939 resultados para 100404 Regenerative Medicine (incl. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering)


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Oviductin is an oviduct-specific and high-molecular-weight glycoprotein that has been suggested to play important roles in the early events of reproduction. The present study was undertaken to localize the oviductin binding sites in the uterine epithelial cells of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) both in situ and in vitro, and to detect a hamster oviductin homologue in the female rat reproductive tract. Immunohistochemical localization of oviductin in the hamster uterus revealed certain uterine epithelial cells reactive to the monoclonal anti-hamster oviductin antibody. In order to study the interaction between hamster oviductin and the endometrium in vitro, a method for culturing primary hamster uterine epithelial cells has been established and optimized. Study with confocal microscopy of the cell culture system showed a labeling pattern similar to what was observed using immunohistochemistry. Pre-embedding immunolabeling of cultured uterine epithelial cells also showed gold particles associated with the plasma membrane and microvilli. These results demonstrated that hamster oviductin can bind to the plasma membrane of certain hamster uterine epithelial cells, suggesting the presence of a putative oviductin receptor on the uterine epithelial cell surface. In the second part of the present study, using the monoclonal anti-hamster oviductin antibody that cross-reacts with the rat tissue, we have been able to detect an oviduct-specific glycoprotein, with a molecular weight of 180~300kDa, in the female rat reproductive tract. Immunohistochemical labeling of the female rat reproductive tract revealed a strong immunolabeling in the non-ciliated oviductal epithelial cells and a faint immunoreaction on the cell surface of some uterine epithelial cells. Ultrastructurally, immunogold labeling was restricted to the secretory granules, Golgi apparatus, and microvilli of the non-ciliated secretory cells of the oviduct. In the uterus, immunogold labeling was observed on the cell surface of some uterine epithelial cells. Furthermore, electron micrographs of ovulated oocytes showed an intense immunolabeling for rat oviductin within the perivitelline space surrounding the ovulated oocytes. The findings of the present study demonstrated that oviductin is present in the rat oviduct and uterus, and it appears that, in the rat, oviductin is secreted by the non-ciliated secretory cells of the oviduct.


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We have compared the expression of the known measles virus (MV) receptors, membrane cofactor protein (CD46) and the signaling lymphocyte-activation molecule (SLAM), using immunohistochemistry, in a range of normal peripheral tissues (known to be infected by MV) as well as in normal and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) brain. To increase our understanding of how these receptors could be utilized by wild-type or vaccine strains in vivo, the results have been considered with regard to the known route of infection and systemic spread of MV. Strong staining for CD46 was observed in endothelial cells lining blood vessels and in epithelial cells and tissue macrophages in a wide range of peripheral tissues, as well as in Langerhans' and squamous cells in the skin. In lymphoid tissues and blood, subsets of cells were positive for SLAM, in comparison to CD46, which stained all nucleated cell types. Strong CD46 staining was observed on cerebral endothelium throughout the brain and also on ependymal cells lining the ventricles and choroid plexus. Comparatively weaker CD46 staining was observed on subsets of neurons and oligodendrocytes. In SSPE brain sections, the areas distant from lesion sites and negative for MV by immunocytochemistry showed the same distribution for CD46 as in normal brain. However, cells in lesions, positive for MV, were negative for CD46. Normal brain showed no staining for SLAM, and in SSPE brain only subsets of leukocytes in inflammatory infiltrates were positive. None of the cell types most commonly infected by MV show detectable expression of SLAM, whereas CD46 is much more widely expressed and could fulfill a receptor function for some wild-type strains. In the case of wild-type stains, which are unable to use CD46, a further as yet unknown receptor(s) would be necessary to fully explain the pathology of MV infection.


