992 resultados para 183-1140


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In the present research, microstructures of the surface-nanocrystalline Al alloy material are observed and measured based on the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique, and the corresponding mechanical behaviors are investigated experimentally and theoretically. In the experimental research, the nanoindentation test method is used, and the load and microhardness curves are measured, which strongly depend on the grain size and grain size nonuniformity. Two kinds of the nanoindentation test methods are adopted: the randomly selected loading point method and the continuous stiffness method. In the theoretical modeling, based on the microstructure characteristics of the surface-nanocrystalline Al alloy material, a dislocation pile-up model considering the grain size effect and based on the Mott theory is presented and used. The hardness-indent depth curves are predicted and modeled.


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本文给出了一种模拟海底管道沉降的有限元分析方法.在该方法中,海床土体采用弹塑性帽盖本构模型进行模拟;管土接触面采用‘接触对'(contact pair)算法进行处理,解决了管道嵌入海床的动边界接触问题.数值模拟显示,随着管道水下重量的增大,管道下方土体的塑性区域逐渐扩展,相应的管道沉降量也逐渐增大,并明显高于弹性模型的计算值.通过参量分析,还探讨了土体和管道特性对管道沉降量的影响.


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In this paper, the rigid particle filled polymer is studied in the hope to understand the real damage mechanisms. Two damage parameters were introduced and measured. One is the macro-damage of the materials calculated from the modulus measured, another is micro-damage describing the interfacial debonding or the percentage of the particle debonded from the matrix. The damage rate of the macro damage decreases, while the micro damage increases with the applied stress.


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With a newly developed Material Failure Process Analysis code (MFPA(2D)), influence of hetero geneity on fracture processes and strength characterization of brittle disorder materials such as rock or concrete is numerically studied under uniaxial compression and tension conditions. It is found th at, due to the heterogeneity of the disordered material, relatively more diffused micro-fractures appear in the early stage of loading. Different from homogeneous materials such as glass, macro-crack nucleation starts well before the peak stress is reached and the crack propagation and coalescence can be traced, which can be taken as a precursory to predict the macro-fracture of the material. The presence of residual strength in the post-peak region and the resemblance in the stress-strain curves between tension and compression are significant results and are found to be dependent on the heterogeneity of the specimens. Examples showing the tentative applications of MFPA(2D) in modeling failure of composite materials and rock or civil engineering problem are also given in this paper.


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Resumen: La consideración de un determinado modelo matrimonial como socialmente valioso, aquel estable y constituido entre un varón y una mujer, se fundamenta en su incidencia en la consecución del bien común. Los datos empíricos demuestran los efectos beneficiosos que este modelo tiene en adultos casados y, especialmente, en los niños criados por sus padres biológicos unidos en matrimonio armonioso, además de su insustituible importancia como garante y promotor de la renovación demográfica. La ley desempeña un rol pedagógico y ejemplar preponderante en la preservación y fomento de esta concepción matrimonial socialmente preferible. El debilitamiento de este modelo matrimonial es atribuido a algunos factores que han incidido en su desestructuración, destacando la impronta de las ideologías de la desvinculación y de género. La necesidad de promover políticas públicas que tiendan a la recuperación del matrimonio estable entre un varón y una mujer resulta imperiosa para el logro del bien común y la consecuente plenitud integral de los miembros de la sociedad.


