968 resultados para Administrative agencies -- Records and correspondance


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This paper examines the effects of import duties on smuggling in Myanmar. Following Fisman and Wei (2004), the reporting discrepancies between Myanmar’s imports records and corresponding exports recorded by trading partners are regarded as indicative of smuggling. The paper studies whether reporting discrepancies differ across trading partners as well as across time. Our main findings are first, that the hike in import duties in June 2004 helped to widen the reporting discrepancies, which suggests smuggling for tax evasion purposes and second, that reporting discrepancies differ considerably across trading partners: land borders appear to be particularly attractive venues for smugglers.


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Intraoral devices for bite-force sensing have several applications in odontology and maxillofacial surgery, as bite-force measurements provide additional information to help understand the characteristics of bruxism disorders and can also be of help for the evaluation of post-surgical evolution and for comparison of alternative treatments. A new system for measuring human bite forces is proposed in this work. This system has future applications for the monitoring of bruxism events and as a complement for its conventional diagnosis. Bruxism is a pathology consisting of grinding or tight clenching of the upper and lower teeth, which leads to several problems such as lesions to the teeth, headaches, orofacial pain and important disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The prototype uses a magnetic field communication scheme similar to low-frequency radio frequency identification (RFID) technology (NFC). The reader generates a low-frequency magnetic field that is used as the information carrier and powers the sensor. The system is notable because it uses an intra-mouth passive sensor and an external interrogator, which remotely records and processes information regarding a patient?s dental activity. This permits a quantitative assessment of bite-force, without requiring intra-mouth batteries, and can provide supplementary information to polysomnographic recordings, current most adequate early diagnostic method, so as to initiate corrective actions before irreversible dental wear appears. In addition to describing the system?s operational principles and the manufacture of personalized prototypes, this report will also demonstrate the feasibility of the system and results from the first in vitro and in vivo trials.


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This work shows a numerical procedure for bond between indented wires and concrete, and the coupled splitting of the concrete. The bond model is an interface, non-associative, plasticity model. It is coupled with a cohesive fracture model for concrete to take into account the splitting of such concrete. The radial component of the prestressing force, increased by Poisson’s effect, may split the surrounding concrete, decreasing the wire confinement and diminishing the bonding. The combined action of the bond and the splitting is studied with the proposed model. The results of the numerical model are compared with the results of a series of tests, such as those which showed splitting induced by the bond between wire and concrete. Tests with different steel indentation depths were performed. The numerical procedure accurately reproduces the experimental records and improves knowledge of this complex process.


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En el trabajo se ha reflejado la génesis del término „desarrollo sostenible‟ y la preocupación social y de los gobiernos hacia la sostenibilidad de los recursos, generando una política forestal a escala internacional, cuyo hito inicial desempeña la Cumbre de Rio y otros procesos, donde surge el término „sostenibilidad‟ - procesos gubernamentales que ponen su atención en los bosques,entre ellos el Proceso paneuropeo del que emanan los Criterios e indicadores de la gestión forestal sostenible, así como otros foros donde aparece la vinculación entre los productos y la sostenibilidad de los bosques de donde proceden. A partir de esos conceptos aparecen los sistemas de certificación, primero FSC, promovido por las ONG ambientalistas, y en respuesta a ello, el sistema PEFC de los propietarios forestales privados con las industrias forestales. En su introducción, el trabajo recoge como surge y evoluciona esta preocupación y como se sucede y desarrollan los sistemas de certificación en España, orientados tanto a la superficie forestal como a sus productos derivados. Tratando de ser una herramienta técnica, en estos últimos quince años, se han ido planteando metodologías y propuestas técnicas que puedan garantizar el origen sostenible del bosque de donde procede la materia prima. Aunque la persistencia de la masa forestal como término tiene importancia, no considera numerosos aspectos incluidos en el concepto “gestión forestal sostenible”. El trabajo manifiesta qué es y cómo se origina la Gestión Forestal Sostenible y muy ligado con ello, el origen de la certificación como herramienta, explicando cómo se incardina la certificación forestal española con las estructuras internacionales y se construyen nuevas estructuras a escala española y autonómica. Se expone el dominio y alcance técnico de la certificación, sus inicios y un análisis de la diversidad de sistemas y etiquetas existentes -como ha ido evolucionando a escala internacional y nacional, por sistemas, sectores y continentes, con especial atención en España, recopilando lo sucedido relevante para el sector forestal, industrias forestales y sistemas de certificación en los años de estudio de elaboración de la tesis. Se refleja la relevancia que adquiere la certificación forestal y de la cadena de custodia para la industria del papel, tanto por las regulaciones, normativas y legislación que involucran al producto derivado del bosque como por ser herramienta que enlaza el bosque sostenible con el consumidor. La aplicación de todas esas especificaciones técnicas que muestran la sostenibilidad del bosque y al trazabilidad en el proceso productivo comporta una carga administrativa de recopilación de información, de control para el seguimiento asociado con los registros necesarios, y