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In order to evaluate the diagnostic yield of a PCR assay for patients with focal complications of brucellosis, we studied by PCR and by conventional microbiological techniques 34 nonblood samples from 32 patients with different focal forms of brucellosis. The samples from patients with brucellosis were paired to an equal number of control samples from the same locations of patients whose illnesses had different etiologies. Thirty-three of the 34 nonblood samples (97%) from the brucellosis patients were positive by PCR, whereas Brucella spp. were isolated from only 29.4% of the conventional cultures. For 11.4% of the patients, the confirmatory serological tests were either negative or showed titers below the diagnostic range. Two patients (6.2%) from the control group, both with tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis, had a positive PCR result. The brucella PCR of blood from these two patients was also positive, and the two strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated were analyzed by the brucella PCR, with no evidence of amplification. These results show that the PCR assay is far more sensitive than conventional cultures, and this, coupled with its speed and reduction in risk to laboratory workers, makes this technique a very useful tool for the diagnosis of focal complications of brucellosis.
We studied two of the possible factors which can interfere with specific DNA amplification in a peripheral-blood PCR assay used for the diagnosis of human brucellosis. We found that high concentrations of leukocyte DNA and heme compounds inhibit PCR. These inhibitors can be efficiently suppressed by increasing the number of washings to four or five and decreasing the amount of total DNA to 2 to 4 microg, thereby avoiding false-negative results.
A 51-year-old man, with a medical history of medullary thyroid carcinoma excised under thyroxine treatment presented with a painful enlarging lesion on his right heel since one year. A 3-cm diameter, greyish, infiltrated nodule with spicules was seen on physical examination (Fig. 1a). A 5-mm surgical excision was made and a total skin graft was used for reconstruction. Histopathology of the total resected tumour revealed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasic epidermis and a proliferation located between rete ridges, dermis and superficial hypodermis (Fig. 1b). The proliferation was composed of nets and cordons of cells with granular and abundant PAS-positive cytoplasm. Immunostains showed cytoplasmic positivity for s100 and inhibin (Fig. 1c). Three years later the patient is asymptomatic.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus encoding a superantigen that is recognized in association with major histocompatibility complex class II by the variable region of the beta chain (V(beta)) of the T-cell receptor. The C-terminal 30 to 40 amino acids of the superantigen of different MMTVs display high sequence variability that correlates with the recognition of particular T-cell receptor V(beta) chains. Interestingly, MMTV(SIM) and mtv-8 superantigens are highly homologous but have nonoverlapping T-cell receptor V(beta) specificities. To determine the importance of these few differences for specific V(beta) interaction, we studied superantigen responses in mice to chimeric and mutant MMTV(SIM) and mtv-8 superantigens expressed by recombinant vaccinia viruses. We show that only a few changes (two to six residues) within the C terminus are necessary to modify superantigen recognition by specific V(beta)s. Thus, the introduction of the MMTV(SIM) residues 314-315 into the mtv-8 superantigen greatly decreased its V(beta)12 reactivity without gain of MMTV(SIM)-specific function. The introduction of MMTV(SIM)-specific residues 289 to 295, however, induced a recognition pattern that was a mixture of MMTV(SIM)- and mtv-8-specific V(beta) reactivities: both weak MMTV(SIM)-specific V(beta)4 and full mtv-8-specific V(beta)11 recognition were observed while V(beta)12 interaction was lost. The combination of the two MMTV(SIM)-specific regions in the mtv-8 superantigen established normal MMTV(SIM)-specific V(beta)4 reactivity and completely abolished mtv-8-specific V(beta)5, -11, and -12 interactions. These new functional superantigens with mixed V(beta) recognition patterns allowed us to precisely delineate sites relevant for molecular interactions between the SIM or mtv-8 superantigen and the T-cell receptor V(beta) domain within the 30 C-terminal residues of the viral superantigen.