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Con el objetivo de aportar información agronómica sobre germoplasma de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) en el ciclo octubre 2004-octubre 2005, se evaluaron en el Centro Experimental de Occidente (CEO-INTA), Posoltega, Chinandega, 17 genotipos de yuca provenientes de Colombia, y el testigo local, la variedad mejorada ALGODÓN. El diseño experimental utilizado fue un Bloque Completamente al Azar (BCA) con cuatro réplicas y se consideraron las variables propuestas por el CIAT. Se utilizó análisis de varianza (ANDEVA), así como separación de medias de rangos múltiples de Tukey ( 8=0.05), en variables cuantitativas. Se conformaron análisis de correlación, de componentes principales (ACP) y análisis de agrupamiento (AA). En base a los resultados se concluye que las variables cuantitativas presentaron efecto significativo en los genotipos evaluados. El rendimiento de raíces presentó un rango entre 8.14 y 62.9 tn ha-1, con un promedio general de 40.03 tn ha-1. El testigo local, ALGODÓN, destinado para el consumo fresco presento un rendimiento total de 38.64 tn ha-1 con 45.45, 16.3 y 17.8 tn ha-1 en las calidades A, B y C, respectivamente. Se encontraron correlaciones fenotípicas significativas de interés. El ACP aisló el 71.2 % de la varianza total con los primeros cinco componentes. Se seleccionaron 9 descriptores cualitativos (forma de la planta, caracteres de hoja y raíz, entre otros) que ayudaron a diferenciar las plantas de yuca. De igual manera, los descriptores cuantitativos de raíz, materia seca y número de yemas, entre otros, fueron de interés secundario. El AA (Ward y R2) agruparon a la variedad testigo ALGODÓN y PER 183, los cuales presentaron características cualitativas y cuantitativas muy diferentes al resto de materiales.


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A newly developed numerical code, MFPA(2D) (Material Failure Process Analysis), is applied to study the influence of stochastic mesoscopic structure on macroscopic mechanical behavior of rock-like materials. A set of uniaxial compression tests has been numerically studied with numerical specimens containing pre-existing crack-like flaw. The numerical results reveal the influence of random mesoscopic structure on failure process of brittle material, which indicates that the variation of failure mode is strongly sensitive to the local disorder feature of the specimen. And the patterns of the crack evolution in the specimens are very different from each other due to the random mesoscopic structure in material. The results give a good explanation for various kinds of fracture modes and peak strength variation observed in laboratory studies with specimens made from the same rock block being statistically homogenous in macro scale. In addition, the evolution of crack is more complicated in heterogeneous cases than in homogeneous cases.


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Se realizó la caracterización molecular de 105 accesiones de Cacao que contemplan 79 colectas nacionales, 21 híbridos de referencia y 5 materiales criollo referencia , congregados en 8 grupos de acuerdo a su ubicación geográfica al momento de la colecta; utilizando 10 marcadores moleculares tipo SSR con el fin de conocer la divers idad genética de Cacao colectado en finca de productores nicaragüenses . Se utilizó el método de extracción de ADN C TAB - Buffer, Amplificación de fragmentos de ADN mediante la técnica PCR , visualización de fragmentos de ADN en cámara electroforesis. Se identificaron 183 alelos en las 105 ac cesiones con una media de 18.3, los rangos de Heterosigocidad observada y esperada resultaron mayores para MTcCIR12 con 0.437 y 0.81 respectivamente ; el CIP y el Índice de Shannon proporcionaron los mayores valores para MTcCIR12 con 0.96 y 1.94 respectivamente . La media general del CIP e Índice de Shannon para todos los locus es de 0.87 y 1.37 respectivamente; e l análisis molecular de varianza reveló que las diferencias genéticas dentro de los grupos (85%) es mayor que las diferencias entre grupos (15%) ; se realizó el dendograma basado en las distancia de Nei’s donde revela diferencias m ínimas entre los grupos , la mayor relación genética son entre los grupos RSJ y Carazo ; en cambio para el grupo Carazo e Hibrido referencia se encontraron las mayores diferencias. E n el PCA se encontró materiales colectados que resultaron genéticamente pare cidos a los criollo s referencias, es el caso de RSJ 0211, RSJ 0 311, RSJ 0511, Bomat0510, Ji0210 ; los materiales Ji - Cuá 0104 y RSJ0411 están estrechamente relacionado . Se demostró que existe una alta diversidad genética y que existen materiales promisorios para posteriores estudios de mejora genética