de archivo de documentos, conforme a las exigencias que plantean los sistemas de certificación forestal. Por tanto, es importante definir un método y procedimientos genéricos para los correspondientes sistemas de gestión preexistentes en las empresas del sector de pasta y papel (de calidad/ de medio ambiente/integrados), para implantar un Sistema de Cadena de Custodia genérico (común a FSC y PEFC) en una instalación de celulosa y papel y un sistema de diligencia debida. Para ello, ha sido necesario analizar la línea de producción y establecer los puntos de su diagrama en los que se requiere el control de la trazabilidad, puntos en los que se procede al seguimiento y registro de la materia prima, materia semielaborada y producto, y de ahí proceder a redactar o retocar los procedimientos de gestión calidad/ medioambiental, en su caso, para incluir los campos de registro. Según determinen los procedimientos, se efectuará un seguimiento y registro de los, derivados que configuran una característica y se determinará una serie de indicadores del sistema de trazabilidad de la madera en la industria de celulosa y papel, es decir, un conjunto de parámetros cuantitativos y descriptivos, sujetos al seguimiento de forma periódica, que muestren el cambio y permitan observar la evaluación y control del Sistema de Cadena de Custodia. Además de asegurar la trazabilidad de la madera y fibra en la industria de pasta y papel y con ello la sostenibilidad del bosque del que procede, se avalará la legalidad de los aprovechamientos que proporcionan ese recurso maderable, cumpliendo así no sólo la legislación vigente sino también ambos sistemas de certificación FSC y PEFC. El sistema de cadena de custodia de la pasta y papel se caracteriza por los indicadores de seguimiento que permite el control de la trazabilidad. ABSTRACT This paper traces the origins of the term „Sustainable Development‟ and of both citizen and institutional concern for the sustainability of resources, leading to the enactment of a forestry policy at international level, of which the initial milestones are the Rio Summit and other processes in which the term „Sustainability‟ was born. Those forestfocused institutional initiatives include the pan-European process that led to the publication of Sustainable Forest Management Criteria and Indicators, and other forums that highlight the link between finished wood-based products and the sustainability of the forests from which that wood is sourced. Those concepts were the culture in which forest certification systems were engendered, first FSC, promoted by environmental NGOs, and subsequently PEFC, fostered in response to FSC by private forest owners and forest-based industries. In its Introduction, this paper looks at how such concern arose and has evolved and how certification systems came into existence in Spain and developed to encompass both forest lands and forest-based products. As part of a mission to provide an applicable technical tool, new methodologies and technical proposals have been put forward over the past fifteen years aimed at guaranteeing the sustainable origin of the forest from which raw material is sourced. Although the maintenance of forest stands as a term in its own right is important, it does not take many of the aspects included in the concept of “sustainable forest management” into account. This thesis describes what SFM is and how it was born, underlying the close link between SFM and the origin of certification as a tool, explaining how Spanish forest certification is embodied in international structures, while new structures are built here in Spain on both the national and regional scale. This work also details the domain and scope of forest certification from the technical standpoint, explains its beginnings, and assesses the various systems and labels that exist - how certification has evolved internationally and nationally across systems, sectors and continents, with special emphasis on Spain. It provides a compilation of events relevant to forestry, forest industries and forest certification systems that have taken place during the years this thesis has been in preparation. It reflects on the relevance that forest and chain of custody certification holds for the paper industry, in view not only of the regulations, policies and legislation that affect forest-based products but also of its role as a tool that bonds the sustainable forest with the consumer. Implementing the range of technical specifications to demonstrate forest sustainability and traceability throughout the production process entails the administrative burden of collecting information and providing controls to process the relevant records and documents to be kept on file in compliance with the requirements made by forest certification schemes. It is therefore important to define a generic method, together with its relevant procedures,that fits the management systems (quality / environmental / integrated)existing today in pulp and paper companies, in order to implement a generic Chain of Custody scheme (common to FSC and PEFC) in a pulp and paper mill, and a due diligence system. To achieve that, it has first been necessary to analyse the production line and establish points along the route where traceabilitycontrols need to be implemented and points where raw material, semi-finished goods and end products should be monitored and recorded. Subsequently, the procedures in quality / environmental management systems need to be drafted or amended as required to include fields that reflect those records. As required by the procedures, forest-based products that have a specific characteristic shall be monitored and recorded, and a number of indicators identified in the traceability system of wood for pulp & paper, i.e.createa set of quantitative and descriptive parameters subject to regular monitoringthat reveal changes and enable the Chain of Custody system to be assessed and controlled. In addition to ensuring the traceability of wood and fibre in the pulp and paper industry -and so the sustainability of the forest from which it is sourced -, the legality of the harvesting that produces that timber will also be enhanced, thus fulfilling not only the law but also both FSC and PEFC certification schemes. The chain of custody system for pulp and paper is characterised by monitoring indicators that enable traceability to be controlled.