The circadian clock contributes to the control of BP, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We analyzed circadian rhythms in kidneys of wild-type mice and mice lacking the circadian transcriptional activator clock gene. Mice deficient in clock exhibited dramatic changes in the circadian rhythm of renal sodium excretion. In parallel, these mice lost the normal circadian rhythm of plasma aldosterone levels. Analysis of renal circadian transcriptomes demonstrated changes in multiple mechanisms involved in maintaining sodium balance. Pathway analysis revealed the strongest effect on the enzymatic system involved in the formation of 20-HETE, a powerful regulator of renal sodium excretion, renal vascular tone, and BP. This correlated with a significant decrease in the renal and urinary content of 20-HETE in clock-deficient mice. In summary, this study demonstrates that the circadian clock modulates renal function and identifies the 20-HETE synthesis pathway as one of its principal renal targets. It also suggests that the circadian clock affects BP, at least in part, by exerting dynamic control over renal sodium handling.
Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 FAs) have potential anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of inflammatory human diseases, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we show that stimulation of macrophages with ω-3 FAs, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and other family members, abolished NLRP3 inflammasome activation and inhibited subsequent caspase-1 activation and IL-1β secretion. In addition, G protein-coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) and GPR40 and their downstream scaffold protein β-arrestin-2 were shown to be involved in inflammasome inhibition induced by ω-3 FAs. Importantly, ω-3 FAs also prevented NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammation and metabolic disorder in a high-fat-diet-induced type 2 diabetes model. Our results reveal a mechanism through which ω-3 FAs repress inflammation and prevent inflammation-driven diseases and suggest the potential clinical use of ω-3 FAs in gout, autoinflammatory syndromes, or other NLRP3 inflammasome-driven inflammatory diseases.
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are specialized sensors of viral nucleic acids that initiate protective immunity through the production of type I interferons (IFNs). Normally, pDCs fail to sense host-derived self-nucleic acids but do so when self-nucleic acids form complexes with endogenous antimicrobial peptides produced in damaged skin. Whereas regulated expression of antimicrobial peptides may lead to pDC activation and protective immune responses to skin injury, overexpression of antimicrobial peptides in psoriasis drives excessive sensing of self-nucleic acids by pDCs resulting in IFN-driven autoimmunity. In skin tumors, pDCs are unable to sense self-nucleic acids; however, therapeutic activation of pDCs by synthetic nucleic acids or analogues can be exploited to generate antitumor immunity.
The investigation of gender differences in emotion has attracted much attention given the potential ramifications on our understanding of sexual differences in disorders involving emotion dysregulation. Yet, research on content-specific gender differences across adulthood in emotional responding is lacking. The aims of the present study were twofold. First, we sought to investigate to what extent gender differences in the self-reported emotional experience are content specific. Second, we sought to determine whether gender differences are stable across the adult lifespan. We assessed valence and arousal ratings of 14 picture series, each of a different content, in 94 men and 118 women aged 20 to 81. Compared to women, men reacted more positively to erotic images, whereas women rated low-arousing pleasant family scenes and landscapes as particularly positive. Women displayed a disposition to respond with greater defensive activation (i.e., more negative valence and higher arousal), in particular to the most arousing unpleasant contents. Importantly, significant interactions between gender and age were not found for any single content. This study makes a novel contribution by showing that gender differences in the affective experiences in response to different contents persist across the adult lifespan. These findings support the "stability hypothesis" of gender differences across age.
While chronic hypoglycaemia has been reported to increase unidirectional glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and to increase GLUT1 expression at the endothelium, the effect on steady-state brain d-glucose and brain glycogen content is currently unknown. Brain glucose and glycogen concentrations were directly measured in vivo using localized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) following 12-14 days of hypoglycaemia. Brain glucose content was significantly increased by 48%, which is consistent with an increase in the maximal glucose transport rate, Tmax, by 58% compared with the sham-treated animals. The localized 13C NMR measurements of brain glucose were directly validated by comparison with biochemically determined brain glucose content after rapid focused microwave fixation (1.4 s at 4 kW). Both in vivo MRS and biochemical measurements implied that brain glycogen content was not affected by chronic hypoglycaemia, consistent with brain glucose being a major factor controlling brain glycogen content. We conclude that the increased glucose transporter expression in chronic hypoglycaemia leads to increased brain glucose content at a given level of glycaemia. Such increased brain glucose concentrations can result in a lowered glycaemic threshold of counter-regulation observed in chronic hypoglycaemia.