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Supplementation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) alleviates complications such as graft-versus-host disease, leading to a speedy recovery of hematopoiesis. To meet such clinical demand, a fast MSCs expansion method is required. In the present study, we examined the feasibility of expanding MSCs from the isolated bone marrow mononuclear cells using a rotary bioreactor system. The cells were cultured in a rotary bioreactor with Myelocult� medium containing a combination of supplementary factors, including stem cell factor (SCF), interleukin 3 and 6 (IL-3, IL-6). After 8 days of culture, total cell numbers, Stro-1+CD44+CD34- MSCs and CD34+CD44+Stro-1- HSCs were increased 9, 29, and 8 folds respectively. Colony forming efficiency-fibroblast per day (CFE-F/day) of the bioreactor-treated cells was 1.44-fold higher than that of the cells without bioreactor treatment. The bioreactor-expanded MSCs showed expression of primitive MSCs markers endoglin (SH2) and vimentin, whereas markers associated with lineage differentiation including osteocalcin (osteogenesis), Type II collagen (chondrogenesis) and C/EBPα (adipogenesis) were not detected. Upon induction, the bioreactor-expanded MSCs were able to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. Taken together, we conclude that the rotary bioreactor with the modified Myelocult� medium reported in this study may be used to rapidly expand MSCs.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) reside within the bone marrow cavity and serve as a reservoir for the continuous renovation of various mesenchymal tissues. Recent efforts suggest that MSCs modulate the immune reactions in vitro and escape the immune surveillance in vivo. We provide herein a discussion of the issues including the current research progress on the in vitro interactions of MSCs with multiple subsets of immune cells (dendritic cells, T cells, B cells and natural killer cells), in vivo transplantation outcomes, the possible underlying mechanisms, future research directions as well as potential clinical implications.


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To obtain enough quantity of osteogenic cells is a challenge for successful cell therapy in bone defect treatment, and cell numbers were usually achieved by culturing bone marrow cells in a relatively long duration. This study reported a simple and cost effective method to enhance the number of MSCs by collecting and replating the non-adherent cell population of marrow MSCs culture. Bone marrow MSCs were isolated from 11 patients, cultured at a density of 1×105/cm2 to 1×106/cm2 in flasks. For the first three times of media change, the floating cells were centrifuged and replated in separate flasks. The total number of cells in both the primary and replating flasks were counted at day 21. Cell proliferation rate, potentials for osteogenic, chondrognenic, and adipogenic differentiation were examined in both cell types in vitro. In-vivo osteogenic potentials of the cells were also tested in mice implantation model. The results showed that MSCs derived from non-adherent cell population of marrow cell cultures have similar cell proliferation and differentiation potentials as the originally attached MSCs in vitro. When implanted with HA-TCP materials subcutaneously in SCID mice, newly formed bony tissues were found in both cell type groups with osteocalcin expression. We have obtained 36.6% (20.70%-44.97%) more MSCs in the same culture period when the non-adherent cell populations were collected. The findings confirmed that the non-adherent cell population in the bone marrow culture is a complementary source of MSCs, collecting these cells is a simple and cost-effective way to increase MSCs numbers and reduce the time required for culturing MSCs for clinical applications.


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The use of microbeam approaches has been a major advance in probing the relevance of bystander and adaptive responses in cell and tissue models. Our own studies at the Gray Cancer Institute have used both a charged particle microbeam, producing protons and helium ions and a soft X-ray microprobe, delivering focused carbon-K, aluminium-K and titanium-K soft X-rays. Using these techniques we have been able to build up a comprehensive picture of the underlying differences between bystander responses and direct effects in cell and tissue-like models. What is now clear is that bystander dose-response relationships, the underlying mechanisms of action and the targets involved are not the same as those observed for direct irradiation of DNA in the nucleus. Our recent studies have shown bystander responses even when radiation is deposited away from the nucleus in cytoplasmic targets. Also the interaction between bystander and adaptive responses may be a complex one related to dose, number of cells targeted and time interval.


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Most tissues develop from stem cells and precursors that undergo differentiation as their proliferative potential decreases. Mature differentiated cells rarely proliferate and are replaced at the end of their life by new cells derived from precursors. Langerhans cells (LCs) of the epidermis, although of myeloid origin, were shown to renew in tissues independently from the bone marrow, suggesting the existence of a dermal or epidermal progenitor. We investigated the mechanisms involved in LC development and homeostasis. We observed that a single wave of LC precursors was recruited in the epidermis of mice around embryonic day 18 and acquired a dendritic morphology, major histocompatibility complex II, CD11c, and langerin expression immediately after birth. Langerin+ cells then undergo a massive burst of proliferation between postnatal day 2 (P2) and P7, expanding their numbers by 10–20-fold. After the first week of life, we observed low-level proliferation of langerin+ cells within the epidermis. However, in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis (AD), a keratinocyte signal triggered increased epidermal LC proliferation. Similar findings were observed in epidermis from human patients with AD. Therefore, proliferation of differentiated resident cells represents an alternative pathway for development in the newborn, homeostasis, and expansion in adults of selected myeloid cell populations such as LCs. This mechanism may be relevant in locations where leukocyte trafficking is limited.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are dendritic cells (DCs) localized in stratified epithelia, such as those overlaying skin, buccal mucosa, and vagina. The contribution of LCs to the promotion or control of immunity initiated at epithelial sites remains debated. We report in this paper that an immunogen comprising OVA linked to the B subunit of cholera toxin, used as delivery vector, was efficient to generate CTLs after vaginal immunization. Using Lang-EGFP mice, we evaluated the contribution of distinct DC subsets to the generation of CD4 and CD8 T cell responses. We demonstrate that the vaginal epithelium, unlike the skin epidermis, includes a minor population of LCs and a major subset of langerin(-) DCs. Intravaginally administered Ag is taken up by LCs and langerin(-) DCs and carried up to draining lymph nodes, where both subsets prime CD8 T cells, unlike blood-derived DCs, although with distinct capabilities. LCs prime CD8 T cells with a cytokine profile dominated by IL-17, whereas Lang(-) DCs induce IFN-gamma-producing T cells. Using Lang-DTR-EGFP mice to ensure a transient ablation of LCs, we found that these cells not only are dispensable for the generation of genital CTL responses but also downregulate these responses, by a mechanism that may involve IL-10 and IL-17 cytokines. This finding has implications for the development of mucosal vaccines and immunotherapeutic strategies designed for the targeting of DCs.


