705 resultados para (hyper)polarizability
Le remodelage vasculaire dû à l’hyper-prolifération cellulaire des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) observé chez les rats spontanément hypertendus (RSH) est associé à l’hypertension artérielle. Nous avons précédemment démontré que le traitement in vivo des RSH par l’agoniste spécifique du récepteur du peptide natriurétique de type C (NPR-C), le C-ANP4-23 atténue l’hyper-prolifération des CMLVs. Nous avons entrepris cette étude afin d’investiguer si l’effet antiprolifératif du C-ANP4-23 agit par l’entremise de l’inhibition de la surexpression des protéines du cycle cellulaire, et afin d’en explorer les mécanismes sous-jacents. Pour cette étude, des RSH et des rats Wistar Kyoto (WKYs) âgés de deux semaines ont été injectés en intra-péritonéale par le C-ANP4-23 de 2 jusqu’à 8 semaines d’âge, deux fois par semaine et sacrifiés à la 9ème semaine. La pression artérielle a été mesurée par méthode Queue-coiffe, la prolifération des CMLVs a été déterminée par incorporation de thymidine et par test MTT, et l’expression des protéines a été quant à elle déterminée par technique d’immunobuvardage de type Western. Les CMLVs des RSH ont démontré une prolifération élevée en comparaison avec celles des WKYs, et le traitement par le C-ANP4-23 a atténué l’hyperprolifération à un niveau de contrôle. De plus, la surexpression des cyclines D1/A/E, des kinases cyclines dépendantes 2 et 4 (cdk2, cdk4), de la forme phosphorylée de la protéine du rétinoblastome et des protéines Gαi des CMLV des RSH a été atténuée à un niveau de contrôle. Par ailleurs, l’hyperphosphorylation d’ERK1/2, AKT, EGF-R, PDGF-R, IGF-R et de c-Src a significativement diminué par le traitement au C-ANP4-23. En outre, le niveau élevé de l’anion superoxyde (O2-), l’activité de la NADP(H) oxydase et de ses sous unités chez les RSH ont été atténués par le C-ANP4-23 .Ces résultats indiquent que l’activation in vivo de NPR-C atténue la surexpression des protéines du cycle cellulaire via l’inhibition de l’activité élevée du stress oxydatif, de c-Src et de l’activation de EGF-R, PDGF- R, IGF-R, de la signalisation de MAPK et la surexpression des protéines Gαi résultant ainsi en l’inhibition de l’hyperprolifération des CMLVs des RSH. Ainsi, il peut être suggéré que le C-ANP4-23 pourrait être utilisé comme agent thérapeutique pour le traitement des complications vasculaires associées à l’hypertension et à l’athérosclérose.
The elevational distributions of tropical treelines are thought to be determined by temperature, and are predicted to shift upslope in response to global warming. In contrast to this hypothesis, global-scale studies have shown that only half of all studied treelines are shifting upslope. Understanding how treelines will respond to climate change has important implications for global biodiversity, especially in the tropics, because tropical treelines generally represent the upper-elevation distribution limit of the hyper-diverse cloudforest ecosystem. In Chapter 1, I introduce the idea that grasslands found above tropical treelines may represent a potential grass ceiling which forest species cannot cross or invade. I use an extensive literature review to outline potential mechanisms which may be acting to stabilize treeline and prevent forest expansion into high-elevation grasslands. In Chapters 2-4, I begin to explore these potential mechanisms through the use of observational and experimental methods. In Chapter 2, I show that there are significant numbers of seedlings occurring just outside of the treeline in the open grasslands and that seed rain is unlikely to limit seedling recruitment above treeline. I also show that microclimates outside of the closed-canopy cloudforest are highly variable and that mean temperatures are likely a poor explanation of tropical treeline elevations. In Chapter 3, I show that juvenile trees maintain freezing resistances similar to adults, but nighttime radiative cooling near the ground in the open grassland results in lower cold temperatures relative to the free atmosphere, exposing seedlings of some species growing above treeline to lethal frost events. In Chapter 4, I use a large-scale seedling transplant experiment to test the effects of mean temperature, absolute low temperature and shade on transplanted seedling survival. I find that increasing mean temperature negatively affects seedling survival of two treeline species while benefiting another. In addition, low temperature extremes and the presence of shade also appear to be important factors affecting seedling survival above tropical treelines. This work demonstrates that mean temperature is a poor predictor of tropical treelines and that temperature extremes, especially low temperatures, and non-climatic variables should be included in predictions of current and future tropical treeline dynamics.^
