren, die die terminale Differenzierung von B-Zellen in maligne und nicht-maligne Plasmazellen diktieren, als MM-assoziierte ZTL-Epitope dienen können.Diese Arbeit bietet einen bedeutenden und innovativen Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Tyrosinase-basierten Melanom- und MM-reaktiven Immuntherapien.


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Noninvasive molecular-imaging technologies are playing a keyrole in drug discovery, development and delivery. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is such a molecular imaging technology and a powerful tool for the observation of various diseases. However, it is limited by the availability of agents with high selectivity to the target and a physical half-life of the used positron emitting nuclide which matches the biological half-life of the observed process. For the long lasting enrichment of antibodies in tumor tissue few suitable isotopes for PET imaging are currently available. The element arsenic provides a range of isotopes, which could be used for diagnosis and also for endoradiotherapy. This work describes the development of radiochemical separation procedures to separate arsenic isotopes in no-carrier-added (nca) purity from reactor or cyclotron irradiated targets, the development and evaluation of a labeling chemistry to attach these separated arsenic isotopes to monoclonal antibodies, the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of antibodies labeled with radioactive arsenic isotopes and the molecular imaging using small animal PET.


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The research was carried out to investigate of main elements of salt stress response in two strawberry cultivars, Elsanta and Elsinore. Plants were grown under 0, 10, 20 and 40 mM NaCl for 80 days. Salinity dramatically affected growth in both cultivars, although Elsinore appeared to be more impaired than Elsanta. Moreover a significant reduction of leaf photosynthesis, evaporation, and stomatal conductance was recorded 24 hrs after the stress was applied in both cultivars, whereas physiological functions were differentially restored after acclimation. However, cv. Elsanta had more efficient leaf gas exchange and water status than cv. Elsinore. In general, Fruit yield reduced upon salinization, wheares fruit quality concerning fruit taste, aroma, appearance, total soluble solids and titratable acidity, did not change but rather was enhanced under moderate salinity. On the other hand fruit quality was impaired at severe salt stress. Fruit antioxidant content and antioxidant capacity were enhanced significantly by increasing salt concentration in both cultivars. The oxidative effects of the stress were defined by the measures of some enzymatic activities and lipid peroxidation. Consistently, an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxide dismutase (POD) enzymes and higher content of proline and soluble proteins were observed in cv. Elsinore than in cv. Elsanta. The increase coincided with a decrease in lipid peroxidation. The research confirmed that although strawberry cultivars were sensitive to salinity, difference between cultivars exist; The experiment revealed that cv. Elsanta could stand severe salt stress, which was lethal to cv. Elsinore. The parameters measured in the previous experiment were proposed as early screening tools for the salt stress response in nine strawberry genotypes. The results showed that, wheares Elsanta and Elsinore cultivars had a lower dry weight reduction at 40 mM NaCl among cultivars, Naiad, Kamila, and Camarosa were the least salt-sensitive cultivars among the screened.


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Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione di legislatori e degli Organi di Vigilanza, in base alle riforme regolamentari attivate in risposta alla crisi economica, si sono focalizzate sulle pratiche di risk management delle Banche, sottolineando l’importanza dei sistemi di controllo e gestione dei rischi. Il presente lavoro nasce con l’intento di analizzare e valutare le caratteristiche salienti del processo di assunzione e gestione dei rischi nel sistema economico finanziario attuale. Numerosi e autorevoli esperti, come gli operatori del Financial Stability Board , Institute of International Finance e Senior Supervisory Group, si sono espressi sulle cause della crisi finanziaria ed hanno sollevato dubbi circa la qualità delle azioni intraprese da alcuni manager, sulle loro politiche gestionali e sulla comprensione delle reali condizioni in cui versavano le loro Banche (in termini di esposizione ai rischi, report da aggregazione dati su performance aziendali e qualità dei dati aggregati) , si è ritenuto giusto dal punto di vista teorico approfondire in particolare i temi del Risk Appetite e Risk Tolerance, novità introdotte nelle diverse direttive e normative in risposta alle citate ed ambigue politiche di gestione ed assunzione rischi. I concetti, qui introdotti, di appetito e tolleranza al rischio conducono ad una ampia sfera di riferimento che guarda alla necessità di fissare degli obiettivi di rischio e loro limiti per poter meglio controllare e valutare la stabilità economica/finanziaria e stimare gli effetti di condizioni peggiorative (reali o soltanto teoriche, come gli stress test) sulla solvibilità e profittabilità delle Banche nazionali ed internazionali. Inoltre, ad integrazione di quanto precedentemente esposto sarà illustrata una survey sulla disclosure delle principali Banche europee in relazione alle informazioni sul Risk Appetite e sul Risk Tolerance.


