999 resultados para övergripande mål


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PURPOSE: Carcinoembriogenic antigen (CEA) is the most frequently used tumor marker in rectal cancer. A decrease in carcinoembriogenic antigen after radical surgery is associated with survival in these patients. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy may lead to significant primary tumor downstaging, including complete tumor regression in selected patients. Therefore, we hypothesized that a decrease in CEA after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy could reflect tumor response to chemoradiotherapy, affecting final disease stage and ultimately survival. METHODS: Patients with distal rectal cancer managed by neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and available pretreatment and postchemoradiotherapy levels of CEA were eligible for the study. Outcomes studied included final disease stage, relapse, and survival, and these were compared according to initial CEA level, postchemoradiotherapy CEA level, and the reduction in CEA. RESULTS: Overall 170 patients were included. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased rates of complete clinical response and pathologic response. Additionally, postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased overall and disease-free survival (P = 0.01 and P = 0.03). There was no correlation between initial CEA level or reduction in CEA and complete response or survival. CONCLUSION: A postchemoradiotherapy CEA level < 5 ng/ml is a favorable prognostic factor for rectal cancer and is associated with increased rates of earlier disease staging and complete tumor regression. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels may be useful in decision making for patients who may be candidates for alterative treatment strategies.


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Background & Aims: Treatment with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin produces a sustained virologic response (SVR) in approximately 60% of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients. Alternate options are needed for patients who relapse or do not respond to therapy. Methods: This prospective, international, multicenter, open-label study evaluated efficacy and safety of peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 mu g/kg/wk) plus weight-based ribavirin (800-1400 mg/day) in 2333 chronic HCV-infected patients with significant fibrosis/cirrhosis whose previous interferon alfa/ribavirin therapy failed. Patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment week (TW) 12 received 48 weeks of therapy; patients with detectable HCV-RNA at TW12 could enter maintenance studies at TW18; 188 patients with low/detectable HCV-RNA at TW12 continued therapy at the investigator`s request. Results: Overall, 22% of the patients attained SVR (56% with undetectable HCV-RNA and 12% with low/detectable HCV-RNA at TW12). SVR was better in relapsers (38%) than nonresponders (14%), regardless of previous treatment, and in patients previously treated with interferon-alfa/ribavirin (25%) than peginterferon alfa-ribavirin (17%). Predictors of response in patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at TW12 were genotype (2/3 vs 1, respectively; odds ratio [OR] 2.4; P < .0001), fibrosis score (F2 vs F4; OR, 2.2; F3 vs F4; OR, 1.7; P < .0001), and baseline viral load (<= 600,000 vs >600,000 IU/mL; OR, 1.4; P = .0223). These factors plus previous treatment and response were overall predictors of SVR. Safety was similar among fibrosis groups. Conclusions: Peginterferon alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin is effective and safe in patients who failed interferon alfa/ribavirin therapy. Genotype, baseline viral load, and fibrosis stage were predictors of response.


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Background Liver resection is the definitive treatment for unilateral hepatolithiasis [1]. Recently, laparoscopic major hepatectomias have become more common and are being performed in highly specialized centers [2-4]. However, few laparoscopic liver resections for hepatolithiasis have been reported. Chen et al. [5] reported two cases of laparoscopic left lobectomy for hepatolithiasis, but to our knowledge, right hepatectomy has never been reported to date. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a totally laparoscopic right hepatectomy in a patient with hepatolithiasis. Methods A 21-year-old woman with right-sided nonoriental primary intrahepatic stones [1] was referred for surgical treatment. The operation followed four distinct phases: liver mobilization, dissection of the right portal vein and right hepatic artery, extrahepatic dissection of the right hepatic vein, and parenchymal transection with harmonic shears and linear staplers for division of segment 5 and 8 branches of the middle hepatic vein. No Pringles` maneuver was used. In contrast to liver resection for other indications, the right bile duct was enlarged and filled with stones. It was divided during parenchymal transection and left open. After removal of the surgical specimen, the biliary tree was flushed with saline until stone clearance, under radioscopic surveillance, was complete. The right hepatic duct then was closed with running suture. Results The operative time was 240 min, and the estimated blood loss was 120 ml, with no blood transfusion. The hospital stay was 5 days. At this writing, the patient is well and asymptomatic 7 months after the procedure. Conclusion Laparoscopic liver resection is safe and feasible for patients with hepatolithiasis and should be considered for those suffering from intrahepatic stones.