Le remodelage vasculaire dû à l’hyper-prolifération cellulaire des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) observé chez les rats spontanément hypertendus (RSH) est associé à l’hypertension artérielle. Nous avons précédemment démontré que le traitement in vivo des RSH par l’agoniste spécifique du récepteur du peptide natriurétique de type C (NPR-C), le C-ANP4-23 atténue l’hyper-prolifération des CMLVs. Nous avons entrepris cette étude afin d’investiguer si l’effet antiprolifératif du C-ANP4-23 agit par l’entremise de l’inhibition de la surexpression des protéines du cycle cellulaire, et afin d’en explorer les mécanismes sous-jacents. Pour cette étude, des RSH et des rats Wistar Kyoto (WKYs) âgés de deux semaines ont été injectés en intra-péritonéale par le C-ANP4-23 de 2 jusqu’à 8 semaines d’âge, deux fois par semaine et sacrifiés à la 9ème semaine. La pression artérielle a été mesurée par méthode Queue-coiffe, la prolifération des CMLVs a été déterminée par incorporation de thymidine et par test MTT, et l’expression des protéines a été quant à elle déterminée par technique d’immunobuvardage de type Western. Les CMLVs des RSH ont démontré une prolifération élevée en comparaison avec celles des WKYs, et le traitement par le C-ANP4-23 a atténué l’hyperprolifération à un niveau de contrôle. De plus, la surexpression des cyclines D1/A/E, des kinases cyclines dépendantes 2 et 4 (cdk2, cdk4), de la forme phosphorylée de la protéine du rétinoblastome et des protéines Gαi des CMLV des RSH a été atténuée à un niveau de contrôle. Par ailleurs, l’hyperphosphorylation d’ERK1/2, AKT, EGF-R, PDGF-R, IGF-R et de c-Src a significativement diminué par le traitement au C-ANP4-23. En outre, le niveau élevé de l’anion superoxyde (O2-), l’activité de la NADP(H) oxydase et de ses sous unités chez les RSH ont été atténués par le C-ANP4-23 .Ces résultats indiquent que l’activation in vivo de NPR-C atténue la surexpression des protéines du cycle cellulaire via l’inhibition de l’activité élevée du stress oxydatif, de c-Src et de l’activation de EGF-R, PDGF- R, IGF-R, de la signalisation de MAPK et la surexpression des protéines Gαi résultant ainsi en l’inhibition de l’hyperprolifération des CMLVs des RSH. Ainsi, il peut être suggéré que le C-ANP4-23 pourrait être utilisé comme agent thérapeutique pour le traitement des complications vasculaires associées à l’hypertension et à l’athérosclérose.
Over the past decades star formation has been a very attractive field because knowledge of star formation leads to a better understanding of the formation of planets and thus of our solar system but also of the evolution of galaxies. Conditions leading to the formation of high-mass stars are still under investigation but an evolutionary scenario has been proposed: As a cold pre-stellar core collapses under gravitational force, the medium warms up until it reaches a temperature of 100 K and enters the hot molecular core (HMC) phase. The forming central proto-star accretes materials, increasing its mass and luminosity and eventually it becomes sufficiently evolved to emit UV photons which irradiate the surrounding environment forming a hyper compact (HC) and then a ultracompact (UC) HII region. At this stage, a very dense and very thin internal photon-dominated region (PDR) forms between the HII region and the molecular core. Information on the chemistry allows to trace the physical processes occurring in these different phases of star formation. Formation and destruction routes of molecules are influenced by the environment as reaction rates depend on the temperature and radiation field. Therefore, chemistry also allows the determination of the evolutionary stage of astrophysical objects through the use of chemical models including the time evolution of the temperature and radiation field. Because HMCs host a very rich chemistry with high abundances of complex organic molecules (COMs), several astrochemical models have been developed to study the gas phase chemistry as well as grain chemistry in these regions. In addition to HMCs models, models of PDRs have also been developed to study in particular photo-chemistry. So far, few studies have investigated internal PDRs and only in the presence of outflows cavities. Thus, these unique regions around HC/UCHII regions remain to be examined thoroughly. My PhD thesis focuses on the spatio-temporal chemical evolution in HC/UC HII regions with internal PDRs as well as in HMCs. The purpose of this study is first to understand the impact and effects of the radiation field, usually very strong in these regions, on the chemistry. Secondly, the goal is to study the emission of various tracers of HC/UCHII regions and compare it with HMCs models, where the UV radiation field does not impact the region as it is immediately attenuated by the medium. Ultimately we want to determine the age of a given region using chemistry in combination with radiative transfer.