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Cuando se inició el trabajo para obtener el título de doctora, el proyecto era acerca de la financiación público privada de los clubes deportivos madrileños. El punto uno de ese primer índice, versaba sobre el origen del club deportivo en la Comunidad de Madrid (en este sentido, es preciso tener en cuenta que el territorio sufrió modificaciones, lo que antes eran pueblos hoy son distritos y lo que antes era provincia hoy es Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, nuestro ámbito territorial de estudio). Al leer la doctrina autorizada que coincidía en su totalidad en que los primeros clubes deportivos fueron de origen inglés (el Recreativo de Huelva en el año1889 era considerado el primer club de España) y recordar dudas e inquietudes al respecto que surgieron durante la licenciatura, la investigación se tornó incómoda, por no decir temeraria. ¿Por qué había que limitarse a recoger las ideas de una doctrina, sin duda hoy y entonces prestigiosa, cuando se pensaba que aquella teoría del origen británico no podía ser, aunque fuera dentro de un marco teórico? No parecía tener sentido que no hubiera habido asociacionismo en España antes de la llegada de las compañías inglesas, pero sobre todo en Madrid, siempre bulliciosa en cuanto a participación ciudadana, por varios motivos: existían juegos y deportes populares autóctonos antes de que llegara el fútbol. ¿No se asociaban los madrileños para poder competir con otros?, ¿Se equivocó Goya al pintar estampas de juegos populares?, ¿Por qué existía entonces una Ley de Asociaciones de 1887, evidentemente anterior al Recreativo de Huelva (1889)? Las leyes se elaboran en respuesta a una necesidad social o a una costumbre anterior, o a las dos cosas. ¿Nadie pensó en la costumbre, siendo fuente del Derecho junto con la Ley y los principios generales?, ¿Nadie, estando tan cerca?, ¿Nadie, figurando en el artículo 1 del Código Civil? De esta forma, la justificación y objetivos cambiaron, la investigación se volvió otra, se tenía necesidad de probar la lógica o nada. Sólo hacían falta las pruebas documentales que aportaran luz y fueran tangibles para la argumentación jurídica. Así, entre las reglas del juego de la norma jurídica, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina, se desenvuelve el marco teórico de este trabajo. Es necesario para ello conocer cómo funciona la legislación que afecta a los clubes deportivos en la actualidad para entender las similitudes con los clubes pioneros. Es preciso comprender que una Ley nunca se encuentra aislada de otras, que todas están relacionadas, que los cruces son inevitablemente ilimitados y los resultados inmensos. Se ha realizado un análisis de una realidad compleja que trasciende de lo jurídico y lo deportivo. Respecto al material y método, no se encontraban referencias de estudios comparados, desde el punto de vista jurídico, de los Estatutos de los primeros clubes deportivos madrileños, ni nombrarlos hasta que a principios del año 2013 digitalizamos en la Biblioteca Nacional el Reglamento del Instituto de Gimnástica, Equitación y Esgrima (Villalobos, 1842); la prueba documental que se buscaba para apoyar la teoría ya era tangible. Luego se encontrarían otros para añadir a la muestra y también documentación probatoria complementaria. Tampoco había trabajos sobre la documentación emanada de la Administración Pública, por lo que se han estudiado Expedientes administrativos así como su comparativa con la legislación coetánea y la actual, lo que ha permitido concretar más la forma y tipología de las primeras formas jurídicas deportivas. Para la búsqueda de documentación se ha recurrido a bibliotecas, archivos e incluso depósitos que tenían legajos sin clasificar, habían sufrido las inundaciones y carcoma que azotaron a los sótanos de Madrid e incluso a alguno el fuego le miró de reojo. La documentación encontrada ha permitido convivir con los personajes que habitaron los clubes pioneros en los primeros domicilios sociales; historias reales con banda sonora propia. Y es que el nacimiento del asociacionismo deportivo madrileño no se podría haber gestado en mejor momento; durante el Romanticismo, ni en mejor lugar, en las encrucijadas de las callejuelas estrechas cercanas a las grandes arterias de la Capital; un paseo por las calles Libertad, Barbieri, Minas, Hortaleza y Montera. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la teoría de que el primer club deportivo madrileño nada tuvo que ver con los clubes que posteriormente vinieron en los equipajes de las compañías inglesas. Ni en tiempo, son anteriores; ni en lugar, Madrid; ni en forma, la comparativa con un club británico de la época denota diferencias o mejor, deficiencias, pero más que nada en el fondo. Los clubes madrileños tenían una naturaleza que reflejaba el sentir de los primeros socios y el espíritu de la Capital: beneficencia, espectáculo, participación ciudadana y trabajo en equipo. También se demuestra, tanto en los resultados como en la discusión, las particularidades de los primeros clubes madrileños en cuanto a su relación con la imprenta, la docencia, la prensa, las instalaciones deportivas siempre compartidas con la cultura como la terminología y las equipaciones, pero sobre todo la especial relación con el inherente derecho de reunión. Difícil pensar en un principio que la prueba de la costumbre se encontrara en la cartelería teatral, y que un programa de una competición deportiva escondiera unos Estatutos durante siglos. ABSTRACT When work for a doctorate degree began, the project was about public-private financing of sports clubs Madrid. At point one of the first index, concerned the origin of the sports club in Madrid ( Keep in mind that the territory was modified, which were towns before today are districts and what was once the province is now Community Autonomous of Madrid, our territorial area of study). When reading the authoritative doctrine which coincided entirely in the first sports clubs were of English origin (Huelva Recreation Club, 1889) and remember about questions and concerns raised during the undergraduate research became awkward, if not reckless. Why it had to be limited to collecting the ideas of a doctrine certainly prestigious now and then, when it was thought that this theory could not be British origin, albeit within a framework? It did not seem to make sense that there had been associations in Spain before the arrival of British companies, but especially in Madrid, always busy in terms of citizen participation, for several reasons; and indigenous games were popular sports before the football do the locals are not associated to compete with other?, Goya was wrong to paint pictures of popular games?, Why then was no Associations Act, 1887, clearly previous Huelva Recreation Club (1889)? The laws are developed in response to a social need or a past practice, or both. No one thought of being a source of law practice with the law and the general principles? No, being so close? No one appearing in Article 1 of the Civil? Thus the rationale and objectives of the research turned back, it was necessary to try logic or anything. Only documentary evidence was needed that provide light and were tangible to the legal arguments. Thus, among the rules of the legal rule, jurisprudence and doctrine, the theoretical framework of this work develops, we need to know how legislation affects sports clubs at present to understand the similarities with clubs works pioneers, we must understand that a law is never isolated from others, they are all related, intersections are inevitably unlimited and the immense results. It has made an analysis of a complex reality that transcends the legal and sports. Regarding the material and method, no references to studies were compared, from the legal point of view, of the Statute of the first Madrid sports clubs, or name them until early 2013 digitized at the National Library of the Institute of Regulation Gymnastics, Riding and Fencing (Villalobos, 1842); the documentary evidence that was sought to support the theory was already tangible. Then they find others to add to the sample and further supporting documentation. There was also no work on the documentation issued by the Public Administration, which have been studied administrative records and their comparison with the contemporary legislation and the current, allowing more concrete form and type of the first sports legal forms. Search for documentation we have turned to libraries, archives and even deposits that were not rated bundles, had suffered flooding and decay in the basement of Madrid and even fire some looked askance. The found documents have enabled us to live with the characters that inhabited the early clubs in the first addresses; real stories with its own soundtrack. And the birth of the Madrid sports associations could not have been gestated at a better time ; during the Romantic period , or in a better place ; at the crossroads of the nearby narrow streets of the great arteries of the Capital; a walk along the Libertad, Barbieri, Minas, Hortaleza and Montera. The research results confirm the theory that the first Madrid sports club had nothing to do with the clubs that later came in the luggage of British companies, nor in time; They predate, or rather; Madrid, or in the form; the comparison with a British club denotes the time differences or rather shortcomings, but more than anything in the background; the Madrid club had a nature that reflect the sentiments of the first members and the spirit of the Capital; charity, show, citizen participation and teamwork. It is also shown in the results and discussion the particularities of the first locals clubs in their relationship with the press, teaching, media, sports facilities always shared with the culture and terminology and the kits, but all the special relationship with the inherent right of assembly; hard to think at first that the test of habit were in the theater posters, and a program of a sports competition hide Statutes for centuries.


