945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages
A new and simple fabrication technique is reported for the UV inscription of intrinsically apodized chirped fibre gratings at an arbitrary Bragg wavelength employing a single chirped phase-mask in a scanning Talbot interferometer set-up. Chirped gratings have been successfully produced over a large wavelength range and with bandwidths up to 5 nm. These gratings exhibit the time-delay response of a small ripple effect. In the present paper a comparison with previously reported fabrication methods is given, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods.
In this paper we consider two computer systems and the dynamic Web technologies they are using. Different contemporary dynamic web technologies are described in details and their advantages and disadvantages have been shown. Specific applications are developed, clinic and studying systems, and their programming models are described. Finally we implement these two applications in the students education process: Online studying has been tested in the Technical University – Varna, Web based clinic system has been used for practical education of the students in the Medical College - Sofia, branch V. Tarnovo
Some basic types of archiving programs are described in the paper in addition to their advantages and disadvantages with respect to the analysis of security in archiving. Analysis and appraisal are performed on the results obtained during the described experiments.
AMS Subj. Classification: 68U05, 68P30
Христина Костадинова, Красимир Йорджев - В статията се обсъжда представянето на произволна бинарна матрица с помощта на последователност от цели неотрицателни числа. Разгледани са някои предимства и недостатъци на това представяне като алтернатива на стандартното, общоприето представяне чрез двумерен масив. Показано е, че представянето на бинарните матрици с помощта на наредени n-торки от естествени числа води до по-бързи алгоритми и до съществена икономия на оперативна памет. Използуван е апарата на обектно-ориентираното програмиране със синтаксиса и семантиката на езика C++.
Evgenia Velikova-Bandova, Denitsa Grigorova, Maroussia Slavtchova-Bojkova - The aim of this work is to evaluate the quality of the preliminary exam of candidate students in Mathematics held on April 12, 2009. We also sought to highlight advantages and disadvantages of new approaches for application and admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at the “St. Kl. Ohridski” Sofia University (SU) in 2009. In this connection, the data by the candidate students’ examinations and assessments of matriculation were analyzed, a comparative analysis of these assessments were done and a relationship between them has been sought.
Красимир Манев, Нели Манева, Хараламби Хараламбиев - Подходът с използване на бизнес правила (БП) беше въведен в края на миналия век, за да се улесни специфицирането на фирмен софтуер и да може той да задоволи по-добре нуждите на съответния бизнес. Днес повечето от целите на подхода са постигнати. Но усилията, в научно-изследователски и практически аспект, за постигане на „’формална основа за обратно извличане на БП от съществуващи системи “продължават. В статията е представен подход за извличане на БП от програмен код, базиран на методи за статичен анализ на кода. Посочени са някои предимства и недостатъци на такъв подход.
Rework strategies that involve different checking points as well as rework times can be applied into reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) with certain constraints, and effective rework strategy can significantly improve the mission reliability of manufacturing process. The mission reliability of process is a measurement of production ability of RMS, which serves as an integrated performance indicator of the production process under specified technical constraints, including time, cost and quality. To quantitatively characterize the mission reliability and basic reliability of RMS under different rework strategies, rework model of RMS was established based on the method of Logistic regression. Firstly, the functional relationship between capability and work load of manufacturing process was studied through statistically analyzing a large number of historical data obtained in actual machining processes. Secondly, the output, mission reliability and unit cost in different rework paths were calculated and taken as the decision variables based on different input quantities and the rework model mentioned above. Thirdly, optimal rework strategies for different input quantities were determined by calculating the weighted decision values and analyzing advantages and disadvantages of each rework strategy. At last, case application were demonstrated to prove the efficiency of the proposed method.
In an effort to reduce the cost and size of government public service delivery has become more decentralized, flexible and responsive. Public entrepreneurship entailed, among other things, the establishment of special-purpose governments to finance public services and carry out development projects. Community Development Districts (CDDs) are a type of special-purpose governments whose purpose is to manage and finance infrastructure improvements in the State of Florida. They have important implications for the way both growth management and service delivery occur in the United States. This study examined the role of CDDs for growth management policy and service delivery by analyzing the CDD profile and activity, the contribution of CDDs to the growth management and infrastructure development as well as the way CDD perceived pluses and minuses impact service delivery. The study used a mixed methods research approach, drawing on secondary data pertaining to CDD features and activity, semi-structured interviews with CDD representatives and public officials as well as on a survey of public officials within the counties and cities that have established CDDs. Findings indicated that the CDD institutional model is both a policy and a service delivery tool for infrastructure provision that can be adopted by states across the United States. Results showed that CDDs inhibit rather than foster growth management through their location choices, type and pattern of development. CDDs contributed to the infrastructure development in Florida by providing basic infrastructure services for the development they supported and by building and dedicating facilities to general-purpose governments. Districts were found to be both funding mechanisms and management tools for infrastructure services. The study also pointed to the fact that specialized governance is more responsive and more flexible but less effective than general-purpose governance when delivering services. CDDs were perceived as being favorable for developers and residents and not as favorable for general-purpose governments. Overall results indicated that the CDD is a flexible institutional mechanism for infrastructure delivery which has both advantages and disadvantages. Decision-makers should balance districts’ institutional flexibility with their unintended consequences for growth management when considering urban public policies.
