A study of brain functional connectivity and cognitive processes in long COVID-19 patients

Autoria(s): Dalmonte, Francesco

Testa, Claudia

Mitolo, Micaela




In this work, a prospective study conducted at the IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna is presented. The aim was to investigate the brain functional connectivity of a cohort of patients (N=23) suffering from persistent olfactory dysfunction after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Post-COVID-19 syndrome), as compared to a matching group of healthy controls (N=26). In particular, starting from individual resting state functional-MRI data, different analytical approaches were adopted in order to find potential alterations in the connectivity patterns of patients’ brains. Analyses were conducted both at a whole-brain level and with a special focus on brain regions involved in the processing of olfactory stimuli (Olfactory Network). Statistical correlations between functional connectivity alterations and the results of olfactory and neuropsychological tests were investigated, to explore the associations with cognitive processes. The three approaches implemented for the analysis were the seed-based correlation analysis, the group-level Independent Component analysis and a graph-theoretical analysis of brain connectivity. Due to the relative novelty of such approaches, many implementation details and methodologies are not standardized yet and represent active research fields. Seed-based and group-ICA analyses’ results showed no statistically significant differences between groups, while relevant alterations emerged from those of the graph-based analysis. In particular, patients’ olfactory sub-graph appeared to have a less pronounced modular structure compared to the control group; locally, a hyper-connectivity of the right thalamus was observed in patients, with significant involvement of the right insula and hippocampus. Results of an exploratory correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the graphs global modularity and the scores obtained in olfactory tests and negative correlations between the thalamus hyper-connectivity and memory tests scores.





Dalmonte, Francesco (2022) A study of brain functional connectivity and cognitive processes in long COVID-19 patients. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Physics [LM-DM270] <http://amslaurea.unibo.it/view/cds/CDS9245/>




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




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Palavras-Chave #rs-fMRI,graph theory,Independent Component Analysis,seed-based analysis,long COVID-19,cognitive processes #Physics [LM-DM270]