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Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is considered the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases. Thus far, short term results are excellent, with patient survival rates greater than 90% one year post-surgery, but there are several problems with the long term acceptance and use of immunosuppressive drugs. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) concerns the infusion of haematopoietic stem cells to re-establish acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system. The main side effect is the Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD) where donor T cells can cause pathology involving the damage of host tissues. Patients undergoing acute or chronic GvHD receive immunosuppressive regimen that is responsible for several side effects. The use of immunosuppressive drugs in the setting of SOT and GvHD has markedly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and the tissue damage in GvHD however, the numerous adverse side effects observed boost the development of alternative strategies to improve the long-term outcome. To this effect, the use of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) as a cellular therapy is an attractive approach for autoimmunity disease, GvHD and limiting immune responses to allograft after transplantation. Treg have a pivotal role in maintaining peripheral immunological tolerance, by preventing autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Results of my thesis provide the characterization and cell processing of Tregs from healthy controls and patients in waiting list for liver transplantation, followed by the development of an efficient expansion-protocol and the investigation of the impact of the main immunosuppressive drugs on viability, proliferative capacity and function of expanded cells after expansion. The conclusion is that ex vivo expansion is necessary to infuse a high Treg dose and although many other factors in vivo can contribute to the success of Treg therapy, the infusion of Tregs during the administration of the highest dose of immunosuppressants should be carefully considered.


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Questa tesi presenta e discute le sfide per ottenere sistemi di swarm robotis affidabili e tolleranti ai guasti e quindi anche alcuni metodi per rilevare anomalie in essi, in modo tale che ipotetiche procedure per il recupero possano essere affrontate, viene sottolineata inoltre l’ importanza di un’ analisi qualitativa dei guasti.


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The thesis project has been developed in partnership with the Design Department of Blackshape Spa, a carbon – fiber ultra – light airplane company in Monopoli (Bari, Italy). The main goal is the assessment of a starting point for a damage tolerant concept during the design and certification phases of the Blackshape BS 115 airplane, with respect to EASA CS VLA & CS 23 Regulations. This approach has been carried out starting from an initial literary review as far as the way of modeling composites fractures is concerned. Further on, three finite element models have been generated and implemented in order to simulate defects occurring during manufacturing and service phases. At last, the procedures of non - destructive inspections have been taken into account, in order to establish how to investigate primary structures defects and delaminations during maintenance.