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Historicamente tido como nacional, o meio revista está sendo regionalmente reinventado. Seus moldes tradicionais passam por uma readaptação e os esquematismos dominantes na produção jornalística já não são homogêneos. Há um movimento setorial à procura de um novo mercado, incrustado nas especificidades regionais e no desenvolvimento socioeconômico que está vicejando num cotidiano desconhecido pela chamada grande imprensa. O mercado de revistas no Brasil cresce consecutivamente e de forma organizada há anos. Embora não haja registros nas fontes de autoridade, as revistas regionais e as tiragens têm se multiplicado velozmente, contrariando os revezes econômico-financeiros sentidos por outros setores da indústria cultural. Este fenômeno é o objetivo desta pesquisa: mapear a nova geografia do meio revista nas cinco macrorregiões brasileiras para entender como as identidades regionais são processadas em favor da comunicação com públicos específicos, característica que está na essência da revista. Métodos mistos de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa traçam o caminho da justaposição necessária para descrever este surto de publicações regionais. Estudo de casos múltiplos e análise de conteúdo envolvendo cinco revistas de cada uma das regiões políticoadministrativas, descrevem e discutem as tendências da segmentação no mercado editorial além do eixo Rio-São Paulo. Como resultado desta investigação, chega-se às seguintes conclusões: a consolidação de um novo campo jornalístico regional, profissionalizado, competente e criativo, distante do amadorismo, do bairrismo e da mimetização simplista; os mais expressivos veículos de cada uma das cinco macro-regiões infra-nacionais, segundo o construto metodológico criado para esta pesquisa, trabalham as relações, modos e demandas de produção simbólica sem artificialismos; as identidades regionais instituídas estão intimamente ligadas às regiões de influência e as redes urbanas; o retrato do estilo de vida urbano estampado nas revistas do corpus reforça tanto o poder desta como veículo de comunicação, como retroalimenta os sotaques regionais nos níveis sociais onde são produzidas e digeridas.(AU)


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Historicamente tido como nacional, o meio revista está sendo regionalmente reinventado. Seus moldes tradicionais passam por uma readaptação e os esquematismos dominantes na produção jornalística já não são homogêneos. Há um movimento setorial à procura de um novo mercado, incrustado nas especificidades regionais e no desenvolvimento socioeconômico que está vicejando num cotidiano desconhecido pela chamada grande imprensa. O mercado de revistas no Brasil cresce consecutivamente e de forma organizada há anos. Embora não haja registros nas fontes de autoridade, as revistas regionais e as tiragens têm se multiplicado velozmente, contrariando os revezes econômico-financeiros sentidos por outros setores da indústria cultural. Este fenômeno é o objetivo desta pesquisa: mapear a nova geografia do meio revista nas cinco macrorregiões brasileiras para entender como as identidades regionais são processadas em favor da comunicação com públicos específicos, característica que está na essência da revista. Métodos mistos de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa traçam o caminho da justaposição necessária para descrever este surto de publicações regionais. Estudo de casos múltiplos e análise de conteúdo envolvendo cinco revistas de cada uma das regiões políticoadministrativas, descrevem e discutem as tendências da segmentação no mercado editorial além do eixo Rio-São Paulo. Como resultado desta investigação, chega-se às seguintes conclusões: a consolidação de um novo campo jornalístico regional, profissionalizado, competente e criativo, distante do amadorismo, do bairrismo e da mimetização simplista; os mais expressivos veículos de cada uma das cinco macro-regiões infra-nacionais, segundo o construto metodológico criado para esta pesquisa, trabalham as relações, modos e demandas de produção simbólica sem artificialismos; as identidades regionais instituídas estão intimamente ligadas às regiões de influência e as redes urbanas; o retrato do estilo de vida urbano estampado nas revistas do corpus reforça tanto o poder desta como veículo de comunicação, como retroalimenta os sotaques regionais nos níveis sociais onde são produzidas e digeridas.(AU)