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Both hysterectomy and tubal sterilisation offer significant protection from ovarian cancer, and the risk of cardiovascular disease in women is lowered after hysterectomy. Since little is known about the accuracy of women's self-reports of these procedures, we assessed their reliability and validity using data obtained in a case-control study of ovarian cancer. There was 100 per cent repeatability for both positive and negative histories of hysterectomy and tubal sterilisation among a small sample of women on reinterview. Verification of surgery was sought against surgeons' or medical records, or if these were unavailable, from randomly selected current general practitioners for 51 cases and 155 controls reporting a hysterectomy and 73 cases and 137 controls reporting a tubal sterilisation. Validation rate for self-reported hysterectomy against medical reports (32 cases, 96 controls) was 96 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 91 to 99) and for tubal sterilisation (32 cases, 77 controls) it was 88 per cent (CI 81 to 93), which is likely to be an underestimate. Although findings are based on small numbers of women for whom medical reports could be ascertained, they are consistent with other findings that suggest women have good recall of past histories of hysterectomy and tubal sterilisation; this allows long-term effects of these procedures to be studied with reasonable accuracy from self-reports.


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The findings of a neurological evaluation in 85 patients with confirmed, acute, dengue virus infection are described. Signs of central nervous system involvement were present in IS patients (21.2%). The most frequent neurological symptom was mental confusion. The frequency of neurological involvement did not differ between patients with primary and secondary dengue infection, and the prevalence of central nervous system involvement in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever also did not differ significantly. The presence of CNS involvement did not influence the prognosis of dengue infection. Dengue viral CSF RNA was found in 7 of 13 patients submitted to a spinal tap, the CSF viral load being less than 1000 copies/ml. PCR was negative in serum samples obtained from three patients on the same day as the CSF samples, suggesting that the dengue virus actively enters the CNS and that the presence of the virus in the CNS does not result from passive crossing of the blood-brain barrier. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This is a retrospective observational study of clinical and epidemiologic data from bloodstream yeast infections over 5 years (2004-2008) in a tertiary-care hospital. During this period, there were 52 such infections, at a rate of 2.4 per 1,000 hospital admissions. Non-C. albicans Candida species and other genera were responsible for 82% of infections, with C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis being the most common. In 2008 no C. albicans infections occurred. Several uncommon fungal pathogens were observed, including Trichosporon asahii, Rhodotorula spp. and Candida zeylanoides. Of 16 isolates tested, 3 (19%) were resistant to fluconazole, including one C. zeylanoides (MIC 8 mu g/ml) and one C. tropicalis (MIC 16 mu g/ml) isolate, as well as intrinsically resistant C. krusei. All isolates tested were susceptible to itraconazole (n = 7) and amphotericin B (n = 8). Yeast infections were associated with severe underlying diseases, mainly hematological/solid cancers (71%), hospitalization in the ICU (41%), central venous catheters (80%), and use of antimicrobials (94%). The overall mortality rate was 50%. Our finding of a predominance of non-C. albicans Candida species infection with uncommon yeasts, and fluconazole resistance, suggests the need for continuous surveillance of fungemia and of antibiotic susceptibility trends, in order to adopt treatment strategies applicable to particular healthcare institutions.


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Background-Endocardial fibrous tissue (FT) deposition is a hallmark of endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF). Echocardiography is a first-line and the standard technique for the diagnosis of this disease. Although late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) allows FT characterization, its role in the diagnosis and prognosis of EMF has not been investigated. Methods and Results-Thirty-six patients (29 women; age, 54 +/- 12 years) with EMF diagnosis after clinical evaluation and comprehensive 2-dimensional Doppler echocardiography underwent cine-CMR for assessing ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and mass, and LGE-CMR for FT characterization and quantification. Indexed FT volume (FT/body surface area) was calculated after planimetry of the 8 to 12 slices obtained in the short-axis view at end-diastole (mL/m(2)). Surgical resection of FT was performed in 16 patients. In all patients, areas of LGE were confined to the endocardium, frequently as a continuous streak from the inflow tract extending to the apex, where it was usually most prominent. There was a relation between increased FT/body surface area and worse New York Heart Association functional class and with increased probability of surgery (P<0.05). The histopathologic examination of resected FT showed typical features of EMF with extensive endocardial fibrous thickening, proliferation of small vessels, and scarce inflammatory infiltrate. In multivariate analysis, the patients with FT/body surface area >19 mL/m(2) had an increased mortality rate, with a relative risk of 10.8. Conclusions-Our study provides evidence that LGE-CMR is useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of EMF through quantification of the typical pattern of FT deposition. (Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011;4:304-311.)