Future climate change will likely represent a major stress to shallow aquatic and coastal marine communities around the world. Most climate change research, particularly in regards to increased pCO2 and ocean acidification, relies on ex situ mesocosm experimentation, isolating target organisms from their environment. Such mesocosms allow for greater experimental control of some variables, but can often cause unrealistic changes in a variety of environmental factors, leading to “bottle effects.” Here we present an in situ technique of altering dissolved pCO2within nearshore benthic communities (e.g., macrophytes, algae, and/or corals) using submerged clear, open-top chambers. Our technique utilizes a flow-through design that replicates natural water flow conditions and minimizes caging effects. The clear, open-top design additionally ensures that adequate light reaches the benthic community. Our results show that CO2 concentrations and pH can be successfully manipulated for long durations within the open-top chambers, continuously replicating forecasts for the year 2100. Enriched chambers displayed an average 0.46 unit reduction in pH as compared with ambient chambers over a 6-month period. Additionally, CO2 and HCO3 – concentrations were all significantly higher within the enriched chambers. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this technique in comparison to other ex situ mesocosm designs used for climate change research.
In his discussion - S Corporations Can Benefit Many Closely-Held Hospitality Firms - by John M. Tarras, Assistant Professor, School of Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Management at Michigan State University, Assistant Professor Tarras initially offers: “Organization as an S corporation has many advantages for hospitality firms since passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The author discusses those advantages and lists the disadvantages as well.” In the opening paragraphs Tarras alludes to the relationship between hospitality firms, S corporations, and the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and then defines what an S corporation is. “An S corporation is a form of business entity that combines many of the tax advantages of partnerships with the legal attributes of a corporation, including limited liability for its shareholders. Its name is obtained from a subchapter of the Internal Revenue Code. Except for tax purposes, the S corporation is treated in the same manner as any regular corporation. Like a partnership, income and losses for an S corporation are generally passed through directly to shareholders for inclusion on their individual returns. An S corporation thus avoids the double tax problem facing regular corporations.” There are certain criteria to be met and caveats to be avoided in qualifying for S corporation status. Tarras lists and cites these for you. “Due to the complicated nature of S corporations, the election may be inadvertently terminated if the eligibility requirements are violated,” Tarras expands and cites. As the article suggests at the outset, there are advantages and disadvantages to S corporation status; the author outlines some examples for you. “Traditionally, the S corporation has been used by hospitality firms wishing to avoid the "double tax" problem of a regular corporation,” Tarras informs you. “Regular corporations are taxed once at the corporate level, and again at the shareholder level when income is distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends.” Tarras advises you as to why an S corporation is an advantage in this situation. “Since the S corporation generally is not subject to any corporate taxes, it generally makes no difference whether distributions to shareholders of S corporations are characterized as compensation or dividends,” thus the double tax is avoided. This is just one such positive illustration. Assistant Professor Tarras wants you to know: “Perhaps the most important reason to consider the S corporation has to do with the downward revision of tax rates for both individuals and corporations.” He highlights a case study for you. Some of the disadvantages of S corporation affiliation are the caveats alluded to earlier. They include, “the limitation of an S corporation of 35 shareholders,” Tarras cites. “Also, there are limits as to who may own stock in an S corporation.” These are but two of the limitations of an S corporation. Tarras closes with a further glimpse of the down-sides of an S corporation.
In the hotel business, catering sales managers often encounter potential clients who expect to negotiate for items such as room rental fees, audiovisual charges, and bartending fees. This article addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of empowering sales managers with the authority to reduce or waive these charges. Thus, hoteliers are advised to extend a structured yield management mindset into the hotel’s function-space area.