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A Constituição de 1988 e leis subsequentes determinam que o Estado preste informações aos cidadãos e favoreça a sua participação nas questões públicas trata-se do princípio legal da Transparência Administrativa, que compreende os seguintes subprincípios: (1) Informação; (2) Motivação e, o mais importante, (3) Participação e interatividade cidadãs. O alto investimento na Comunicação Estatal e os avanços tecnológicos, por si sós, não garantem a prática da transparência pública ou da democratização da informação. Sob uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, esta pesquisa discutiu o princípio legal de Transparência Administrativa, comparativamente à Teoria da Comunicação, com o objetivo de propor um conceito de Comunicação Estatal que, de fato, corresponda aos ideais e à ética necessários à Comunicação Pública. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo foi investigada a relação da comunicação com o grau de transparência alcançado no portal do Senado Federal. O estudo analisou a tramitação da reforma do Poder Judiciário no período de 2000 a 2004, tendo em vista os três subprincípios legais da Transparência Pública. A análise contemplou, no portal do Senado, o trabalho jornalístico e a disponibilização on-line de textos digitais referentes a documentos originais, tais como atas públicas e notas taquigráficas. A metodologia, de enfoques quantitativo e qualitativo, teve como instrumento principal a Nova Retórica, para análise de matérias jornalísticas e textos documentais. Para averiguação da interatividade conceito que fundamenta o ideal de justiça , foram estabelecidos critérios analíticos a partir da intersecção entre os conceitos de transparência e E-parliaments. Constatou-se que o portal do Senado, no referente à reforma da Justiça, alcançou graus de transparência, atendendo mais aos subprincípios da informação e da motivação em detrimento aos da participação e interatividade cidadãs.(AU)


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A Constituição de 1988 e leis subsequentes determinam que o Estado preste informações aos cidadãos e favoreça a sua participação nas questões públicas trata-se do princípio legal da Transparência Administrativa, que compreende os seguintes subprincípios: (1) Informação; (2) Motivação e, o mais importante, (3) Participação e interatividade cidadãs. O alto investimento na Comunicação Estatal e os avanços tecnológicos, por si sós, não garantem a prática da transparência pública ou da democratização da informação. Sob uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, esta pesquisa discutiu o princípio legal de Transparência Administrativa, comparativamente à Teoria da Comunicação, com o objetivo de propor um conceito de Comunicação Estatal que, de fato, corresponda aos ideais e à ética necessários à Comunicação Pública. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo foi investigada a relação da comunicação com o grau de transparência alcançado no portal do Senado Federal. O estudo analisou a tramitação da reforma do Poder Judiciário no período de 2000 a 2004, tendo em vista os três subprincípios legais da Transparência Pública. A análise contemplou, no portal do Senado, o trabalho jornalístico e a disponibilização on-line de textos digitais referentes a documentos originais, tais como atas públicas e notas taquigráficas. A metodologia, de enfoques quantitativo e qualitativo, teve como instrumento principal a Nova Retórica, para análise de matérias jornalísticas e textos documentais. Para averiguação da interatividade conceito que fundamenta o ideal de justiça , foram estabelecidos critérios analíticos a partir da intersecção entre os conceitos de transparência e E-parliaments. Constatou-se que o portal do Senado, no referente à reforma da Justiça, alcançou graus de transparência, atendendo mais aos subprincípios da informação e da motivação em detrimento aos da participação e interatividade cidadãs.(AU)


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Although 23 states and the District of Columbia have now legalized marijuana for medical purposes, marijuana remains a prohibited substance under federal law. Because the production, sale, possession and use of marijuana remain illegal, there is a risk of prosecution under federal laws. Furthermore, those who help marijuana users and providers put themselves at risk — federal law punishes not only those who violate drug laws but also those who assist or conspire with them to do so. In the case of lawyers representing marijuana users and businesspeople, this means not only the real (though remote) risk of criminal prosecution but also the more immediate risk of professional discipline. Elsewhere, we wrote about the difficult place in which lawyers find themselves when representing marijuana clients. We argued that while both the criminal law and the rules of professional conduct rightly require legal obedience from lawyers, other countervailing factors must be considered when evaluating lawyers’ representation of marijuana clients. In particular, we asserted that considerations of equity and access to justice weigh dispositively in favor of protecting lawyers who endeavor to help their clients comply with state marijuana laws, and we suggested means of interpreting relevant criminal law provisions and rules of professional conduct to achieve this result. This article builds on