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In vielen Industriezweigen, zum Beispiel in der Automobilindustrie, werden Digitale Versuchsmodelle (Digital MockUps) eingesetzt, um die Konstruktion und die Funktion eines Produkts am virtuellen Prototypen zu überprüfen. Ein Anwendungsfall ist dabei die Überprüfung von Sicherheitsabständen einzelner Bauteile, die sogenannte Abstandsanalyse. Ingenieure ermitteln dabei für bestimmte Bauteile, ob diese in ihrer Ruhelage sowie während einer Bewegung einen vorgegeben Sicherheitsabstand zu den umgebenden Bauteilen einhalten. Unterschreiten Bauteile den Sicherheitsabstand, so muss deren Form oder Lage verändert werden. Dazu ist es wichtig, die Bereiche der Bauteile, welche den Sicherhabstand verletzen, genau zu kennen. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine Lösung zur Echtzeitberechnung aller den Sicherheitsabstand unterschreitenden Bereiche zwischen zwei geometrischen Objekten. Die Objekte sind dabei jeweils als Menge von Primitiven (z.B. Dreiecken) gegeben. Für jeden Zeitpunkt, in dem eine Transformation auf eines der Objekte angewendet wird, berechnen wir die Menge aller den Sicherheitsabstand unterschreitenden Primitive und bezeichnen diese als die Menge aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive. Wir präsentieren in dieser Arbeit eine ganzheitliche Lösung, welche sich in die folgenden drei großen Themengebiete unterteilen lässt.rnrnIm ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Algorithmen, die für zwei Dreiecke überprüfen, ob diese toleranzverletzend sind. Hierfür präsentieren wir verschiedene Ansätze für Dreiecks-Dreiecks Toleranztests und zeigen, dass spezielle Toleranztests deutlich performanter sind als bisher verwendete Abstandsberechnungen. Im Fokus unserer Arbeit steht dabei die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Toleranztests, welcher im Dualraum arbeitet. In all unseren Benchmarks zur Berechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive beweist sich unser Ansatz im dualen Raum immer als der Performanteste.rnrnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen zur Echtzeitberechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive zwischen zwei geometrischen Objekten. Wir entwickeln eine kombinierte Datenstruktur, die sich aus einer flachen hierarchischen Datenstruktur und mehreren Uniform Grids zusammensetzt. Um effiziente Laufzeiten zu gewährleisten ist es vor allem wichtig, den geforderten Sicherheitsabstand sinnvoll im Design der Datenstrukturen und der Anfragealgorithmen zu beachten. Wir präsentieren hierzu Lösungen, die die Menge der zu testenden Paare von Primitiven schnell bestimmen. Darüber hinaus entwickeln wir Strategien, wie Primitive als toleranzverletzend erkannt werden können, ohne einen aufwändigen Primitiv-Primitiv Toleranztest zu berechnen. In unseren Benchmarks zeigen wir, dass wir mit unseren Lösungen in der Lage sind, in Echtzeit alle toleranzverletzenden Primitive zwischen zwei komplexen geometrischen Objekten, bestehend aus jeweils vielen hunderttausend Primitiven, zu berechnen. rnrnIm dritten Teil präsentieren wir eine neuartige, speicheroptimierte Datenstruktur zur Verwaltung der Zellinhalte der zuvor verwendeten Uniform Grids. Wir bezeichnen diese Datenstruktur als Shrubs. Bisherige Ansätze zur Speicheroptimierung von Uniform Grids beziehen sich vor allem auf Hashing Methoden. Diese reduzieren aber nicht den Speicherverbrauch der Zellinhalte. In unserem Anwendungsfall haben benachbarte Zellen oft ähnliche Inhalte. Unser Ansatz ist in der Lage, den Speicherbedarf der Zellinhalte eines Uniform Grids, basierend auf den redundanten Zellinhalten, verlustlos auf ein fünftel der bisherigen Größe zu komprimieren und zur Laufzeit zu dekomprimieren.rnrnAbschießend zeigen wir, wie unsere Lösung zur Berechnung aller toleranzverletzenden Primitive Anwendung in der Praxis finden kann. Neben der reinen Abstandsanalyse zeigen wir Anwendungen für verschiedene Problemstellungen der Pfadplanung.


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6. Summary Despite the lack of direct evidence from large clinical trials for mutagenic and genotoxic effects of GTN therapy, the present study show s the induction of pre-mutagenic lesions, such as 8- oxo - G and O 6 - me - G by GTN t reatment as well as increased formation of DNA strand breaks. These results were obtained in an in vitro (EA.hy 926 – human endothelial cell line) and in vivo (Wistar rats and C57BL/6 mice) setting. However, GTN - induced DNA damage had no effect on the degr ee of nitrate tolerance but only on other pathological side effects such as oxidative stress, as confirmed by studies in MGMT knockout mice. Of clinical importance , this study establishes potent apoptotic properties of organic nitrates, which has been demo nstrated by the levels of the novel apoptotic marker and caspase - 3 substrate, fractin, as well as levels of cleaved caspase - 3 , the activated form of this pro - apoptotic enzyme . The p rotein analy tical data ha ve been confirmed by an independent assay for the apoptosis , Cell death detection assay (TUNEL) . First, these GTN - mediated apoptotic effects may account for the previously reported anti - cancer effects of GTN therapy (probably based on induction of apoptosis in tumor cells). Second, these GTN - mediated apop totic effects may account for the increased mortality rates observed in the group of organic nitrate - treated patients as reported by two independent meta - analysis (probably due to induction of apoptosis in highly beneficial endothelial progenitor cells as well as in cardiomyocytes during wound healing and cardiac remodeling) . Summary of the current investigations can be seen in Figure 18.