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The Hox family are master transcriptional regulators of developmental processes, including hematopoiesis. The Hox regulators, caudal homeobox factors (Cdx1-4), and Meis1, along with several individual Hox proteins, are implicated in stem cell expansion during embryonic development, with gene dosage playing a significant role in the overall function of the integrated Hox network. To investigate the role of this network in normal and aberrant, early hematopoiesis, we employed an in vitro embryonic stem cell differentiation system, which recapitulates mouse developmental hematopoiesis. Expression profiles of Hox, Pbx1, and Meis1 genes were quantified at distinct stages during the hematopoietic differentiation process and compared with the effects of expressing the leukemic oncogene Tel/PDGFRß. During normal differentiation the Hoxa cluster, Pbx1 and Meis1 predominated, with a marked reduction in the majority of Hox genes (27/39) and Meis1 occurring during hematopoietic commitment. Only the posterior Hoxa cluster genes (a9, a10, a11, and a13) maintained or increased expression at the hematopoietic colony stage. Cdx4, Meis1, and a subset of Hox genes, including a7 and a9, were differentially expressed after short-term oncogenic (Tel/PDGFRß) induction. Whereas Hoxa4-10, b1, b2, b4, and b9 were upregulated during oncogenic driven myelomonocytic differentiation. Heterodimers between Hoxa7/Hoxa9, Meis1, and Pbx have previously been implicated in regulating target genes involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and leukemic progression. These results provide direct evidence that transcriptional flux through the Hox network occurs at very early stages during hematopoietic differentiation and validates embryonic stem cell models for gaining insights into the genetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis.


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Introduction Changes in the distribution of interstitial cells (IC) are reportedly associated with dysfunctional bladder. The present study investigated whether spinal cord injury (SCI) resulted in changes to IC subpopulations (vimentin-positive with the ultrastructural profile of IC), smooth muscle and nerves within the bladder wall and correlated cellular remodelling with functional properties. Methods Bladders from SCI (T8/9 transection) and sham-operated rats five-weeks post-injury were used for ex vivo pressure-volume experiments or processed for morphological analysis with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light/confocal microscopy. Results Pressure-volume relationships revealed low-pressure, hypercompliance in SCI bladders indicative of decompensation. Extensive networks of vimentin-positive IC were typical in sham lamina propria and detrusor but were markedly reduced post-SCI; semi-quantitative analysis showed significant reduction. Nerves labelled with anti-neurofilament and anti-vAChT were notably decreased post-SCI. TEM revealed lamina propria IC and detrusor IC which formed close synaptic-like contacts with vesicle-containing nerve varicosities in shams. Lamina propria and detrusor IC were ultrastructurally damaged post-SCI with retracted/lost cell processes and were adjacent to areas of cellular debris and neuronal degradation. Smooth muscle hypertrophy was common to SCI tissues. Conclusions IC populations in bladder wall were decreased five weeks post-SCI, accompanied with reduced innervation, smooth muscle hypertrophy and increased compliance. These novel findings indicate that bladder wall remodelling post-SCI affects the integrity of interactions between smooth muscle, nerves and IC, with compromised IC populations. Correlation between IC reduction and a hypercompliant phenotype suggests that disruption to bladder IC contribute to pathophysiological processes underpinning the dysfunctional SCI bladder.