that analysis, taking on the particular issue of the public lawyer’s’ role in marijuana regulation. For government lawyers, the key issues in exercising discretion in the context of marijuana are not clients’ access to the law and equality but rather determining the clients’ wishes and serving them diligently and ethically. Lawyers representing state agencies, legislatures and the executive branch of government draft and interpret the rules and regulations regarding marijuana. Lawyers for federal, state and local governments then interpret those rules to determine the obligations and responsibilities of those they represent and to help their clients meet those obligations and carry out their required tasks. Both state and federal prosecutors are charged with determining what conduct remains illegal under the new rules and, perhaps more importantly, with exercising discretion regarding whom to prosecute and to what extent. Marijuana regulation is not a niche area of government regulation; it will influence the practice of virtually every public lawyer in the years to come. Public lawyers must understand the changes in marijuana law and the implications for government clients. Given the pervasiveness of the modern regulatory state, the situation is no easier — and, in many ways, it is more complicated — for public lawyers than it is for private ones. Public lawyers face myriad practice challenges with respect to marijuana law reform, and while we do not purport to identify and resolve all of the issues that are sure to arise in this short paper, we hope that the article helps alert public lawyers to some of the risks involved in participating in marijuana regulation so that they can think carefully about their obligations when these issues arise.


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Paper wrapper reads: "Nicholas Shapleigh & John Shapleigh / Division of farm at Kittery / Recorded January 31st, 1798 / 17 cents duty." The legal document establishing the division of the land is signed by each of the three surveyors: Nicholas Morrell(?), William Fry, and Daniel Emery.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte hydrographique de la Moyenne Égypte, où sont indiqués les travaux exécutés ou à exécuter, d'après les ordres de Son Altesse Mehémet-Ali, Vice-Roi d'Egypte. Avec le projet de communication directe des deux mers au travers de l'Isthme, par M. Linant de Bellefonds ; gravée par Schwaerzlé et Erhard. It was published by Dépôt de la Guerre in 1854. Scale 1:250,000. Covers a portion of the Nile River region near Birkat Qārūn, Banī Suwayf, Al Fayyūm, and Al Minyā. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Egypt Red Belt projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, canals, roads, cities and other human settlements, administrative boundaries, ruins and historical sites, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes also text and notes.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Planktic d18O and d13C records and point count records of biogenic, volcanic, and nonvolcanic terrigenous [ice-rafted debris (IRD)] sediment components from Hole 919A in the Irminger basin, northern North Atlantic provide a comprehensive dataset from which a paleoceanographic reconstruction for the last 630 kyr has been developed. The paleoceanographic evolution of the Irminger basin during this time contains both long-term patterns and significant developmental steps. One long-term pattern observed is the persistent deposition of hematite-stained ice-rafted debris. This record suggests that the modern and late Pleistocene discharges of icebergs from northern redbed regions to the Irminger Sea lie in the low end of the range observed over the last 630 kyr. In addition, Arctic front fluctuations appear to have been the main controlling factor on the long-term accumulation patterns of IRD and planktic biogenic groups. The Hole 919A sediment record also contains a long-term association between felsic volcanic ash abundances and light d18O excursions in both interglacial and glacial stages, which suggests a causal link between deglaciations and explosive Icelandic eruptions. A significant developmental step in the paleoceanographic reconstruction based on benthic evidence was for diminished supply of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) beginning at ~380 ka, possibly initiated by the influx of meltwater from broad-scale iceberg discharges along the east Greenland coast. There is also planktic evidence of a two-step cooling of sea surface conditions in the Irminger basin, first at ~338-309 ka and later at ~211-190 ka, after which both glacials and interglacials were colder as the Arctic front migrated southeast of Site 919. In addition to offering these findings, this reconstruction provides a longer-term geologic context for the interpretation of more recent paleoceanographic events and patterns of deposition from this region.