A remediação de locais contaminados com metais pesados usando plantas hiperacumuladoras aparenta ser uma alternativa bastante viável. Neste trabalho comparou-se a acumulação e tolerância ao cádmio (Cd), ambas baseadas nas respostas ao stress oxidativo em três espécies de plantas diferentes: Brassica juncea (L.) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. e Solanum nigrum L., descritas na literatura como plantas bastante tolerantes ou até com características híper acumuladoras. As plantas cresceram num solo contaminado com diferentes concentrações de Cd (O- 35 mg kg-1) durante um período de 90 dias. O factor de translocação (FT), utilizado para medir a translocação efectiva do Cd da raiz para a parte aérea, variou consideravelmente entre as espécies desenvolvidas. A N. tabacum foi a planta que apresentou os maiores valores de FT. Neste trabalho foi a única planta que preencheu todas as condições para ser considerada hiperacumuladora para todos os níveis de contaminação do solo. Por outro lado, a S. nigrum apresentou os maiores valores de concentração de Cd nos tecidos, com um FT > 1, na presença de 5 mg Cd kg·1 de solo. Apesar da B. juncea ter apresentado um resultado de FT inferior às restantes, foi a única planta com valores crescentes de FT com o aumento da contaminação de Cd. O stress oxidativo nas plantas desenvolvidas foi avaliado pela peroxidação lipídica e pelas actividades da catalase (CAT), ascorbato peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) e superóxido dismutase (SOO), quer na raiz quer na parte aérea. Foi observado um aumento significativo (versus controlo) na peroxidação lipídica e actividade enzimática da CATe APX na parte aérea da B. juncea, N. tabacum e S. nigrum para os níveis de contaminação mais elevados, 15 e/ou 35 mg Cd kg-1 A B. juncea apresentou maior sensibilidade na resposta da GPX, para todas as concentrações de Cd no solo. A peroxidação lipídica e a actividade da CAT foram superiores na parte aérea em relação à raiz para todas as plantas em todas as contaminações de Cd presentes no solo. A actividade da SOO não apresentou respostas consistentes para nenhuma das plantas. ABSTRACT: Remediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals using hyper accumulators seems a promising alternative to engineering approaches. ln this work, we compared cadmium (Cd) accumulation and tolerance (based on responses to oxidative stress) in three different species, Brassica juncea (L) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. and Solanum nigrum L., described in the literature as very tolerant or even as hyper accumulators. The plants were grown in soil spiked with different Cd concentrations (O- 35 mg kg- 1) over a period of 90 days. The translocation factor (TF), used to measure the effectiveness of translocating Cd from roots to shoots, depended greatly on the species. N. tabacum was the plant which exhibited the highest TF values. lt was the only plant under study that fulfilled the conditions of a hyper accumulator for all levels of soil contamination. On the other hand, S. nigrum presented the highest Cd concentration in plant tissues, with TF > 1 in the presence of 5 mg Cd kg-1 of soil. Although B. juncea had presented the lowest TF and Cd concentrations, it was the only plant with TF values increasing with the level of cadmium. Oxidative stress in plants was evaluated by lipid peroxidation and activities of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOO), both in roots and shoots. A significant enhancement (versus control) on lipid peroxidation and enzymatic activity of CAT and APX in shoots of B. juncea, N. tabacum and S. nigrum was observed for the highest levels of Cd in soil, 15 and/or 35 mg Cd kg-1. B. juncea presented the most sensitive response of GPX, for all levels of Cd in soil. Lipid peroxidation and CAT activity were greater in shoots than in roots for all plants and soil Cd concentrations. SOO activity did not present consistent trends for any plant.
O objectivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os impactos ambientais de duas áreas mineiras abandonadas, a Mina de São Domingos e a Mina da Mostardeira. Procedeu-se a uma caracterização biogeoquímica detalhada das duas áreas mineiras e suas envolventes, a qual consistiu na análise de parâmetros físico-químicos e determinação das concentrações de metais nos aquíferos adjacentes; identificação da flora nativa; caracterização mineralógica dos resíduos mineiros, escórias, solos e sedimentos; e avaliação dos seus prováveis perigos ambientais através da determinação dos teores total, parcial e lixiviável de metais presentes. Os resultados permitiram aprofundar o conhecimento dos processos que ocorrem nestes sistemas e as plantas nativas que colonizam os solos metalíferos da mina de São Domingos foram estudadas não só para avaliar o seu potencial como hiperacumuladoras mas também para estudar em detalhe os mecanismos de tolerância e defesa apresentados pelas plantas desenvolvidas sob stress metálico e o trinómio solo-metal-planta. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the environmental impacts of two old mining areas, the São Domingos Mine and the Mostardeira Mine. A detailed biogeochemical characterization of the two mining areas and their surroundings was performed including the analysis of physical and chemical parameters and the determination of metal concentrations in adjacent aquifers, identification of native flora, study of the mineralogy of the tailings, slags, soils and sediments, and assessment of their likely environmental hazards by determining the levels of total, partial and leachable metals present. The results led to a greater understanding of the geochemical processes occurring in these systems. Furthermore, the study of the native plants that colonize the metalliferous soils of São Domingos mine allowed a deeper insight on the mechanisms of tolerance and defense developed by plants under metallic stress and also to evaluate their hyper accumulator potential and therefore their potential use in phytoremediation strategies.
The Hippo pathway is a well-known master regulator of cell growth and proliferation. Many studies have shed light on the centrality of Hippo functions, as this signalling is able to respond to different stimuli and translate them into distinct transcriptional outputs. Therefore, it is clearly implicated in a number of important processes, which alteration has consequences on the correct specification of the single cell, as well as the whole tissue. Even if the core of the signalling has been extensively characterized, it remains unclear which are the “co-workers” that permit the Hippo pathway to answer to so many different stimuli and act as a coordinator of the growth/differentiation balance. Taking advantage of the Drosophila model, which has witnessed most of the discoveries on this signalling pathway, this thesis aims to add some new knowledge about the Hippo pathway molecular mechanisms in different contexts, from development to disease. In the first part I studied the dynamics of the Hippo core kinase protein Warts in the development of the pupal eye. I have found out a critical time point in which the expression and the localization of Warts change suddenly, suggesting the intervention of upstream regulators modulating its activity in an extremely narrow time window. The second goal was investigating the role of the Hippo pathway in the neurodegenerative Gaucher disease. Indeed, I have produced some preliminary results which demonstrate a growth deficit associated with a massive reduction of some Yki targets, supporting a Hyper-Hippo condition underlying this neuropathic syndrome. Finally, I have evaluated the transcription factor Orthodenticle as a co-factor of Yorkie in driving tissue overgrowth, and my findings support a model of interaction of these two molecules based on Yki conformational changes. Altogether, my results lay the foundation for new important studies on the molecular mechanisms ruling Hippo pathway activity.
Synthetic torpor is a peculiar physiological condition resembling natural torpor, in which even non-hibernating species can be induced through different pharmacological approaches. The growing interest in the induction of a safe synthetic torpor state in non-hibernating species stems from the possible applications that it may have in a translational perspective. In particular, the deeper understanding of the functional changes occurring during and after synthetic torpor may lead to the standardization of a safe procedure to be used also in humans and to the implementation of new therapeutic strategies. Some of the most interesting and peculiar characteristics of torpor that should be assessed in synthetic torpor and may have a translational relevance are: the reversible hyperphosphorylation of neuronal Tau protein, the strong and extended neural plasticity, which may be related to Tau regulatory processes, and the development of radioresistance. In this respect, in the present thesis, rats were induced into synthetic torpor by the pharmacological inhibition of the raphe pallidus, a key brainstem thermoregulatory area, in order to assess: i) whether a reversible hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein occurs at the spinal cord level, also testing the possible involvement of microglia activation in this phenomenon; ii) sleep quality after synthetic torpor and its possible involvement in the process of Tau dephosphorylation; iii) whether synthetic torpor has radioprotective properties, by assessing histopathological and molecular features in animals exposed to X-rays irradiation. The results showed that: i) a reversible hyper-phosphorylation of Tau protein also occurs in synthetic torpor in the dorsal horns of the spinal cord; ii) sleep regulation after synthetic torpor seems to be physiological, and sleep deprivation speeds up Tau dephosphorylation; iii) synthetic torpor induces a consistent increase in radioresistance, as shown by analyses at both histological and molecular level.