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
In spite of the fact that the Ars predicandi populo is attributed to Eiximenis in only one of the three extant manuscripts, there is no doubt that it is one of his works.First of all, the internal references to this treatise in the pages of Terç and Dotzè del Crestià are an irrefutable testimony and, secondly, the presence of an autographvolume of sermons which begins with the Ars in the inventory of the Eiximenis library made shortly after his death. The writing of the Ars and the collection of sermons which introduces it must be dated prior to the beginning of the Crestià encyclopedia (1379) because of the complexity that entailed the writing of a collection of three perhaps four volumes of sermons. Due to a series of formal and codicological reasons it must be concluded that the chapter entitled De consiliis circa predicacionem cannot be attributed to Eiximenis and thus be excluded from the Ars
The fungus Aspergillus nidulans contains both a mitochondrial and peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. This work was aimed at studying the influence of mutations in the foxA gene, encoding a peroxisomal multifunctional protein, or in the scdA/echA genes, encoding a mitochondrial short-chain dehydrogenase and an enoyl-CoA hydratase, respectively, on the carbon flux to the peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. A. nidulans transformed with a peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase produced PHA from the polymerization of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates derived from the peroxisomal ß-oxidation of external fatty acids. PHA produced from erucic acid or heptadecanoic acid contained a broad spectrum of monomers, ranging from 5 to 14 carbons, revealing that the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle can handle both long and short-chain intermediates. While the ∆foxA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid synthesized 10-fold less PHA compared to wild type, the same mutant grown on octanoic acid or heptanoic acid produced 3- to 6-fold more PHA. Thus, while FoxA has an important contribution to the degradation of long-chain fatty acids, the flux of short-chain fatty acids to peroxisomal ß-oxidation is actually enhanced in its absence. While no change in PHA was observed in the ∆scdA∆echA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid compared to wild type, there was a 2- to 4-fold increased synthesis of PHA in ∆scdA∆echA cells grown in octanoic acid or heptanoic acid. These results reveal that a compensatory mechanism exists in A. nidulans that increases the flux of short-chain fatty acids towards the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle when the mitochondrial ß-oxidation pathway is defective.
It is often supposed that a protein's rate of evolution and its amino acid content are determined by the function and anatomy of the protein. Here we examine an alternative possibility, namely that the requirement to specify in the unprocessed RNA, in the vicinity of intron-exon boundaries, information necessary for removal of introns (e.g., exonic splice enhancers) affects both amino acid usage and rates of protein evolution. We find that the majority of amino acids show skewed usage near intron-exon boundaries, and that differences in the trends for the 2-fold and 4-fold blocks of both arginine and leucine show this to be owing to effects mediated at the nucleotide level. More specifically, there is a robust relationship between the extent to which an amino acid is preferred/avoided near boundaries and its enrichment/paucity in splice enhancers. As might then be expected, the rate of evolution is lowest near intron-exon boundaries, at least in part owing to splice enhancers, such that domains flanking intron-exon junctions evolve on average at under half the rate of exon centres from the same gene. In contrast, the rate of evolution of intronless retrogenes is highest near the domains where intron-exon junctions previously resided. The proportion of sequence near intron-exon boundaries is one of the stronger predictors of a protein's rate of evolution in mammals yet described. We conclude that after intron insertion selection favours modification of amino acid content near intron-exon junctions, so as to enable efficient intron removal, these changes then being subject to strong purifying selection even if nonoptimal for protein function. Thus there exists a strong force operating on protein evolution in mammals that is not explained directly in terms of the biology of the protein.