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Objective: To assess the association between the depth of trophoblastic penetration into the tubal wall with serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and beta-hCG and to assess its predictive value. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Tertiary care university hospital. Patient(s): Thirty patients with ampullary pregnancy undergoing salpingectomy were analyzed. Intervention(s): Trophoblastic invasion was histologically classified as stage I when limited to the tubal mucosa, stage II when extending to the muscle layer, and stage III in the case of complete tubal wall infiltration. Main Outcome Measure(s): The relation between depth of trophoblastic infiltration into the tubal wall with VEGF and beta-hCG serum concentrations on the day of surgery. Result(s): An association between the depth of trophoblastic invasion and maternal serum concentrations of VEGF and beta-hCG was observed. VEGF levels of 297.2 pg/mL showed 100.0% sensitivity and 90.0% specificity for stage I, and levels of 440.1 pg/mL showed 81.8% sensitivity and 88.8% specificity for stage III. Beta-hCG levels of 2590.0 mIU/mL showed 88.9% sensitivity and 80.0% specificity for stage I, and levels of 10,827.0 mUI/mL showed 72.7% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity for stage III. Conclusion(s): Maternal serum VEGF and beta-hCG concentrations are associated with depth of trophoblastic penetration into the tubal wall. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010;94:1595-600. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Objective: To identify the genes presenting different expression in uterine leiomyomas after goserelin treatment. Design: Retrospective analyses of tissue obtained in a prospective clinical study. Setting: School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo. Patient(s): 30 nulliparous black women aged 20 to 45 years with symptoms of uterine leiomyoma, uterine volume over 300 mL, and surgical indications for myomectomy. Intervention(s): Fifteen patients were given a monthly dose of 3.6 mg of goserelin over 3 months before surgery (group A), and 15 patients underwent surgery without any previous treatment (group B). Five random samples from each group were analyzed using the microarray technique with the Affymetrix platform (GeneChip Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array). Main Outcome Measure(s): Quantification of transcript expression levels of uterine fibroids in patients treated or not treated with goserelin. Result(s): Of the total of 47,000 sequences that were analyzed, representing approximately 38,500 human genes already characterized, we found a differential expression of 174 genes. Of these, 70 were up-regulated (33 genes with known function) and 104 were down-regulated (65 genes with known function) in samples from group A (treated) when compared with group B (nontreated). Conclusion(s): The genic expression of uterine leiomyomas changes in women who have had goserelin treatment when compared with nontreated patients. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 94: 1072-7. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of maternal oral hydration on amniotic fluid index (AFI) in pregnancies with fetal gastroschisis. Methods: AFI was evaluated at 24-hour intervals, during 4 consecutive days, under a continuous maternal oral water hydration regimen, in singleton pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis. Results: Nine pregnancies were examined at a mean gestational age of 31.6 weeks (+/-1.4) and mean maternal daily oral water intake was 3,437 (+/-810) ml. Mean AFI on days 0-3 were 13.2 (+/-2.9), 14.8 (+/-3.3), 14.5 (+/-3.1) and 14.8 (+/-2.6), respectively. AFI on day 0 was significantly lower compared to all the other 3 days (p = 0.01 and 0.02). Significant correlation was found in relative difference in AFI between day 0 and day 1 and gestational age (r = -0.67, p = 0.05) and the amount of water intake in the previous 24 h (r = 0.76, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Maternal oral water hydration significantly increases AFI in pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Follistatin is an activin-binding protein produced by several tissues, including endometrium and endometriotic implants. We aimed to quantify follistatin in patients with ovarian endometriosis and investigate its value as a diagnostic marker. Women undergoing laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma (n = 52) or other benign ovarian cysts (n = 52) were studied, plus women with non-ovarian endometriosis (n = 11) and healthy controls (n = 27). Serum was collected from all subjects, and peritoneal and cystic fluid from a subset with endometrioma. Follistatin was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The diagnostic accuracy of follistatin to detect endometrioma was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and compared with cancer antigen (CA)-125. Serum follistatin was increased in women with ovarian endometrioma (2080 +/- 94 pg/ml) compared with controls (545 +/- 49 pg/ml, P < 0.001), other benign ovarian cysts (795 +/- 60 pg/ml, P < 0.001) or non-ovarian endometriosis (1271 +/- 115 pg/ml, P < 0.001). Cystic fluid showed a higher concentration of follistatin (9850 +/- 4461 pg/ml) than peritoneal fluid (1885 +/- 261 pg/ml, P < 0.001) and serum (P < 0.001). Follistatin levels detected 48/52 cases of endometrioma (92% sensitivity) at 1433 pg/ml cut-off, corresponding to 92% specificity. CA-125 detected only 44% of endometriomas with 90% specificity. ROC curve comparison showed follistatin was more accurate than CA-125 to discriminate women with endometrioma either from controls or women with other benign ovarian cysts (P < 0.0001). Serum follistatin is increased in women with endometriosis and allows clear distinction between endometrioma and other benign ovarian cysts. Follistatin has the sensitivity and specificity to become a useful clinical marker of ovarian endometrioma.