In their discussion entitled - “Unfair” Restaurant Reviews: To Sue Or Not To Sue - by John Schroeder and Bruce Lazarus, Assistant Professors, Department of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management at Purdue University, the authors initially state: “Both advantages and disadvantages exist on bringing lawsuits against restaurant critics who write “unfair” reviews. The authors, both of whom have experience with restaurant criticism, offer practical advice on what realistically can be done by the restaurateur outside of the courtroom to combat unfair criticism.” Well, this is going to be a sticky wicket no matter how you try to defend it, reviews being what they are; very subjective pieces of opinionated journalism, especially in the food industry. And, of course, unless you can prove malicious intent there really is no a basis for a libel suit. So, a restaurateur is at the mercy of written opinion and the press. “Libel is the written or published form of slander which is the statement of false remarks that may damage the reputation of others. It also includes any false and malicious publication which may damage a person's business, trade, or employment,” is the defined form of the law provided by the authors. Anecdotally, Schroeder and Lazarus offer a few of the more scathing pieces reviewers have written about particular eating establishments. And, yes, they can be a bit comical, unless you are the owner of an establishment that appears in the crosshairs of such a reviewer. A bad review can kneecap even a popular eatery. “Because of the large readership of restaurant reviews in the publication (consumer dining out habits indicate that nearly 50 percent of consumers read a review before visiting a new restaurant) your business begins a very dangerous downward tailspin,” the authors reveal, with attribution. “Many restaurant operators contend that a bad review can cost them an immediate trade loss of upward of 50 percent,” Schroeder and Lazarus warn. “The United States Supreme Court has ruled that a restaurant owner can collect damages only if he proves that the statement or statements were made with “actual malice,” even if the statements were untrue,” the authors say by way of citation. And that last portion of the statement cannot be over-emphasized. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution does wield a heavy hammer, indeed, and it should. So, what recourse does a restaurateur have? The authors cautiously give a guarded thumbs-up to a lawsuit, but you better be prepared to prove a misstatement of fact, as opposed to the distinguishable press protected right of opinion. For the restaurateur the pitfalls are many, the rewards few and far between, Schroeder and Lazarus will have you know. “…after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a lawsuit against a critic...the disadvantages are overwhelming,” the authors say. “Chicago restaurant critic James Ward said that someone dumped a load of manure on his yard accompanied by a note that read - Stop writing that s--t! - after he wrote a review of a local restaurant.” Such is a novel if not legally measurable tack against an un-mutual review.
Computational Intelligence Methods have been expanding to industrial applications motivated by their ability to solve problems in engineering. Therefore, the embedded systems follow the same idea of using computational intelligence tools embedded on machines. There are several works in the area of embedded systems and intelligent systems. However, there are a few papers that have joined both areas. The aim of this study was to implement an adaptive fuzzy neural hardware with online training embedded on Field Programmable Gate Array – FPGA. The system adaptation can occur during the execution of a given application, aiming online performance improvement. The proposed system architecture is modular, allowing different configurations of fuzzy neural network topologies with online training. The proposed system was applied to: mathematical function interpolation, pattern classification and selfcompensation of industrial sensors. The proposed system achieves satisfactory performance in both tasks. The experiments results shows the advantages and disadvantages of online training in hardware when performed in parallel and sequentially ways. The sequentially training method provides economy in FPGA area, however, increases the complexity of architecture actions. The parallel training method achieves high performance and reduced processing time, the pipeline technique is used to increase the proposed architecture performance. The study development was based on available tools for FPGA circuits.
The discussion of economic development emphasizes the emergence of a gradual change of economic structure, which would rise from an agrarian to the industrial stage, and later with a predominant tertiary sector. However, the high Brazilian regional inequality resulted in the coexistence of modern spaces and other arrears. Such disparities are visible not only in economics, but spatial, social and environmental. Although Brazil has gone through changes in the production structure and the location of these activities, space - territorial disparities manifest themselves in a high level of regional heterogeneity. In this context, the Northeast emerged as a region that has historically been characterized by socioeconomic backwardness and the presence of the worst indicators of inequality. The presence of these indicators showing the socioeconomic backwardness of the other fronts region contributes to the priority of action aimed at reverting this regional disparity public policy. The historical account of the development policies of regional studies shows that the state played a pivotal role in ensuring regional planning. Besides the creation of development agencies such as the Northeast Sudene, tax and financial incentives have been widely used strategies in the region to foster greater national integration. However, the use of incentives is much discussed in view of the possible advantages and disadvantages brought by its use. Thus, this study aims to build a theoretical framework tool for building effective public policies for industrialization in the Northeast, specifically in Rio Grande do Norte.