The city of tomorrow is a major integrating stake, which crosses a set of major broad spectrum domains. One of these areas is the instrumentation of this city and the ubiquity of the exchange of data, which will give the pulse of this city (sensors) and its breathing in a hyper-connected world within indoor and outdoor dense areas (data exchange, 5G and 6G). Within this context, the proposed doctorate project has the objective to realize cost- and energy- effective, short-range communication systems for the capillary wireless coverage of in-door environments with low electromagnetic impact and for highly dense outdoor networks. The result will be reached through the combined use of: 1) Radio over Fiber (RoF) Technology, to bring the Radio Frequency (RF) signal to the different areas to be covered. 2) Beamforming antennas to send in real time the RF power just in the direction(s) where it is really necessary.
Cultural heritage is constituted by complex and heterogenous materials, such as paintings but also ancient remains. However, all ancient materials are exposed to external environment and their interaction produces different changes due to chemical, physical and biological phenomena. The organic fraction, especially the proteinaceous one, has a crucial role in all these materials: in archaeology proteins reveal human habits, in artworks they disclose technics and help for a correct restoration. For these reasons the development of methods that allow the preservation of the sample as much as possible and a deeper knowledge of the deterioration processes is fundamental. The research activities presented in this PhD thesis have been focused on the development of new immunochemical and spectroscopic approaches in order to detect and identify organic substances in artistic and archaeological samples. Organic components could be present in different cultural heritage materials as constituent element (e.g., binders in paintings, collagen in bones) and their knowledge is fundamental for a complete understanding of past life, degradation processes and appropriate restauration approaches. The combination of immunological approach with a chemiluminescence detection and Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry allowed a sensitive and selective localization of collagen and elements in ancient bones and teeth. Near-infrared spectrometer and hyper spectral imaging have been applied in combination with chemometric data analysis as non-destructive methods for bones prescreening for the localization of collagen. Moreover, an investigation of amino acids in enamel has been proposed, in order to clarify teeth biomolecules survival overtime through the optimization and application of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on modern and ancient enamel powder. New portable biosensors were developed for ovalbumin identification in paintings, thanks to the combination between biocompatible Gellan gel and electro-immunochemical sensors, to extract and identify painting binders with the contact only between gel and painting and between gel and electrodes.
Aedes albopictus is a vector able to transmit several arboviruses. Due to its high impact on human health, it is important to develop an efficient control strategy for this pest. Nowadays, control based on chemical insecticides is limited by the number of available active principles and the occurrence of resistance. A valuable alternative to the conventional control strategies is the sterile insect technique (SIT) which relies on releasing sterile males of the target insect. Mating between wild females and sterile males results in no viable offspring. A crucial aspect of SIT is the production of a large number of sterile males with a low presence of females that can bite and transmit viruses. The present thesis aimed to find, implement and study the most reliable mechanical sex sorter and protocol to implement male productivity and reduce female contamination. In addition, I evaluated different variables and sorting protocols to enable female recovery for breeding purposes. Furthermore, I studied the creation of a hyper-protandric strain potentially able to produce only males. I also assessed the integration of artificial intelligence with an optical unit to identify sexes at the adult stage. All these applications helped to realise a mass production model in Italy with a potential weekly production of 1 million males. Moreover, I studied and applied for aerial sterile male release in an urban environment. This technology could allow the release of males in a wide area, overcoming environmental and urban obstacles. However, the development and application of drone technologies in a metropolitan area close to airports, such as in Bologna area, must fit specific requirements. Lastly, at Réunion Island, during a Short Term Scientific Mission France (AIM-COST Action), Indian Ocean, I studied the Boosted SIT application. Coating sterile males with Pyriproxyfen may help spread the insecticide into the larval breeding sites.
The ventral premotor cortex (PMv) is believed to play a pivotal role in a multitude of visuomotor behaviors, such as sensory-guided goal-directed visuomotor transformations, arbitrary visuomotor mapping, and hyper-learnt visuomotor associations underlying automatic imitative tendencies. All these functions are likely carried out through the copious projections connecting PMv to the primary motor cortex (M1). Yet, causal evidence investigating the functional relevance of the PMv-M1 network remains elusive and scarce. In the studies reported in this thesis we addressed this issue using a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) protocol called cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation (ccPAS), which relies on multisite stimulation to induce Hebbian spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) by repeatedly stimulating the pathway connecting two target areas to manipulate their connectivity. Firstly, we show that ccPAS protocols informed by both short- and long-latency PMv-M1 interactions effectively modulate connectivity between the two nodes. Then, by pre-activating the network to apply ccPAS in a state-dependent manner, we were able to selectively target specific functional visuo-motor pathways, demonstrating the relevance of PMv-M1 connectivity to arbitrary visuomotor mapping. Subsequently, we addressed the PMv-to-M1 role in automatic imitation, and demonstrated that its connectivity manipulation has a corresponding impact on automatic imitative tendencies. Finally, by combining dual-coil TMS connectivity assessments and ccPAS in young and elderly individuals, we traced effective connectivity of premotor-motor networks and tested their plasticity and relevance to manual dexterity and force in healthy ageing. Our findings provide unprecedent causal evidence of the functional role of the PMv-to-M1 network in young and elderly individuals. The studies presented in this thesis suggest that ccPAS can effectively modulate the strength of connectivity between targeted areas, and coherently manipulate a networks’ behavioral output. Results open new research prospects into the causal role of cortico-cortical connectivity, and provide necessary information to the development of clinical interventions based on connectivity manipulation.