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Objective To evaluate the influence of CYP17 polymorphism on menopausal symptoms after estrogen treatment. Methods A total of 130 women were recruited, but only 100 of these were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria; they were treated with 0.3 mg/day conjugated equine estrogens. One year later, the study was completed by 71 women. The analysis of the Kupperman menopausal index symptoms was made with information provided by the patients on daily diary cards. Blood samples were analyzed and the women were divided into two groups based on the CYP17, 5`-untranslated region: group A (wild-type homozygote and heterozygote) and group B (mutated homozygote). Results The values for the Kupperman menopausal index were similar in both groups at baseline. The symptoms in both groups decreased after 1 year of treatment when compared to those at baseline. The improvement rate was approximately 27.09% and 32.18%, in groups A and B, respectively. The levels of estrogen after treatment were higher in both groups in comparison with the baseline values. The testosterone level rose in group B with the 1-year treatment (0.48 +/- 0.16 ng/ml), reaching a higher level than the level in group A after treatment. The sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) level showed a significant increase after the 1-year treatment in group B, surpassing both the baseline and the after-treatment values in group A (p < 0.01). Conclusion Our data suggest that the CYP17 polymorphism did not influence the action of estrogen on menopause symptoms during the 1-year treatment. The extra production of estrogen and androgen may have been countered by the elevation of SHBG levels.


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Objective. To evaluate the effect of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin on the sleep quality of girls with precocious puberty. Study design. Ninety-nine girls were divided into three groups: GI, precocious puberty; GII, normal prepubescent; GIII, normal puberty. Questionnaires containing demographic and clinical data were applied. Blood was collected for hormonal evaluation for 6-sulphatoxymelatonin. The modified Rush Sleep Diary was used. Results. The levels of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin were highest in the group without pubertal development (75.23 +/- 10.84 ng/ml), second highest in the group with normal puberty (45.66 +/- 3.87 ng/ml, p < 0.001) and lowest in the group with true precocious puberty (37.04 +/- 5.47 ng/ml). The amount of day sleep was greater in the group without pubertal development compared to other groups. Conclusion. Despite the sleep data, melatonin may be involved in the precocious puberty process.


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Pneumococcal vaccination has been recommended for immunocompromised children, including patients with chronic kidney disease. We determined pneumococcal immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies to serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F before and after 48 pediatric patients with chronic renal failure were administered heptavalent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine. The patients were between 1 and 9 years of age and were separated into a conservative treatment group (Group 1) and a dialysis group Group 2). The antibody response to the vaccinal serotypes was evaluated by measuring antibody concentrations before the first dose and 60 days after the second one. Pre-vaccinal IgG concentrations >= 0.35 mu g/ml were detected for all serotypes in at least 50% of the patients in both groups. Patients from both groups showed a statistically indistinguishable behavior in terms of the medians of post-vaccination IgG levels. An ""adequate"" vaccine response was defined as a post-immunization level of specific pneumococcal serotype antibody >= 0.35 mu g/ml, based on the World Health Organization`s (WHO) protective antibody concentration definition for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, or on a fourfold increase over baseline for at least five of the seven antigens of the vaccine. An ""adequate"" vaccinal response was obtained in 100% of the patients of both groups using WHO`s definition, or in 45.8% of Group 1 patients and 37.5% of Group 2 patients when the criterion was a fourfold antibody increase over baseline antibody concentrations.


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Objectives: To analyze mortality rates of children with severe sepsis and septic shock in relation to time-sensitive fluid resuscitation and treatments received and to define barriers to the implementation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine/Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines in a pediatric intensive care unit in a developing country. Methods: Retrospective chart review and prospective analysis of septic shock treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Ninety patients with severe sepsis or septic shock admitted between July 2002 and June 2003 were included in this study. Results: Of the 90 patients, 83% had septic shock and 17% had severe sepsis; 80 patients had preexisting severe chronic diseases. Patients with septic shock who received less than a 20-mL/kg dose of resuscitation fluid in the first hour of treatment had a mortality rate of 73%, whereas patients who received more than a 40-mL/kg dose in the first hour of treatment had a mortality rate of 33% (P < 0.05.) Patients treated less than 30 minutes after diagnosis of severe sepsis and septic shock had a significantly lower mortality rate (40%) than patients treated more than 60 Minutes after diagnosis (P < 0.05). Controlling for the risk of mortality, early fluid resuscitation was associated with a 3-fold reduction in the odds of death (odds ratio, 0.33; 95% confidence interval, 0.13-0.85). The most important barriers to achieve adequate severe sepsis and septic shock treatment were lack of adequate vascular access, lack of recognition of early shock, shortage of health care providers, and nonuse of goals and treatment protocols. Conclusions: The mortality rate was higher for children older than years, for those who received less than 40 mL/kg in the first hour, and for those whose treatment was not initiated in the first 30 Minutes after the diagnosis of septic shock. The acknowledgment of existing barriers to a timely fluid administration and the establishment of objectives to overcome these barriers may lead to a more successful implementation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine guidelines and reduced mortality rates for children with septic shock in the developing world.