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This work is devoted to study of the slip phenomenon between phases in water-oil two-phase flow in horizontal pipes. The emphasis is placed on the effects of input fluids flow rates, pipe diameter and viscosities of oil phase on the slip. Experiments were conducted to measure the holdup in two horizontal pipes with 0.05 m diameter and 0.025 m diameter, respectively, using two different viscosities of white oil and tap water as liquid phases. Results showed that the ratios of in situ oil to water velocity at the pipe of small diameter are higher than those at the pipe of big diameter when having same input flow rates. At low input water flow rate, there is a large deviation on the holdup between two flow systems with different oil viscosities and the deviation becomes gradually smaller with further increased input water flow rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: El presente artículo presenta las razones jurídicas que fundan la inconstitucionalidad de la ley argentina 26.618 de legalización de las uniones de personas del mismo sexo. Parte del reconocimiento de la igual dignidad esencial de todas las personas y analiza luego la reforma del matrimonio civil dispuesto por la ley 26.618 y la necesidad de reglamentación previa y específica del vínculo filiatorio y de parentesco por adopción y la improcedencia de la aplicación de las técnicas de procreación asistida en las uniones homosexuales o lésbicas. Señala cómo esta legislación afecta a terceros: al menor de edad en desamparo familiar, a la persona por nacer y, también, al matrimonio, a la familia y a la sociedad. El desarrollo presenta los argumentos por los cuales se sostiene que esta ley ha hecho una extensión irrazonable del nombre de matrimonio. También se cuestiona la “cláusula complementaria” prevista por la ley, que evidencia el abuso cometido y la imposibilidad de legislar sin lógica. Considera la actuación de los legisladores y la violación de lo anticipado en las respectivas plataformas electorales y señala que el matrimonio es una realidad anterior al derecho positivo. Finaliza con reflexiones sobre el límite objetivo que surge de la realidad y el riesgo caos social y jurídico-político y la necesidad de derogación de la ley 26.618.


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The existing three widely used pull-in theoretical models (i.e., one-dimensional lumped model, linear supposition model and planar model) are compared with the nonlinear beam mode in this paper by considering both cantilever and fixed-fixed type micro and nano-switches. It is found that the error of the pull-in parameters between one-dimensional lumped model and the nonlinear beam model is large because the denominator of the electrostatic force is minimal when the electrostatic force is computed at the maximum deflection along the beam. Since both the linear superposition model and the slender planar model consider the variation of electrostatic force with the beam's deflection, these two models not only are of the same type but also own little error of the pull-in parameters with the nonlinear beam model, the error brought by these two models attributes to that the boundary conditions are not completely satisfied when computing the numerical integration of the deflection.


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Abstract: Although he is the most prolific writer of the Greek Anthology, Palladas’ life is almost unknown. But, in spite of the limited biographical data, his work has fortunately been preserved in the GA. Because of his literary creation, the old times rewarded him with the nickname Μετέωρος, high, since the literary merits of a hundred poems of his authorship was recognized (others are discussed by critics). A dozen of them contains invaluable information about the political, religious and social situation in Alexandria immediately after the victory of the bishop Theophilus, Cyril’s predecessor and uncle, during the conflict between Christians and Gentiles, each sector backed up by an Alexandrian population segment (cfr. 9.528, 10.82, 10.85) . Resigned at times, constantly demanding, Palladas complains about the decline of the belief professed by him due to the increasing penetration of the new faith. Therefore, four epigrams record the conversion of the temple of Tyche into a tavern (9.180-183) and 10.90 seems to attack the doctrine of the Resurrection. When religion and politics go hand-in-hand, when religious conspiracies link up with palace intrigues, consequences are predictable: a man called Doroteo denounced him for his negative response to the new dogma, which caused him the loss of his teacher paid work. His annoyance was even greater with further sufferings, chiefly economic, and he had to sell his books (9.171 and 9.175) among other desperate decisions Forewarned about his radical bitterness against Church, it is just to make clear that he is not fully acquiescent with ancient gods and heroes. Thus, in 5.257 he questions Zeus’ ars amandi, in 9.377 refutes Tantalus’ possibility of thirst and hunger in Hades and 9.773 mischievously points out that Eros has been changed into a pan. The work begins with the selection, personal translation and comprehensive analysis of twenty two epigrams. Through such philological aid, we attempt to verify the frictions and the main perceptible factors in his poetic creation to justify his worldview, according to the pagan sentiment widespread in that time before the twilight already overwhelming of its ailing traditions