In this work, a prospective study conducted at the IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna is presented. The aim was to investigate the brain functional connectivity of a cohort of patients (N=23) suffering from persistent olfactory dysfunction after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Post-COVID-19 syndrome), as compared to a matching group of healthy controls (N=26). In particular, starting from individual resting state functional-MRI data, different analytical approaches were adopted in order to find potential alterations in the connectivity patterns of patients’ brains. Analyses were conducted both at a whole-brain level and with a special focus on brain regions involved in the processing of olfactory stimuli (Olfactory Network). Statistical correlations between functional connectivity alterations and the results of olfactory and neuropsychological tests were investigated, to explore the associations with cognitive processes. The three approaches implemented for the analysis were the seed-based correlation analysis, the group-level Independent Component analysis and a graph-theoretical analysis of brain connectivity. Due to the relative novelty of such approaches, many implementation details and methodologies are not standardized yet and represent active research fields. Seed-based and group-ICA analyses’ results showed no statistically significant differences between groups, while relevant alterations emerged from those of the graph-based analysis. In particular, patients’ olfactory sub-graph appeared to have a less pronounced modular structure compared to the control group; locally, a hyper-connectivity of the right thalamus was observed in patients, with significant involvement of the right insula and hippocampus. Results of an exploratory correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the graphs global modularity and the scores obtained in olfactory tests and negative correlations between the thalamus hyper-connectivity and memory tests scores.
This dissertation describes a deepening study about Visual Odometry problem tackled with transformer architectures. The existing VO algorithms are based on heavily hand-crafted features and are not able to generalize well to new environments. To train them, we need carefully fine-tune the hyper-parameters and the network architecture. We propose to tackle the VO problem with transformer because it is a general-purpose architecture and because it was designed to transformer sequences of data from a domain to another one, which is the case of the VO problem. Our first goal is to create synthetic dataset using BlenderProc2 framework to mitigate the problem of the dataset scarcity. The second goal is to tackle the VO problem by using different versions of the transformer architecture, which will be pre-trained on the synthetic dataset and fine-tuned on the real dataset, KITTI dataset. Our approach is defined as follows: we use a feature-extractor to extract features embeddings from a sequence of images, then we feed this sequence of embeddings to the transformer architecture, finally, an MLP is used to predict the sequence of camera poses.
The rising of concerns around the scarcity of non-renewable resources has raised curiosity around new frontiers in the polymer science field. Biopolymers is a general term describing different kind of polymers that are linked with the biological world because of either monomer derivation, end of life degradation or both. The current work is aimed at studying one example of both biopolymers types. Polyhydroxibutyrate (P3HB) is a biodegradable microbial-produced polymer which holds massive potentiality as a substitute of polyolefins such as polypropylene. Though, its highly crystalline nature and stereoregularity of structure make it difficult to work with. The project P3HB-Mono take advantage of polarized Raman spectroscopy to see how annealing of chains with different weights influence the crystallinity and molecular structure of the polymer, eventually reflecting on its mechanical properties. The technique employed is also optimal in order to see how mesophase, a particular conformation of chains different from crystalline and amorphous phase, develops in the polymer structure and changes depending on temperature and mechanical stress applied to the fiber. Polycaprolactone (PCL) on the other hand is a biodegradable fossil-fuel polymer which has biocompatibility and bio-resorbability features. As a consequence this material is very appealing for medical industry and can be used for different applications in this field. One interesting option is to produce narrow and long liquid filled fibers for drug delivery inside human body, using a traditional technique in an innovative way. The project BioLiCoF investigates the feasability of producing liquid filled fibers using melt-spinning techniques and will examine the role that melt-spinning parameters and liquids employed as a core solution have on the final fiber. The physical analysis of the fibers is also interpreted and idea on future developments of the trials are suggested.